HAHHAA because today i went pizza-huting with belle! oh oh my god so much fun :D so much to talk about! today was like the 2nd time in consecutive that we are let off early! MY GOD. hahaha i feel guilty of robbing belle's time to rest/study at home because we chatted at pizza hut till 4.22pm! HAHAHA:D and yesterday belle, bling, liyan, viven and i went mac! and liyan helped bling and i calculated that we consumed 1579 calories. WALAU EH. then we were being super bimbo, like oh my god, how much calories have we consumed and stuff like that. HAHAHA fun! ohhh and we had our focus on this pair of people. LOL. my god lah, ystd had macs for lunch today pizza hut. belle and i shared 2 student meals of super supreme and chic-something. ahh not bad :D the chicken taste like spicy drumlets. muahaha. omg, was quite shocked that we had soo much to talk about, like there wasnt a moment of silence at all. :DDDDD and suddenly it was 4.22 alr! HAHA! we at first wanted to do our Add Math there one lah! LOL. yaaay, so happy :D it was great fun talking to belle :D quite surprised that i told her sth i never told anyone in my entire life before, teeheehee :)
i always thought belle was very quiet and don't talk much. Ah, I'm so wrong. I've been realising this mistake ever since we started sitting together during Add Math lessons. But today, it was like "Yes, its a mistake" cos thr was just soo much to talk about! HAHA:D today's our first time having lunch together. HMM :D eh no, i rmbr eating yu pian mi fen opp school with either bling or belle. oh no, cant rmbr. i think its belle. OH YES BELLE! for the stupid interview thing for school inspection. haha!
oh, so about being a vegan. because of the awfully wonderful lunches i've been having, dinners are always a chore now. so these days i've been eating only veg and tofu instead of my usual carnivorous appetite. LOL. so it made my mom rly worry cos she thought i was too stressed out/ her food wasn't nice/ thought i was still sad about that something i wouldn't tell her. haha :)
feels sad that im slowly getting closer to people only when the year's coming to an end. thank god for after O's plans like ICE SKATING :D oooh exciting.
and yaay to Add Math class! Sizzzzzleerrs. <3!>
No, I'm not doing ss essay because I don't know how to do it. :X I'm thinking that I should forsake SS Hist for one of my R5 instead of science. Screw humanities. I think all the O level chapters that come out for ss hist are so unpredictable, like those i wont go and study, like 2006's! thats bloody terrifying. and i hate ss hist. yes, maybe i should go for science instead. hahaha but im a C6-er. HAHAHHAHA, shit.
thats bling posing with that, once in a lifetime.
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