Papa and I collaborated to give mummy a surprise today, like we all pretend to forget her birthday :D then right after math tuition at 12.30, took aldrich's mum's lift to mrt and mrt-ed down to novena where i was to meet ms trisha at 1.30 for science tuition at TCC. So went to hagen dazs to reserve a strawberry cheesecake ;) and had on it inscribed "Happy birthday Mummy. We love you" :D:D:D:D then had some chicken spag and waited for ms trisha. Tuition was supposed to be longer today cos i cancelled last week but i thought untill 4.30 only. GUESS WHAT. it was alllllllllllllllll the way to 5.45 :S i think we got really sick of seeing each other's face alr lah. LOL. we both we like abit seigh alr and both very tired and pek chek. LOL. i was abit worried at first cos i was supposed to do mummy's letter at TCC till 530 (tuition supposedly to end at 430) but lucky tuition got dragged if not i cant imagine crying so badly at TCC and using sooo much of their napkins! lololol :P then ms trisha pei-ed me to collect the cake and i cabbed home cos i was afraid i was late for dinner.
surprisingly mummy didnt call me at all. which is weird, cos i didnt tell her at all where i was going and i was supposed to have tuition at home but cos its a "secret" so i only told my dad where i was, who i was with and what i was doing which is weird cos i never told him such stuff before, i usually only report to my mum. so it felt weird not having 427894328 missed calls on my hp after checking my hp aft tuition. lololololol.
once i reach home, lucky parents still sleeping. Collaborated with my maids to not let my mom near the freezer cos thats whr the ice cream cake is and then they'll bring the lighted cake out after fruits are served after dinner :D:D:D:D so exciting. then during dinner mummy asked where i went then i bluff her say ms trisha wanted me to tuition with her another student so tuition-ed outside today. mum thought i went out to study with bling. hahahah its weird cos if i really did its funny that she didnt scold me for not telling her first. i couldnt contain my smile while telling the lie lah. hahahha. i just focused on the chicken on my plate.
finaaaally fruits was served and with an excuse of getting water, i went to the kitchen to tell my maid to bring the cake out and went back to sit. 10 seconds later, the maids came out with the lighted candle and sang the birthday song as they walked out. walau i dono why but i felt like crying when they did that. soooo sweet and touching.
usually mum's bday is quite forgotten. i feel damn bad about it, this is the first year we actually have a cake for her. i'll never neglect her birthday again. i apologised to her just now that i was sorry that we always didnt care about her birthday and it wont happen again. and she said she was really touched and happy :):):):):) she loved the cake btw! Phew.
oh oh she said sth like "aiyah, you just buy one tub of ice cream and stick one candle on it also can lor. no need go to this extent one lah." and i retorted "walau, if i buy those tub ice cream, you will be as happy as now meh.." hahaha then she smiled :D and she said she very touched that my dad and i acty collaborated and put in effort for her (even though it was not much) :) can see that she was very happy today. :) I'm glad we made her day after all the not-so-good things happening. :)
Happy Birthday Mummy, We Love You. :)
I put four candles only and i told mummy "you're never a day older than 40 to me." WHICH IS TRUE BTW. i always keep thinking she's 40 -.- since like, primary 6. HAHAHHAA.
One thing I never said to you,
I love you.
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