Friday, November 23, 2007
firstly, im supposed to arrange the following animals in your preference.
tiger cow sheep pig horse
so i chose:
sheep horse tiger cow pig
these are the priorities of my life in accordance to the way i arranged my animals.
love, family, pride, career, money
hahaha yes i think quite true :D
then after that they want me to write one word that describes the follow animals.
dog, cat, rat, coffee, sea.
beside each description is the interpretion.
dog - loyal (my own personality)
cat - furry (personality of my partner)
rat - dirty (personality of enemy)
coffee - bitter ( how i interpret sex)
sea - blue (my own life)
OK THIS IS DAMN SAD. MY PARTER IS GOING TO BE FURRY AND SEX IS GOING TO BE BITTER. OHMYGAWWWWD HOW SAAAD IS THAT PLEASEEE. hahahhahaha lolololol. anyway its saddening to see my life is blue, cos blue=depression. lololololol. and yah, i do think my "enemy" is dirty. in a way, or another :/ but not thaat bad.
then after that, 5 different colours were given. and i had to write a person's name that fit the colour.
yellow - andrea
orange - javin
red - *
white - debbie
green - grace
so.. results.
andrea is someone i'll never forget.
javin is my true friend.
* is someone i really love.
debbie is my twin soul.
grace is someone i will remember for the rest of my life
ok i am just bored and waiting for 9pm to come so i can go to the airport. im trying to make myself very tired so that i can sleep on the plane later :D
ciao babies! this is one blog down to kill your boredom for you :P
PS. had a real heart to heart talk with kor last night. he came and chatted with me from 12+ to 3+. first time we ever talked like this. about relationships, studies, sex, friends. ok everything. and i even held his hand while he made his first step to something. :D this is a major breakthrough, damn happy :D he said, "whatever your choice is, we will always support you." made me feel very touched :) was quite surprised that he actually confided in me his r/s problems and everythingeverythingeverything. Well, everything has a first ;) reaaaallly happy :D
went to develop prom pictures today (of course not all -.-) ok i think i'll miss my family hell lots when im in spain. like hell hell hell lots. shiets.
my mom will read.
and im actually touched that alot of people people actually wish me a safe trip and bon voyage and everything :) :) :) esp kl! i never thought she was still STALKING (:P) my blog. i was touched to recieve her sms because we don exactly alwaaaays sms each other. hahahha i love the way her smses always make me laugh :D (kl = seowhwee btw) LOLOLOL.
SO MANY PEOPLE ARE FLYING AWAY TODAY, 23 NOV. bezner, firdaus, qiying, huimin, me. wooowwwwwww. i think im the last though. since my flight is at 11pm. lolololol. bezner's was at 4am. firdaus's was this morning. cant rmbr qy's & huimin's though. hope huimin found her long john's! :D
guess what. spaniards don eat lunch :/ i think i'll have a weird diet habit when i come back to spore -.-
Thursday, November 22, 2007
ok, even though you typed my chinese name wrongly (-.-) but i think its good enough that you even remember my chinese name please! HAHAHAHA :P and he even said TWO sentences straight in chinese! O.O AND HE WENT TO EXERCISE! yes, gasp people gasp. hahaha. well, he claim that he always exercise but i choose not to believe him. COS I WONDER WHOOOO was the one huh, who was complaining about muscle aches after....... ;) ;) ;) HAHHAHA. ok i have my reasons for my doubts to his proclaimation :P
hahaha although it was like a 3min conversation but it was damn hilarious please. lololol.
GOING SPAIN TOMORRROOWWW!!! better go rent books in the morning to accompany throughout the loooong plane rides. and im going to mountainous areas! HOW COOL. and the temperature range is like.. 7deg-18deg?! WTF. but i think its gonna be a great trip! its my first time to western countries :D:D:D (apart from australia that is)
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Prom on monday night 19 Nov :D woke up at 8am -.- omg cldnt get back to sleep cos was excited. lol! so went to snuggle in with mum and chatted abit then went to visit grandma. lunch-ed and mum suggested that since i cut my hair the accessories that i bought back then doesnt suit alr so she let me use hers. omgomgomg i loved it, and that made me even moreee excited. supposed to take a nap but i couldnt so i went to submit my PAE. hmm lets see.
1st choice: SAJC - ideal choice of jc
2nd choice: CJC - near my house
3rd choice: JJC (jurong jc) - got straight bus and COP is 13
4th choice: NYJC - i hope i don get in :/
5th choice: MJC (meridian) - its too far. i hope i don get in. :X
then it was time to go salon and make hair. cos i alr cut it short on friday, so monday went to trim some more and styled. ok at first i hated it, like rly hated it. then as it started to "deflate" then it looked nicer. LOL. when the hairdresser said he was done i was like "ITS DONE?!" omg lol. then he assured me that it would be ok after awhile. LOLOL. at first he went to curl my hair lah! siao. so short alr still curl. then went to bobbi brown for make up. good job there! hid all my pimples :DDDDDDD damn happy. hahahhahah. anw when she did the eye part it was pain. cos it was the second time im putting make up on also lah. so yeah, im surprised she acty found a shade that was complimenting for my thick lips. lololol my mom was amazed too. hahahha.
met bling mel and theresa at home and went to mandarin together :D amazingly lots of ppl reached alr as acc. to nurul m who was frantic cos she hasnt reached too so we agreed to meet at the lobby. haha :D
NURUL M! wacky funky woman! love that earring :D veryveryvery sorry about stepping on your feet. about what happened in the toilet. (TEEHEEHEE) hahaha omg i still thought that was damn grossly funny. lololol SORRY!
4E's candidates in the running for prom king/queen! angeline was hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot. she danced HOT. i didnt know she could dance. LOL.
jieying looked rlyrly different! omg and her letter was damn sweet. had to stop myself from crying in case my mascara run. LOL.
after the appetisers everyone was busy taking pictures everywhere so i had my share of photo with jav. LOL. OK IM AM SORRY I DIDNT SEE YOUR SKINNY JEANS. :p like your top though. ;)
hahaha anw hoho was damn cute. she thought i was angry with her abt sth she said lah. omgomgomg she's damn cute. and the way she pulled me aside and asked if i was angry was damn cute lah. she acted like as if sth humungously big happened. LOL. aiyo she ah. damn cute lololololol.
ROMAINE! ok lah. i love you lah. even though i always suan you. :P
bezzie! hahaha looks like he's going to fall LOL.
4E'S PROM QUEEN :D go toh! you'll always be our prom queen. you are damn h.o.t.
liyan looked super feminine! haha! very not her indeed. LOL :P:P
yeeee. i couldnt recognise her as well lah! she was standing there for a very long time but i only knew it was her after sooo long. LOL.
chikheng! hahaha thanks for always "just nice" being there to help me take photo. LOL.
sam and yusheng. LOL. funniest duo on earth.
keith! hahaha! the flowers look real right! like as if i was carrying them. but acty it was ridzwan who "inserted" it into the picture. lol. it was his "prom king flowers" HAHA!
zachary! he said sth funny. but i cant rmbr lololol.
and sam would always be the prom king of 4E! :D you rly should have stripped your blazer lah shy guy.
THESE PEOPLE ARE THE LOVEEEEEEEEEE. must go out again after huiwen and i come back! must must must! :DD hahaha mom said keith was the most good looking guy. hahaha keith i know you're reading this, and i know ure smiling crazy now. LOL
huimin and her pink-turned-blonde hair! HAHAHA!
stupid zhenghui. must cut into our picture.
sleepover people! :D
after prom, belle, theresa, bling and i chionged to hail a cab since seowhwee reminded me of the midnight charge! hahaha so MUST get taxi before 12am! hahaha damn auntie pls. LOL. my feet were dying from standing. so was damn relieved to get into the cab. cabbie was VERY talkative. lol.
there were not much shows that we all liked so we settled for "lions for lambs" OMG IT WAS SUCH A GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD movie. the way they connected the scenes up and all. omg good. at first i thought it'd be boring since it was very political, about the iraq war and all. but nooo, omg it was good. i even cried! and i had to tilt my head up and fan if no mascara will run lol how bimbotic. belle said she nearly cried too. :)
but because movie started at 1.15am so we went to HK cafe. at first it was only for desert, but we ended up having meal! HAHAH it was damn funny because bling was saying that we should allocate a budget.
bling: so like $50?
theresa and i : $50?!?!?!
lol then we said that that was aloot lah! LOL. so we decided on $7 each. lolol.
french toast which was oily like mad.
but since prom over alr, aiya, don care lah.
lol this was fun cos bling had to picture the cam properly and all. LOL
oops sorry. blogger anyhow arrange the pictures :P ok, so this is prom king and i! hahaha. actually idk him at a personal level. but must take picture with prom king what. lololol. was acty quite paiseh to ask him to take a picture with me. LOLOLOL.
taken by the very nice uncle who overhead me saying that he was such a "flatter-er" cos he kept complimenting us. lololol. haha i rmbr once he said "nice choker" and i thought he meant belle cos i thought he was looking at her, so i looked at her neck but there was nothing so i realised he was talking about me LLOLOLOL. i always thought chokers were always those black string kind, so it nv occured to me. LOL.
OUR FOOD. hahahaha we look like as if we didnt have enough for prom LOLOLOLOL. strawberry ice shared between bling and belle. coffee+tea mix shared by theresa and i :D food was passable.
oh oh! theresa had her heel stuck in the lift. omgomg damn scary. cos bling and i walked ahead first. then suddenly theresa screamed, at first i thought she saw a ghost and it freaked me out lol. then i saw her looking down, so i thought she saw a cockroach. lol wdh lah. untill after awhile i realised her heel stuck in the lift! omg so scary then the lift door started closing! omgomgomgomg. so i frantically pressed the lift button. OMGOGMOMG DAMN SCAARY. we were all in a loss, damn afraid that the door would close. omgomgog lucky her heel came out soon enough. omgomg lol.
then aft that we went to the toilet. AND I COUDLNT OPEN MY TOILET DOOR. walau damn scary. i thought i'd be stuck inside and will have to climb over or sth. walau.
after awhile after the movie started, a group of guys left the cinema :/ i think they thought the movie was boring. but thats like $7 pls. truth to speak, it was quite boring at the beginning but it got more exciting as it went on. oh lol theresa fell asleep! lol!
went home about 3am. forgot to bring my remote control, had to wake kor up to open the gate for me! LOL. felt bad cos he was asleep. llololol.
omg make up removing was SHIT TIRING. i wonder how those girls put on soo much make up lah oh my god! bling and theresa removed theirs in 10mins. belle and i removed ours in like, 1hour? OMG we had soooooo much mascara or eyeliner on that we rubbed till our eyes hurt. wth damn ma fan lah. i swear im never putting make up on alr.
helped belle undo all her pins and her hair was LOADED with gel that she and i had a hard time loosening her hair up. AND SO MUCH GLITTER ALSO! hahaha! but it was fun. lololol. then we showered together. worked out a routine so that we couldnt see each other which was damn funny. LOLOLOLOL. by the time we were done, it was like nearly 5am? oh my god. we spent about almost 2 hours. lol wdh omg. make up is sooo irritating.
amount of pins in belle's head lol.
we went to bed about 6am. i didnt sleep well, kept waking up. and at about 10+ belle woke up too! hahaha! i felt some stirring beside me so i looked over and i saw belle waking up so i looked her with my eyes quite wide. i thought that'd scare her but she looked calm. lol how disappointing. but later she said that i scared her. lol. so we talked (whispering) cos bling and theresa was sweetly, peacefully, soundly, deeply asleep. we were soo afraid that they would wake up only at 2pm or sth. LOL. bling kept turning around. and each time she turned, both of us would look at her hoping that she would wake up. but she never. lol. while theresa never stirred an inch. LOL.
theresa was the last to wake up! how piggy of her. and she was the first to fall asleep too!
pictures taken while waiting for theresa to wake up lolol.
prom was a little boring. ESPECIALLY WITH ALL THAT STUPID LUCKY DRAW AND THAT RETARDED MAGIC SHOW. but the choosing of prom king and queen was damn hilarious please! got everyone high :D that was the only good part :D:D:D:D cant believe we acty waited 4 years for this :/ a BIT disappointing.
leaving for spain in 2 days time! i think huiwen is.. at the airport now? going to japan. :) i cant wait for spain! just packed my lugagge just now. mum nearly forgot the luggage unlock code. lol scary. and my pimples are getting better! :D:D:D:D::D OMG DAMN FKING HAPPY. i hate that one week before my period comes. all the raging hormones making my pimples active like siao. stupid. i think my period is going to come during spain trip. HOW SAAAAAAAAAAAAAD. :(
where's all the photographs taken by that official photographer on prom? its not at the fotki thing. aww.