Saturday, September 29, 2007
I'm supposed to be like doing my tuition homework (which was actually due on tuesday midnight via email) but i think im gonna cook up some stupid excuse and do my essay now and just give her the printed copy.
wlau i can never rmbr if hard copy is the printed one or those you save in thumbdrives. same goes for soft copy. so i hate it when teachers say "ok, so give me the hard/soft copy on XX day." hmpfs.
omg today was a breakthrough! hahahah wdh, thats an exaggaration. lololol. nahh just that huiwen and i got a little closer. muahahha. huimin huiwen and i sat tghtr during SS. (omg huimin has nice stripey orange and white socks with pink toe coverings. damn cute lah please. i like her socks ALOT. i think it goes well with converse shoes, idk why. lololol. but i think if i wore the same socks with my white and orange nike sneakers i will look like im trying too hard to colour co-ordinate. hahahhahah :D) so anw, i looked over at huiwen's paper and.. (private) so we started talking about guys and i told her "hey its like the first time we're talking about guys lah!" lololol. ok huiwen, rmbr must ask any of your friend with a "i" or "l" to join our club k! hahahha :D :D so since everyone ponned english, i did too. :( i wanted to go one lor, but so many ppl nv go. lolol. so anw went home with huiwen (close shave aft andrea attempted to kill me from breaking my head off my neck) lololololol :D so since it was like suuuper early, i told huiwen i had this crazy idea of walking home. then she said "then you need to walk so far?!" hahahhaa i think she thought i wanted to walk to MY home. lolol i acty meant to HER home cos she stayed quite near school. yeah, its rly near. the walk thr felt short and insufficient. ): maybe we shd walk slower next time huiwen! :D oh oh hahah! after ss huiwen told me about this girl she saw at BCC (which i finally only know today is Bishan CC lah! i thought BCC stand for some cafe or something like TCC) ahhahahha. yay huiwen, we need more sessions like these :D
i think huiwen is damn nice cos she really WAITED for me to board the bus and REALLY leave. usually most people will like see you board the bus and walk away, but she really stood there till my bus left :) i think we said bye like thrice. LOL. once was when the bus was nearing, second was when i turned around after tapping my ezlink and third was when i found a place to stand and the bus has yet to move so we said bye again. lolololol :D i think it was rly nice of her :) makes you feel loved and warm and nice and fuzzy ^^
we were saying how we're only left with 2 weeks. Man, it made me think of alot of things. And made me sad about things, about very very surprising things indeed.
Layer 1: On the outside
Name: Doreen
Birth date: 28 June 91
Current status: Single
Eye color: brown black wtvr.
Hair color: black and brown. brown due to this johnson&johnsons shampoo that i used to use when i was young and it made my hair turn brown. at least its what my mom says. lolol.
Layer 2:
My heritage: chinese? hokkien?
My fear: being lost. emotionally and physically
My weakness: lots
My perfect pizza: super supreme :D
Layer 3: Yesterday, today and tomorrow
My first thought of waking up: what time i'll reach home that day for my nap
My bed time: depends
My most missed memories: two-third of 2006
Layer 4: My pick
Pepsi or coke: coke
Macdonald or Burger king: mac
Single or group dates: both
Adidas or Nike: no preference
Tea or Nestea: whats the diff?
Chocolate or vanilla: don rly have a sweet tooth
Capuccino or coffee: never drank capp before. imma mocha person you see.
Layer 5: DO YOU..
Smoke: no
Take a shower: yes
Have a crush: yes
Go to sch: yes
Believe in yourself: when i have to
Think you’re a health freak: NOOOOO.
Layer 6: In the past
Drink alcohol: cant drink for nuts.
Gone to the mall: yes
Been on stage: HAHA YES :)
Dyed your hair: no, dont want to spoil my hair
Layer 7: Have you ever
Played a stripping game: noooo lol
Change who you were to fit in: yes
Layer 8: Are you hoping to..
Get married: DUH
Layer 9: In a Girl
Best eye color: not black
Best hair color: depends on the race
Short or long hair: depends. chic short and feminine long has their own goodness. but i love Victoria Beckham's bob please :D but i like long locks too.
Layer 10: What you were doing just now?
A min ago: being very curious of this quiz
An hour ago: smsing
4 and 1/2 hours ago: watching that channel 8 show! the cop one :D
Month ago: studying for prelims
Year ago: crying over the loss of a beloved one
Layer 11: Finish the sentences
I love: how i smile when im with you
I hate: the way i can never hate you
I hide: what i don't want you to know
I miss: those times
Grabbed from huiwen who grabbed from nurul :D
1. Love is: smiling silly to yourself in every conversation with him, heart skipping a beat at every stolen glance, looking forward to every date, spending 1 hour thinking of what to wear, etcetcetcetcetcetcetc.
2. I will always: be thinking of something.
3. Forever: is something i need someone to prove to me of its existance before i'll believe in it.
4. I never want to: ruin your image of me in you.
5. My cell phone is: what holds some of my sweetest memories.
6. When I wake up in the morning: i blast 987fm one to wake me up
7. I get annoyed when: people are not serious when im trying to things done
8. Parties are: better in smaller numbers
9. My hamster is: a birth machine. (if i have one) heard of their mass production line.
10. Kisses are the worst when: you don't want it
11. Today I am: a little lost
12. Tonight I will: wish you goodnight
13. Tomorrow I will: have to go tuition :(
14. I really want: to have a direction
15. When I looked at myself in the mirror today: i thought to myself "shit, when will my face get better?!"
16. I will drive my car: that is not pink.
17. A word that rhymes with "PARK" is: dark
18. Bright or Dark Room?: Bright
19. If I’m alone in a room with two beds, I: will look at the bed beside mine and feel very alone.
1. Someone knocks on your door at 2am, who do you want it to be?
Family. Any others will freak me out.
2. Your boss tells you he/she will give you a $20 raise if you'll do your job naked, do you stay and take the raise?
NOOO. plus if i did it naked he'd most prolly just sack me than give me the raise pleaase.
3. Put yourself in a nutshell:
It must be a really huge nut.
4. Ever seen a ghost?
As huiwen said, how does it look like?
5. Happy with your body?
Definitely not.
6. Something about you?
I hate crowded places, especially if its hot and stuffy and im hungry.
7. A place you wanna visit?
Niagara Falls!
8. A job you'll never do, no matter how much you were paid?
Anything to do with being physical
9. A band/group you thought was cool when you were 13?
whatever i thought was cool, i still think is cool. lolololol isit a bad sign?
10. You have a nightmare, who's the first person you think to call?
Please, I'd most prolly quickly close my eyes and hopefully get back sleeping.
11. Wanna have kids before you're 30?
12. A memory from Secondary School:
Memories come in plural forms.
13. Ever had a crush on a friend's parent?
14. Do you look more like your mom or dad?
15. Something you've always wanted to learn to do?
violin. dance. (eg ballroom dancing, latin, salsa)
16. How you'd like your life to be in 10 years?
26.. I wanna be having a boyfriend that I'd know would be my husband and my job has to be paying above $3500 by then. (hopefully)
17. Something you learned this year.
Reap what you sow.
18. What do you want for your birthday?
A very heartwarming celebration with special people and a card that will make me cry.
19. Name 4 things u did yesterday. (its sat now)
i) squabble with zachary (hahahahhahahaha :D)
ii) pon english remedial
iii) wonder why you're so mad at me
iv) telling javin jokes that zhenghui and firdaus contribute :D :D
20. The last thing I said to someone was:
Muttons on 987 is damn funny lah! I cant concentrate on studying cos im too busy listening to them and laughing. Hahaha!
(something like that)
Jenny Lyrics
Im addicted to "jenny" by the click 5! this song makes me happy :D okok i know im very slow. i was so excited when i told zac in class and all he said was "wlau i listen untill sian already lor" WLAU EH. damn spoilsport lah please. then he went on saying it came out mid month last month and "so long already". so i told him "WLAU CHEY, ONE MONTH ONLY. i usually only discover songs like 3 months later lah! you say untill like so long already like that." LOL. here i was thinking it was some new song that ME can finally like show off to zac cos he always have the newest and nicest songs. wlau eh. lolololol.
Hmm, i rmbr having alot to blog about..
YAY IM LISTENING TO 987 ONLINE NOW AND THE NEXT SONG ON THE PLAYLIST IS... "JENNY"!!!! :D :D :D i think im addicted to 987fm. muahahha :D
Shit, im damn confused now. Why isit that I felt so nonchalant when you talked about her? It wasn't like this. I would have almost died of a heartbreak in the past. Why isit that it wasn't you that i dreamt of? Cheese pie. I don't believe this. This should be the last thing on my mind now.
Friday, September 21, 2007
"Because I'm fond of you."
I hope the life of watching tv and over usage of computers could last on and on and on. BOOOHOO :(
wow, i just went to view my accomodation in melbourne next year. aweesommee :D there's swimming pool, sauna, bbq areas, table tennis tables, basketball court, golf bays (?!) and ETC ETC. now i need not worry about growing fat there. cos i can just go to the sauna and i dont know, steam my fats out. HAHAHHAHA gross. OMG, they even got a supermarket on site! HAHAHHAA WDH. they've even got DVD & Video library! HAHAHA OMG. now i need not worry about overdue fines anymore. lololol. and its super pretty! looks like a condominium. muahahhaa :D im psyched :D
ok, went to google about some places i'd be visiting in spain. looks damn arty farty please. like wow. i think i'll like it :D hahaha i can go buy those spanish handbooks and be a total tourist. LOL. then i must have Those-Kind-Of tourist hats and shades. HAHHA. wdh lololol. super cool. 14hours of flight to london then dno how many hours more to madrid. gosh, never been on such long flights before. excited! :D :D :D then i'll know how jet lags feel like. HAHA.
This is The song that I love love love absolutely love to play on the piano cos it just takes your breath away and its damndamn fast behind so you really have to focus to play the notes and that sense of accomplishment of being able to polish it off beautifully is just.. wow. Samuel's gonna go fotostat my whole book now. LOL. I'm so glad I found this song for him (after multiple failures in various websites) cos i was dying to spread the love of this song :D yaaaay so glad he loves it! muahahahha.
who says you cant love oldies? :)
OKKK SORRRRYYY. i know im supposed to go to school today and let you all (4E) see the petition and sign and all. IM SORRY 4E. i'll make sure i'll go to school on time on monday! this is the firsst time ever i overslept ok, forgive me lah!
BOO, THEY PLAYED CAPTAIN'S BALL TODAY. :( :( :( this is my retribution.
and im glad i talked to huiwen today :D and im glad i told her about my stupid thinking if not it'll bug me so much that i'll think she'll hate me for life or something. wlau i think im damn stupid.
hahaha i think too much. hee. sorry! THANKS HUIWEN :D it means alot alot alotto :)
went four seasons for lunch with my mom. OMG then she was giving me a prep talk about going australia to study. and it got me all so excited and scared and nervous and expectant and damn psyched too. TEEHEEHEE :D
oh oh and guess what! at first our spain trip was cancelled due to certain reasons. NOW, im going alone with my prospective roommate and her mother! so it'll be the three of us! HOW EXCITING :D my mom cant go due to certain reasons which is quite sad cos its 10 days without her and i've never been gone for so long without her. so i'll take loadsa pictures and maybe write a journal for her so it'll be like she was there too :D so yeaaaah baaabbby, im going SPAIN on the 23rd of nov. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA :D first destination gonna be madrid and the last gonna be barcelona. yeaaahh babby yeaaahh.
im gonna go do my research on th places im going! :D :D :D :D
omg, someone just called me to say that ACJC'S PAE point is cut down to 14 or something. and SA too!! OMG, im gonna go check out the reliability of this source cos it means SUPER GOOD NEWS. but i think its unreliable cos she even say 11 is good enough for NJ. which is super incredulous. so i better go check out the website myself! :D
Thursday, September 20, 2007
ok lah, don't bluff you lah. actually 13 only, is minus away 2 cca points then got 11 lah. wahahhaha :P omogmomgomgomgommg im so damn happy. got 4As and 2Bs!! WAHAHHAHA. damndamndamndamndamn happy that its all A1 A2s and B3s. YAAAAY. omgomgomgomogmg im hyperventilating. oh but screw science, i got a C6. All thanks to Andrea cos i was getting all freaked out that I'd failed my science cos my physics did daaammn badly, but luuckily she counted for me and reassured me that i pass my overall. ZOMG :D thank you andrea!
this means... I QUALIFY TO GO OVERSEAS FOR COLLEGE and.... I MAY HAVE A CHANCE TO GO SAJC. muahahhahahha. acty i wanted to go AC, but quite impossible cos its 8. lololol. so SA :D:D:D so yeaah, samuel got 13 for L1R5 too so both of us are going to try out for SAJC :D kenneth wanted to psycho him to NY but i psychoed him back into SA (which he acty alr quite wanna go ok) yaaaay. at least now i've got a companion to go SA :D
aiyah, also dno whether can get in or not. lolool.
hahahah damn happy cos mid years got 20. lololol. super happy.
omg just now after school was soo freaky. belle and i were walking to the busstop, then there was this HUGE gust of wind and my skirt flew all th way up! OMG SO EMBARRASSING. i dno why but belle's one didnt and both of us were laughing like mad in th middle of the pathway while i clung on to my skirt like my life depended on it. OMG SO EMBARRASSING. like first time lah! grr.
lololol. i was telling samuel i want to join water sports.
me: later i climb into the boat only ah, the thing will upsize.
LOLOLOLOL WDH. then i realised wth i was talking about so i quickly changed it to "capsize". LOLOLOLL. so samuel said it like being in macs and so i told him i was hungry. LOLOL.
then he said i must find someone damn skinny to be my partner. then i told him how can, later the boat not balance then if i sit in front the thing will tip into the water. HAHAHHAHAHA. oh well lolololololol. then it will be so embarrassing if im climbing into the boat and the boat starts shaking and shaking. HAHAHAHHAHA OMG. LOLOLOL.
btw, im sure the canoe "boat" is not called a "boat" lololol. and no points for samuel for guessing that i want to join canoe to continue the dgb victory feel. lololol :D
anw i read nurul m's entry. omg i never knew nurul m's first impression of me was being "boyish". lolololol! anw it was very sweet and heart warming and touching to read nurul m's entry. esp since we've known each other for 4 years. i think that was our longest conversation on msn ever. lololol. and i think i never talked this much to nurul m this year as i did for the past 3 years. lol :P quite sad cos she's rly funny and have very insightful thoughts. and i mean - insightful like she really thinks ALOT. you cant beat her in arguing cos she's given EVERY aspect a thought. lololol.
alrights, me gonna go write the formal letter to the P now. wish me luck y'all! esp those we wants the longer study break! lolololol. tata people!
[edit] omg, i cant believe i've got a letter to the Principal in my bag now. the last time i had it was when i was appealing to take Add Math and drop geog. OMG. [/edit]
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
lilRed, Eclat D'Arpege says:
oh my. i need to sleep. if not i cant get up for early breakfast ( fasting)
Doreen says:
Doreen says:
firdaus say fasting break alr?!
lilRed, Eclat D'Arpege says:
lilRed, Eclat D'Arpege says:
as in for TMR
Doreen says:
he still tell me he went to break fast with mikahil and all
Doreen says:
lilRed, Eclat D'Arpege says:
not BREAK FAST . but breakfast
lilRed, Eclat D'Arpege says:
lilRed, Eclat D'Arpege says:
as in the first meal of the day
Doreen says:
then why you put (fasting) behind?
Doreen says:
Doreen says:
lilRed, Eclat D'Arpege says:
just in case yo u didnt know why i would wake up so early for breakfast
Doreen says:
lilRed, Eclat D'Arpege says:
Doreen says:
lilRed, Eclat D'Arpege says:
lilRed, Eclat D'Arpege says:
Doreen says:
LOL?!?!??!?! OMG
lilRed, Eclat D'Arpege says:
ok ok ok let me put it down simply
Doreen says:
wait so are you still fasting?
Doreen says:
Doreen says:
yes psl
Doreen says:
lilRed, Eclat D'Arpege says:
i fast from around 5;30 morning to aorund 7 at night. after that till the next morning = no fasting. so im need to sleep early cos i have to wake up early for my morning meal.
Doreen says:
you fast..
Doreen says:
is only YOU, or all the muslims?
Doreen says:
like, you fast everyday?
lilRed, Eclat D'Arpege says:
all muslims laaaa. those who think that they are muslims anw.
Doreen says:
or because its hari raya?
lilRed, Eclat D'Arpege says:
yes for 30 days
lilRed, Eclat D'Arpege says:
its not because of hari raya
lilRed, Eclat D'Arpege says:
but we celebrate that after fasting
Doreen says:
lilRed, Eclat D'Arpege says:
now you are really confusing me.
lilRed, Eclat D'Arpege says:
when did he tell you that
Doreen says:
few days ago!
Doreen says:
he still sms me so gleefully "i can break fast alr!"
Doreen says:
then two days aft that on msn he told me he went to break fast with 4 of his friends
lilRed, Eclat D'Arpege says:
break fast doesnt mean the end of the fasting month my dear
Doreen says:
the mikail and gang
Doreen says:
Doreen says:
Doreen says:
Doreen says:
lilRed, Eclat D'Arpege says:
yes. it means after fasting from dawn to dusk we can BREAK our fast
Doreen says:
lilRed, Eclat D'Arpege says:
yes hahahah
Doreen says:
Doreen says:
Doreen says:
lilRed, Eclat D'Arpege says:
lilRed, Eclat D'Arpege says:
no its ok
lilRed, Eclat D'Arpege says:
Doreen says:
lol i feel stupid
Doreen says:
lilRed, Eclat D'Arpege says:
its ok that you don;t get it.
Doreen says:
omg lolol oh no i cant believe i just did that
lilRed, Eclat D'Arpege says:
no la. im sure lots of people do that
Doreen says:
okok, you btr go now. don die of exasparation because of me
lilRed, Eclat D'Arpege says:
hahaha i wont. but at least i laughed before i slept.
Doreen says:
wow but not worth it ah, waking up so early when you stay so near sch
Doreen says:
do u go to slp aft eating?
lilRed, Eclat D'Arpege says:
yaaa. so i go back to slp and then wake up again
lilRed, Eclat D'Arpege says:
which is pointless
Doreen says:
lilRed, Eclat D'Arpege says:
Doreen says:
lilRed, Eclat D'Arpege says:
but i am too tired
Doreen says:
hahhaha okok! i think i've asked too much qstns for the night
hahahha its rly damn long. and i doubt anybody would bother to read it. but its here to commenmerate nurul m's patience with me. muahhaha and my extreme retardedness. well i felt damn stupid after i understood everything. lolololol.
have a good night people!
P.S. i think this is my first ever longest msn conversation with nurul m ever for 4 years. (we still talked more before that lah) LOLOL.
Monday, September 17, 2007
El león violento en la cama. Dee dot gray man ftw says:
i see the timetable on lms different
El león violento en la cama. Dee dot gray man ftw says:
tmr got A maths meh
Doreen says:
and yes there is
Doreen says:
my printed timetable is in front of me now
Doreen says:
Doreen says:
El león violento en la cama. Dee dot gray man ftw says:
the one u sent me dont have a maths
Doreen says:
Doreen says:
oei scroll down to 4E one lah
El león violento en la cama. Dee dot gray man ftw says:
El león violento en la cama. Dee dot gray man ftw says:
Doreen says:
which class are you at?
Doreen says:
Doreen says:
Doreen says:
Doreen says:
Doreen says:
El león violento en la cama. Dee dot gray man ftw says:
zzzzzz damnit
Doreen says:
Doreen says:
so blur lah you
El león violento en la cama. Dee dot gray man ftw says:
no wonder i wondering since when got music
Doreen says:
Doreen says:
Doreen says:
since the day you took MEP
muahahaha. i think talking to yusheng is damn funny. lololol.
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Mainly due to the fact that i've got nothing better to do. hohoho.
Yeah, like I haven't touched it for the past 6months already.
And I'm so damn happy I still remember how to play aall my pieces! HAHAHHAHA
Even the bloody fast piece which is so damn hard!
Damn exhilarated.
Oh I almost forgot the joy of successfully completing a hard piece :)
That pumping adrenaline, wanting to do even better to exceed the previous accomplishment. Man, it felt great. I was even breathless after the whole piece cos it was so fast, i held my breath trying to perfect every note.
Yay :D
Please let this passion last, thanks. :]
Oh and i slept at like 4am last night cos i was watching a taiwan serial on crunchy and it was soo good. im so glad jieying told me about it! :D its by my faav actor, of course i love it. muahahahha. and i woke up at 230 today. HAHAHHAHA. its been so long since i woke up so late lah!
Gracey came for sleepover! met her at 830 at novena mrt, wlau she reached at 8 pls. made me chiong like mad cos i was watching my show till 8. wlaaus. =p OH AND SHE HAS A BAG THAT I LIKE. must go far east someday alr. ohh and we were talking about that high school musical's female lead's naked picture cos her friend let her see. then the auntie in front of us turned and stared pls. lololol. cos we were at ntuc buying stuff to pig out. hahhaa. i wanted to buy qiying's taekomo or dno what cracker but i bought th wrong one! UGH. then we went home and watched zhenghui's evan almighty, ella enchanted, underdog and abit of hot shots which was bloody retarded so we gave up and took pictures! :D ohh how i love her maac~~~ hahahhaha. it was damn fun please, super retarded as we thought up of random poses. HAHAHHAHA. we took pictures for DAMN LONG lah, then we washed up and slept at 430am or 4am. hahaha we talked abit during lights out and conked out soon after. hahaha! damn fun, must do it more often untill we have nothing more to say then we hear each other breathe! HAHAHHAHAHA.
Here's 177 pictures for you!
she looks like a whole new person.
this reminds me of something but i dono what. like we're sucked up into the tunnel of death. and i swear the insides of our mouths are purple! its like we're in so much pain that its sucking us away. HAHAHAHHAHA.
i think its gonna be the one and only time in my life that my face gonna look square!
now i know i wont look good if my hair's too long! thanks grace, for a peek in th future! :D hahahhaa wdh. :P she looks like those japanese samurai. lololol.
omg i don rmbr taking this picture! HAHAHA. grace, your elbow is jutting too much into my arm! HAHAH :D
LOOKS BLOOOOODY WRONG. HAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHA. i will never look at my sleeves in th same way anymore.
finger maximiser!
shit man, this thing makes my chin longer than it alr is.
bimbo no 5: (i rly dno what this means) hahahhaa
bimbo no 6: like, you still don't understand?!
mum: i tell you cannot go sleepover alr you still go! huh! huh! huh!
daughter: oh no...
in actual life, she can reach BEYOND her toes. im the one who rly cant reach mine at all. HAHAHAHAHAHA.
HAHA! thats all folks! see, told you we were bloody retarded and spastic and on a sodium and sugar high from chips and mashmallows. hahaa! ^^ hope you all smiled as much as i did while looking at the pictures! (even if its at our sheer stupidity) :P
im hooked onto the song "Used To" by Chris Daughtry. oh my my.
[edit] hahahhahaha omg.
hey bimbo
u are really living up to expectations
cos u have two bimbo nnumber 7
ur brain's starting to decrease alr eh?
HAHAHHAA. cos i lost count just now and put the 8th one as 7. hahahha. omg, trust elijah to spot it. and he said i look like a chicken. WTH. hahhahahahhaha.
you bloody shopaholic.