Friday, August 31, 2007
1.(the person who tagged you is ...)- huiwen!
2.(your relationship with him/her is ...) - busmates cum classmates for 3 years cum my get-me-high partner :D
3.(5 impressions you have of him/her ..)- witty, vivacious, outspoken, armed with a temper that could be tame, but actually very friendly if you know her :D
4.(the most memorable thing he/she has done for you)- hug me when i cried.
5.(the most memorable words he/she has said to you)- she dared me to stop thinking about sad things. that made me reconsider my life ok.
6.(if he/she becomes your lover, you will..)- buy her a good birthday present.
7.(if he/she becomes your lover, things he/she has to improve on will be)- tame her temper but retain her wittiness please.
8.(if he/she becomes your enemy, you will...)- try to talk things out, she's not that unreasonable what. err, right? :D teeheehee :P
9.(if he/she becomes your enemy, the reason will be ...)- misunderstanding.
10.(the most desirable thing you want to do for him/her now is ...)- BUY HER A BIRTHDAY PRESENT.
11.(your overall impression of him/her is ...) - OUTSPOKEN! FRIENDLY!
12.(how you think people around you will feel about you)- uhhhh. get exasparated by my slow-ness to react?
13.(the characteristic you love about yourself is ...)- how much i can eat.
14.(on the contrary, the characteristic you hate about yourself is ...)- i eat too much
15.(the most ideal person you want to be is ...)- my mom.
16.(for people that care and like you, say something to them ..)- i'll be there for you the way you were there for me. I appreciate you, thank you. :)
17.(pass this quiz to 10 people that you wish to know how they feel about you)(TRY NOT TO PEEP AT THE QUESTION BELOW BEFORE WRITING DOWN THE NAME..) -
1) debbie
2) qiying
3) seowhwee
4) zachary
5) javin
6) zhenghui
7) grace
8) yusheng
9) liyan
10) elijah
(acty these names are just names that pop into my head, 3/4 of them don have a blog so i cant ask them to do this test. BOOHOO :( )
(who is no.6 having relationship with?)- HAHHAHA NOBODY LAH.
(Is no.9 a male or female?)- female?!
(If no.7 and 10 are together, will it be a good thing?)- not that it never crossed my mind BUT, HAHAHA, yes it WILL be a good thing!
(How about no.8 and 5?)- YUSHENG AND JAVIN?! aren't they already like, together?
(What is no.2 studying about?)- same as me lah.
(When was the last time you had a chat with no.3?)- today, we were laughing our heads off in the teacher's day concert
(What kind of music band does no.8 like?)- WOAH, lots.
(Does no.1 has any siblings?)- YAH 3!!
(Will you woo no.3?)- err.. not really..
(How about no.7?)- same answr as th previous qstn.
(Is no.4 single?)- why you want to know huh huh huh!!
(What's the surname of no.5?)- soh soh soh!
(What's the name of no.10?) - isnt it obvious. ELIJAH CHENG HENG YI.
(What's the hobby of no.4?)- sleeping, eating, sailing, worrying about growing fat. HAHAHA.
(Do no.5 and 9 get along well?)- HAHA I DONO MAN.
(Where is no.2 studying at?)- SAME LAH.
(Say something casual about no.1)- daily dose of amusement.
(Have you try developing feelings for no.8?)- YUSHENG?! UHHH. I'VE KNOWN HIM FOR 4 YEARS. if ath is to happen, it'd have happened long ago. NO, ITS A PASS. he wont want me either please.
(Where does no.9 live?)- toa payoh!
(What color does no.4 like?)- BLUE BLUE BLUE!
(Are no.5 and 1 best friends?)- well, not exactly. i don thk they even know each other well.
(Does no.7 likes no.2?)- THEY DONO EACH OTHER MAN.
(How did you get to know no.2?)- classmates and fellow jabbie!
(Does no.1 have any pets?)- def not. unless her lil bro is counted - monster.
(Is no.7 the sexiest person in the world?)- HAHAHAHA YES, MY SIZZLING HOT BABE.
my ricecooker siaosiao one
so i recooked the rice
Doreen says:
and ermm yea
Doreen says:
later you stomachache ah!
i recooked the rice la
Doreen says:
maybe its time to buy a new one?
bestfriend says:
don't know
my brother cook is ok leh
i cook no matter wad i do is cannnot ok leh
Doreen says:
dun say
later tooth fairy come catch u
Doreen says:
your bro got gentle fingers. not like you!! CLUMSYY. tsktsktsk.
Doreen says:
Doreen says:
Doreen says:
look what zhenghui said
Doreen says:
buffalo buffalo big and strong...
buffalo buffalo daring and bold
buffalo buffalo eat green beans
buffalo buffalo kill DOREEN
Doreen says:
and now you're telling me about tooth fairy?!?!?!
maybe its juz u la...yupp..hmm
WLAU WHATS WITH THE PEOPLE IM TALKING TO AH. i hardly come online nowadays and they all wanna qi si wo! LOL WLAU.
omg kenneth has a 60 year old indian tutor!! thats way cool lah! i don't know why but i think its damn cool! if not for him running late for his tuition, i'd have pestered him for more information. yes, that'd be what i'd do the next time he comes online. omg omg so cool right! somehow it reminds me of mr gana. TEEHEE. hey im not racist or ath k. just that i've never had such a old tutor nor a tutor from another ethnic race either ok. so it just seems peculiar to me alrights! so cool so cool! i thought he was kidding when he said 60 year old indian tutor. omg hahahah so cool.
hahaha i sudennly rmbr sth that happened ystd.
me: omg i want to eat waffle.
zhenghui: there got sell.
(but, yours truly heard it as "eat yourself". therefore i was feeling quite *hmpfs* that he said i was a damn waffle (LOL), so i asked)
me: huh! what you saaaaayy!!
zhenghui: there got sell.
(this time i heard it right)
me: you know what i thought you say or not, i thought you said "eat yourself" lah!!!
zhenghui: (after pondering) wlau!! "there got sell" and "eat yourself" is big difference lah!
(everyone starts laughing)
zhenghui: hahahhaha, waffle neo!
me: (trying hard to think of sth to get back at him) waffle lou! (after awhile) EEHHH!! THAT SOUNDS LIKE BUFFALO!! HAHHAHAHAHHAHAHA.
zhenghui: (starts his mimicking) wlau.. i got say you isit... wlauu...
HAHAHHAHAA:D people like him brighten up our everyday lives!
isit just me or does my tooth feel shaky? zomg.

I don't wanna say goodbye
I don't wanna be alone
I give you one more chance to say how much you want me back
Ohh, I'll give you one more chance to say that this time it will last until
That death will do us part
So we can find peace in our hearts
Oh, I give you one more chance to say you're sorry
And that you love me, cause
I don't wanna be alone
I don't wanna be apart again
I don't wanna say goodbye, again
I don't want a broken heart
I don't wanna be hurt again
I don't wanna say goodbye,again
I give you one more chance to prove that you're the one for me
I give you one more chance but this time you will have to
Work hard for a man with dignity
You'll have to earn my trust you see
I give you one more chance to say you're sorry
And that you love me
[CHORUS x 2]
Do you understand
All the pain you caused
When you cheated on me
So swear to god
And promise me
That it will never ever
Happen again
Cause I still love you

We'll be rockin' till the morning after
If you stay one more night with me
Just stay one more night with me
If you stay one more night with me
We'll be rockin' till the morning after
Your body's close to mine
When we're kissing I am opening the door
And we forget the time
Gonna take you where you've never been before
Sharing every breath we take
It feels like every minute is a wall
The magic moment is awake
And I want it all
If you stay one more night with me
Just stay one more night with me
If you stay one more night with me
We'll be rockin' till the morning after
[ Repeats ]
I'm coming on to you
Let me take you on the journey of your life
I'll show what I can do
Leave it to imagination, close your eyes
Your lips are filled with heat
And your heart is beating
faster with the treat
Your hands are soft and warm
And I touch you from your
head down to your feet
You're bringing down the stars for me
I feel I'm on the verge of lose my cool
And heaven is the place to be
Beyond my control

Anywhere I'll go for you
I've made up my mind
I've packed my bags
I'm not returning home
Until someone will give me reason to
I locked the door and take a breathe
I' ready to let go
I know you're somewhere out there too
There's only one thing for me to do
(And I go) Over the mountains
and over the sea
To find the heart that belongs to me
Anywhere in thr world I go
Anywhere 'til I find you
I run through the valleys
I run through the fields
I'd do anything, I am hard to please
Anywhere in the world I go
Anywhere 'til I find you
I like the wind
I don't know where my heart
lead the way
I need someone to love and
hold onto
But the road is long I've had my doubts
And nothing lets me down
Cause I know you're somewhere
out there too
Waiting for me to get to you
(Repeat Chorus except last line)
Anywhere in the world I go for you
It doesn't matter what the time will tell
Cause love will make it worth it
(for your, for you and me)
It doesn't matter what the others say
Cause I will keep on searching
And I go, and I go, and I go...
(Repeat Chorus)

Beautiful - Bosson
I do believe in fate cause that's how we met
It was raining and we were soaking wet
You took the last of cabs on an empty street
Then you smiled at me and said 'take a seat...'
I said do you believe in love at first sight?
You said if you give me a reason I might
Ok, well your hair is wet and your clothes are a mess
And your makeup is all over your face...
And still you're so...
Beautiful, so, sweet and just adorable
You are a miracle, simply irresistible
You are so beautiful, so, sweet and just adorable
You are the finest thing that I've seen in my life
You're everything that I've ever dreamed of
Now it's been seven years 1 month and a day
Since we met and I'm so happy to say
Today we'll be man and wife and dedicate
Our lives to the precious thing we have called love
So now I'm standing here well dressed and prepared
In a black suit that you told me to wear
And when you're walking in, you amazing thing,
You take my breath away...
Cause you are so.....
For richer and poorer till death do us part
In sickness, in health you are always in my heart
Till the day when we're old and grey
I will cherish and love you in every kind of way
Cause you are so....
hello people! im back im back! :D i hope this long long long post makes up for the lack of posts these days! :D so this post would contain 2 parts. one is pics that i've taken of my doggy and the VERY VERY LONG OVERDUE national day pictures! :) and more blogging i suppose.
so coy please!
sheer arrogance lah!
National Day - Ritz Carlton with Grace! :D
i think they called this the dounut stunt or sth like that. :/
i wouldnt ever wanna be caught in water by them. looks scary. i wonder what happens to those illegal immigrants who swim over. lolol.
we've made good use of effects.
i thought all the formations were quite cute.
we forgot we zoomed :P thats what happen when you put two blur queens in the toilet together. hehehehe.
Pleaseplease, don't let me screw prelims pleaseplease. Let me pass this September, October and the first few days of November sanely. Pleaseplease. Aww and i didnt see elijah today! :( my birthday's present's currently rotting under the elijah-self-proclaimed-"glamarous" ribbon. :P somehow the way i spell glamarous looks wrong lei. :/ omg haha. oh oh! i think its quite stupid that i got 35/35 for add math and 15/30 for e math. wth. aaaaahhhhh whats wrong with me. and i dono how to tell ms trisha abt my horrible science results. DAMN. lol and i was super nervous during science prac, my hands were trembling. bahh lol. this paragraph is awfully random. Oh oh and im still damn happy that i got A1 for cca! HAHAHAHA. cos i've been damn slack in my cca. but thank god for the other stuff i've been taking part in. PHEW. saved my life :D so all the busying's worth it afterall. ^^ Alot has been happening these days, :( haiya i really dono what to blog about already lah.
I finally know how to pronounce Enrique. (En-ree-kay) Wth lol. Ever since you said you like that one song of his, each time the radio broadcasts it, my heart skips a beat.
Your presence still matters.