There's so much I want to say to you Grace, I thank you for being so understanding, for being so selfless, for being so rational, for standing by me, for just totally wanting only the best for me. What would I do without you. I told you once I'ld hold your hand and walk us through, but it feels more like now, you're the one pulling me out of my whirlpool and the voice reassuring me and calming me down and giving me strength. Thank you so so much. I'ld give it a shot now cos I know now, I won't be falling on nothing, cos I know now, I would be falling into your safety net instead. And most importantly, I know I wouldnt be losing everything cos I've still got you even when everything eludes me. There's so much gratitude, so much appreciation I wanna express. You're like the elder sister I never had. You clear all my confusions and answer all my unasked questions. 谢谢你. Thank you so much for just now.
And I also wanna thank my god! Hahahha not That God i pray to and not go church for lah. :P Just my very own personalised God. All the talks of KFC and MAC in both yours and mine perspectives, it made alot of things rly clear. :) I hope that we'll always stick to our choices and that your mac wont try another marketing tatic and my mac wont run away again. i hope there'll NOT BE any introduction of BK or LJS or any sort alright! and also anti coffee shop! lololol so bad. :P and thank you for jumping into the sea for me lah huh! :D except you could have said something more touching than "aiya whatever lah" OK! and a better reason than "cos i see him/her jump, so i also jump" LOL. :D and yknw what, my right arm hurts now. LOL. and thank you for saying all that you've said today. it means so damn much to me. thank you for always telling me to suck in chances and unscrew situations. :)
And 11June! Went out with Graceee, omg, finally went out ok. Ngee Ann City was like a ghost town and we had trouble finding out entrace into taka. But all the way fr orchard mrt we immediately had stuff to talk about. like IMMEDIATELY. :D then we went into coffee bean and CONTINUED talking. OMG, SO MUCH TO CATCH UP. talked about so many different stuff. oh and we had a hard time contemplating what to have in coffee bean which was sweltering i tell you. but the heat was quickly washed off by our excited conversations. ^^ then suddenly! IT WAS 12PM!!! LIKE 3HOURS FLEW PAST LIKE THAT.
so we hurriedly chionged to kinokuniya, wanting to find The Book but i bet it was stashed somewhere deep to prevent it falling into hands of people like US. :P so then we searched for "alternatives" by asking the counter for "adult novels" and the counter asked "fiction or non fiction" and we couldnt probably say the truth right! AWW. so yeah, he led us our "alternatives" BOOHOO. we were prepared to say that it was some project lah. then if he asked what school, we're gonna say hwachong! AHHAHAHAHA. so synchronised right! :D nahh, inside joke. :P so yeah, we took our pictures :D and was nearly chased out by the security guard cos i think we were NOISY :P but we were damn good at pretending lah ok. :P

first picture, not used to the cam yet. thats why turned out like this :P

The "Alternatives"

alternatives will do too!

is it like put in the wrong section! TSKTSK. :P

gleeful :D

*takes a peek*

oh look, thats so wrong.

-gives her a disapproving look-

alright, maybe i should see whats so nice about it lah.

damn, got us both hooked.

all the love in the world, i'll give it to you. <3
so after that, we went to NP! :D then we trained down to Dover isit? it reminded of elijah cos dover mrt leads straight to SP and since elijah told me he would be in SP for his "remedials" i was wondering if i would meet him there. :) of which, of course i didnt lah. but Dover MRT was so cool can. looks like the airport terminal 3. :D oh, and did i mention? all the way on the train we were talking AGAIN. oh wells :D:D:D:D
anw i was fascinated by NP and the way the students hand in their assignment. LOL. and i cant believe grace never thought of my coy idea of cheating in assignments :P LOLOLOL. i only been there for 2mins and i thought of it alr and she looked gobsmacked when i told her about it. and she gave me the whole "cos i have more integrity than you" lecture. LOL. AWW, AND NO SHUAI GE :( and so we went the alumni cafe to eat. OH MAN, THAT WAS THE BEST CONVERSATION I HAD IN AGES WITH ANYBODY. Really. It brought back so much so much memories, and the content of this conversation shall be kept between us cos only we would understand how each other actually really feel. Like how when she showed me her sms, i guess only i would react that way, only i would have felt that impact cos yeah.. been there, done that. :) OH! AND I OPENED HER PRESENT. The card was the sweetest thing ANYBODY in my whole entire life have done for me before. You could see the effort she put in lah! I was so so touched.. It was overwhelming to know you're so special to someone that she actually put in so much effort for you.. See, thats the good thing of having artyfarty cells in you, you put it in good use. :( boohoo. but still, omg.. the card is just.. so special.

and this is how it looks like on my room wall :)
Yeah, we did drift into silences at parts of this conversation at NP. but it was so companionable, both knowing what each other is acty thinking about cos thats what we ourselves are thinking about too. :) companionable silence and knowing smiles are best in a conversation, sometimes, silence speaks the most genuine words. :)
and we hugged before i left. :) it was quite unexpected i have to say, cos nobody really hugged me before leaving. hehe:P but it was such a pleasant surprise.. hugged her back tightly, hope i didnt scare her HAHAHAHA. hahaha yes we hugged in the middle of NP's bustling bus stop :D and thats genuine friendship for you, not bothering about others at all :]
OK THEN THIS SILLY GOONDU WOMAN, SHE DIRECTED ME TO THE WRONG BUS STOP OK. i was supposed to take from the same busstop as her, but she directed me to the opposite one. SEE LAH, WASTED EVEN MORE TALKING TIME. BOOHOO. then i sat all the way to holland and the uncle had to scold me awake. BOOHOO. cos i thought it was a long ride what, so i sleep lor. EEYER. then i had to take ALL THE WAAAY back to NP and ALL THE WAAY back to home. that blur womaaannn. luckily my mom's used to me always taking the wrong train or bus so i think thats why she wasnt rly angry. LOL.
And alot of things had happened since then.
- zodiac
- tennis
- "study session"
AND MY DENTAL OP TOMORROW. BOOOHOOOO. i don't wanna go through that torture again... :( but i don't have much of a choice do i.... that deep hollow pain... sigh... i just hope chic lit would be able to take my mind of it.... and i hope the numb cream would be put into good use tmr so i wont be able to feel the jabbing of the 麻醉药.. thats the worst part of it.. and i dont wanna wake up to see the dentist sewing up my wound... please.. :( oh man.. i should stop thinking about it...
on a lighter note. yusheng blackmailed me today. they weren't sure about the concert details.
Claymore says:
plz chairperson please please please
look, he psycho me.
Claymore says:
im begging u on behalf of 4E
Doreen says:
Doreen says:
Doreen says:
whats your even called?
Claymore says:
option 3
Claymore says:
funny name
that goon dont even know what his concert event is called.
Claymore says:
sigh....u dowan help...then dowan..but think of it, all the guys cant go because u never help them
Claymore says:
how would u feel?
Doreen says:
you're such an ass.
Doreen says:
waiting for rach's reply...
Claymore says:
spam her, sms nudge go her house bang on door, hang pig head or sth
tell me he's desperate. cos i needed rach to reply to get ms mok's number. lol.
Claymore says:
u call
Doreen says:
Doreen says:
Claymore says:
call = instant reply
Claymore says:
sms = "hello, who are you"
"oh im doreen"
"oh..what is it"
"i wanna know when the dumb videogame thing start"
"what video game??"
blah blah
Doreen says:
Doreen says:
but call teacher will like v rude not?
Claymore says:
duh tts whyt u calling
Claymore says:
u chairperson
Doreen says:
Claymore says:
im a guy who got 30 for phy and dont pay attn
Doreen says:
Doreen says:
Claymore says:
think of all the helpless guys who dunno what time start
i feel awful :(
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