How good is the Lord, my God!!
Ohmygoodness, this whole weeeeeek I have been so bugged down by this issue I'm facing currently. Everyday I wake up, I think about it. Every night before I sleep, I am still thinking about it. I was confused, I was lost, I didn't know what I wanted or how I felt towards this issue.
And just now, I sat myself down on my bed, started praying, started crying out to God, asking Him what is happenning, what is it that He wants for me, what is it that I want for myself cos I don't know anything at all. I also asked Him what were His plans for me, where do I stand in His kingdom and just throwing questions that I had huge question marks with.
And suddenly "Mark 4:22" came into my mind. (No not the whole verse, just mark 4:22) And I have to admit, at first I was doubtful, cos sometimes I get verses too but sometimes it doesn't make sense, like I made it up. So, truth be told, I approached my bible with a certain degree of skepticism.
BUT, God didn't fail me, didn't disappoint me. In contrast, He lifted me up, showed me His promises..
"For everything that is hidden will eventually be brought into the open, and every secret will be brought to light"
How awesomee is this. My Father God telling me that soon all confusion would come to an end, that I would soon not be probing in the dark, that answers would come surely though slowly. It's soo good. I was so happy after that.
I was so pumped up with faith (because this issue was weighing me down so much my heart was heavy) and everything was just like WOOHOO HAPPINESS (:
Yay God, you never disappoint. (: You are the bombxz Lord!
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Uni was fun today ^^
During one of those breaks between lectures, Aaron put his stuff on Sabrina's table cos he needed to bend down to retrieve smth he dropped. Then as he was bending down, Sabrina put his pencil case on his seat and shot me "SHHH" look. And it just soooo hilarious, its like everything went into slow motion and slowly.. Aaron picked his stuff up.. slowly.. he started bending his knees to sit down.. AND THEN THE FUNNY PART WAS HIS FACE THAT WENT LIKE "AYE?" And he reached under his butt to feel the "mystery object" HAHAHHAHAHAHHA SABRINA AND I BURSTTTTTT OUT IN LAUGHTER. AHHAHAHAHAHAH! And aaron was like "IS THERE ATH ELSE". Hahaha so funny.
And today we had our official econs lecturer back. Zomg I think she's awesome and SUPER FUNNY. hahaha! Yay :D I think I must rmbr to bring colour pens to econs lecture. -.-
I want to know what's going on. Or am I just thinking too much? :( Sigh.
During one of those breaks between lectures, Aaron put his stuff on Sabrina's table cos he needed to bend down to retrieve smth he dropped. Then as he was bending down, Sabrina put his pencil case on his seat and shot me "SHHH" look. And it just soooo hilarious, its like everything went into slow motion and slowly.. Aaron picked his stuff up.. slowly.. he started bending his knees to sit down.. AND THEN THE FUNNY PART WAS HIS FACE THAT WENT LIKE "AYE?" And he reached under his butt to feel the "mystery object" HAHAHHAHAHAHHA SABRINA AND I BURSTTTTTT OUT IN LAUGHTER. AHHAHAHAHAHAH! And aaron was like "IS THERE ATH ELSE". Hahaha so funny.
And today we had our official econs lecturer back. Zomg I think she's awesome and SUPER FUNNY. hahaha! Yay :D I think I must rmbr to bring colour pens to econs lecture. -.-
I want to know what's going on. Or am I just thinking too much? :( Sigh.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009

So confused :( You're right, the fact that I've been questioning myself may mean something. But then, the fact that I'm even questioning, doesn't it mean that it may not be? Urghhh :( Maybe you're right, I'm just too scared to take one more step out because it has been too long, but if this is it, then it shouldn't be hard at all right? :( and it seems as if each day, I find it harder to believe that this is It. :( ahh zomg, since when has this been so hard?
Let's think, no strings attached.
I had a fringecut ystd! Hahaha! Got kindda bored with the normal side swept or clipped up fringe so i decided to cut to-the-brows-fringe. Woohoo a changee.
Anyway, ystd went down to the city with loretta, sabrina and ray! SO FUNNY LAH. Because we took a different bus, one that i haven't taken before, so for this bus, the stop is on the opposite side of the station. So, as we alighted..
Me: Oh wow this is good, we can see whether our train is coming or not.
*Train approaching*
Me: Nahh, it's ok. It's not our train.
*So all of us walked slowly*
*Sabrina gives me a WHATTHEHECKDOREEN look*
And we all raaaaaaaaaaan to the train and burst out laughing like crazy in the train HAHAHHAA. "exercise for the week" we call it. HAHAHA! All because I forgot that we're on the other side of the station so yeah.. you get it? I thought our platform should be on the opposite direction but acty it's not.
HEHEHE. And this macho angmo guy who was sitting beside ray kept touching him. HAHAHAHA. We were all trying to suppress our laughter while ray was like "zomgoodness" HAHHAHA. Loretta was like.. "haha ray, mutual attraction!" Lol so funny lah.
The Ray accompanied me to have my fringecut and we went to his hairdresser (terry) in the end. Lol. And because Ray cut his hair again after he went to terry, so when terry asked him "hey! what happened to your hair! This wasn't what I cut right!" Then Ray liedddddddddddddd "oh i had a dare with my friend. So I got 30bucks from him for cutting this hair now" hahahhahahahhaa.
Then we walked to college sq via lygon street to davin's place. Wahh, I so miss lygon street pls. ): It's like going back home, it's like so familiar, it's like a place of memories. Sighh ):
Then we bummed around Andrea's place, played card games and also Ray attempting a failed magic trick (muahaha) then we went for dinner! STEAMBOAT MY LOVE :D
OMG I WAS READING SOMEONE'S BLOG EARLIER AND.. She said she saw a marriage proposal in the sky!!!!!! Someone had an aeroplane writing "Jojo, marry me?" ZOMGGGG AND SHE HAS PICTURES AND VIDEO!!! SOOOO SWEEET LAHH!!!!
Oh, Ray and I saw Graham at the train station. Lol.
Ok must finish marketing tutorial tonight so that I can start on my management assignment. UGHHHHHHH. DUE ON WEDNESDAYYYYYYY ):
UGHH, CANNOT GO OUT THIS FRIDAY NIGHT :( MUST STAY HOME TO DO MGMT!! Hopefully will be done by friday lah!!! Saturday am going down to the city to have brunch with Adelene, meet up with peako and dinner with Andrea&gang. Then Sunday I invited Ray to shakers and afterwhich I'll go check out his. SO BUSY WEEKEND LAH. Then Monday got urbanlife. So if I don't finish by friday, i've only got tuesday lefttttt!!
School was fine today. Cos Aaron Sabrina and Felicia all take statistics this semester so they've got this assignment due this thursday that felicia hasn't even started! So they were all helping her today. haha! And thank God my accounting tutor didn't check our tute work today cos i didn't do this week's! haha but he mentioned he intended to though! so next week he's checking! He's so nice lah, usually they're not allowed to tell us when they're gonna check. HEHE.
I think the way you lie for me, is adorable.
Anyway, ystd went down to the city with loretta, sabrina and ray! SO FUNNY LAH. Because we took a different bus, one that i haven't taken before, so for this bus, the stop is on the opposite side of the station. So, as we alighted..
Me: Oh wow this is good, we can see whether our train is coming or not.
*Train approaching*
Me: Nahh, it's ok. It's not our train.
*So all of us walked slowly*
*Sabrina gives me a WHATTHEHECKDOREEN look*
And we all raaaaaaaaaaan to the train and burst out laughing like crazy in the train HAHAHHAA. "exercise for the week" we call it. HAHAHA! All because I forgot that we're on the other side of the station so yeah.. you get it? I thought our platform should be on the opposite direction but acty it's not.
HEHEHE. And this macho angmo guy who was sitting beside ray kept touching him. HAHAHAHA. We were all trying to suppress our laughter while ray was like "zomgoodness" HAHHAHA. Loretta was like.. "haha ray, mutual attraction!" Lol so funny lah.
The Ray accompanied me to have my fringecut and we went to his hairdresser (terry) in the end. Lol. And because Ray cut his hair again after he went to terry, so when terry asked him "hey! what happened to your hair! This wasn't what I cut right!" Then Ray liedddddddddddddd "oh i had a dare with my friend. So I got 30bucks from him for cutting this hair now" hahahhahahahhaa.
Then we walked to college sq via lygon street to davin's place. Wahh, I so miss lygon street pls. ): It's like going back home, it's like so familiar, it's like a place of memories. Sighh ):
Then we bummed around Andrea's place, played card games and also Ray attempting a failed magic trick (muahaha) then we went for dinner! STEAMBOAT MY LOVE :D
OMG I WAS READING SOMEONE'S BLOG EARLIER AND.. She said she saw a marriage proposal in the sky!!!!!! Someone had an aeroplane writing "Jojo, marry me?" ZOMGGGG AND SHE HAS PICTURES AND VIDEO!!! SOOOO SWEEET LAHH!!!!
Oh, Ray and I saw Graham at the train station. Lol.
Ok must finish marketing tutorial tonight so that I can start on my management assignment. UGHHHHHHH. DUE ON WEDNESDAYYYYYYY ):
UGHH, CANNOT GO OUT THIS FRIDAY NIGHT :( MUST STAY HOME TO DO MGMT!! Hopefully will be done by friday lah!!! Saturday am going down to the city to have brunch with Adelene, meet up with peako and dinner with Andrea&gang. Then Sunday I invited Ray to shakers and afterwhich I'll go check out his. SO BUSY WEEKEND LAH. Then Monday got urbanlife. So if I don't finish by friday, i've only got tuesday lefttttt!!
School was fine today. Cos Aaron Sabrina and Felicia all take statistics this semester so they've got this assignment due this thursday that felicia hasn't even started! So they were all helping her today. haha! And thank God my accounting tutor didn't check our tute work today cos i didn't do this week's! haha but he mentioned he intended to though! so next week he's checking! He's so nice lah, usually they're not allowed to tell us when they're gonna check. HEHE.
I think the way you lie for me, is adorable.
Monday, March 23, 2009
I woke up at 9.30am and after preparing, went to the school library to study for my econs test!!! WOOHOO :D So productive, I read up on all the things I should read up on. :D :D :D And I had my fav caramel latte!! And I realise I'm not a muffin person, cos they are very sticky :( But I really like the blueberry muffin in one of the clubs in singapore :D
Oh, and the best part was I woke up and saw an sms from Silas and it goes "Hi Doreen, just felt like sending you this. Philippians 3:13-14" And I jumped out of bed and grabbed my bible and srsly, it knocked my socks off. It has been something I have been praying about, something Lydia and I have been declaring over my life and somthing Lydia mentioned in church yesterday too. Seriously, it was WOOHOOO.
And in the library.. Study study, daydream daydream, study study, zone out zone out.
@ 12.30pm, Ray came cos he was 30mins early for class lol. Had marketing lecture with him, zomgg so funny!!!! The lecturer was asking the guys how long did they take to buy a jeans. And Ray said "A week" and then the lecturer continued and said "2 hours is the maximum" And I was like "zomgg you so metro." HAHAHA. I love marketing lecture lah, the lecturer is soo interactive and engaging and funny and he really pulls back the lecture in relative to our everyday life. It's just awesomexz man.
Was telling Ray that and he was like "ok lah, I'll help you get his number later." zzz lololol.
Then we had lunch together and talked about nothing productive except for the last part whereby I didn't understand this certain theory in econs and he giving me some tips for the test. Other than that, our conversation is like super rubbish. HAHA. I think the main theme of today's conversation was on dreams. HAHAHA.
Oh ok, this is the super funny wtheck part. I was walking with him to his busstop and he was going on and on that he didn't feel like going home. And to cut a long story short, we ended up on the same bench, under the same tree at the same lawn (but now with more grass cos they planted more) and he was doing nothing and I was doing my econs. Yah srsly, when his bus was like 7mins away. Lolxz.
Oh but lucky he was there, I had a few impt questions regarding the weird concept of supply. But it was very very nice to study outdoors for a change. The weather was just right. It was snugly warm from the sun but cool from the autumn breeze and the spot was very shady and vaguely hidden behind some bushes. And the lush green from the lawn was so soothing to the eyes. And from intervals to intervals there would be a bunch of ppl wallking past either to or from class. It's amazing. Sometimes I really love Melbourne's weather, ok, most of the times. :D
Lol was recapping this conversation I had with Andrea and Davin to Ray
Me: I want my first car to be a Toyota Corolla.
Andrea and Davin: HUH!!! WHAT! WHY!!! (of course there was more violent response from Davin)
Me: WHY! It sounds nicer than like.. a Honda Civic right!!! And it's affordable enough to be a first car!
Andrea: Yeah, Doreen very realistic one.
Me: (totally spoiling my own image) YAH! AND COROLLA GOT LEATHER SEATS!!!
Andrea: YA LAH! You just have to pay more only what!!!!! ZOMGG DOREEEEEEEEN.
Everyday it gets prettier
I woke up at 9.30am and after preparing, went to the school library to study for my econs test!!! WOOHOO :D So productive, I read up on all the things I should read up on. :D :D :D And I had my fav caramel latte!! And I realise I'm not a muffin person, cos they are very sticky :( But I really like the blueberry muffin in one of the clubs in singapore :D
Oh, and the best part was I woke up and saw an sms from Silas and it goes "Hi Doreen, just felt like sending you this. Philippians 3:13-14" And I jumped out of bed and grabbed my bible and srsly, it knocked my socks off. It has been something I have been praying about, something Lydia and I have been declaring over my life and somthing Lydia mentioned in church yesterday too. Seriously, it was WOOHOOO.
And in the library.. Study study, daydream daydream, study study, zone out zone out.
@ 12.30pm, Ray came cos he was 30mins early for class lol. Had marketing lecture with him, zomgg so funny!!!! The lecturer was asking the guys how long did they take to buy a jeans. And Ray said "A week" and then the lecturer continued and said "2 hours is the maximum" And I was like "zomgg you so metro." HAHAHA. I love marketing lecture lah, the lecturer is soo interactive and engaging and funny and he really pulls back the lecture in relative to our everyday life. It's just awesomexz man.
Was telling Ray that and he was like "ok lah, I'll help you get his number later." zzz lololol.
Then we had lunch together and talked about nothing productive except for the last part whereby I didn't understand this certain theory in econs and he giving me some tips for the test. Other than that, our conversation is like super rubbish. HAHA. I think the main theme of today's conversation was on dreams. HAHAHA.
Oh ok, this is the super funny wtheck part. I was walking with him to his busstop and he was going on and on that he didn't feel like going home. And to cut a long story short, we ended up on the same bench, under the same tree at the same lawn (but now with more grass cos they planted more) and he was doing nothing and I was doing my econs. Yah srsly, when his bus was like 7mins away. Lolxz.
Oh but lucky he was there, I had a few impt questions regarding the weird concept of supply. But it was very very nice to study outdoors for a change. The weather was just right. It was snugly warm from the sun but cool from the autumn breeze and the spot was very shady and vaguely hidden behind some bushes. And the lush green from the lawn was so soothing to the eyes. And from intervals to intervals there would be a bunch of ppl wallking past either to or from class. It's amazing. Sometimes I really love Melbourne's weather, ok, most of the times. :D
Lol was recapping this conversation I had with Andrea and Davin to Ray
Me: I want my first car to be a Toyota Corolla.
Andrea and Davin: HUH!!! WHAT! WHY!!! (of course there was more violent response from Davin)
Me: WHY! It sounds nicer than like.. a Honda Civic right!!! And it's affordable enough to be a first car!
Andrea: Yeah, Doreen very realistic one.
Me: (totally spoiling my own image) YAH! AND COROLLA GOT LEATHER SEATS!!!
Andrea: YA LAH! You just have to pay more only what!!!!! ZOMGG DOREEEEEEEEN.
Everyday it gets prettier
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Today I was off to a bad start :(
I woke up to the ringing of my handphone. I picked it up from the table and saw that it was Sarah Woo (one of the ushers in the Guest Services team) and I looked at the time and it was 9.08am. And I couldn't stop looking from "Sarah Woo calling" to "9.08am" and I just kept staring and didn't pick up the phone.
OHMYGOODNESS. I was so scared and guilty because the team was already shorthanded and yet I was still so irresponsible!!! I really didn't have any ideaa why I didn't hear my alarm which was set at 6.30am. ZOMGGG!!! And I checked my alarm clock status in my phone and it was "On" and i was like "WHAT HAPPENED?!?!?!?!" And I had to text my leader and apologise and explain. The thing is even if I rushed down I couldn't have made it cos the Sunday trip down to church take 1.5hours. URGHHH.
I FELT SOOO BAD :( And I was also so lost after that aiyo. Cos I was supposed to come home after serving to study for my econs test then now my timetable was like upsidedown chapalang. I even contemplated not going to church!!!!! :O Something was definitely wrong in the morning man.
Today's sermon was sooo awesome!!! PS Matt is just seriously empowering and hilarious. Haha! And there was alter call and Jiaheng prayed for me ((: And during the service, I couldn't stop thinking about a certain friend. Kept thinking that today's sermon would impact him somehow in one way or another, so I texted him and was seriously and totally praying for his reply.
Afterwhich, Lydia came and pray with me as well. And after that she started speaking into my life. You know what God, you've sent leaders after leaders to speak the same thing about my life, reminding me about the gift you've given me, believing that I am already rising up to my gift. But you know what God, till the day I get the confirmation from you and you alone, it's gonna be hard for me to trust and believe and I will and can rise up to what you've called me to be. SO YOU BETTER START SPEAKING TO MEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!! ;)
Ok sorry, sidetracked with God.
Anw, had dinner with urbanlife after much persuasion from Jiaheng - "Study also need to eat right!" and Adelene - "I also got test on Wednesday but I also haven't study!!" Hahaha wtheck, my leaders ah.... :D
We had Nelayan!! YUMMAYE :D 3/4 of our conversation was made up of food! HAHAHA. We are a really greedy urbanlife. :D No wonder God placed me here. HAHAHAHHA!
And I'm having brunch with Adelene on SATURDAAAAAAY :D i lovee (:
Going to school library to study for econs test tmr!!! DOREEN JIAYOU!
Dear Lord, tell me if this picture in my head is from you or isit only what I want? What is it YOU want? Is this it?
I woke up to the ringing of my handphone. I picked it up from the table and saw that it was Sarah Woo (one of the ushers in the Guest Services team) and I looked at the time and it was 9.08am. And I couldn't stop looking from "Sarah Woo calling" to "9.08am" and I just kept staring and didn't pick up the phone.
OHMYGOODNESS. I was so scared and guilty because the team was already shorthanded and yet I was still so irresponsible!!! I really didn't have any ideaa why I didn't hear my alarm which was set at 6.30am. ZOMGGG!!! And I checked my alarm clock status in my phone and it was "On" and i was like "WHAT HAPPENED?!?!?!?!" And I had to text my leader and apologise and explain. The thing is even if I rushed down I couldn't have made it cos the Sunday trip down to church take 1.5hours. URGHHH.
I FELT SOOO BAD :( And I was also so lost after that aiyo. Cos I was supposed to come home after serving to study for my econs test then now my timetable was like upsidedown chapalang. I even contemplated not going to church!!!!! :O Something was definitely wrong in the morning man.
Today's sermon was sooo awesome!!! PS Matt is just seriously empowering and hilarious. Haha! And there was alter call and Jiaheng prayed for me ((: And during the service, I couldn't stop thinking about a certain friend. Kept thinking that today's sermon would impact him somehow in one way or another, so I texted him and was seriously and totally praying for his reply.
Afterwhich, Lydia came and pray with me as well. And after that she started speaking into my life. You know what God, you've sent leaders after leaders to speak the same thing about my life, reminding me about the gift you've given me, believing that I am already rising up to my gift. But you know what God, till the day I get the confirmation from you and you alone, it's gonna be hard for me to trust and believe and I will and can rise up to what you've called me to be. SO YOU BETTER START SPEAKING TO MEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!! ;)
Ok sorry, sidetracked with God.
Anw, had dinner with urbanlife after much persuasion from Jiaheng - "Study also need to eat right!" and Adelene - "I also got test on Wednesday but I also haven't study!!" Hahaha wtheck, my leaders ah.... :D
We had Nelayan!! YUMMAYE :D 3/4 of our conversation was made up of food! HAHAHA. We are a really greedy urbanlife. :D No wonder God placed me here. HAHAHAHHA!
And I'm having brunch with Adelene on SATURDAAAAAAY :D i lovee (:
Going to school library to study for econs test tmr!!! DOREEN JIAYOU!
Dear Lord, tell me if this picture in my head is from you or isit only what I want? What is it YOU want? Is this it?
Davin and Andrea picked me up from Clayton!!!So nice, then they fetched me to the city to meet Tricia for brunch. ZOMGG, MY BRUNCH COST $24 and it was only eggs on toast with mushrooms and saussage and a iced mocha. I was soo shocked. Zomgg.
Anw, today's catch up w Tricia was soooo awesome! The most awesome one ever. It was The most honest and open conversation everr. We shared soo many things that were so close to our hearts and we realised we actually felt the exact same way about this certain issue. I'm just so happy that God has planted the same vision in both of us and has given confirmation for the things we've been thinking and going through. God certainly did answer my prayer of taking this friendship up another notch. :D I'm just sooo happy :D
Then it was movie with ray. LOL. We walked around aimlessly in Melbourne Central and Myers for 2hours before the movie started. Zomgg soo tiring. Hahaha ray's left arm is super "electrifying". It's damn scary. There was this once I brushed against his left arm, OMG THE "PIAK" SOUND WAS SOO LOUD!!! The static zomg, SO PAIN!!!! And everytime it's just his left arm only lah. HAHAHA. Wtheck. So scary.
Hahaha and we basically just laughed at every single stupid thing and make fun of everything we see. HAHAHA. So basically, we seeked joy from every inanimate thing possible. HAHAHA.
Oh and he made a very smart guess. We were at the furniture store looking around saying stupid things again and then I said "Oh the bookshelves here are quite not too expensive ah! It's reasonable for its design!" Then he was like "yeah it is" and all that. Then he said "You read alot yeah?" Then I was like shocked lah, like HOW YOU KNOW?! Then he said "Yeah cos once you come here the first thing you take note of is the bookshelf" WHICH I THOUGHT WAS A VERY VERY SMART GUESS! HAHAHHAA.
Then after much rubbish and nonsense by going to Myers, supermarkets, pet stores, unique boutiques and pretending as if we can afford everything, 4.20pm CAMEE. Ah, the show was bascially just alot of killing. The scary part is just when the tension was building up when the killer was coming that sort of thing lah.
Then we sat down and talk for awhile before Edwin came then it was off to meet Andrea, Davin and Joseph for dinnerrr!!!! OMG SO HAPPY TO JUST HAVE DINNER WITH ALL THEM :D There's nothing like good old friends :) So comfortable, so familiar, the making fun of that don't harbour any harm, the laughing together that seems so harmonious, the "who do we attack now" telepathy, i love all of themmmm :D
Then omggg, when davin wanted to send me home, ALL THE HIGHWAYS WERE CLOSEDDDDD. Zomgg, its such a long storyy I don't even want to go there man.
But anyway, dear andrea and davin, really, thank you so so much for fetching me for clayton and sending me home. Thank you Andrea for reading maps after maps to find alternative routes. Thank you Davin for not even bearing a grudge for having to drive and drive and drive (even though this is what you love best) But yeah, I really appreciate you guys helping me move those stuff to my room and helping me on "Project Ants Extermination" Hahaha. You guys are really the sweetest things ever, and thank you so so so much, from the real depths of my heart, THANK YOU. (:
Yah and andrea, I am thinking about what you said, what I said in response and what you said about regrets. But I really don't want to go into it or maybe even admit it because I don't know if this is right, I don't want empty hopes, because maybe it's just really very simple. I know it's going to be harder as time goes by to control, but I have to, I want to. I don't want to step into uncertainty, I don't dare anymore. Each time I catch myself falling, I slap myself awake. I think you know what I'm trying to say already yeah? Time will tell, time will tell. Haha (:
Anyway, I had a really awesome Saturday. And I love everyone that God has placed in my life for every single reason. (: Haha now that I think of it, the three people I met today (Tricia, Ray and Andrea&Gang), we are all like in different phases of friendships. And yet every single time I hang out with them I learn smth new about them (Today I learnt smth interesting about Tricia's future home, learnt that Ray has an electrifying left arm, and Joseph is sensitive to hamsters, Andrea is bad at giving out flyers etc.), laugh about something with them, confide something to them. So amazing how some things can be different but the core still remains the same.
I love my Saturdaysss :D Gahh tmr must reach church at 9am!!! Ok I hope I can wake up and stay up enough to study for econs test :(
Zomgg 2am liao.
Must wake up at like 6.30am tmrrrr. AHHH OMGGGGGG.
Davin and Andrea picked me up from Clayton!!!So nice, then they fetched me to the city to meet Tricia for brunch. ZOMGG, MY BRUNCH COST $24 and it was only eggs on toast with mushrooms and saussage and a iced mocha. I was soo shocked. Zomgg.
Anw, today's catch up w Tricia was soooo awesome! The most awesome one ever. It was The most honest and open conversation everr. We shared soo many things that were so close to our hearts and we realised we actually felt the exact same way about this certain issue. I'm just so happy that God has planted the same vision in both of us and has given confirmation for the things we've been thinking and going through. God certainly did answer my prayer of taking this friendship up another notch. :D I'm just sooo happy :D
Then it was movie with ray. LOL. We walked around aimlessly in Melbourne Central and Myers for 2hours before the movie started. Zomgg soo tiring. Hahaha ray's left arm is super "electrifying". It's damn scary. There was this once I brushed against his left arm, OMG THE "PIAK" SOUND WAS SOO LOUD!!! The static zomg, SO PAIN!!!! And everytime it's just his left arm only lah. HAHAHA. Wtheck. So scary.
Hahaha and we basically just laughed at every single stupid thing and make fun of everything we see. HAHAHA. So basically, we seeked joy from every inanimate thing possible. HAHAHA.
Oh and he made a very smart guess. We were at the furniture store looking around saying stupid things again and then I said "Oh the bookshelves here are quite not too expensive ah! It's reasonable for its design!" Then he was like "yeah it is" and all that. Then he said "You read alot yeah?" Then I was like shocked lah, like HOW YOU KNOW?! Then he said "Yeah cos once you come here the first thing you take note of is the bookshelf" WHICH I THOUGHT WAS A VERY VERY SMART GUESS! HAHAHHAA.
Then after much rubbish and nonsense by going to Myers, supermarkets, pet stores, unique boutiques and pretending as if we can afford everything, 4.20pm CAMEE. Ah, the show was bascially just alot of killing. The scary part is just when the tension was building up when the killer was coming that sort of thing lah.
Then we sat down and talk for awhile before Edwin came then it was off to meet Andrea, Davin and Joseph for dinnerrr!!!! OMG SO HAPPY TO JUST HAVE DINNER WITH ALL THEM :D There's nothing like good old friends :) So comfortable, so familiar, the making fun of that don't harbour any harm, the laughing together that seems so harmonious, the "who do we attack now" telepathy, i love all of themmmm :D
Then omggg, when davin wanted to send me home, ALL THE HIGHWAYS WERE CLOSEDDDDD. Zomgg, its such a long storyy I don't even want to go there man.
But anyway, dear andrea and davin, really, thank you so so much for fetching me for clayton and sending me home. Thank you Andrea for reading maps after maps to find alternative routes. Thank you Davin for not even bearing a grudge for having to drive and drive and drive (even though this is what you love best) But yeah, I really appreciate you guys helping me move those stuff to my room and helping me on "Project Ants Extermination" Hahaha. You guys are really the sweetest things ever, and thank you so so so much, from the real depths of my heart, THANK YOU. (:
Yah and andrea, I am thinking about what you said, what I said in response and what you said about regrets. But I really don't want to go into it or maybe even admit it because I don't know if this is right, I don't want empty hopes, because maybe it's just really very simple. I know it's going to be harder as time goes by to control, but I have to, I want to. I don't want to step into uncertainty, I don't dare anymore. Each time I catch myself falling, I slap myself awake. I think you know what I'm trying to say already yeah? Time will tell, time will tell. Haha (:
Anyway, I had a really awesome Saturday. And I love everyone that God has placed in my life for every single reason. (: Haha now that I think of it, the three people I met today (Tricia, Ray and Andrea&Gang), we are all like in different phases of friendships. And yet every single time I hang out with them I learn smth new about them (Today I learnt smth interesting about Tricia's future home, learnt that Ray has an electrifying left arm, and Joseph is sensitive to hamsters, Andrea is bad at giving out flyers etc.), laugh about something with them, confide something to them. So amazing how some things can be different but the core still remains the same.
I love my Saturdaysss :D Gahh tmr must reach church at 9am!!! Ok I hope I can wake up and stay up enough to study for econs test :(
Zomgg 2am liao.
Must wake up at like 6.30am tmrrrr. AHHH OMGGGGGG.
Friday, March 20, 2009
Zomgg, pot luck was.. a disaster. I rly don't like parties with alcohol involved. Alcohol just changes people. People whom you've once respected has lost that respect. People whom you thought are nice and friendly suddenly turn vulgar and unimaginably wild. Really, why do so many people like not to be in control of their own minds?
School was fun today! Marketing lecture was interesting! Learnt alot of stufff :D And Ray lied to me that it was Valentines Day in Australia today!!! URGHHH.
We were walking through our school lawn back to our usual bench under the tree, and I was asking him "why do they sell flowers in school, who will buy!" then he said "oh cos today's valentines day mah. Australia's valentines day, don't you know!!" Then me thinking that Daffodil Day (which is today) means Valentines day, was so sad cos it was yet another valentines day without anyone special. WLAU MAKE ME DEPRESSED FOR NTH. hahahaha. Ok depressed is too strong a word. LOL.
Then we met again after school ended for him so that he can copy my econs notes and I was supposed to study for econs test. Ah, but we ended up talking and saying nonsense and laughing at stupid things. So yeah. Ended up going to nandos and I asked him what his shirt meant by "Save Ferris"
And he was like "Uh.. Oh.. This shirt was made for me by a friend.. Well.. Ferris is my friend and like.. yyah something really bad happen to him so.."
And I was feeling so sad and concerned of what happened but decided not to ask since it didn't seem right what right. Then suddenly he burst out "HAHAHA BLUFF YOU ONE."
Anw, I made 2 new friends at potluck today!! They're super nice people. Woohoo! Claire and Sherlynn. I met Sherlynn very briefly before but today got to know her better! Yay! And Claire looks suppppppppppppppppppper like someone from trinity. ZOMGGG EVEN DOWN TO THE WAY THEY APPLY THEIR MAKEUP AND BRACES AND SIZE!! ZOMGGGGG. SO SCARYYYY. At first I was still thinking "huh, adrienne is in monash meh?" and when i was asking for claire's number I nearly typed "adrienne" as her name. zomgg. SO ANGKER.
Yeah, anw some really really disturbing stuff happened during the potluck and Claire, wye ping, Zelia, Sherlynn and I were like "AAHHH" and we ran out and bonded like srsly. Wye was srsly disturbed, so was Claire. :(((
Yay meeting tricia @ 11am for brunch (:
meeting ray at 4.20pm for movie (decided like 1hour ago. lol)
dinner with andrea and gang at 6.30pm at somewhere nice!!!
Zomgg ushering at 9am on Sundaayy ): then have to come back to study for econs test!!! :( Ughhh. TMR IM GONNA HAVE SO MUCH FUN AND ENJOY MYSELFFF!!!!
Thursday, March 19, 2009
I had a nightmare last night ):
Zomgg today's econs lecture was overwhelming to zee max. It was like INFORMATION OVERLOAD! It's as if for every 50words the lecturer said, there'd be a graph to draw. ZOMGGG. And some graphs are like "ZOMG, WHAT?!" and the "i feel so lost" feeling :( And accounting lecture was as fast paced as ever, I wonder how those people who have never done accounting before understand man. -.-
Ok, I'm really confused now. I'm already enrolled into an accounting unit for next sem, but i really don't wish to do accounting anymore in my lifee. But then, if I switch from that, I'd choose macroeconomics. But, if this little tip of the iceberg today is starting to make me nervous about economics, is macroeconomics really what I should be doing? Sigh. Idk idk idk. :(
Tmr is Friday. Which means, the whole gang doesn't have school except for Ray and I. Lucky people huh. And because he decided not to turn up for school today which means missing the week's worth of econs lecture and accounting lecture, he has to copy notes from me cos ECONS TEST NEXT WEEEEEEK :( And Eric is going back tmr night lah!!! For a short weekend cos his grandma's 50th wedding anniversary. So sweet. WHILST, Ray and I study for econs test in the libraryy. :( *WAILS*
WOOHOO AARON PASSED HIS DRIVING TEST!!!! SO HAPPY FOR HIM!!! HE TEXT ALL OF US "YAYYYY PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP :D:D:D:D:D:D::D:D:D:D:D" hahahahha! I think in aussie after theory you get your L, then after your driving test you get your P which is the real thing. hahaha!
Sabrina was so funny in lecture today, she was soo bored during accounting lecture and I was zoning out, so everytime the lecturer made notes, Sabrina would help me copy onto my notes, and everytime the lecturer change slides, she will help me flip my page. hahahah so funny!
Meeting dearest tricia for brunch on Saturdaaaaaaaaaay! :D :D :D I love love love love love love my urbanlife and can't thank God enough for each and everyone of them!
Lol, Billy just called me cos he was walking home and had nothing to do. Zomgg the conversation was sooo hilarious. He's such a metro. Lol, which is a good thing!! HAHAHAHA! :P
Ooooh, tomorrow I'm having pot luck with... the people staying at my place. Ok, so basically everyone who stays in "Monash Accomodation" are all Monash Uni students. And the landlord decided to hold a pot luck for everyone to know each other. I don't know whether to say I'm looking forward, or not. Alright alright, I should.
Zomgg today's econs lecture was overwhelming to zee max. It was like INFORMATION OVERLOAD! It's as if for every 50words the lecturer said, there'd be a graph to draw. ZOMGGG. And some graphs are like "ZOMG, WHAT?!" and the "i feel so lost" feeling :( And accounting lecture was as fast paced as ever, I wonder how those people who have never done accounting before understand man. -.-
Ok, I'm really confused now. I'm already enrolled into an accounting unit for next sem, but i really don't wish to do accounting anymore in my lifee. But then, if I switch from that, I'd choose macroeconomics. But, if this little tip of the iceberg today is starting to make me nervous about economics, is macroeconomics really what I should be doing? Sigh. Idk idk idk. :(
Tmr is Friday. Which means, the whole gang doesn't have school except for Ray and I. Lucky people huh. And because he decided not to turn up for school today which means missing the week's worth of econs lecture and accounting lecture, he has to copy notes from me cos ECONS TEST NEXT WEEEEEEK :( And Eric is going back tmr night lah!!! For a short weekend cos his grandma's 50th wedding anniversary. So sweet. WHILST, Ray and I study for econs test in the libraryy. :( *WAILS*
WOOHOO AARON PASSED HIS DRIVING TEST!!!! SO HAPPY FOR HIM!!! HE TEXT ALL OF US "YAYYYY PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP :D:D:D:D:D:D::D:D:D:D:D" hahahahha! I think in aussie after theory you get your L, then after your driving test you get your P which is the real thing. hahaha!
Sabrina was so funny in lecture today, she was soo bored during accounting lecture and I was zoning out, so everytime the lecturer made notes, Sabrina would help me copy onto my notes, and everytime the lecturer change slides, she will help me flip my page. hahahah so funny!
Meeting dearest tricia for brunch on Saturdaaaaaaaaaay! :D :D :D I love love love love love love my urbanlife and can't thank God enough for each and everyone of them!
Lol, Billy just called me cos he was walking home and had nothing to do. Zomgg the conversation was sooo hilarious. He's such a metro. Lol, which is a good thing!! HAHAHAHA! :P
Ooooh, tomorrow I'm having pot luck with... the people staying at my place. Ok, so basically everyone who stays in "Monash Accomodation" are all Monash Uni students. And the landlord decided to hold a pot luck for everyone to know each other. I don't know whether to say I'm looking forward, or not. Alright alright, I should.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Hey grace! Will call you next week then!! Just as well, cos I've got to finish my marketing tutorial for this friday and study for my econs test next tuesday! Tell me if you're free-er on attachment night! Hahaha and YESS TEXT ME YOUR RESULTSS :D Yknw my number yeah! Do you? Hmm.. . And I'm sure when the time is right, you'll not even feel like talking about things that doesnt matter (:
Uni was fine today. I got to know a really nice girl from my management tutorial today. hahaha today we had to form groups and build a tall infrastructure out of STRAWS AND PINS. HAHAHAH! One of my group member was like "is this engineering class or management class?!" HAHAHA! And some of them were pretty good at what they were doing! Hahaha! Very very architecture-y. Lol!
I had free bbq saussage! LOL! Unis here always have free bbq to promote whatever event that they were going to hold lah, to attract the crowds! lol!
OMG TODAY AT TUTORIAL SOO EMBARRASSING. The tutor wanted to split the whole class up into groups yeah, so she started with the girl in front of me and she said "1" the guy next to her said "2" and yadayada. And when it came to my turn, the girl beside me said 3, but because I was feeling lost, i was like "err..4?" OMGGGG THE WHOLE CLASS BURST OUT LAUGHING. And the guy in front of me was like "this is not testing your counting skills" HAHAHHA OMGGGG. SO PAISEH :(
I'm thinking what to have for dinner. :)
OH OH OHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! OHMYGOODNESS!!!!! I EXPERIENCED EARTHQUAKE!!!!!!!!!! It was a 4.6 earthquake! OMGGGGGGGGGGGG!!! SO SCARY!!!!!! I was fresh out of the shower and suddenly my whole room started shaking and I can hear loud rumbling noise and no, I didn't have flashbacks of my life, no, I didn't see a white tunnel, but instead! i thought "Omg is the ceiling going to collapse!!!!" HAHAHHAHAHAHA HIGHLIGHT OF MY LIFE. SO SCARY YOU KNOW. I FELT SO DIZZY! And I sat down, and I saw my table lamp shaking and the water level in my bottle was like trembling badly. I THOUGHT I WAS SEEING THINGS. SO SCARY. ZOMGGG EARTHQUAKEEEE. :O
I hope I finish my marketing tutorial by tonight!!! :D
And I am fasting on facebook (: Better things I can do with the excess time (: Dear God, here I come! :D
Uni was fine today. I got to know a really nice girl from my management tutorial today. hahaha today we had to form groups and build a tall infrastructure out of STRAWS AND PINS. HAHAHAH! One of my group member was like "is this engineering class or management class?!" HAHAHA! And some of them were pretty good at what they were doing! Hahaha! Very very architecture-y. Lol!
I had free bbq saussage! LOL! Unis here always have free bbq to promote whatever event that they were going to hold lah, to attract the crowds! lol!
OMG TODAY AT TUTORIAL SOO EMBARRASSING. The tutor wanted to split the whole class up into groups yeah, so she started with the girl in front of me and she said "1" the guy next to her said "2" and yadayada. And when it came to my turn, the girl beside me said 3, but because I was feeling lost, i was like "err..4?" OMGGGG THE WHOLE CLASS BURST OUT LAUGHING. And the guy in front of me was like "this is not testing your counting skills" HAHAHHA OMGGGG. SO PAISEH :(
I'm thinking what to have for dinner. :)
OH OH OHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! OHMYGOODNESS!!!!! I EXPERIENCED EARTHQUAKE!!!!!!!!!! It was a 4.6 earthquake! OMGGGGGGGGGGGG!!! SO SCARY!!!!!! I was fresh out of the shower and suddenly my whole room started shaking and I can hear loud rumbling noise and no, I didn't have flashbacks of my life, no, I didn't see a white tunnel, but instead! i thought "Omg is the ceiling going to collapse!!!!" HAHAHHAHAHAHA HIGHLIGHT OF MY LIFE. SO SCARY YOU KNOW. I FELT SO DIZZY! And I sat down, and I saw my table lamp shaking and the water level in my bottle was like trembling badly. I THOUGHT I WAS SEEING THINGS. SO SCARY. ZOMGGG EARTHQUAKEEEE. :O
I hope I finish my marketing tutorial by tonight!!! :D
And I am fasting on facebook (: Better things I can do with the excess time (: Dear God, here I come! :D
GRACE! DO you mean 12am wed night?! womann ah, means it's 3am my time you know. :O horror. And if you meant 12pm, i can't ah, im having lectures from 3-6! So since for both 12 also cannot, call you again another day? I'll tell ya again! :D
Zomgg, I still thought wah I bought a pack of sushi and eat half, then the other half save for tmr, and guess what, i just wolfed down the other half at 11.30pm. ZOMGGGGG. FATS.
Today I had Inner Champion. (which is one of my church courses)
I'm so glad I made the choice to go to inner champ. It's just mindblowing, dynamic and deals with every flaw of a Christian. The first week, we PS Debbie shared about the power of words.
Let me share with you a true story that was published in a medical psychology book ok?
Years ago, a man was having a very basic, easy and normal operation which involves very minimal risk. He wasn't worried and neither were the doctors. However, after the operation, many complications arose. There was excessive bleeding, infection and a risk of going blind. How is this possible? It was such a normal operation, why are these happening?
Specialists were flown in from all over the world. But nothing was found to be the cause. Finally, a psychologist asked the doctors what was being discussed in the operation theatre as the operation was ongoing.
The doctors replied that they were discussing about this old man who had cancer and that he was incurable and was going to die.
The psychologist then replied "I want you to put the man back under anethesia again and say that that old man will be cured and is going to live and that he himself would come out of this operation unscathed."
And it was done.
And the man was immediately cured.
The power of words - A man under anethesia, upon hearing those discouraging and negative words, his body went into rejection, depression even.
What's more the power of words of you/us Christians? We have God's authority and power, what more would the weight of our words carry? The gossips that you've spread, the salt and oil that you added, I'm guilty of it myself. If you've once said that someone "cannot make it", which part of that do you think would help that person come out of his/her difficulty? Even as non christians, this simple theory makes sense yeah? Once you've stamped someone with a label, how hard will it be for that someone to come out of that bondage? The words you speak of someone, you never know its impact that it has on others.
This is really a part of my life that I'll be trying hard to eradicate. Gossiping, talking behind people's back. Upon receiving this revelation, I believe the taming of my tongue will come next. It's gonna be hard definitely. How many conversations are actually made up of gossips? How many friends would I be risking to lose? Really, it's a scary thought. But really, instead of putting people down, why don't you, today, start encouraging others? :) Instead of talking behind the backs of others, why don't you think of how you can help him/her? Think about the many times you've misjudged someone at face value and realise he/she is acty an awesome person. Then think again, how many other have you judged and not know who he/she really is? During this process, how many potential good friends have you lost? Hmmm..
Yah ok, I know I sound so "saint/holy" lah ok, but this is something I really want to change about myself. I'm still in the process, still changing, not near yet. I gossip because it's so easy to bond with other girls while laughing at someone, but must this be the only way to forge friendships? I gossip because I get to know the newest and hottest news, but what about people who have thought of once confiding in you their troubles but decided not to because they're afraid you'd broadcast it to the world? I gossip because it's cool, but what have you yourself thought about all those gossipmongers?
And today's Inner Champ was about forgiveness. And during the time, God really put faces and names into my mind of people to forgive. It was painful no doubt, recalling the things they've said, things they've done to my or my family. But as I'm reminded of how ready God is to forgive me each time I repent, I'm just in awe you know? Like, if He sent His son down to die for my sins, and still continuously forgive me, what's more someone who's done only such hurt to me? What's more, it's tiring to carry this hate. I want to break these walls of my heart, so that nothing will stop people from coming into my heart. And I trust God enough that for every 1 person that hurts me, He'll send 10 others to heal the hurt.
Awesome if you've read up till here. I hope you feel encouraged in some way or another, that you've gotten something out of it. (:
School was fun today. Hanging out with Aaron, Eric, Ray, Sabrina, Felicia and Becs. It was all fun and nonsense :D Lots of laughing and teasing! Hahaha! Woohoo, Aaron is gonna take his driving test this thurs! And he's gonna drive to school once he passes it! :D YAYYY THEN WE CAN GO CHADSTONE FOR LUNCH HAHAHAHA :D
And praise the Lord! I finished up my accounting tutorial in record time @ the library today! YAAY! I even had time to go home and eat dinner before heading to Inner Champ :D Ohh, I love God srsly. He does wonders. Each and every time after Inner Champ, I always seem to have favours over going back home? Hahaha the first I.C, I got a car ride back and today, I met a bunch of them at the train station and we all were going to the same bus stop and there were even two guys left who were walking in the same direction as me and their places were all after mine! So from South Yarra all the way to Clayton, I was fully escorted! woohoo! For once, I felt safe taking public transport back home at night. Hahaha!
Because God, I feel you moving in my life so much this year. And I'm really excited of what you're going to do, and I know I'm going to be delightfully surprised as you reveal parts and parts of your plans for me slowly. Today, you kept reminding me of the verse that if I draw near to You, You WILL draw near to me. And true enough, as I called out to you, I felt your refreshment without fail. Yay loves! :D
Zomgg, I still thought wah I bought a pack of sushi and eat half, then the other half save for tmr, and guess what, i just wolfed down the other half at 11.30pm. ZOMGGGGG. FATS.
Today I had Inner Champion. (which is one of my church courses)
I'm so glad I made the choice to go to inner champ. It's just mindblowing, dynamic and deals with every flaw of a Christian. The first week, we PS Debbie shared about the power of words.
Let me share with you a true story that was published in a medical psychology book ok?
Years ago, a man was having a very basic, easy and normal operation which involves very minimal risk. He wasn't worried and neither were the doctors. However, after the operation, many complications arose. There was excessive bleeding, infection and a risk of going blind. How is this possible? It was such a normal operation, why are these happening?
Specialists were flown in from all over the world. But nothing was found to be the cause. Finally, a psychologist asked the doctors what was being discussed in the operation theatre as the operation was ongoing.
The doctors replied that they were discussing about this old man who had cancer and that he was incurable and was going to die.
The psychologist then replied "I want you to put the man back under anethesia again and say that that old man will be cured and is going to live and that he himself would come out of this operation unscathed."
And it was done.
And the man was immediately cured.
The power of words - A man under anethesia, upon hearing those discouraging and negative words, his body went into rejection, depression even.
What's more the power of words of you/us Christians? We have God's authority and power, what more would the weight of our words carry? The gossips that you've spread, the salt and oil that you added, I'm guilty of it myself. If you've once said that someone "cannot make it", which part of that do you think would help that person come out of his/her difficulty? Even as non christians, this simple theory makes sense yeah? Once you've stamped someone with a label, how hard will it be for that someone to come out of that bondage? The words you speak of someone, you never know its impact that it has on others.
This is really a part of my life that I'll be trying hard to eradicate. Gossiping, talking behind people's back. Upon receiving this revelation, I believe the taming of my tongue will come next. It's gonna be hard definitely. How many conversations are actually made up of gossips? How many friends would I be risking to lose? Really, it's a scary thought. But really, instead of putting people down, why don't you, today, start encouraging others? :) Instead of talking behind the backs of others, why don't you think of how you can help him/her? Think about the many times you've misjudged someone at face value and realise he/she is acty an awesome person. Then think again, how many other have you judged and not know who he/she really is? During this process, how many potential good friends have you lost? Hmmm..
Yah ok, I know I sound so "saint/holy" lah ok, but this is something I really want to change about myself. I'm still in the process, still changing, not near yet. I gossip because it's so easy to bond with other girls while laughing at someone, but must this be the only way to forge friendships? I gossip because I get to know the newest and hottest news, but what about people who have thought of once confiding in you their troubles but decided not to because they're afraid you'd broadcast it to the world? I gossip because it's cool, but what have you yourself thought about all those gossipmongers?
And today's Inner Champ was about forgiveness. And during the time, God really put faces and names into my mind of people to forgive. It was painful no doubt, recalling the things they've said, things they've done to my or my family. But as I'm reminded of how ready God is to forgive me each time I repent, I'm just in awe you know? Like, if He sent His son down to die for my sins, and still continuously forgive me, what's more someone who's done only such hurt to me? What's more, it's tiring to carry this hate. I want to break these walls of my heart, so that nothing will stop people from coming into my heart. And I trust God enough that for every 1 person that hurts me, He'll send 10 others to heal the hurt.
Awesome if you've read up till here. I hope you feel encouraged in some way or another, that you've gotten something out of it. (:
School was fun today. Hanging out with Aaron, Eric, Ray, Sabrina, Felicia and Becs. It was all fun and nonsense :D Lots of laughing and teasing! Hahaha! Woohoo, Aaron is gonna take his driving test this thurs! And he's gonna drive to school once he passes it! :D YAYYY THEN WE CAN GO CHADSTONE FOR LUNCH HAHAHAHA :D
And praise the Lord! I finished up my accounting tutorial in record time @ the library today! YAAY! I even had time to go home and eat dinner before heading to Inner Champ :D Ohh, I love God srsly. He does wonders. Each and every time after Inner Champ, I always seem to have favours over going back home? Hahaha the first I.C, I got a car ride back and today, I met a bunch of them at the train station and we all were going to the same bus stop and there were even two guys left who were walking in the same direction as me and their places were all after mine! So from South Yarra all the way to Clayton, I was fully escorted! woohoo! For once, I felt safe taking public transport back home at night. Hahaha!
Because God, I feel you moving in my life so much this year. And I'm really excited of what you're going to do, and I know I'm going to be delightfully surprised as you reveal parts and parts of your plans for me slowly. Today, you kept reminding me of the verse that if I draw near to You, You WILL draw near to me. And true enough, as I called out to you, I felt your refreshment without fail. Yay loves! :D
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
OH OH! On Sunday, I went with Andrea and Davin to Camberwell Market! OMGGG!!!! I got super nice accessories for $2? $3? And super nice bags for $5? And super awesome dresses for $10? DAMNNNN FREAKING WORTH IT. ZOMGGGGGGGG :D SO HAPPY AS I TRIED ON EACH OF THEM AT HOME!!
Now.. I just need to get a nice pair of heels (:
`I want to comfort you, but I don't know how. And I don't think it should be me either.
Now.. I just need to get a nice pair of heels (:
`I want to comfort you, but I don't know how. And I don't think it should be me either.
@ 9am, i woke up, FREEEZING. So I went back to sleep instead of the intended "wake up to do housework" plan.
@11.30am, not THAAAT cold but I can feel the quite chilly wind.
@1.45pm when I left the house, the wind was ok-ish cold, but not blowing frequently. It was tolerable.
@3.30om, when I was at the bus stop, THE SUN WAS SCORCHING!!! Seriously you know, like I was wearing a spag top with a cardi right, then i can feel the sun SCORCHING my chest. like seriously!!! IT WAS SOOOOOOOOOOOO FREAKING HOT! I can feel myself being BAKED man. The sun was sooo painful. And hello, the max temp for today is supposed to be 18deg?! So I bring my thick winter jacket out? (cos i can feel myself falling sick alr) AND NOW THE SUN IS LIKE BURNING ME. Hahaha and ray was wearing a knit with scarf and i was like "not hot?" and he act tough "no very cold ah." ROFL. I secretly think he was secretly toasted.
I had urbanlife tonight! I was chatting with Lydia, and she told me about smth which really reminded me of the promises God has for me, and all the words that has been spoken over my life by leaders and pastors. This whole week I have been reminded again and again about what Lydia spoke over my life when I was baptised but I thought it was just me. Then today, Lydia confirmed once again about these promises and perhaps even, my calling in His kingdom? I mean like, Lydia didn't even know I've been thinking about these, but yet what she said.. really, powerful.
And during worship, Adelene had a vision of a rainbow which symbolizes the promises of God and a very dry tree. And beside the tree, was a river. And as the tree soaked in the water, it grew and grew till it touched the rainbow. It was so refreshing to think of ourselves and God in this perspective.
Oh just now at the bus stop so scary ok!! There was a huge BOOM, like a crashing sound and everyone was wondering if it was a gun shot. Then suddenly this uncle turned and saw that his jacket was egg-smeared. In other words, someone threw an egg at him. It shocked me really, I thought only Chinese was into this "egg throwing" thing like in dramas yknw? Wah, even ang mohs also so into egg throwing ah! Hmm :X Yeah, anw the whole situation was very weird and scary. I was so afraid that I would get thrown smth in the head. Afterwhich, a group of rowdy guys did a car stunt and sped off. SO SCARY. Max Srsly.
Not watching Friday the 13th anymoree. There was so much bad reviews about it lor. And the timing is at 5pm. Bzz. The next review which I thought was quite nice "The Readers" or something, i cant rmbr. But it was a super literature film so I assume the guys wont like it eh.
Ugh, mgmt lecture tmrr ): Sian diao k. Then econs tut, ugh. As much as i lovee the subject, nahh, don't like the tutorial. Then accounting lecture with my usual! Aaron Sabrina Eric Ray! Woohoo! So fun :D
I feel quite disappointed, no more movie aft school ): but at least this means i get to go inner champ. woohoo.
Weather, please dont cheat my feelings tmr ok? ^^ You are supposed to be a max of 21degrees tmr, and you are forecasted to rain. So please, don't scorch.
OH OMG SO FUNNY!!! Today as I was leaving Davin's house right, then we were walking to the lift, then I realise my handphone was not in my bag and I was like "oh shit!!" And i felt in my pocket and it wasn't there too! SO I chiong back to his house then suddenly I heard my ringtone and FELT the vibration. And I was like HUH OMG! MY HP IS IN MY OTHER POCKET!!
Hahaha ok the thing is i always only put my hp in my right pocket, so i only checked one "leg" and not the other? IT WAS HILARIOUS I TELL YOU. The realisation that the hp is in the pocket i didn't check. It's soo funny, i couldn't stop laughing. at myself, yes.
@ 9am, i woke up, FREEEZING. So I went back to sleep instead of the intended "wake up to do housework" plan.
@11.30am, not THAAAT cold but I can feel the quite chilly wind.
@1.45pm when I left the house, the wind was ok-ish cold, but not blowing frequently. It was tolerable.
@3.30om, when I was at the bus stop, THE SUN WAS SCORCHING!!! Seriously you know, like I was wearing a spag top with a cardi right, then i can feel the sun SCORCHING my chest. like seriously!!! IT WAS SOOOOOOOOOOOO FREAKING HOT! I can feel myself being BAKED man. The sun was sooo painful. And hello, the max temp for today is supposed to be 18deg?! So I bring my thick winter jacket out? (cos i can feel myself falling sick alr) AND NOW THE SUN IS LIKE BURNING ME. Hahaha and ray was wearing a knit with scarf and i was like "not hot?" and he act tough "no very cold ah." ROFL. I secretly think he was secretly toasted.
I had urbanlife tonight! I was chatting with Lydia, and she told me about smth which really reminded me of the promises God has for me, and all the words that has been spoken over my life by leaders and pastors. This whole week I have been reminded again and again about what Lydia spoke over my life when I was baptised but I thought it was just me. Then today, Lydia confirmed once again about these promises and perhaps even, my calling in His kingdom? I mean like, Lydia didn't even know I've been thinking about these, but yet what she said.. really, powerful.
And during worship, Adelene had a vision of a rainbow which symbolizes the promises of God and a very dry tree. And beside the tree, was a river. And as the tree soaked in the water, it grew and grew till it touched the rainbow. It was so refreshing to think of ourselves and God in this perspective.
Oh just now at the bus stop so scary ok!! There was a huge BOOM, like a crashing sound and everyone was wondering if it was a gun shot. Then suddenly this uncle turned and saw that his jacket was egg-smeared. In other words, someone threw an egg at him. It shocked me really, I thought only Chinese was into this "egg throwing" thing like in dramas yknw? Wah, even ang mohs also so into egg throwing ah! Hmm :X Yeah, anw the whole situation was very weird and scary. I was so afraid that I would get thrown smth in the head. Afterwhich, a group of rowdy guys did a car stunt and sped off. SO SCARY. Max Srsly.
Not watching Friday the 13th anymoree. There was so much bad reviews about it lor. And the timing is at 5pm. Bzz. The next review which I thought was quite nice "The Readers" or something, i cant rmbr. But it was a super literature film so I assume the guys wont like it eh.
Ugh, mgmt lecture tmrr ): Sian diao k. Then econs tut, ugh. As much as i lovee the subject, nahh, don't like the tutorial. Then accounting lecture with my usual! Aaron Sabrina Eric Ray! Woohoo! So fun :D
I feel quite disappointed, no more movie aft school ): but at least this means i get to go inner champ. woohoo.
Weather, please dont cheat my feelings tmr ok? ^^ You are supposed to be a max of 21degrees tmr, and you are forecasted to rain. So please, don't scorch.
OH OMG SO FUNNY!!! Today as I was leaving Davin's house right, then we were walking to the lift, then I realise my handphone was not in my bag and I was like "oh shit!!" And i felt in my pocket and it wasn't there too! SO I chiong back to his house then suddenly I heard my ringtone and FELT the vibration. And I was like HUH OMG! MY HP IS IN MY OTHER POCKET!!
Hahaha ok the thing is i always only put my hp in my right pocket, so i only checked one "leg" and not the other? IT WAS HILARIOUS I TELL YOU. The realisation that the hp is in the pocket i didn't check. It's soo funny, i couldn't stop laughing. at myself, yes.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Hey huiwen! Lovely to see your tag (: Yeah marketing is awesome shizz right! It just clicks into place yeah! You just go like "ORHHHHH..." instead of "HUH?" hahaha! Don't you just love that feeling of not feeling lost! HUEHUE. :D
Hello fellow friends! I'm just back from watching "CONFESSIONS OF A SHOPAHOLIC!" IT IS ONE OF ZEE MOST FUNNIEST SHOW. HAHAHHA! GO WATCH GO WATCH!!! It's not disappointing, and it doesn't fall short of the book! There are so many parts that the cinema goes like "AWWWWW.." or "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH" and laugh like madness moments. hahaha!
And I caught up with val and peako today at pancake parlour! It was really good albeit brief. We shared lots of stuff and just had fun talking about what happened and stuff (:
Then dinner with andrea, davin, joseph, edwin and jia ye! And movie! :D And next tuesday after school Ray, Eric and I will be watching friday the 13th! WOOHOO :D Along with aaron and sabrina maybe! :D Hahahaha my "uni friends". So cool. Now I've got my primary sch friends, my sec sch friends, my trinity friends, and my uni friends! WAHHHHHH. I feel so oldd. So many stages of life has passed. (:
God's great, seriously. Like everytime I try to catch a cab back home from the train station, even though I'd always have to wait in the coldddd for a cab that comes every dono how long, but something good always comes out of it!
The first time, I met 3 Singaporeans who's doing first year uni in Monash as well whilst offering to share a cab. Then today, I met 2 people who stays at my accomodation as well!! And they're really nice people and they were in the same movie theatre as us too! Hahahha! God's awesome. I really feel so blessed with all the people He has put into my life this year. I just love all the little coincidences, all the "how i met him/her", it's just like woww. :D
I'm so happy I'm making all these new friends, excited to know how our friendship will grow, where it will take me/her/him/us to, what phases of life we'll be going through together and all that. Really, I'm so thankful for every single person He has placed in my life this year. Both, new and old. (: Thankful for new people because making new friends is definitely a fun process and of course for the fact that we can help each other and have fun together and to develop newer and closer friendships with different people from all walks of lives and different cultures. Thankful for old friends because it's always nice to fall back on something familiar and also nice to know who's always sticking around, always there for you, and that some things remain the same despite whatever circumstances. SO awesome, I love my friends.
I think 09 is gonna be one of the best years of my life. 2006 was really really good srsly, 2007 was kindda hmmmm, 2008 was smooth, 2009 - i look forward to a blast. (:
Hi Andrea, sorry I made that stupid comment on the corridor today before we left for melbourne central :(
Hello fellow friends! I'm just back from watching "CONFESSIONS OF A SHOPAHOLIC!" IT IS ONE OF ZEE MOST FUNNIEST SHOW. HAHAHHA! GO WATCH GO WATCH!!! It's not disappointing, and it doesn't fall short of the book! There are so many parts that the cinema goes like "AWWWWW.." or "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH" and laugh like madness moments. hahaha!
And I caught up with val and peako today at pancake parlour! It was really good albeit brief. We shared lots of stuff and just had fun talking about what happened and stuff (:
Then dinner with andrea, davin, joseph, edwin and jia ye! And movie! :D And next tuesday after school Ray, Eric and I will be watching friday the 13th! WOOHOO :D Along with aaron and sabrina maybe! :D Hahahaha my "uni friends". So cool. Now I've got my primary sch friends, my sec sch friends, my trinity friends, and my uni friends! WAHHHHHH. I feel so oldd. So many stages of life has passed. (:
God's great, seriously. Like everytime I try to catch a cab back home from the train station, even though I'd always have to wait in the coldddd for a cab that comes every dono how long, but something good always comes out of it!
The first time, I met 3 Singaporeans who's doing first year uni in Monash as well whilst offering to share a cab. Then today, I met 2 people who stays at my accomodation as well!! And they're really nice people and they were in the same movie theatre as us too! Hahahha! God's awesome. I really feel so blessed with all the people He has put into my life this year. I just love all the little coincidences, all the "how i met him/her", it's just like woww. :D
I'm so happy I'm making all these new friends, excited to know how our friendship will grow, where it will take me/her/him/us to, what phases of life we'll be going through together and all that. Really, I'm so thankful for every single person He has placed in my life this year. Both, new and old. (: Thankful for new people because making new friends is definitely a fun process and of course for the fact that we can help each other and have fun together and to develop newer and closer friendships with different people from all walks of lives and different cultures. Thankful for old friends because it's always nice to fall back on something familiar and also nice to know who's always sticking around, always there for you, and that some things remain the same despite whatever circumstances. SO awesome, I love my friends.
I think 09 is gonna be one of the best years of my life. 2006 was really really good srsly, 2007 was kindda hmmmm, 2008 was smooth, 2009 - i look forward to a blast. (:
Hi Andrea, sorry I made that stupid comment on the corridor today before we left for melbourne central :(
Friday, March 13, 2009
Omg i'm so shag. Slept at 5.30am ystd cos debbie lim called whilst i was chionging my marketing tutorial. WOMANNN AHHHH. I NEARLY DIED IN MY LECTURE TODAY. SOOO TIRED.
So I met ray in marketing lecture. Woohoo both of us bored like mad. I wwas playing tic tac toe with myself, he was doodling. And I totally LOLed at a very discreet note he wrote to me. HAHAHA SO FUNNAY. Then we had a brief lunch tghtr, whilst trying to figure out where eric was and why is his voicemail so creepy. ANGKER.
Yay my marketing tutor is super good at what she's doing! Very engaging, easy to understand! Ok, maybe last night I was too zonked out to understand what the text was saying but still, she's rly good! I like her already! Except that when she asked me a question I didn't know how to answer. HEHE :P
Yay I really love commerce. I'm so glad that I didn't choose to do real estate just for the sake of staying in Melbourne Uni cos I would most prolly have died. I love commerce, it's so relevant and it's like all around you.
You know how people always say science is all around you, you're in touch with science everyday, so science shouldn't be a difficult subject, it's common sense blah dee blah? Nawp, not that way for me. I feel so only for commerce. YAY SO HAPPY :D It's like studying is no longer a chore? Cos I rly like what I'm doing. ^^ And I actually look forward to do my readings cos I'm.. eager to know about the market and economy?
Ok the above does not apply to management or accounting. JUST ECONS AND MARKETING.
Accounting to me is like........ - _ you can what i mean? Whereas econs and marketing is --. SO the former is like, i'll never be able to link or connect the theories or mgmt and acc. but for econs and mkt, its like.. feel so enlighted! HAHAHA.
Ok nuff about studies, its zee weekends!
Omgg tricia just gave me a new people from church to call up! So nervous! Dno what to say! My first timeee!
Ok have to do laundry today.
Miss wye, wanna hang out with herrrr and do girl things. :(
Stock exchange,
my calling?
Or not.
Omg i'm so shag. Slept at 5.30am ystd cos debbie lim called whilst i was chionging my marketing tutorial. WOMANNN AHHHH. I NEARLY DIED IN MY LECTURE TODAY. SOOO TIRED.
So I met ray in marketing lecture. Woohoo both of us bored like mad. I wwas playing tic tac toe with myself, he was doodling. And I totally LOLed at a very discreet note he wrote to me. HAHAHA SO FUNNAY. Then we had a brief lunch tghtr, whilst trying to figure out where eric was and why is his voicemail so creepy. ANGKER.
Yay my marketing tutor is super good at what she's doing! Very engaging, easy to understand! Ok, maybe last night I was too zonked out to understand what the text was saying but still, she's rly good! I like her already! Except that when she asked me a question I didn't know how to answer. HEHE :P
Yay I really love commerce. I'm so glad that I didn't choose to do real estate just for the sake of staying in Melbourne Uni cos I would most prolly have died. I love commerce, it's so relevant and it's like all around you.
You know how people always say science is all around you, you're in touch with science everyday, so science shouldn't be a difficult subject, it's common sense blah dee blah? Nawp, not that way for me. I feel so only for commerce. YAY SO HAPPY :D It's like studying is no longer a chore? Cos I rly like what I'm doing. ^^ And I actually look forward to do my readings cos I'm.. eager to know about the market and economy?
Ok the above does not apply to management or accounting. JUST ECONS AND MARKETING.
Accounting to me is like........ - _ you can what i mean? Whereas econs and marketing is --. SO the former is like, i'll never be able to link or connect the theories or mgmt and acc. but for econs and mkt, its like.. feel so enlighted! HAHAHA.
Ok nuff about studies, its zee weekends!
Omgg tricia just gave me a new people from church to call up! So nervous! Dno what to say! My first timeee!
Ok have to do laundry today.
Miss wye, wanna hang out with herrrr and do girl things. :(
Stock exchange,
my calling?
Or not.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Hahaha ok this is so funny. I was talking to eric on fb and he asked me to which slide did the lecturer stop at last week. So I told him I just painted my nails, still waiting for it to dry so I'll check for him later. So yadayadayada, and I told him it was my first time painting my own nails and he said
"yeah, what you should do is to dip your whole finger into the polish bottle"
And and yesterday, ray, eric, lauretta and I went to "study session" at the Halls which is the on-campus dorms, accomodation, hall of residence whatever. And we were lost. Like thoroughly lost, we were like the only pedestrians and there was like a lake and mountain and shizz. And we finally found the Halls and it was rly like old and dirty and dark and cos the 3 of them are all indonesians, they started to say like "angker angker angker" and i found out that it meant scary, creepy that sorta thing. And the wholeeeee way we were like "wah angker sia. angker sia" HAHAHHAHAHA! And like small small thing also "angker! angker!" HAHAHHAHAHHA so dumb hahahahhaha. hilarious man. It was like our new "in" word. HAHAHHAA!
And that night, I dreamt that we 4 were back at the Halls. Then Ray said "oh, if your sim card is missing means the ghost is using your phone" HAHAHHAHA SO RETARDED RIGHT. but in my dream super freaked out cos my sim card was missing. HAHAHA.
angker ftw! HAHAHHA.
I'm rly very goondu about painting my own nails. You know how you go to the mancurist and it's smooth and like nice and polished right, mine's like blotchy and thick and I got polish stains on the side of my nails. SO GROSS. seriously man. hahahha what the heck.
Hooked on Corrine May. :)
"yeah, what you should do is to dip your whole finger into the polish bottle"
And and yesterday, ray, eric, lauretta and I went to "study session" at the Halls which is the on-campus dorms, accomodation, hall of residence whatever. And we were lost. Like thoroughly lost, we were like the only pedestrians and there was like a lake and mountain and shizz. And we finally found the Halls and it was rly like old and dirty and dark and cos the 3 of them are all indonesians, they started to say like "angker angker angker" and i found out that it meant scary, creepy that sorta thing. And the wholeeeee way we were like "wah angker sia. angker sia" HAHAHHAHAHA! And like small small thing also "angker! angker!" HAHAHHAHAHHA so dumb hahahahhaha. hilarious man. It was like our new "in" word. HAHAHHAA!
And that night, I dreamt that we 4 were back at the Halls. Then Ray said "oh, if your sim card is missing means the ghost is using your phone" HAHAHHAHA SO RETARDED RIGHT. but in my dream super freaked out cos my sim card was missing. HAHAHA.
angker ftw! HAHAHHA.
I'm rly very goondu about painting my own nails. You know how you go to the mancurist and it's smooth and like nice and polished right, mine's like blotchy and thick and I got polish stains on the side of my nails. SO GROSS. seriously man. hahahha what the heck.
Hooked on Corrine May. :)
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Hello world! Aww so nice to see comments coming in, YAY THANK YOU PEOPLE FOR STILL CONTINUTING TO READ MY BLOG, makes me feel.. unforgotten? AHHAHAHAH.
Anww, uni's good. But, first year still isn't "such a breeze" as people always said it'd be. I'm already bombarded with assignments, mid-sem tests, tutorial work already! It all seemed overwhelming at first, but I soon came to cope with it with the help of dearest Tricia who shared with me how her first year was like and also Miss Laksana telliing me she's also going through the same thing. And also through lots and lots of prayer and support of my mum ^^
Staying alone isn't actually quite as bad. There's quite a few things that I can now do that I usually can't when I had a housemate. I think I'm very loner that's why I find staying alone fine by all means. HAHAHA. But unpacking all my stuff that I moved from my old house, was emotionally draining, really. I've never felt so helpless and overwhelmed by all the things I've to do before. I was frustrated, bitter, alone, helpless and just like $*@($&@(^$*&@^$. But this whole moving house things has taught me alot. Definitely has strengthened me too, and also taught me to rely on the Lord's strength at all times.
OHMYGOSH, MANAGEMENT IS SOOOOOOOOOOOOO BORING. I totally dislike it and don't feel like going to understand what's happening at all. UGHHH. I love econs, sersiously, I think it's the most useful and relevant and easiest to understand subject. I had accounting tutorial today, SO BORING, i felt so lost. It's so different from trinity's accounting, SO CHIM GAHHHH. Ok maybe cos I didn't do the reading pre-tutorial. Gahh. Accounting and management. BZZZZ. Econs and marketing. YAY :D
Tmr I've got full on lectures from 3-6pm. !!!!
Only yesterday did I learn that A levels results were out on Friday!!! Woaahhh felt so nervous at that point of time for all my friends! But thankfully they all seemed to be happy with their results. :) Yay.
And I've got a tutorial mate who looks like toby mcguire!! And his name is toby too! Just different family name. HOW AWESOME RIGHT. This toby was born in Poland. COOLNESS MAX. Yeah in case ya'll are wondering, yeah there are ang mohs in my tutorial. In fact, majority are aussies. Sometimes I feel scarily outnumbered.
Just a testimony I wanna share with ya'll. You all know how nervous I was before I left Singapore yeah, thrown to face moving house alone and all. But you know what? When I walked into the gate, I spotted only ONE seat left in the entireeee waiting area, and I was like "YAY!" cos i was carrying so much stuff, so I just plopped myself down. And suddenly, I heard someone say hi to me on my left, and it was a vaguely familiar face.
"Oh! You're Roy's friend right! Did we meet at the bbq that day?"
"Yeah I'm Billy by the way, sorry I forgot your name."
And we started talking while waiting for our seat rows to be called. Already, at this point of time I was so happy to see someone I know, someone so friendly and warm.
After the plane landed, we went to collect our luggages together and I really really was so glad I was with him cos my luggage was so ridiculously heavy. (did i mention I got fined for my overweight luggage.) And we chatted alot since the wait was so long.
"So what are your plans for today?"
"Oh.. I have to pack and move my stuff from my old house to my new house"
We parted on the grounds that he would call me to help me move my stuff since he has a car and me not really agreeing to it. (sure a part of me was quite happy and desperate for the help, but a part of me was going "nahh, not nice to trouble you.) And as I was packing, Lydia called me. After all the "AHHHH HOW ARE YOUUUU!!!" she told me that Billy called her to tell her I'm back and she insisted on coming over no matter what and the conversation ended with "see you at 1pm, bye."
And you know what, I am sooooooooooooooo thankful for their help. The amount of stuff I had to move was ridiculous for such a small room I had. And with all their help and fun we had, it was soo much easier. And in that one day, I made 2 new awesome friends. Billy and Esther, Lydia's friend.
And, I thank God for all these. Thank Him that despite this holiday that I've given up on Him, He hasn't given up on me yet. He has taught me to come to Him in times of trouble, to rely on His strength at all times and to remember all the promises He had said for He will execute it. I'm so grateful for the 3 of them, not just because they helped me moved my house, but also because they help reignite my faith and passion for God, to lead me back into the flock. It's just so amazing how everything has lined up. And of all people, it's Billy, Lydia and Esther - 3 such amazing man and women of God. Through these hours, they have taught me so much. Really, so thankful. (:
It's like God's saying "I've come through for you. Won't you trust in me again?" It's just so amazing. So for any of you who are going through any dry-ness or feeling like your prayers are going unanswered, or that He's not listening, PRESS ON! He's a silent listener to all your conversations, what's more to your heart's prayer? At the right time, He will do what's best for you, just allow yourself to be a vessel for His will to be done. You guys are awesome!
Ok tonight no more computer for me! It's study time! I feel so lag behind in my readings k. It's so scary to not understand anything in tutorials. Gosh, uni is so different. Even the tutorial work is like #@#*&(^@$*&%@*$. So different, just so different. Like in college is like everything you learn in lectures, you apply it to your work. But here you really have to understand and analyse the lecture and readings before you can do your tutorial cos if not it will seem as if you haven't learnt anything about it before. IT'S SCARY.
OMGGGG I LOVE MY INTERNET. It's like AMAZING. I can listen to music, watch youtube WITHOUT IT EVEN STOP TO BUFFERING. It's like in a matter of seconds, IT'S FULLY LOADED!!! SOOOO AWESOMEEEE. Yay. But yesterday I lost my internet connection for awhile. Scary.
Yay this weekend gonna meet valerie and peako for LUNCH!!!! :D And next saturday meeting tricia for lunch!!! AWESOME. I <3 catch ups :D
Anww, uni's good. But, first year still isn't "such a breeze" as people always said it'd be. I'm already bombarded with assignments, mid-sem tests, tutorial work already! It all seemed overwhelming at first, but I soon came to cope with it with the help of dearest Tricia who shared with me how her first year was like and also Miss Laksana telliing me she's also going through the same thing. And also through lots and lots of prayer and support of my mum ^^
Staying alone isn't actually quite as bad. There's quite a few things that I can now do that I usually can't when I had a housemate. I think I'm very loner that's why I find staying alone fine by all means. HAHAHA. But unpacking all my stuff that I moved from my old house, was emotionally draining, really. I've never felt so helpless and overwhelmed by all the things I've to do before. I was frustrated, bitter, alone, helpless and just like $*@($&@(^$*&@^$. But this whole moving house things has taught me alot. Definitely has strengthened me too, and also taught me to rely on the Lord's strength at all times.
OHMYGOSH, MANAGEMENT IS SOOOOOOOOOOOOO BORING. I totally dislike it and don't feel like going to understand what's happening at all. UGHHH. I love econs, sersiously, I think it's the most useful and relevant and easiest to understand subject. I had accounting tutorial today, SO BORING, i felt so lost. It's so different from trinity's accounting, SO CHIM GAHHHH. Ok maybe cos I didn't do the reading pre-tutorial. Gahh. Accounting and management. BZZZZ. Econs and marketing. YAY :D
Tmr I've got full on lectures from 3-6pm. !!!!
Only yesterday did I learn that A levels results were out on Friday!!! Woaahhh felt so nervous at that point of time for all my friends! But thankfully they all seemed to be happy with their results. :) Yay.
And I've got a tutorial mate who looks like toby mcguire!! And his name is toby too! Just different family name. HOW AWESOME RIGHT. This toby was born in Poland. COOLNESS MAX. Yeah in case ya'll are wondering, yeah there are ang mohs in my tutorial. In fact, majority are aussies. Sometimes I feel scarily outnumbered.
Just a testimony I wanna share with ya'll. You all know how nervous I was before I left Singapore yeah, thrown to face moving house alone and all. But you know what? When I walked into the gate, I spotted only ONE seat left in the entireeee waiting area, and I was like "YAY!" cos i was carrying so much stuff, so I just plopped myself down. And suddenly, I heard someone say hi to me on my left, and it was a vaguely familiar face.
"Oh! You're Roy's friend right! Did we meet at the bbq that day?"
"Yeah I'm Billy by the way, sorry I forgot your name."
And we started talking while waiting for our seat rows to be called. Already, at this point of time I was so happy to see someone I know, someone so friendly and warm.
After the plane landed, we went to collect our luggages together and I really really was so glad I was with him cos my luggage was so ridiculously heavy. (did i mention I got fined for my overweight luggage.) And we chatted alot since the wait was so long.
"So what are your plans for today?"
"Oh.. I have to pack and move my stuff from my old house to my new house"
We parted on the grounds that he would call me to help me move my stuff since he has a car and me not really agreeing to it. (sure a part of me was quite happy and desperate for the help, but a part of me was going "nahh, not nice to trouble you.) And as I was packing, Lydia called me. After all the "AHHHH HOW ARE YOUUUU!!!" she told me that Billy called her to tell her I'm back and she insisted on coming over no matter what and the conversation ended with "see you at 1pm, bye."
And you know what, I am sooooooooooooooo thankful for their help. The amount of stuff I had to move was ridiculous for such a small room I had. And with all their help and fun we had, it was soo much easier. And in that one day, I made 2 new awesome friends. Billy and Esther, Lydia's friend.
And, I thank God for all these. Thank Him that despite this holiday that I've given up on Him, He hasn't given up on me yet. He has taught me to come to Him in times of trouble, to rely on His strength at all times and to remember all the promises He had said for He will execute it. I'm so grateful for the 3 of them, not just because they helped me moved my house, but also because they help reignite my faith and passion for God, to lead me back into the flock. It's just so amazing how everything has lined up. And of all people, it's Billy, Lydia and Esther - 3 such amazing man and women of God. Through these hours, they have taught me so much. Really, so thankful. (:
It's like God's saying "I've come through for you. Won't you trust in me again?" It's just so amazing. So for any of you who are going through any dry-ness or feeling like your prayers are going unanswered, or that He's not listening, PRESS ON! He's a silent listener to all your conversations, what's more to your heart's prayer? At the right time, He will do what's best for you, just allow yourself to be a vessel for His will to be done. You guys are awesome!
Ok tonight no more computer for me! It's study time! I feel so lag behind in my readings k. It's so scary to not understand anything in tutorials. Gosh, uni is so different. Even the tutorial work is like #@#*&(^@$*&%@*$. So different, just so different. Like in college is like everything you learn in lectures, you apply it to your work. But here you really have to understand and analyse the lecture and readings before you can do your tutorial cos if not it will seem as if you haven't learnt anything about it before. IT'S SCARY.
OMGGGG I LOVE MY INTERNET. It's like AMAZING. I can listen to music, watch youtube WITHOUT IT EVEN STOP TO BUFFERING. It's like in a matter of seconds, IT'S FULLY LOADED!!! SOOOO AWESOMEEEE. Yay. But yesterday I lost my internet connection for awhile. Scary.
Yay this weekend gonna meet valerie and peako for LUNCH!!!! :D And next saturday meeting tricia for lunch!!! AWESOME. I <3 catch ups :D
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Hello to whoever is still so kind enough to continue reading my stagnant blog. :)
I apologise, but I've only just got my internet connection today ever since I arrived back in Melbourne. :) This month has been an emotional roller coaster, a torment at times, it has been rly bad, but rly good too. It has definitely helped me grow in ways I know I never will had I been in Melb U. (:
Long stories short, I'm starting to enjoy Uni. Yes at first I was really overwhelmed by the workload, felt scared and alone for not having any friends. But praise the Lord, I'm overcoming these fears and starting to see the good side of it, simply because He has opened up different doors for me.
It's 3am now and I've just finished my tut, and this is just to say hi to whoever's still reading, will update this blog again. :)
PS. I love my internet now, SO FAST!!! :D
Each time I think of how great You've been to me, I fall in love with You all over again. (: Even through times of confusion and fear, even through times when I'm searching for a way out or an answer, I love you. I love you Jesus. You've been kind and forgiving, it's time I start giving honour to what's been done and yet to come.
I'm just so happy with all the new friends I'm making now, I'm really happy, thank You. And I know each and everyone of them are so special in their own way, thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu :D
I LOVE ECONS! (: (i hope this is smth i wont regret saying in future) Hahaha!
First year of university, haha can't believe it still.
I apologise, but I've only just got my internet connection today ever since I arrived back in Melbourne. :) This month has been an emotional roller coaster, a torment at times, it has been rly bad, but rly good too. It has definitely helped me grow in ways I know I never will had I been in Melb U. (:
Long stories short, I'm starting to enjoy Uni. Yes at first I was really overwhelmed by the workload, felt scared and alone for not having any friends. But praise the Lord, I'm overcoming these fears and starting to see the good side of it, simply because He has opened up different doors for me.
It's 3am now and I've just finished my tut, and this is just to say hi to whoever's still reading, will update this blog again. :)
PS. I love my internet now, SO FAST!!! :D
Each time I think of how great You've been to me, I fall in love with You all over again. (: Even through times of confusion and fear, even through times when I'm searching for a way out or an answer, I love you. I love you Jesus. You've been kind and forgiving, it's time I start giving honour to what's been done and yet to come.
I'm just so happy with all the new friends I'm making now, I'm really happy, thank You. And I know each and everyone of them are so special in their own way, thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu :D
I LOVE ECONS! (: (i hope this is smth i wont regret saying in future) Hahaha!
First year of university, haha can't believe it still.
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