I want to eat ice cream nowwwwwww ah. I'm thinking..
Vanilla! (i havent had vanilla for soooo long!)
Ben&Jerry's Strawberry Cheesecake! (there's no ben&jerry's in melb!)
Thursday, April 30, 2009
The truth is,
I miss home, alot. All my friends back in Singapore, my family, my whole family.
I am stressed out for next week because I have one assignment and 2 tests due in the same week. And the assigment is so demanding that I'm just too scared to start on it. It scares me.
I don't like staying alone. Yes, truth's out. Yeah, I don't mind staying alone, but given a choice, I won't choose to stay alone anymore. It sucks, it gets lonely and frustrating. When you feel sad, there's no one to talk to you. When you feel bored, there's no one to bum around with you. When you feel happy, there's only the 4 walls to smile whiteness at you. When you feel unmotivated, there's no one to be cheer you on. Yes I've realised im not much of a loner as I thought, I'd like to be by people I love and care, I like to have someone to talk to, even if its rubbish.
I need to talk to someone.
Don't misunderstand me, I've got some of the most amazing friends in uni. I laugh alot on in uni, talk lots of crap and im always with this bunch of awesome people in uni and I love them all. (: But I'd just like someone to fall back on when I'm at home, someone to ask me how was my day, I'd just like to feel the presence of a human being at home. I don't like the silence of the still air, and sometimes even music can't mask the airiness of this room.
Sucks, I want to go back to Sg. Like, now. I need all the people I love to appear in front of me, now.
I miss home, alot. All my friends back in Singapore, my family, my whole family.
I am stressed out for next week because I have one assignment and 2 tests due in the same week. And the assigment is so demanding that I'm just too scared to start on it. It scares me.
I don't like staying alone. Yes, truth's out. Yeah, I don't mind staying alone, but given a choice, I won't choose to stay alone anymore. It sucks, it gets lonely and frustrating. When you feel sad, there's no one to talk to you. When you feel bored, there's no one to bum around with you. When you feel happy, there's only the 4 walls to smile whiteness at you. When you feel unmotivated, there's no one to be cheer you on. Yes I've realised im not much of a loner as I thought, I'd like to be by people I love and care, I like to have someone to talk to, even if its rubbish.
I need to talk to someone.
Don't misunderstand me, I've got some of the most amazing friends in uni. I laugh alot on in uni, talk lots of crap and im always with this bunch of awesome people in uni and I love them all. (: But I'd just like someone to fall back on when I'm at home, someone to ask me how was my day, I'd just like to feel the presence of a human being at home. I don't like the silence of the still air, and sometimes even music can't mask the airiness of this room.
Sucks, I want to go back to Sg. Like, now. I need all the people I love to appear in front of me, now.
These are the pictures taken by my dearest friends while they were over at my place and while I was busying in the kitchen. Omggggg turned on my camera to see these. Tsktsk :P
Dono how they take untill so zoomed in.

This was taken by them.
And this jug. Zomg ah I think they're very bored cos my house has no tv. HAHAHA.

Over at Andrea's place the next morning of sleepover :D Took this picture of Andrea while we were waiting for Joseph to get ready.
Look Ma! No neck! HAHAHHAHAHA.

I love their beanbag please, sooo comfortable. I ALSO WANT ONE :(
This was a very bored me when no one wanted to entertain me. HAHAHAHA.
We had dim sum at Dragonboat for lunch that day. Sigh, so disappointing. Sharks Fin House was sooo much better! :(
We had dim sum at Dragonboat for lunch that day. Sigh, so disappointing. Sharks Fin House was sooo much better! :(
It was raininggggg. And me, who neverrr wear heels, decided to wear my super high thin heels that day! HOW DUMB. And the wind was blowing, the rain was heavy and it was sooo horrible to walk in those heels.
Which resulted in my mad shoe spree - as mentioned earlier. Blah.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009

And the description is reaaal funny too! "OK, so generating electrical power from water might not require quantum math, but it is pretty darn interesting. And it's nice to see science and engineering play nice together to bring folks like you an attractive desktop clock that is powered solely on water (or really any electrolytic fluid like soda, coffee, BAWLS or even Beer). We would be civilized to only call you moronic if you bought this clock and used BAWLS to power it, but in the end you are the music maker, you are the dreamer of dreams and I suppose we would just have to respect that decision. " Hahahaha!
I love this website! They've got super cool stuff and their descriptions are really interesting and personal!

And the description on the website goes like "The office-administrator won't let you boil water at your desk, and a big water-tank can be inconveniently huge to lug around, so what can you do?" Hahahaha so funny lah.
Gosh @ 4am I am doing this kind of thingthing. But I really want this humidifier! So cuteee hahahaha! But it's 59.99 from the US excluding shipping and tax and stuff. :( Maybe I should just go get those cutesy cheapskate humidifier (reminds me of the penguin water dispenser) from ActionCity when I'm back in Sg. Hahhaha but i think by that time its too late alr.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
OMG. I went on this madddddd footwear spree last Sunday. It was crazzzzzzzyyyy, I was shocked by myself!
I thought since winter is approaching and this year is a really wet year (good on melbourne, no more drought and 4minute showers, which i dont abide by) so I thought I needed converse sneakers for casual wear to school. Then I decided I would need boots since I've been searching for one since last year.
So we went to Novo and I got a pair of pumps and a clutch for about 70bucks.
Then we went to get Converse sneakers for 90bucks. FREAK MAN, WHY IS CONVERSE SO EXPENSIVE. And only the white and black comes in ladies sizes?! WTHECK, SEXIST :( The grey one was soooooooooooooooooooooooo pretty, but even the smallest for guys was too big for meee!!! :(((( And when I tried it the grey one on, I kept psychoing myself that maybe I can survive with sneakers 2sizes too big. HAHAHHA but it made my feet look HUGE, like playtupus. -.-
Then, the SHOCKER was when I got this pair of boots for $200. PLEASE, OMG, THIS MONTH NO NEED TO EAT ALR. I knowwwwwwwwwww it's wayyyy over maximum budget, but it looked so nice on me and i've been looking for boots for over a year alr!!! And when I was complaining this to my bro's gf who's down under for a week, she was like "ok look at it this way. It's real leather. It's raining so much this year. It's flat so you can wear it to school and basically everywhere alot. You didn't buy one last year so just carry the amount over. It's from a good brand so it can last really long. DOES THIS MAKE YOU FEEL BETTER?" Hahhahaha lolol.
Davin and Andrea said "It's like as if you got released from a jungle, buy like crazy." HAHAHHA. To justify myself, this is my first time I shopped since I came back to melbourne.
Ah whatever, I'm just making myself feel better.
I thought since winter is approaching and this year is a really wet year (good on melbourne, no more drought and 4minute showers, which i dont abide by) so I thought I needed converse sneakers for casual wear to school. Then I decided I would need boots since I've been searching for one since last year.
So we went to Novo and I got a pair of pumps and a clutch for about 70bucks.
Then we went to get Converse sneakers for 90bucks. FREAK MAN, WHY IS CONVERSE SO EXPENSIVE. And only the white and black comes in ladies sizes?! WTHECK, SEXIST :( The grey one was soooooooooooooooooooooooo pretty, but even the smallest for guys was too big for meee!!! :(((( And when I tried it the grey one on, I kept psychoing myself that maybe I can survive with sneakers 2sizes too big. HAHAHHA but it made my feet look HUGE, like playtupus. -.-
Then, the SHOCKER was when I got this pair of boots for $200. PLEASE, OMG, THIS MONTH NO NEED TO EAT ALR. I knowwwwwwwwwww it's wayyyy over maximum budget, but it looked so nice on me and i've been looking for boots for over a year alr!!! And when I was complaining this to my bro's gf who's down under for a week, she was like "ok look at it this way. It's real leather. It's raining so much this year. It's flat so you can wear it to school and basically everywhere alot. You didn't buy one last year so just carry the amount over. It's from a good brand so it can last really long. DOES THIS MAKE YOU FEEL BETTER?" Hahhahaha lolol.
Davin and Andrea said "It's like as if you got released from a jungle, buy like crazy." HAHAHHA. To justify myself, this is my first time I shopped since I came back to melbourne.
Ah whatever, I'm just making myself feel better.
I was booking my flight home just a couple of minutes ago, and I could have gotten it cheaper but because I was looking around other airlines and stuff, so the deals were all gone by the time I decided to book :((( I feel so sad that I can't save that 100+ bucks. :(
And and if I go back on 29 June, it's only $13XX on SQ. But if I go back on Qantas on 28 june itself, it's $1200. So at first I was thinking wah just pay $1XX more can take SQ liao, should i? should i not? Haha. But I called my mom and she said to come home on my birthday.
AND, I'm only flying back on the Monday when uni starts! HAHAHAHA. Die ah, only reach on tuesday morning. LOL. Like 4.45am HAHAHAHA. No need to go school liao. Lol.
So anyway, it's confirmed, I'll be back from 28 June - 20 July!! :D Woohoo.
Just wished I could have handled the booking situation better :( Sigh, feel like that hundred plus bucks flew to qantas like that. :(
And and if I go back on 29 June, it's only $13XX on SQ. But if I go back on Qantas on 28 june itself, it's $1200. So at first I was thinking wah just pay $1XX more can take SQ liao, should i? should i not? Haha. But I called my mom and she said to come home on my birthday.
AND, I'm only flying back on the Monday when uni starts! HAHAHAHA. Die ah, only reach on tuesday morning. LOL. Like 4.45am HAHAHAHA. No need to go school liao. Lol.
So anyway, it's confirmed, I'll be back from 28 June - 20 July!! :D Woohoo.
Just wished I could have handled the booking situation better :( Sigh, feel like that hundred plus bucks flew to qantas like that. :(
Saturday, April 25, 2009
So this was the chicken I grilled in my toaster oven last night! I lovee the toaster oven, you can do anythingggggggg in it! And the best thing? No pots or pans to wash up!!! Just dump the alumunium foil you place your food on! WOOHOO!! But this meal was abit messy cos the aluminium tore and the oil kindda drip onto the tray. Hurhur!

Was a little raw at the thickest part of the meat near the bone. But on the whole very juicy and tender! Perhaps needed a few more minutes on each side. Mmmm :D

Upclose and personal with Miss Maryland. Hahaha! I love herbs, don't you!!! It just makes the flavour so much more robust!!! MMMM :D Those are rosemary ure seeing! I know, rosemary is for lamb and such, but I rly love rosemary! :D And of course, black crack pepper!!! And some other seasonings. So juicy, can you seeeeeeeeeeee it. HAHAHAHHAH!

Then this morning/afternoon, I woke up and prepared this. OMG RAW CARROTS ARE SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO CUT TO HARD!!!!!!!! Srsly, I'm so happy no one saw the way I cut/seperated/chopped the carrots. HAHAHAHHA!!! And it's sooo hard to divide the corn into 3 parts, so I just dumped the whole corn in hahahahhaa! My hands so pain aft cutting the carrot ah, so forget it. LOL!

In it, you see lean pork, chicken breast, pears, corn and carrot! :D I was afraid that there would be too much ingreedients so I took out one corn and a few pieces of carrots.
And so I decided to fix lunch, so I put my ham and cheese wrap into my lovely toaster oven. And after 10minutes the alarm went "ding!", I happily walked to my toaster and opened the "door" of the oven and smelly smoke came wafing out. It was URGHHH.
And soon, my smoke alarm started beeping and I became kindda frantic, not knowing what to do. Of course, first thing I thought of was to call my landlord, ah but forget it. All I knew was that I'm not supposed to open my main door if not it will activate the public smoke alarm which would sent the fire engines. HAHAH I DO NOT WANT THAT.
So I opened myy windows and closed the doors to my kitchen since.. The smoke alarm is only in my room and not in my kitchen, how dumb. Hahaha lucky after awhile the beeping stop. All the time I was thinking "oh no, can my neighbors hear it?! what if they know its me?!" HAHHAHAHA SO EMBARRASSING.

Product of chao-ta-ness.

I attempted to tear off that part of the wrap but somehow the burn-ness "soaked" into the WHOLE wrap and it was disgusting. I could taste the chaotaness EVERYWHERE. So i just pulled the ham out and subsequently threw the whole wrap away. Wlau. So wasted.
I think the wrap was too "tall", so it touched the heating elements and therefore got this bad. Because I toasted my wrap before and it was fine (: Hahhaa reminded me the time last year when I was toasting my sandwhich for brekkie, and it CAUGHT FIRE!!! HAHHAHAHA! Like seriously my sanwhich was on fire inside my very same toaster oven! HAHAHAHA!
Lucky that time I was staying with my genius housemate, she can handle every situation man! So I wasn't too scared that time. HAHAHHAHA.
And tadah! After 5hours of simmering/stewing/cooking/boiling/whatever, it is done!!!! This yellowish liquid that's the essence of corn and carrots and pears and chicken and pork. Mmmm, this is what home tastes like! :D
And because I have no idea how to store the soup, I force fed myself 3 bowls thinking that I've got to finish it by tonight if not it will spoil. Then I decided Andrea they all could come over for soup!! Hahahaha! I miss them sooooooooooooo much!! I felt so lost being home on friday night AND the whole saturday. It's like "WHAT AM I DOING AT HOME?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!" Mostly because I know I should be researching on my 3000 words essay but rly, I couldn't stop watching America's Next Top Model. HAHAHAHA!!! And I felt so sad and lonely that I couldn't talk the whole day cos there's no one to talk to! :(
But anyway, all problems solved. Andrea Davin Joseph and Edwin are coming over to polish off the soup and them im sleeping over at Andrea's then we're all going yum cha in the afternoon! Then im gonna head off to church!!! WOOHOO!!!
I think I'm not much of a loner as I think I am. Yes, I need my own time and space, but not ALL.THE.TIME. I want to have a housemate :( Someone to talk to, study with, and just rot around doing nothing. :(
I CAN'T WAAAIT FOR THEM TO COME OVER!!!! I MISS THEM SO MUCH!!! Felt like such a long week this week! Urgh.
And I'm gonna go shower now so I don't have to borrow andrea's towel AGAIN hahahah! Which means tmr, over @ Andrea's, I can just brush my teeth and leave! :D
OMG, can I just do a product rave? PLEASE, for all of you girls/maybe guys who are looking for a pencil eyeliner, use "Revlon ColorStay"!!!! Omg, my eyelids are like supppppeeerrrr oily that even Bobbi Brown's Gel Eyeliner smudges like crazy on me at the end of the day. But Revlon just sticks man!!! But it gives me panda eyes when I take it off at the end of the day which is abit bleurgh. But nvmm! I still love it! GO GET IT!!! But I thought it was abit ex even though it's from a drugstore. -.- haha! but worth it!
Was a little raw at the thickest part of the meat near the bone. But on the whole very juicy and tender! Perhaps needed a few more minutes on each side. Mmmm :D
Upclose and personal with Miss Maryland. Hahaha! I love herbs, don't you!!! It just makes the flavour so much more robust!!! MMMM :D Those are rosemary ure seeing! I know, rosemary is for lamb and such, but I rly love rosemary! :D And of course, black crack pepper!!! And some other seasonings. So juicy, can you seeeeeeeeeeee it. HAHAHAHHAH!
Then this morning/afternoon, I woke up and prepared this. OMG RAW CARROTS ARE SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO CUT TO HARD!!!!!!!! Srsly, I'm so happy no one saw the way I cut/seperated/chopped the carrots. HAHAHAHHA!!! And it's sooo hard to divide the corn into 3 parts, so I just dumped the whole corn in hahahahhaa! My hands so pain aft cutting the carrot ah, so forget it. LOL!
In it, you see lean pork, chicken breast, pears, corn and carrot! :D I was afraid that there would be too much ingreedients so I took out one corn and a few pieces of carrots.
And so I decided to fix lunch, so I put my ham and cheese wrap into my lovely toaster oven. And after 10minutes the alarm went "ding!", I happily walked to my toaster and opened the "door" of the oven and smelly smoke came wafing out. It was URGHHH.
And soon, my smoke alarm started beeping and I became kindda frantic, not knowing what to do. Of course, first thing I thought of was to call my landlord, ah but forget it. All I knew was that I'm not supposed to open my main door if not it will activate the public smoke alarm which would sent the fire engines. HAHAH I DO NOT WANT THAT.
So I opened myy windows and closed the doors to my kitchen since.. The smoke alarm is only in my room and not in my kitchen, how dumb. Hahaha lucky after awhile the beeping stop. All the time I was thinking "oh no, can my neighbors hear it?! what if they know its me?!" HAHHAHAHA SO EMBARRASSING.
Product of chao-ta-ness.
I attempted to tear off that part of the wrap but somehow the burn-ness "soaked" into the WHOLE wrap and it was disgusting. I could taste the chaotaness EVERYWHERE. So i just pulled the ham out and subsequently threw the whole wrap away. Wlau. So wasted.
I think the wrap was too "tall", so it touched the heating elements and therefore got this bad. Because I toasted my wrap before and it was fine (: Hahhaa reminded me the time last year when I was toasting my sandwhich for brekkie, and it CAUGHT FIRE!!! HAHHAHAHA! Like seriously my sanwhich was on fire inside my very same toaster oven! HAHAHAHA!
Lucky that time I was staying with my genius housemate, she can handle every situation man! So I wasn't too scared that time. HAHAHHAHA.
And because I have no idea how to store the soup, I force fed myself 3 bowls thinking that I've got to finish it by tonight if not it will spoil. Then I decided Andrea they all could come over for soup!! Hahahaha! I miss them sooooooooooooo much!! I felt so lost being home on friday night AND the whole saturday. It's like "WHAT AM I DOING AT HOME?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!" Mostly because I know I should be researching on my 3000 words essay but rly, I couldn't stop watching America's Next Top Model. HAHAHAHA!!! And I felt so sad and lonely that I couldn't talk the whole day cos there's no one to talk to! :(
But anyway, all problems solved. Andrea Davin Joseph and Edwin are coming over to polish off the soup and them im sleeping over at Andrea's then we're all going yum cha in the afternoon! Then im gonna head off to church!!! WOOHOO!!!
I think I'm not much of a loner as I think I am. Yes, I need my own time and space, but not ALL.THE.TIME. I want to have a housemate :( Someone to talk to, study with, and just rot around doing nothing. :(
I CAN'T WAAAIT FOR THEM TO COME OVER!!!! I MISS THEM SO MUCH!!! Felt like such a long week this week! Urgh.
And I'm gonna go shower now so I don't have to borrow andrea's towel AGAIN hahahah! Which means tmr, over @ Andrea's, I can just brush my teeth and leave! :D
OMG, can I just do a product rave? PLEASE, for all of you girls/maybe guys who are looking for a pencil eyeliner, use "Revlon ColorStay"!!!! Omg, my eyelids are like supppppeeerrrr oily that even Bobbi Brown's Gel Eyeliner smudges like crazy on me at the end of the day. But Revlon just sticks man!!! But it gives me panda eyes when I take it off at the end of the day which is abit bleurgh. But nvmm! I still love it! GO GET IT!!! But I thought it was abit ex even though it's from a drugstore. -.- haha! but worth it!
Last night I want to call my mom but this operator on my phone says I'm not connected to a telephone service. So this morning I called telstra..
I NEED TO PAY ANOTHER 59.95 TO RE-CONNECT MY LINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND I'VE ALR PAID 59.95 THAT TIME TO GET MY PHONE CONNECTED ALREADYYYY!!!!!!!!
Last night I want to call my mom but this operator on my phone says I'm not connected to a telephone service. So this morning I called telstra..
I NEED TO PAY ANOTHER 59.95 TO RE-CONNECT MY LINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND I'VE ALR PAID 59.95 THAT TIME TO GET MY PHONE CONNECTED ALREADYYYY!!!!!!!!
Friday, April 24, 2009
I finallyyyy went grocery shopping today!! SO FUN!!!! I love the shops here in clayton cos it's not like going to the supermarket. There are different different kinds of shops. There are shops which sell meat only, which are the butchers. Then the shops which sells fruits and veges only. And they're all so clean and nice and freshh!!! It's soo different from shopping at safeway (singapore's cold storage) It's such a different feeling!! :D And I bought those canvas trolley where I can just dump all the stuff into it and pull the trolley around. (HELLO NOT THOSE MARKET AUNTIE WITH SQUARE SQUARE ON IT OK) And so i can buy so much effortlessly! Save alot of time (but spend alot of money because you just keep buying and buying) AHHAHA!
And my chicken is grilling inside my toaster oven now and i can smell it!!! :D And just now when I went to flip it to the other side, it was all sizzling and lookin yummmyyy!!!! WOOHOO :D
Ah, the joy of buying grocceries and cooking your own meal. Very very satisfactory (:
I finallyyyy went grocery shopping today!! SO FUN!!!! I love the shops here in clayton cos it's not like going to the supermarket. There are different different kinds of shops. There are shops which sell meat only, which are the butchers. Then the shops which sells fruits and veges only. And they're all so clean and nice and freshh!!! It's soo different from shopping at safeway (singapore's cold storage) It's such a different feeling!! :D And I bought those canvas trolley where I can just dump all the stuff into it and pull the trolley around. (HELLO NOT THOSE MARKET AUNTIE WITH SQUARE SQUARE ON IT OK) And so i can buy so much effortlessly! Save alot of time (but spend alot of money because you just keep buying and buying) AHHAHA!
And my chicken is grilling inside my toaster oven now and i can smell it!!! :D And just now when I went to flip it to the other side, it was all sizzling and lookin yummmyyy!!!! WOOHOO :D
Ah, the joy of buying grocceries and cooking your own meal. Very very satisfactory (:
I feel like I just wasted my time studying cos nothing went in at all. I'm gonna go into the marketing tutorial room and do whatever I can from common sense. OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG 20%!
I FEEL SO WEIRD. I WANT TO GO OUT THIS WEEKENDDDD!!! :( I WANT TO GO YUM CHA! I WANT TO EAT NICE FOOD! :( But i must stay home to study :( Anw, it will be freezing, too lazy to move my bum out of my chair. UGHHHHHHH.
I can't wait for tmr to come so that i can go to clayton townnnn. No longer just stuck @ home.
I FEEL SO WEIRD. I WANT TO GO OUT THIS WEEKENDDDD!!! :( I WANT TO GO YUM CHA! I WANT TO EAT NICE FOOD! :( But i must stay home to study :( Anw, it will be freezing, too lazy to move my bum out of my chair. UGHHHHHHH.
I can't wait for tmr to come so that i can go to clayton townnnn. No longer just stuck @ home.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Ugh, have officially fallen sick.
Kept on coughing at night and when I woke up I had so much phglem, it shocked me. And my chest hurts when I cough. :( But somewhere along the day, it got better than when I first woke up YAY.
Omg Sunday there are possibilities of hail and thunderstorm!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.
Tmr I wanna go down to clayton town after school to get groceries.
This is my first weekend that i've got nothing on! Better use this time to start researching on my 3000words essay for management. :X
Kept on coughing at night and when I woke up I had so much phglem, it shocked me. And my chest hurts when I cough. :( But somewhere along the day, it got better than when I first woke up YAY.
Omg Sunday there are possibilities of hail and thunderstorm!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.
Tmr I wanna go down to clayton town after school to get groceries.
This is my first weekend that i've got nothing on! Better use this time to start researching on my 3000words essay for management. :X
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
I got a distinction for my first ever assignment in uni!!! :D YAYYY! Even though pretty much lots of people got D as well but still!! YAY PRAISE THE LORD!! :D Cos before I did my research I prayed that God will lead me to all the right websites and good newspaper articles to substantiate my essay. HAHAHA AND YAY!!! :D And my work had lots of ticks in the excellent column!! YAYYYY :D :D So thankkfulll :D :D :D This is a good start :D
Hahaha omg today as I was crossing the road I saw an ambulance coming my way with the lights and siren and everything and I just continued sauntering across while looking at the ambulance driver untill I saw the jogger opposite me stop in her tracks then i realised i was supposed to stop too!!!!!! OMG but it was too late!!! So I just started at the driver with the "errr" face and he stared at me with the "OMGGGGGGG O.O" face. HAHAHHAHA funny to think abt it now, but it was pretty scary just now with him coming full speed at me and probably thinking "stupid chinese." HAHAHHAA. Ya ya ok i know, next time i see a speeding ambulance with bright lights and siren i will halt in my tracks and siam to one side ok in case i kill a life unknowingly. :(
Told my mom and she said "you see lah, always so slow at reacting at everything!" Then she went on linking to how the more i should quickly take my driving test cos this kind of basic knowledge i also dono. She's power man, everything also can link back to urging me to take my driving test. :X (anw we came to the conclusion that i will take my test here cos it's cheaperrr)
And I told andrea and she said "5 mins ago you could have been the one on the ambulance"
YAYY we're celebrating eric's 18th in 2 weeks time!!! :D Aaron Sabrina and I were planning after school! It's gonna be sooo much fun lah!! And we alr decided on the present and we all loveee it alot!!! :D And we know so will eric (: And we're gonna go to a super nice restaurant and aaron's gonna blindfold eric. HAHAHAHHA!!! Cos aaron's gonna fetch us there. Yay and he can send eric, felicia and i home! woohoo! So funny lah, while discussing the present and who's gonna chip in and stuff. HAHAHAHAHHA SO FUNNY. We totally disturbed everyone at the quiet study area. LOL.
Wah must remember to buy my air ticket home sia. -.-
And I think Aaron's gonna get his dream car for 18K!!!!!!! PRAY HARD :D :D :D
You know, these 3 days, God has been using different means and different people even strangers to get me started on reading the bible. I always procrastinate reading the bible, cos i lost my bookmark last year on where i stopped and I was too lazy to start all over again. So I never continued. Yes, this is the truth. But yesterday, once I started on the new testatment, one thing that literally jumped at me and was a huge revelation to me was..
When Jesus was born, the 3 wise men came to bethlehem to see this child and showered him with gifts. And you know what I learnt from this fact that I've always known since i was a child and seen in many many figurines?
That the 3 wise men came to Jesus FIRST with gifts (expensive ones), lavished him with what they thought he was worth to them. But today, lots of us wait for Jesus to give US gifts before we praise and worship Him. And yes, I am guilty of this too. And if He doesn't appear at our doorsteps with gifts, we lose our motivation to praise and worship or even press in. But it should be about time that we give him gifts (ie our time, praise, worship, financially) before he give us ours because we should love Him for who He is, and not what He can provide. Sooo awesome. After reading this, I was just so in awe like WOW. I don't even know how to explain the feeling lah.
Awesomeee :D
Ok, better start studying marketinggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg. :X
I got a distinction for my first ever assignment in uni!!! :D YAYYY! Even though pretty much lots of people got D as well but still!! YAY PRAISE THE LORD!! :D Cos before I did my research I prayed that God will lead me to all the right websites and good newspaper articles to substantiate my essay. HAHAHA AND YAY!!! :D And my work had lots of ticks in the excellent column!! YAYYYY :D :D So thankkfulll :D :D :D This is a good start :D
Hahaha omg today as I was crossing the road I saw an ambulance coming my way with the lights and siren and everything and I just continued sauntering across while looking at the ambulance driver untill I saw the jogger opposite me stop in her tracks then i realised i was supposed to stop too!!!!!! OMG but it was too late!!! So I just started at the driver with the "errr" face and he stared at me with the "OMGGGGGGG O.O" face. HAHAHHAHA funny to think abt it now, but it was pretty scary just now with him coming full speed at me and probably thinking "stupid chinese." HAHAHHAA. Ya ya ok i know, next time i see a speeding ambulance with bright lights and siren i will halt in my tracks and siam to one side ok in case i kill a life unknowingly. :(
Told my mom and she said "you see lah, always so slow at reacting at everything!" Then she went on linking to how the more i should quickly take my driving test cos this kind of basic knowledge i also dono. She's power man, everything also can link back to urging me to take my driving test. :X (anw we came to the conclusion that i will take my test here cos it's cheaperrr)
And I told andrea and she said "5 mins ago you could have been the one on the ambulance"
YAYY we're celebrating eric's 18th in 2 weeks time!!! :D Aaron Sabrina and I were planning after school! It's gonna be sooo much fun lah!! And we alr decided on the present and we all loveee it alot!!! :D And we know so will eric (: And we're gonna go to a super nice restaurant and aaron's gonna blindfold eric. HAHAHAHHA!!! Cos aaron's gonna fetch us there. Yay and he can send eric, felicia and i home! woohoo! So funny lah, while discussing the present and who's gonna chip in and stuff. HAHAHAHAHHA SO FUNNY. We totally disturbed everyone at the quiet study area. LOL.
Wah must remember to buy my air ticket home sia. -.-
And I think Aaron's gonna get his dream car for 18K!!!!!!! PRAY HARD :D :D :D
You know, these 3 days, God has been using different means and different people even strangers to get me started on reading the bible. I always procrastinate reading the bible, cos i lost my bookmark last year on where i stopped and I was too lazy to start all over again. So I never continued. Yes, this is the truth. But yesterday, once I started on the new testatment, one thing that literally jumped at me and was a huge revelation to me was..
When Jesus was born, the 3 wise men came to bethlehem to see this child and showered him with gifts. And you know what I learnt from this fact that I've always known since i was a child and seen in many many figurines?
That the 3 wise men came to Jesus FIRST with gifts (expensive ones), lavished him with what they thought he was worth to them. But today, lots of us wait for Jesus to give US gifts before we praise and worship Him. And yes, I am guilty of this too. And if He doesn't appear at our doorsteps with gifts, we lose our motivation to praise and worship or even press in. But it should be about time that we give him gifts (ie our time, praise, worship, financially) before he give us ours because we should love Him for who He is, and not what He can provide. Sooo awesome. After reading this, I was just so in awe like WOW. I don't even know how to explain the feeling lah.
Awesomeee :D
Ok, better start studying marketinggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg. :X
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Sia lah. I skipped accounting lecture today so that I could come home earlier to finish up my accounting tutorial for tmr. BUT AH, ended up watching King of Queens and facebooking and blogsurfing. AHH OMG.
Chicken rice from uni is gooooooooooooood (:
Aaron says Laksa King @ Highpoint is gooood. :D
Chicken rice from uni is gooooooooooooood (:
Aaron says Laksa King @ Highpoint is gooood. :D
I really am so tempted to eat the chocolates I bought from Philip Island. Omg yesterday I brought to Uni the Liquid Milk Chocolate, OMGGG IT WAS SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO GOOOOOD. Everyone who ate was like AHH ZOMGGGG. And Eric was like "go philip island again doreen!" HAHAHAH WTH.
And I'm so tempted to eat the salt flavoured chips that's lying on top of my fridge :(
BUT IM FALLING SICKK :( I can feel it in my bones. IT'S COMING.
Zomg Easter break flewwwwwwwwwwwwwww by. But it was well spent indeed. 4 days of Conference and 3 days with good ol friends with lots of mugging. It was gooood even though it didn't feel like much of a holiday. HAHA.
God has been helping me sooo much in my studies seriously. It's just soo amazing. You know I was doing this accounting programme thing, and it was driving me NUTS cos I kept doing it wrongly and had to redo and I was so stressed out I almot gave up in trying to hand in that part of the assignment. But lucky I was staying over at Andrea's place and she talked me through it and was there for me the whole time.
Then I resumed doing my assignment at 3am and it was Saturday night already and assignment was due on Monday and I was just like with the mentality of "I just do what I can." But suddenly, as I was re-reading the instructions again, everything seem to fall into place, I suddenly knew how to correct my mistakes without re-doing the wholee project. And I finished my assignment before 5am! Which is just soo amazing cos I couldn't and wouldn't have done it alone. :D
Another thing is, on Monday itself, when I was printing my reports for the accounting thing, I realised I was short of on report but I didn't know how to produce it. So I was just like "aiya, heck lah. 1 report out of the many also nvm." Afterwhich, as I stepped out of the shower, like immediately, my phone rang and it was Aaron calling to see if I was home and whether he can email me his reports for me to print. So I agreed. Then he asked me "Did you print the report for adjusting entries?" Then I told him I didn't cos I don't know how to. And he said "Why don't I go over to your place together with Sabrina and teach you how to print?" AND I WAS JUST LIKE OMGGGGGGGGGGGGG O.O HOW GOOD IS GOD'S GRACE YAH. :D I'm so taken aback to know that He takes care of every need even if you don't ask Him to. It's just soo amazing.
Andddd, I got a decent mark for my Econs tutorial test!! I was reallly happy with it cos I didn't do well for the first time. And praise the Lord really. Cos I thought I answered the question wrongly, and I thought I was going to fail again and I was pretty worried about it the whole time lah. But great is my God, all the things that I thought I did wrong was actually RIGHT! HAHAHAHAHHA :D It's a miracle. Cos I copied the notes wrongly, and was learning the wrong thing but in the test, I actually wrote the right thing!! HAHAHAHAHAHHA.
Now must start studying for marketing mid sem.
And I'm so tempted to eat the salt flavoured chips that's lying on top of my fridge :(
BUT IM FALLING SICKK :( I can feel it in my bones. IT'S COMING.
Zomg Easter break flewwwwwwwwwwwwwww by. But it was well spent indeed. 4 days of Conference and 3 days with good ol friends with lots of mugging. It was gooood even though it didn't feel like much of a holiday. HAHA.
God has been helping me sooo much in my studies seriously. It's just soo amazing. You know I was doing this accounting programme thing, and it was driving me NUTS cos I kept doing it wrongly and had to redo and I was so stressed out I almot gave up in trying to hand in that part of the assignment. But lucky I was staying over at Andrea's place and she talked me through it and was there for me the whole time.
Then I resumed doing my assignment at 3am and it was Saturday night already and assignment was due on Monday and I was just like with the mentality of "I just do what I can." But suddenly, as I was re-reading the instructions again, everything seem to fall into place, I suddenly knew how to correct my mistakes without re-doing the wholee project. And I finished my assignment before 5am! Which is just soo amazing cos I couldn't and wouldn't have done it alone. :D
Another thing is, on Monday itself, when I was printing my reports for the accounting thing, I realised I was short of on report but I didn't know how to produce it. So I was just like "aiya, heck lah. 1 report out of the many also nvm." Afterwhich, as I stepped out of the shower, like immediately, my phone rang and it was Aaron calling to see if I was home and whether he can email me his reports for me to print. So I agreed. Then he asked me "Did you print the report for adjusting entries?" Then I told him I didn't cos I don't know how to. And he said "Why don't I go over to your place together with Sabrina and teach you how to print?" AND I WAS JUST LIKE OMGGGGGGGGGGGGG O.O HOW GOOD IS GOD'S GRACE YAH. :D I'm so taken aback to know that He takes care of every need even if you don't ask Him to. It's just soo amazing.
Andddd, I got a decent mark for my Econs tutorial test!! I was reallly happy with it cos I didn't do well for the first time. And praise the Lord really. Cos I thought I answered the question wrongly, and I thought I was going to fail again and I was pretty worried about it the whole time lah. But great is my God, all the things that I thought I did wrong was actually RIGHT! HAHAHAHAHHA :D It's a miracle. Cos I copied the notes wrongly, and was learning the wrong thing but in the test, I actually wrote the right thing!! HAHAHAHAHAHHA.
Now must start studying for marketing mid sem.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Man, I wept like mad during the night session. God really dealt with this huge insecurity/concern of mine, showing me through a vision that I am worthy of Him, that even if everyone leaves, He's there no matter what circumstances. It's just sooo amazing. And to see one of my urbanlife member getting closer to God through this conference is just amazing.
And I am just soo thankful for Silas. We always seem to be experiencing the same thing, like EXACTLY the same. Like now, we're both praying for God's confirmation for our future. Like now, we're kindda both struggling abit in a certain area and feeling the exact same way about this thing. And like it's so amazing. God put someone together with me at the starting point of the race, someone to run this race together with me, encouraging each other when we feel tired, it's sooo amazing. The things we share and the way we feel about some stuff, I loveee it. I love his child-like passion for God and his capacity to love. It's amazingg. And like even the way we feel for conference, what we felt, it's like the saaammeee too!!! I think it's so amazing that we're growing together, that we're seeing each other grow and feeling sooo excited and happy for each other. I love this fellowship and friendship. :D It's special yknw, we did every church course together, we did camp together, and now we're doing conference tghtr. From 2 strangers, to someone I thought I wouldn't have anything in common with, to today, my most beloved brother. (:
Ok better go sleep now, I CAN'T WAAAAIT FOR CONFERENCE TO START AGAIN TMR. Even if it means waking reaaally early. (:
ILOVECONFERENCE. Because today was the first time in months I've wept in the presence of God. Because I get so much out of those super annointed sermons. Because, I get to know my urbanlife members even more, and know so much more about them on a personal level. It is amaaaazinggggg lah.
Man, I wept like mad during the night session. God really dealt with this huge insecurity/concern of mine, showing me through a vision that I am worthy of Him, that even if everyone leaves, He's there no matter what circumstances. It's just sooo amazing. And to see one of my urbanlife member getting closer to God through this conference is just amazing.
And I am just soo thankful for Silas. We always seem to be experiencing the same thing, like EXACTLY the same. Like now, we're both praying for God's confirmation for our future. Like now, we're kindda both struggling abit in a certain area and feeling the exact same way about this thing. And like it's so amazing. God put someone together with me at the starting point of the race, someone to run this race together with me, encouraging each other when we feel tired, it's sooo amazing. The things we share and the way we feel about some stuff, I loveee it. I love his child-like passion for God and his capacity to love. It's amazingg. And like even the way we feel for conference, what we felt, it's like the saaammeee too!!! I think it's so amazing that we're growing together, that we're seeing each other grow and feeling sooo excited and happy for each other. I love this fellowship and friendship. :D It's special yknw, we did every church course together, we did camp together, and now we're doing conference tghtr. From 2 strangers, to someone I thought I wouldn't have anything in common with, to today, my most beloved brother. (:
Ok better go sleep now, I CAN'T WAAAAIT FOR CONFERENCE TO START AGAIN TMR. Even if it means waking reaaally early. (:
ILOVECONFERENCE. Because today was the first time in months I've wept in the presence of God. Because I get so much out of those super annointed sermons. Because, I get to know my urbanlife members even more, and know so much more about them on a personal level. It is amaaaazinggggg lah.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
I miss my mom. But I can't call home because I depleted my credit on my calling card. Mm, just suddenly miss home alot. Mom more like it, because I haven't talked to her properly in awhile. She's always either out or busy when I call so we talk distractedly for like 10mins or smth. Yeah, just feel like telling her I love her - Something I've never said to her in years.
Sometimes we forget to tell the people we love that we love them. Sometimes it's easy to forget the love that keeps everyone going. Every now and then, everyone needs to be reminded that someone loves them. And then again, sometimes the people we love, forget how to love us back.. And then no matter how hard we try to make them remember, they can't.
So tell someone today that you love him/her. It could be your parents that you're having an argument with, a sibling you're annoyed with, a friend that you fell out with, or maybe, even yourself.
Sometimes we forget to tell the people we love that we love them. Sometimes it's easy to forget the love that keeps everyone going. Every now and then, everyone needs to be reminded that someone loves them. And then again, sometimes the people we love, forget how to love us back.. And then no matter how hard we try to make them remember, they can't.
So tell someone today that you love him/her. It could be your parents that you're having an argument with, a sibling you're annoyed with, a friend that you fell out with, or maybe, even yourself.
OMGG. TODAY WAS DAY 1 OF PLANETSHAKERS CONFERENCE. IT WAS OF THE SHAZANG AS PS RUSSEL AND PS WOULD SAY. John Bevere was just soo amazing. To rid the spirit of initmidation was definitely an awesome way to kickstart this amazing conference. And it was just soo amazing to see 90% of the 20,000 people capacity arena so filled up. And I was welling up with tears when I saw HORDES of people running (YES RUNNING) down to the alter during alter call. Zomg John Bevere is just soo annointed.
Because it's time for this generation to arise. Because I want to utilise the gift God has given to me and respond to my calling. I will stop thinking that I'm not good enough, becauuuuse, Me can do alllll things through Christ who strengthens me!
Because Holy Spirit, you got me there when you broke the spirit of intimidation.
I love my urbanlife (: Despite us being such different individuals, we have much fun together (: And I have ze most awesome leaders, period. :D
Must wake up at 6am tmr. O.O GOD WAKE ME UP PLSTHX. Amen.
Because it's time for this generation to arise. Because I want to utilise the gift God has given to me and respond to my calling. I will stop thinking that I'm not good enough, becauuuuse, Me can do alllll things through Christ who strengthens me!
Because Holy Spirit, you got me there when you broke the spirit of intimidation.
I love my urbanlife (: Despite us being such different individuals, we have much fun together (: And I have ze most awesome leaders, period. :D
Must wake up at 6am tmr. O.O GOD WAKE ME UP PLSTHX. Amen.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
I AM LIKE TOTALLY CONFUSED ABOUT MYOB. It's something like the programme I used for trinity last year but last year, it was a project!!! 3 people working on it! Now it's only meeee. :( And the instructions are so unclearrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr ): I went to check the discussion thread on the portal and everyone's like HUH???? ughhhhhhhhh.
Ok imma gonna go get ready for bed nowww. It's 3.20am :( and I woke up at 8am today ): I hope I don't become a grouchy woman tmrr. Maybe I'll just sleep it off in the car tmr :(
I'm feeling the stress of having not enough time to complete my assignments and to study for my mid-sem tests. Lord, I surrender this easter holiday to you. I don't know how I'm going to do it, to complete all these together with the 4days conference. Lord, in your strength, I trust in you. Lord I pray you'll give me just enough time to position myself for conference but also to stay on track in my studies, Lord I pray you send me angels to help me along the way. Lord, I need refreshment and affirment that it's all gonna be ok. I need you, Lord. :(
Ok imma gonna go get ready for bed nowww. It's 3.20am :( and I woke up at 8am today ): I hope I don't become a grouchy woman tmrr. Maybe I'll just sleep it off in the car tmr :(
I'm feeling the stress of having not enough time to complete my assignments and to study for my mid-sem tests. Lord, I surrender this easter holiday to you. I don't know how I'm going to do it, to complete all these together with the 4days conference. Lord, in your strength, I trust in you. Lord I pray you'll give me just enough time to position myself for conference but also to stay on track in my studies, Lord I pray you send me angels to help me along the way. Lord, I need refreshment and affirment that it's all gonna be ok. I need you, Lord. :(
Friday, April 10, 2009
[edit] WOOO I've finished one part of my assignment! The 10 column worksheet, income statement and statement of financial position! WOOOO feel so accomplished :D Thank God for Eric srsly, helped me so much! Hahaha and he's so careless, then he always have to re-do after double checking with me hahaha so funny, then he keeps saying "im too tired, i need to sleep now." Lol! Ahh but yknw what, I forgot to set the print area for my excel right, then my printer kept printing the WHOLE excel sheet omg. which is like basically rows and columns of empty boxes untill my catridge ran out of paper. HAHAHA. I think my ink is gonna finish soon, I just used up 500 sheets of paper within.. 2months -.- YAY IM GONNA DO THE MYOB PART NOWWW. Thank you Lord for staying by me (:[/edit]
I really really super extremely thank God for having Eric do the accounting assignment "together with me". I'm flooded with relieve that each time I bump into a question, I have someone to call to ask and figure out together, instead of sweating it out alone. I am so thankful that even though he didn't plan to do his assignment today, he decided to. I am so so so so thankful, Lord. For answering my prayers (: Thank You for being my provider. Amen <3
Now, to go cook dinner.
I think I am a closet workaholic. It's like.. this evening I set my mind on completing my accounting assignment. And even at 7pm, 8pm my stomach was growling like crazy, I still kept on doing my assignment ignoring the hunger pang. That's so unlike me, it's crazy man. Maybe I just don't wanna break the momentum (:
I think staying at home makes me eat less because I am not surrounded by fooood constantly flirting with my taste buds and saliva glands and stomach and gastric juices. Hahaha!
Hahahaha srsly can't thank Eric enough for doing his assignment today too. I feel so much more calm now. Just now I was like stress untill cannot. Hahaha (: Awesome much! Yay I WILL finish my assignment by tonight (:
Yayyy Davin&Co coming to pick me up from Clayton :D Means I can afford to sleep late tonight and complete my assignment!!!!!! :D
I really really super extremely thank God for having Eric do the accounting assignment "together with me". I'm flooded with relieve that each time I bump into a question, I have someone to call to ask and figure out together, instead of sweating it out alone. I am so thankful that even though he didn't plan to do his assignment today, he decided to. I am so so so so thankful, Lord. For answering my prayers (: Thank You for being my provider. Amen <3
Now, to go cook dinner.
I think I am a closet workaholic. It's like.. this evening I set my mind on completing my accounting assignment. And even at 7pm, 8pm my stomach was growling like crazy, I still kept on doing my assignment ignoring the hunger pang. That's so unlike me, it's crazy man. Maybe I just don't wanna break the momentum (:
I think staying at home makes me eat less because I am not surrounded by fooood constantly flirting with my taste buds and saliva glands and stomach and gastric juices. Hahaha!
Hahahaha srsly can't thank Eric enough for doing his assignment today too. I feel so much more calm now. Just now I was like stress untill cannot. Hahaha (: Awesome much! Yay I WILL finish my assignment by tonight (:
Yayyy Davin&Co coming to pick me up from Clayton :D Means I can afford to sleep late tonight and complete my assignment!!!!!! :D
This is my accounting assignment.

This is my accounting assignment.

can you seeeeee the freaking amount of transactions i have to record? So I technically have to prepare a 10-column worksheet and I was like omgggg "should i draw it out? or should i use excel or should i create tables using Word?" So I decided with Word..
Tadah. Looks so organized righhht. But after I completed those transactions which are like zee basic cos it's just the opening balance, I was so stumped. I'm like "WHAT OTHER ACCOUNTS DO I HAVE TO ADD? IS IT EVERYTHING? AND WHICH ARE UNDER TRIAL BALANCE AND WHICH ARE UNDER ADJUSTMENTS?!" And I got really stressed out like sersiously. But I've got nobody to ask cos nobody has started on their acc assignment. (I started on mine first because I've got conference for 4 days of the holidays so I don't have time to do it during the holidayyyys) And i was like OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG HOWWWWWWWWWW. Then I went to read my assignment which was emailed to me and...



Anw, on the brighter side, thank God for allowing me to even go back to the email and read the instructions again and at least I find the template now and not laterrr. Phoo.
[edit] WOOHOO I'VE COMPLETED MY MKT TUTORIAL. Lol while I was "studying" for marketing, I floated onto wikipedia and wiki-ed some of the comedies I'm currently hooked on! And I've discovered some amazing facts (which i hope is true) about some of my favourite stars! Currently am hooked on "King of Queens" and "Til Death" hahahaha. Yay I'm gonna go reheat my muffin while watching KOQ. woohooo! [/edit]
I am so proud of myself today because I woke up at 8AM! :D I didn't even snooze my alarm! WOOHOO! :D And despite the cold weather, I trudged to the toilet and took a 45mins long shower. AHHAHAHA. It's a treat ok, cos for the past week I only showered for like 15mins. :D Hahaha that was such redundant information. LOL.
Anw, yay I woke up at 8am today! HAHAHAHA so happy. And I cleared up my messy study table. And so now, I have a clean and tidy, spick (its not spelt this way right) and span room! WOOHOO :D (because I spent 3hours on wed cleaning up my whole room inc doing my laundry) LAKSA YOU CAN COME VISIT ME NOW!!! I AM NO LONGER ASHAMED OF MY ROOM. HAHAHAHHA :D
Omg I just went to toast the ham wrap I bought from school ystd and it's aweeeeesome. Zomgggg the cheese melted and the wrap itself was crispy and mmmmmmmmm :D
And I bought fruits for the first time ever since I arrived back in Melbourne. $15 worth of fruits! I feel so healthy now. I had an apple last night, one banana and a bunch of grapes this morning. Very good. This will balance out allll the cup noodles i have been/and will be eating. :D
Today is Good Friday. Was praying this morning and was reminded of how Jesus died on the cross for me, how God sent his only son to die for me. And the great thing is with his blood, all sins are erased in repentance. And the best thing, He rose again above all (:
ZOMGG I'VE BEEN WATCHING SOO MUCH COMEDIES ON TUDOU.COM HAHAHAHA! First it was my fav "two and a half men", then it was "everybody loves raymond" and now it's "till death" HAHAHAH OMGGG. But it feels rather weird laughing so crazily all by myself in my room -.- but still, feels great to laugh! :D
Ok byeeeeeeeee :)
I am so proud of myself today because I woke up at 8AM! :D I didn't even snooze my alarm! WOOHOO! :D And despite the cold weather, I trudged to the toilet and took a 45mins long shower. AHHAHAHA. It's a treat ok, cos for the past week I only showered for like 15mins. :D Hahaha that was such redundant information. LOL.
Anw, yay I woke up at 8am today! HAHAHAHA so happy. And I cleared up my messy study table. And so now, I have a clean and tidy, spick (its not spelt this way right) and span room! WOOHOO :D (because I spent 3hours on wed cleaning up my whole room inc doing my laundry) LAKSA YOU CAN COME VISIT ME NOW!!! I AM NO LONGER ASHAMED OF MY ROOM. HAHAHAHHA :D
Omg I just went to toast the ham wrap I bought from school ystd and it's aweeeeesome. Zomgggg the cheese melted and the wrap itself was crispy and mmmmmmmmm :D
And I bought fruits for the first time ever since I arrived back in Melbourne. $15 worth of fruits! I feel so healthy now. I had an apple last night, one banana and a bunch of grapes this morning. Very good. This will balance out allll the cup noodles i have been/and will be eating. :D
Today is Good Friday. Was praying this morning and was reminded of how Jesus died on the cross for me, how God sent his only son to die for me. And the great thing is with his blood, all sins are erased in repentance. And the best thing, He rose again above all (:
ZOMGG I'VE BEEN WATCHING SOO MUCH COMEDIES ON TUDOU.COM HAHAHAHA! First it was my fav "two and a half men", then it was "everybody loves raymond" and now it's "till death" HAHAHAH OMGGG. But it feels rather weird laughing so crazily all by myself in my room -.- but still, feels great to laugh! :D
Ok byeeeeeeeee :)
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
omgggggggg i finally finished studying for my econs tute test!!!! i have a pretty gd feeling abt it so hopefully this time will help leverage out my scores :D i still love econs despite it givin me so much headachee. hahaha. if this time i still dont do well, im so gonna go to the helpdesk for every session and demand that they repeat every section of the lecture notes lor. bahh.
thank you laksana for keeping me sane when i nearly went nuts (not that you had a choice since i called you hahahaha) but thank youuu, i felt so much more refreshed aft our phonecall :D
i loveeee you lakaaaa, even though youu highly doubt my love. and i still love you even though i feel so violated by you. hahahaha. you ze bawmbxz.
k ppl, im gonna have fun tmr aft econs test by skipping my 2 most boringgg lectures!!!!! :D
thank you laksana for keeping me sane when i nearly went nuts (not that you had a choice since i called you hahahaha) but thank youuu, i felt so much more refreshed aft our phonecall :D
i loveeee you lakaaaa, even though youu highly doubt my love. and i still love you even though i feel so violated by you. hahahaha. you ze bawmbxz.
k ppl, im gonna have fun tmr aft econs test by skipping my 2 most boringgg lectures!!!!! :D
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Idk how those girls can achieve the same hairstyle everydayyyyy man. Just now I was thinking abt what to wear tmr and trying to do smth about my hair cos rly, with bangs there's nth much you can do abt them and I was trying to tie it into a half, and I was so fed up that I just "plopped my hair down" and it became a nice "curry puff" and I was like "oooooh" and I amended it a little and it became
And I was like woohoo yay! new hair! (K my hair is rly messy and my bangs are like koyak because I had my hair +fringe tied and hairband-ed up tdy)
And cos I know I suck at this kind of hair stuff, I had to take such pictures to remind me of how it is supposed to be clipped up.
then so happy right. So I decided "Ok, must practise." So I took out my clip and messed up my hair and..
Anyhoo, say hello to my not-so-new-anymore-hair.
K bye. It's 2.30am and my panda eyes are so bad.
I wish I won't spend so much on my hair tmr just to get that stupid curry puff right.
Friday, April 3, 2009
Hi siufang, I know you're reading this, hello. I think you're rly v unlucky, the day you arrive the weather here was soo hot. Then today, raining non stop. I think the 1 year ++ i was here, it never rained like this before. HAHA!
Today I woke up late.
Today it rained like crazy.
Today I studied for economics (partially)
Today I miss everyone in Singapore alot.
I like studying at the 9th floor of the Menzies building in uni. There are hugeeeee tables and it's very spacious and it has glass "walls" so you can look down and it's always bustling cos it's the campus centre. (: And it isn't tooo quiet, there's always bckgrd noise. And it isn't too overcrowded cos not alot of ppl know about it, and ppl go there rly go there to study, so it makes it really condusive (: And the view is awesome cos it overlooks the whole uni (which is huge) and further out more. It makes me feel so happy and contented to be there and then. (:
Resolutions are only as strong as the person who makes them. And I'm so encouraged to see someone sticking to his resolution so loyally, disregarding what his friend may think of him. (:
Ok I'm waiting for my "everybody loves raymond" to load (:
Today I woke up late.
Today it rained like crazy.
Today I studied for economics (partially)
Today I miss everyone in Singapore alot.
I like studying at the 9th floor of the Menzies building in uni. There are hugeeeee tables and it's very spacious and it has glass "walls" so you can look down and it's always bustling cos it's the campus centre. (: And it isn't tooo quiet, there's always bckgrd noise. And it isn't too overcrowded cos not alot of ppl know about it, and ppl go there rly go there to study, so it makes it really condusive (: And the view is awesome cos it overlooks the whole uni (which is huge) and further out more. It makes me feel so happy and contented to be there and then. (:
Resolutions are only as strong as the person who makes them. And I'm so encouraged to see someone sticking to his resolution so loyally, disregarding what his friend may think of him. (:
Ok I'm waiting for my "everybody loves raymond" to load (:
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Let's take things slow.
For time will tell.
Maybe something really good will come out of this,
But maybe something even better will,
Like a really really bossom friendship.
Lucky - Jason Mraz
Because isn't this how everthing starts?
I'm really so happy we had that talk today. (:
Even if hearts don't skip beats
Eyes don't catch glances
It doesn't mask the efforts you secretly make.
Even if everything boils down to nothing
I thank you it's you.
You, who so kindly helped me through the first semester of my first year of uni.
You, who made me feel happy in uni and making me look fwd to uni everyday.
Oooooh have been reaaally busy these days. Phoo, finally handed in my management essay! :D And I didn't do well for my econs test despite it being my favourite subject :( Really need to go and understand the way econs should be answered. Another econs test this tuesday!!! :O
Grace ah, debbie ah, really wanna talk to you girls on the phone. I can't wait for daylight saving to start/stop so that sg and aussie can go back to 2h of diff only!!! :D makes it so much easier to call back to sg.
AND DEBBIE LIM SI HUI, I AM NOT TAKING REVENGE. HAHAHHAHAHAHA YOUR EMAIL TITLE WAS SOOOO HILARIOUS PLS!!!!! I was just really busy and wasn't home for that whole weekend, tell you more when we FINALLY talk on the phone k? PLS GO REPAIR YOUR HOME PHONE OR SMTH UGH.
so busy so busy so busy.
Hey Abi, Idk if you read my blog still or not. But, I'm soo proud of you! To hear what you said today was just like "woah! You've grown so much stronger!" You've changed from inside out since last year, and i am soo happy for you!! I'm glad you've truly and honestly learnt to deal with certain obstacles in life and is such an independent and strong woman now. God deals with one problem at a time, and now that he has removed one of the biggest issue you face, He is going to do great things in you, for you and with you! Soooo happy to see you rooted in urbanlife and I hope you meet more bossom buds who will be able to aid you through uni!! You are amazing! You are metamorphasizing. HAHAHAHHAHAHAH.
Dear laksana catalina, as much as staying over at audrey's IMPEDED my progress in completing my assignment, BUT I TRULY THOROUGHLY AND ABSOLUTELY loveddddddd the 3 nights there with you. I love love love love love you so so so so much. Thank you for tolerating my so manyyy "whys" that you even doubt being a psychologist anymore HAHAHHAA. Thank you for dealing together with me the issues I face in life. Thank youu for encouraging me and never ever giving up on me. I LOVE YOUU MY MUMMY FRIEND, XL B. hurhur :P thank you for the multiple chances you've given me. (: and er.. thanks for motivating me to give it a shot for yknwwhat. idk what stuff you did, what things you said, BUT, i trust you really know and can see what's best for me. And I think what you said about this year being MY "year" was REALLLLLY encouraging HAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHA :P im sorry about still making you feel uncomfortable about yknwwho, i rly rly rly rly don't mean ath. im sorry i still make you feel that way. i promise promise promise i don't mean any harm at all. even though i know no matter what i say wont take away those doubts or suspicions, but im still sorry. And im also sorry that i make you feel that way about PS. A part of me is really gratified about giving me "my space" at that time but a part of me feels horrible for feeling gratified. Im sorry. i loveeeeeeee you and see you soon... AGAIN. :P
It's time to walk out of what had been said and done years ago.
For time will tell.
Maybe something really good will come out of this,
But maybe something even better will,
Like a really really bossom friendship.
Lucky - Jason Mraz
Because isn't this how everthing starts?
I'm really so happy we had that talk today. (:
Even if hearts don't skip beats
Eyes don't catch glances
It doesn't mask the efforts you secretly make.
Even if everything boils down to nothing
I thank you it's you.
You, who so kindly helped me through the first semester of my first year of uni.
You, who made me feel happy in uni and making me look fwd to uni everyday.
Oooooh have been reaaally busy these days. Phoo, finally handed in my management essay! :D And I didn't do well for my econs test despite it being my favourite subject :( Really need to go and understand the way econs should be answered. Another econs test this tuesday!!! :O
Grace ah, debbie ah, really wanna talk to you girls on the phone. I can't wait for daylight saving to start/stop so that sg and aussie can go back to 2h of diff only!!! :D makes it so much easier to call back to sg.
AND DEBBIE LIM SI HUI, I AM NOT TAKING REVENGE. HAHAHHAHAHAHA YOUR EMAIL TITLE WAS SOOOO HILARIOUS PLS!!!!! I was just really busy and wasn't home for that whole weekend, tell you more when we FINALLY talk on the phone k? PLS GO REPAIR YOUR HOME PHONE OR SMTH UGH.
so busy so busy so busy.
Hey Abi, Idk if you read my blog still or not. But, I'm soo proud of you! To hear what you said today was just like "woah! You've grown so much stronger!" You've changed from inside out since last year, and i am soo happy for you!! I'm glad you've truly and honestly learnt to deal with certain obstacles in life and is such an independent and strong woman now. God deals with one problem at a time, and now that he has removed one of the biggest issue you face, He is going to do great things in you, for you and with you! Soooo happy to see you rooted in urbanlife and I hope you meet more bossom buds who will be able to aid you through uni!! You are amazing! You are metamorphasizing. HAHAHAHHAHAHAH.
Dear laksana catalina, as much as staying over at audrey's IMPEDED my progress in completing my assignment, BUT I TRULY THOROUGHLY AND ABSOLUTELY loveddddddd the 3 nights there with you. I love love love love love you so so so so much. Thank you for tolerating my so manyyy "whys" that you even doubt being a psychologist anymore HAHAHHAA. Thank you for dealing together with me the issues I face in life. Thank youu for encouraging me and never ever giving up on me. I LOVE YOUU MY MUMMY FRIEND, XL B. hurhur :P thank you for the multiple chances you've given me. (: and er.. thanks for motivating me to give it a shot for yknwwhat. idk what stuff you did, what things you said, BUT, i trust you really know and can see what's best for me. And I think what you said about this year being MY "year" was REALLLLLY encouraging HAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHA :P im sorry about still making you feel uncomfortable about yknwwho, i rly rly rly rly don't mean ath. im sorry i still make you feel that way. i promise promise promise i don't mean any harm at all. even though i know no matter what i say wont take away those doubts or suspicions, but im still sorry. And im also sorry that i make you feel that way about PS. A part of me is really gratified about giving me "my space" at that time but a part of me feels horrible for feeling gratified. Im sorry. i loveeeeeeee you and see you soon... AGAIN. :P
It's time to walk out of what had been said and done years ago.
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