Friday, November 9, 2007


OMG IT IS SO DAMN BLOODY NICE. IT IS EXTREMELY HILARIOUS AND VERYVERYVERY TEAR JERKING. I CRIED AND CRIED AND CRIED AND CRIED BUCKETS IN THE CINEMA. ITS SOOOO TOUCHING. I LOVE MOVIES ABOUT FAMILY TIES :DDDD DWAYNE JOHNSON IS HAWWWWWT. ok at first i didnt think he was awesomely wonderful good looking or whatever but as the show went on... omg.. absolutely charmed :D esp when he serenaded to his daughter.... OOOMMMMMGGGGG.. thats was just GOBSMACKINGLY ENCHANTING. i wish someone could sing like that to me too when im sad! zzoooommmggggg i don't believe a WWE wrestler can sing that goood laaahh ommmggg. :DDDDDDD and it was damn funny lah the show, i laughed like mad. and the girl is soooo cuuute. she just tickles you to the max lah. omgomgomgomgomg im charmed :D and it was damndamndamndamn funny at the part where he was learning ballet. HAHHAHAHA omg. and he was panting like mad, albeit a little exaggarated but still :DDDD i started crying at the part where he ran his girl to the hospital. ommmmmmmmmmmmmmggggggggggg. TEAR JERKING. and the ballet performance was SOOOOO goood. omg. yah and its true, johnson's teeth rly is damn pearly white. i think he makes a good actor. hahaha which is ironic cos i thought wrestlers are supposed to hate such things cos its "gay". lolololol.

omgomgomg i heard zhenghui is gonna bring the dvd to chalet. i bet soo many girls, and maybe guys are gonna cry lah! look forward to GAMEPLAN peopleee! :DDDDD its damn gooood. damn hilarious. damn teary. watch watch watch watch!!!! i paid 9.50 for it and it was worth alllll the value for money. GOOOOD :D ten thumbs up!

much thanks to B for watching with me and walking me home. haha stop bouncing when you walk. :P anw not that you're going to read this, bet you dont even know i've got a blog, hahahah but still, thank you alot :D thank you for showing me how to cook mee goreng and ending up eating the whole thing yourself cos it was so damn salty, thank you for walking that damndark road with me, thank you for jaywalking like siao with me, thank you for making me laugh like crazy cos you knew i was sad :) thank you!

anw i slept at 5am. im kind of seigh now...

I don't wanna know a thing anymore.
I don't care anymore.
I give up.

Don't you just loveeeeeee post O's :D

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