YAY! 2 plans for tonight! :D
#1. invited over to siufang's place for bbq by her parents!
#2. countdown with ivan and huangzhi! and maybe more people :D yayness :D
hopefully both wont crash! xDDDDD
hahaha this is like my first time to a countdown, so embarrassing :P
Monday, December 31, 2007
Hahaha a flashback of yesterday suddenly came to me! :P cos i held weiguo's hand and blade, then yiyao was alone so we ask yiyao to hold weiguo's hand also. omg hahaha yiyao super funny. i think he also very freaked out cos he's partner was joanna then i think she went missing or something lah. then he very scared then weiguo was saying "omg yiyao, you hold my hand tighter than Doreen is holder mine lah!" Hahahha omg everyone broke into peals of laughter! Hahaha!
Ooh and my shoulders hurt alot now. Much worst than last night :( Damndamndamn.
Ooh and my shoulders hurt alot now. Much worst than last night :( Damndamndamn.
HELLO PEOPLE! Hahhaa ok feels damn long since I've blogged lah! I'm gonna blog about super fun M&M (Muts&Mittens) today first. Then followed by bus ride with Samuel day and outing with Colleen Alvin Eu Ginn day. :D
I woke up automatically at 7.45am today hahaha too excited :D 166-ed to amk central then bought milk and a tuna sandwhich from 7-11 then 88 came. Omg so scary can, I thought I was on the wrong bus or sth because it came going into punggol and sengkang! SO SUPER SCARY cos im supposed to go pasir ris?! And in my min punggol and pasir ris are NOWHERE NEAR. so my heart was beating quite fast cos i'd rly hate to be lost in a foreign place totally alone!
Then I look down from my double deck!! OMMGGGG I SAW HUANGZHI!!! Omg i was soooooo relieved to see him like damn damn relieve because everything seemed foreign omg omg :D i rly felt like i could breathe lah! then i called him and ask "are you wearing a brown shirt and jeans today." LOL. at that point of time he was like god-sent lah! soo soo excited to see him, at least sth familiar in all that strangeness. phewww.
hahaha but anyway it was a great coincidence! we walked together into the looong and hot road. omg huangzhi walks damn fast. like DAMN fast. like the pace i'd walk if im late for sch kind of thing. phwoar, so scary. LOL. it was nice having him to walk in with me, made the route less excruciating lolol. hahha cos he's damn funny and has so much to talk about so yah, damn fun :D then we slacked in the office abit. hahaha oh oh then he ask me "do you want to go start now." then i abit sian, and still traumatised by the bus ride so i said "huh later lah. i think to calm down first." lol then his face like relaxxxed lah. obviously waiting for me to say that :P hahaha huangzhi is damn funny :D oh oh yes, and we've found a common point between us, that feels great :)
so ANYWAY, all the dogs today so crazy. It's not like me walking them lah, it's THEM walking ME! so i gave up, i just went into their enclosures and sit inside and pat them for long durations :) hey, indulgence for them k!

this enclosure of 4 is daaaamn cute lah! Because there is only one of me and 4 of them, i can't pat all of them simultaneously so must take turns. Then then got two dogs (the one in front of me and the black one) once my hands leave them for 3 seconds, they'd use their paw and tap tap tap on my thigh lah. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO CUTE RIGHT!!! OMGGGGG. like "hey don forget about me. continue continue!" SOO CUTE RIGHT.. OMG!! reminds me of my charcoal. hahhaha. then the one in front of me always lick me, soo adorable! keep licking and licking SOO AFFECTIONATE!! omg i love these 4 the most lah. can sit there the whole day! :D hahaha i rmbr huangzhi saying "omg she dono in here how long alr" ahahha :D:D:D my lovelies! anw, the fourth one is quite loner kind, so she doesnt mix around with me. :( the others love company more :D
this picture was from last week though! this dog SUPER BIG. omg today he so scary lah. he pounce on me and like wanted to you know, mate. so damn scary cos in my experience dogs who feel like mating usually are more aggressive cos they're high on hormones so they bite so its damn scary lah. smmre when he stand up he's like taller than me! then his paws on my shoulders soooo scary! then i didnt know what to do lah! cos he so heavy! then i just kept screaming and huangzhi, yiyao and ivan were outside telling me to lift my leg up which at that point of them i totally didnt understand ok then somehow he got off me. i forgot how, it happened too fast, too scary, such a blur! Omg i was traumatised when i came out. he's soo huge!
lunch! hahaha lunch was super funny! Ivan sat beside me and kept showing me gross tricks lah wthh. And some was super obvious but i just couldnt get the gist of it quickly. omgomg and huangzhi's fav phrase was "you damn noob" hahaha so anyway we were just being plain retarded in the foodcourt :D fun fun!
eh then damn stupid lah. wei guo, ivan, huangzhi and i went 7-11 to buy stuff after that. then huangzhi and i both saw the mr. softie ice cream then i think i said sth like "you sure say v fattening one right" then he said "no i like the vanilla one" hahhaha ok then we had this whooole biggggg discussion about vanilla and its uses lolololol! hahaha ok damn funny.
back from lunch, Ivan tried to teach me how to properly walk a dog and sit them AGAIN. aiyoo i give up alr, i can nv be firm enough with them, i still find it poor thing to tug on their collar even though its nothing to them but still! Ouch. Sorry Ivan! I know you very pek chek why I just cannot get it :P
yay then we took pictures! Before we (except for joan and cheryl) left for East Coast Park!
For the love of M&M! :D
yiyao and joanna!
hahaha funny guy huangzhi!
cheryl! national fencer! new found friend lol
super damn tall joan! national fencer too! ;)
HAHHAHAHA WEI GUO!! MY SHIFU!! (as shown later) :D:D:D because he's like damn tall. then at first he tiptoed still when the photo was about to be taken, so i went along and squat down even more to emphasise the difference. lolololol :D
IVAN!!! HAHAHHA big voice for a small guy! :D he's damn nice lah, super friendly, super funny also lololol. ALOT ALOT OF STUPID IDEAS AND TRICK PFFTS.

Euginn and i with ivan's hand and huangzhi's lololol. And weiguo at the back looking as if he's about to fall hahahha :D
ehh yiyao trick me lah! he was like "hurry up. late alr. i alr call the skates person to reserve 6 skates for us alr!" omggg i believe him laaahh. walau he was like SO REAL. then they were all laughing like siao. walau hmpfs. hahaha then weiguo and huangzhi damn auntie, kept saying "quick quick late alr late alr" lololol apparently i think after 5pm need to pay more or sth. walau lololol :D
then then whilst walking to the bus stop! yiyao suddenly said "doreen, can you go to the bank with me later. i need to remit money back to my hometown" then he showed me one wad of "$50 notes" lah. then i was like "HUH?! where are you from?!" then he said "france! cant you hear my accent? *tries to accent*" that totally blew his cover lah, if he said malaysia or sth i would have believed lah. so i was like don lieeeee. then he wave that "wad of $50 notes at me" then i was like "OMG WHY YOU GOT SO MUCH MONEY!" then i took it from him then WALAU IS SOME STUPID FLYER THAT LIKE SHOWER THE MONEY PROTUDING OUT ONE LAHHHHHHH. SOOO ASSHOLE OK YIYAO. LOLOLOLOL WALAU. then they all laugh like mad again.
then then!! the bus came then everyone ran to it then stupid ivan use his water gun spray me! walau zun zun spray untill under my arm pit cos i think i raised my arm then walau! then i look as if my arm pit sweating like crazy lah! GRRR STUPID IVAN. hahaha then later at interchange weiguo help me take revenge! :D he use the water gun shoot ivan back lolololol :D stupid lah they all, bring water guns, in the end nobody wanted to carry lololol. but they bought it cheap though. 1 for 1.50 only! o.O
To Ivan if ure reading this : no im not going to blog about you saying happy new year to the cashier woman or that you opened the door for me k. :P
Aww then because Yiyao and Joanna both very sad about some stuff so I went and sit beside Yiyao to console him. Eh see yiyao sad, you yourself also very sad one lor. cos he's always like so witty and funny and so jovial that when he sad rly like down in the dumps kind. so sad :( then when you see joanna cry you also feel like crying. aiyo, the two of them.. their sadness v influential.. at least they cheered up later :D
lol then at the interchange, huangzhi weiguo and ivan all trying to haolian to me about their "sitting skills" lolol and all trying to persuade me to follow them. TSK TSK. Ivan even tried to coax me into it. TSKTSK. :P
Hahaha they all ar, ALL 17 years old, all like small kids like that lah! Keep on doing stupid things to trick me! Like huangzhi's "how many meh meh jump over the wall" walau last time i know the trick one lor. now i forgot, then they all had a good time tricking me. then then ivan's black magic, green magic and white magic. GRRR! i swear one day i will find out the secret behind it! and ivan's "if i got to XX Mrt station now, then i go to XX Mrt station now, then i go to XX Mrt station now, where will i go next" WALAU! That i srsly have no idea lah walau. I swear its some BP thing that only weird peopel like them know please! TSKTSK. hahahaha but anyway it was damn fun trying to figure out what the secret is. Lolool laugh like mad though :D fun people!
Eh then damn suay lah, once we put on our blades, it started raining lah! like huge rain! So we all hid under shelter!
Picture taken by Joanna with Wei Guo missing! Yiyao EuGinn StupidIvan and Huangzhi! All wet and cold. The guys were all saying to each other "wah your hair like that damn shuai" LOLOLOL. then ivan keep teasing huangzhi about looking like quan yifeng which irritated huangzhi like hell. HAHAHA :D
HAHAHAHA MY SHIFU! ok blading is super damn scary omg. i bladed before lah! then i thought rollerblading was like cycling, you will never forget it! hahaha ok i dono how i ended up partnering wei guo also, i think someone just shoved me to him lah. poor him hahaha :D but it was super fun to blade with him! hahaha initially i thought wei guo was a quiet, very solemn guy, no nonsense kind. walau no lah! totally wrong!! he's damn retarded please! AHHAHAHA! he lah, always trying to scare me!
cos i scream alot, like if i know im going to fall. then sometimes he'll pretend to shout also then make me think he's going to fall then i'll grab him like siao then he'll just start laughing lor wth lololol. then ivan also lah! cos ivan was on the bike, then he always purposely ring his bell and scare me lah! cos i'd think there's a biker wanting to past but i cannot make it then i damn scared that biker will crash then thats when i'll start grabbing weiguo again. hahahhaha omg damn stupid. ivan loves his cheap thrills :P:P:P
oh oh there was this part. Cos yiyao also not very zai in blading also, then we both like kind of lost control of our blades then we going to collide into each other already then we both stare into each other's faces and scream HAHAHHAHAHAHA OMG. DAMN FUN, but scary, BUT FUN! :D but we were saved at least by i-dont-know-who and we both like lol, breathing deep breaths hahahaha.
suddenly rained again, so we seeked shelter at the ice cream shop. Omg all the noobs crowded together then we all like going to fall on top of each other like that everyone was holding/hugging/clutching/tugging on everyone so that no one will fall. oh but huangzhi fell in the end i think, cos yiyao accidentally push him or sth? Hais. All the holding/hugging/clutching/tugging didnt work. lololol. anw huangzhi damn funny, everytime he falls, we'll all crowd ard him and all offer him a helping hand but he'll always say "i'm ohkaay" in that accent/emphasis of his. lolololol. i srsly damn admire him lah.
hahahha weiguo said "ok if you see anybody coming towards you, just scream." then i exclaimed "WHY!" then he say "then they will scared, then they will siam you what." HAHAHA OMG SO RETARDED. :D:D:D hahaha then there was this once got this bicycle coming towards us then he said "in front got bike" then i said "am i supposed to scream now" hahhahaha super retarded we both laughed like mad then he said no lah. lololol. aiyah, got wei guo sure wont fall down one :D hahaha cos he's tall enough so like my arm anyhow stretch also sure be able to stabilise myself on him hahahahha damn funny.
oh oh! then suddenly rain damn heavily again. then weiguo say to go seek shelter at the toilet. but OMG. go to the toilet got slope. then EVERYBODY there staring at me screaming my way up lah. SOOOO EMBARRASSING. because i kept sliding down omgomg. hahhaha so paisehhh pls. then i was telling weiguo that i was so sorry that im ruining ACJC's name like that because he was wearing an ACJC shirt. lololol. and of course, also to be an embarrasement to him cos i think i was like some mad woman lah. screaming and not letting go hold of him and damn tak glam also. omg hhahhaha.
hahaha then then because yiyao was at the other side of the toilet, so weiguo came over to "fetch" me to the other side by walking through the grass. omg omg so scary cos have to go downhill and got steps smmre so i was like omgomgomgo no no no. then when we finally reached yiyao, weiguo very proudly announced "you know everyone at the toilet was staring at her trying to attempt a 10cm slope" hahahah walau wth lolololol. i think i was such a disgrace lol.
then then weiguo said that i had to learn how to blade myself so he slowly let go of my hand and i kind of got the gist of it :D i think he makes a damn good teacher lah! he knows how to assure you that you'll be ok. i think he said sth like "although i let go of your hand, but my hand will always be there." wah ok, confident boost, let go. LOL. eh, not bad lei, can survive. :D but but at some points rly cannot then he not beside me anymore so i just grab his shirt. LOLOLOL hahahha its a wonder his shirt is not torn by me. LOLOLOL. hahhaaha but he was damn nice abt it he was like "nvm you don pull my pants down can alr" hahhahaaha not that i pulled his pants anyway!
hahhaha then got another part, i think stupid ivan went to ring his stupid bike bell again lah lolol. then i got scared then i just anyhow grab weiguo's shirt then omg i nearly made him fell! :( heh i think i accidentally poked him at his sides then according to ivan, weiguo is damn scared of tickles lololol thats why he nearly lost control omg lol. :P
then at the last leg of the whole thing, ivan and wei guo swopped. ivan guided me and wei guo cycled with his blades. lolol. omg ivan damn pro. i think he like treat me like his M&M dogs like that lah. soo firm. tsktsk. he's like "where's your V! where's your V!" hahaha but he was very encouraging also, saying things like "see, you can what right." and like kept saying like "very good" and all those lah, very encouraging! but everytime got slope or people or i going too fast i'll still freak out then he'll still have to hold me lololol.
then after that we went to sit on the huge rock and we all screamed our heads off! omg ivan got DAMN HUGE VOICE. apparently he was parade commander omgomg so scary. i nv expected him to be able to shout so loud pls omg. ahhaha going up the rock was tough because im so clumsy and the fact that i had blades on didnt help lol. but thanks to weiguo who helped lift me up and huangzhi telling me how to position up my hand. (hahaha reminded me of camp whereby your teammates cheer you on, telling you what to do kind of thing. esp rockwall, everyone would be saying "step the red one to your left" kind of thing :D then weiguo is like the person who belays (sp?) you. hahahha damn cool)
OH DID I MENTION I FINALLY FELL. lololol ivan and weiguo were both saying "its time you should fall know. you untill now havent fall yet lah." hahhaha thats because i was clinging onto weiguo for dear life lololol :P oh anyway, huangzhi is like as noob as me in blading but he didnt need anyone's help at all lah! he just kept trying on his own and he fell like umpteen times! omg hats off to him! then there was once i was in front of huangzhi, then suddenly i heard a loud thud, then i turn around, LOST MY BALANCE, and fell face down! Omg so scary. lucky got knee guard, if not my jeans would have torn lah. and i fell in like push up position so my shoulder felt quite suan after that. our first aid guy Ivan said it was muscle strain. lololol. so anw, ivan and weiguo both damn happy i finally fell. TSKTSK.
but after resting for awhile, i lost the hang of blading again :( like i totally forgot the movement and everything and had to cling onto weiguo again. zZz. hahaha he was like "why you suddenly forget how to blade" omg lololol. eh just now was ok one lor, i even managed to play 30seconds of "catching" with wei guo untill sth happened and i freaked out. lolol. i think i damn failure lah lol.
ok anyway, WAS I GLAD TO SEE THE BENCH. omg. omg the blades stank to high heavens pls. cos of rain + my smelly feet. hohohoho :P had a bit of hoo ha with the shop owner cos we went into sand. sighsigh.
weiguo tried to wear my slippers to no avail. (to no avail is like huangzhi's pet phrase also lolol) went to macdonald's to wash feet and da bao cos few of them had to rush off alr.
That's Joanna using the water gun to wash off the sand on huangzhi's butt LOLOLOL.
HAHA ok thats all for today! yay i finished this at 4.15am!
Donutnut™ says:
ya use the breakfast as encouragement
Donutnut™ says:
blog wan le then can eat
Donutnut™ says:
cos 6am liao
Lol I'm way ahead of time!
Anyway, I had tonful of fun today :D I love the M&M people! They're so retarded and funny and so fun to be with! :D It's like nonstop laughter with them. Yiyao and huangzhi cannot coexist peacefully lololol. they HAVE TO quarrel lah each time they talk lololol. Squabble like mad. Hahaha and Ivan, Weiguo, Yiyao Huangzhi always ganging up to trick me. Lololol. Its very exasperating but very fun! :D hahaha huangzhi and his lame-ness. lolol. haha most surprising event today was to see the change in weiguo! hahaha! ok maybe i dono him enough thats why i thk he today very high. LOL. yes yes don emo alr weiguo! :D and thanks for being the best shifu! HEHEHHE :P and ivan the motivator. lolololol :P
I love Sundays! <3456
I woke up automatically at 7.45am today hahaha too excited :D 166-ed to amk central then bought milk and a tuna sandwhich from 7-11 then 88 came. Omg so scary can, I thought I was on the wrong bus or sth because it came going into punggol and sengkang! SO SUPER SCARY cos im supposed to go pasir ris?! And in my min punggol and pasir ris are NOWHERE NEAR. so my heart was beating quite fast cos i'd rly hate to be lost in a foreign place totally alone!
Then I look down from my double deck!! OMMGGGG I SAW HUANGZHI!!! Omg i was soooooo relieved to see him like damn damn relieve because everything seemed foreign omg omg :D i rly felt like i could breathe lah! then i called him and ask "are you wearing a brown shirt and jeans today." LOL. at that point of time he was like god-sent lah! soo soo excited to see him, at least sth familiar in all that strangeness. phewww.
hahaha but anyway it was a great coincidence! we walked together into the looong and hot road. omg huangzhi walks damn fast. like DAMN fast. like the pace i'd walk if im late for sch kind of thing. phwoar, so scary. LOL. it was nice having him to walk in with me, made the route less excruciating lolol. hahha cos he's damn funny and has so much to talk about so yah, damn fun :D then we slacked in the office abit. hahaha oh oh then he ask me "do you want to go start now." then i abit sian, and still traumatised by the bus ride so i said "huh later lah. i think to calm down first." lol then his face like relaxxxed lah. obviously waiting for me to say that :P hahaha huangzhi is damn funny :D oh oh yes, and we've found a common point between us, that feels great :)
so ANYWAY, all the dogs today so crazy. It's not like me walking them lah, it's THEM walking ME! so i gave up, i just went into their enclosures and sit inside and pat them for long durations :) hey, indulgence for them k!

this enclosure of 4 is daaaamn cute lah! Because there is only one of me and 4 of them, i can't pat all of them simultaneously so must take turns. Then then got two dogs (the one in front of me and the black one) once my hands leave them for 3 seconds, they'd use their paw and tap tap tap on my thigh lah. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO CUTE RIGHT!!! OMGGGGG. like "hey don forget about me. continue continue!" SOO CUTE RIGHT.. OMG!! reminds me of my charcoal. hahhaha. then the one in front of me always lick me, soo adorable! keep licking and licking SOO AFFECTIONATE!! omg i love these 4 the most lah. can sit there the whole day! :D hahaha i rmbr huangzhi saying "omg she dono in here how long alr" ahahha :D:D:D my lovelies! anw, the fourth one is quite loner kind, so she doesnt mix around with me. :( the others love company more :D

lunch! hahaha lunch was super funny! Ivan sat beside me and kept showing me gross tricks lah wthh. And some was super obvious but i just couldnt get the gist of it quickly. omgomg and huangzhi's fav phrase was "you damn noob" hahaha so anyway we were just being plain retarded in the foodcourt :D fun fun!
eh then damn stupid lah. wei guo, ivan, huangzhi and i went 7-11 to buy stuff after that. then huangzhi and i both saw the mr. softie ice cream then i think i said sth like "you sure say v fattening one right" then he said "no i like the vanilla one" hahhaha ok then we had this whooole biggggg discussion about vanilla and its uses lolololol! hahaha ok damn funny.
back from lunch, Ivan tried to teach me how to properly walk a dog and sit them AGAIN. aiyoo i give up alr, i can nv be firm enough with them, i still find it poor thing to tug on their collar even though its nothing to them but still! Ouch. Sorry Ivan! I know you very pek chek why I just cannot get it :P
yay then we took pictures! Before we (except for joan and cheryl) left for East Coast Park!
Euginn and i with ivan's hand and huangzhi's lololol. And weiguo at the back looking as if he's about to fall hahahha :D
ehh yiyao trick me lah! he was like "hurry up. late alr. i alr call the skates person to reserve 6 skates for us alr!" omggg i believe him laaahh. walau he was like SO REAL. then they were all laughing like siao. walau hmpfs. hahaha then weiguo and huangzhi damn auntie, kept saying "quick quick late alr late alr" lololol apparently i think after 5pm need to pay more or sth. walau lololol :D
then then whilst walking to the bus stop! yiyao suddenly said "doreen, can you go to the bank with me later. i need to remit money back to my hometown" then he showed me one wad of "$50 notes" lah. then i was like "HUH?! where are you from?!" then he said "france! cant you hear my accent? *tries to accent*" that totally blew his cover lah, if he said malaysia or sth i would have believed lah. so i was like don lieeeee. then he wave that "wad of $50 notes at me" then i was like "OMG WHY YOU GOT SO MUCH MONEY!" then i took it from him then WALAU IS SOME STUPID FLYER THAT LIKE SHOWER THE MONEY PROTUDING OUT ONE LAHHHHHHH. SOOO ASSHOLE OK YIYAO. LOLOLOLOL WALAU. then they all laugh like mad again.
then then!! the bus came then everyone ran to it then stupid ivan use his water gun spray me! walau zun zun spray untill under my arm pit cos i think i raised my arm then walau! then i look as if my arm pit sweating like crazy lah! GRRR STUPID IVAN. hahaha then later at interchange weiguo help me take revenge! :D he use the water gun shoot ivan back lolololol :D stupid lah they all, bring water guns, in the end nobody wanted to carry lololol. but they bought it cheap though. 1 for 1.50 only! o.O
To Ivan if ure reading this : no im not going to blog about you saying happy new year to the cashier woman or that you opened the door for me k. :P
Aww then because Yiyao and Joanna both very sad about some stuff so I went and sit beside Yiyao to console him. Eh see yiyao sad, you yourself also very sad one lor. cos he's always like so witty and funny and so jovial that when he sad rly like down in the dumps kind. so sad :( then when you see joanna cry you also feel like crying. aiyo, the two of them.. their sadness v influential.. at least they cheered up later :D

lol then at the interchange, huangzhi weiguo and ivan all trying to haolian to me about their "sitting skills" lolol and all trying to persuade me to follow them. TSK TSK. Ivan even tried to coax me into it. TSKTSK. :P
Hahaha they all ar, ALL 17 years old, all like small kids like that lah! Keep on doing stupid things to trick me! Like huangzhi's "how many meh meh jump over the wall" walau last time i know the trick one lor. now i forgot, then they all had a good time tricking me. then then ivan's black magic, green magic and white magic. GRRR! i swear one day i will find out the secret behind it! and ivan's "if i got to XX Mrt station now, then i go to XX Mrt station now, then i go to XX Mrt station now, where will i go next" WALAU! That i srsly have no idea lah walau. I swear its some BP thing that only weird peopel like them know please! TSKTSK. hahahaha but anyway it was damn fun trying to figure out what the secret is. Lolool laugh like mad though :D fun people!
Eh then damn suay lah, once we put on our blades, it started raining lah! like huge rain! So we all hid under shelter!

cos i scream alot, like if i know im going to fall. then sometimes he'll pretend to shout also then make me think he's going to fall then i'll grab him like siao then he'll just start laughing lor wth lololol. then ivan also lah! cos ivan was on the bike, then he always purposely ring his bell and scare me lah! cos i'd think there's a biker wanting to past but i cannot make it then i damn scared that biker will crash then thats when i'll start grabbing weiguo again. hahahhaha omg damn stupid. ivan loves his cheap thrills :P:P:P
oh oh there was this part. Cos yiyao also not very zai in blading also, then we both like kind of lost control of our blades then we going to collide into each other already then we both stare into each other's faces and scream HAHAHHAHAHAHA OMG. DAMN FUN, but scary, BUT FUN! :D but we were saved at least by i-dont-know-who and we both like lol, breathing deep breaths hahahaha.
suddenly rained again, so we seeked shelter at the ice cream shop. Omg all the noobs crowded together then we all like going to fall on top of each other like that everyone was holding/hugging/clutching/tugging on everyone so that no one will fall. oh but huangzhi fell in the end i think, cos yiyao accidentally push him or sth? Hais. All the holding/hugging/clutching/tugging didnt work. lololol. anw huangzhi damn funny, everytime he falls, we'll all crowd ard him and all offer him a helping hand but he'll always say "i'm ohkaay" in that accent/emphasis of his. lolololol. i srsly damn admire him lah.
hahahha weiguo said "ok if you see anybody coming towards you, just scream." then i exclaimed "WHY!" then he say "then they will scared, then they will siam you what." HAHAHA OMG SO RETARDED. :D:D:D hahaha then there was this once got this bicycle coming towards us then he said "in front got bike" then i said "am i supposed to scream now" hahhahaha super retarded we both laughed like mad then he said no lah. lololol. aiyah, got wei guo sure wont fall down one :D hahaha cos he's tall enough so like my arm anyhow stretch also sure be able to stabilise myself on him hahahahha damn funny.
oh oh! then suddenly rain damn heavily again. then weiguo say to go seek shelter at the toilet. but OMG. go to the toilet got slope. then EVERYBODY there staring at me screaming my way up lah. SOOOO EMBARRASSING. because i kept sliding down omgomg. hahhaha so paisehhh pls. then i was telling weiguo that i was so sorry that im ruining ACJC's name like that because he was wearing an ACJC shirt. lololol. and of course, also to be an embarrasement to him cos i think i was like some mad woman lah. screaming and not letting go hold of him and damn tak glam also. omg hhahhaha.
hahaha then then because yiyao was at the other side of the toilet, so weiguo came over to "fetch" me to the other side by walking through the grass. omg omg so scary cos have to go downhill and got steps smmre so i was like omgomgomgo no no no. then when we finally reached yiyao, weiguo very proudly announced "you know everyone at the toilet was staring at her trying to attempt a 10cm slope" hahahah walau wth lolololol. i think i was such a disgrace lol.
then then weiguo said that i had to learn how to blade myself so he slowly let go of my hand and i kind of got the gist of it :D i think he makes a damn good teacher lah! he knows how to assure you that you'll be ok. i think he said sth like "although i let go of your hand, but my hand will always be there." wah ok, confident boost, let go. LOL. eh, not bad lei, can survive. :D but but at some points rly cannot then he not beside me anymore so i just grab his shirt. LOLOLOL hahahha its a wonder his shirt is not torn by me. LOLOLOL. hahhaaha but he was damn nice abt it he was like "nvm you don pull my pants down can alr" hahhahaaha not that i pulled his pants anyway!
hahhaha then got another part, i think stupid ivan went to ring his stupid bike bell again lah lolol. then i got scared then i just anyhow grab weiguo's shirt then omg i nearly made him fell! :( heh i think i accidentally poked him at his sides then according to ivan, weiguo is damn scared of tickles lololol thats why he nearly lost control omg lol. :P
then at the last leg of the whole thing, ivan and wei guo swopped. ivan guided me and wei guo cycled with his blades. lolol. omg ivan damn pro. i think he like treat me like his M&M dogs like that lah. soo firm. tsktsk. he's like "where's your V! where's your V!" hahaha but he was very encouraging also, saying things like "see, you can what right." and like kept saying like "very good" and all those lah, very encouraging! but everytime got slope or people or i going too fast i'll still freak out then he'll still have to hold me lololol.
then after that we went to sit on the huge rock and we all screamed our heads off! omg ivan got DAMN HUGE VOICE. apparently he was parade commander omgomg so scary. i nv expected him to be able to shout so loud pls omg. ahhaha going up the rock was tough because im so clumsy and the fact that i had blades on didnt help lol. but thanks to weiguo who helped lift me up and huangzhi telling me how to position up my hand. (hahaha reminded me of camp whereby your teammates cheer you on, telling you what to do kind of thing. esp rockwall, everyone would be saying "step the red one to your left" kind of thing :D then weiguo is like the person who belays (sp?) you. hahahha damn cool)
OH DID I MENTION I FINALLY FELL. lololol ivan and weiguo were both saying "its time you should fall know. you untill now havent fall yet lah." hahhaha thats because i was clinging onto weiguo for dear life lololol :P oh anyway, huangzhi is like as noob as me in blading but he didnt need anyone's help at all lah! he just kept trying on his own and he fell like umpteen times! omg hats off to him! then there was once i was in front of huangzhi, then suddenly i heard a loud thud, then i turn around, LOST MY BALANCE, and fell face down! Omg so scary. lucky got knee guard, if not my jeans would have torn lah. and i fell in like push up position so my shoulder felt quite suan after that. our first aid guy Ivan said it was muscle strain. lololol. so anw, ivan and weiguo both damn happy i finally fell. TSKTSK.
but after resting for awhile, i lost the hang of blading again :( like i totally forgot the movement and everything and had to cling onto weiguo again. zZz. hahaha he was like "why you suddenly forget how to blade" omg lololol. eh just now was ok one lor, i even managed to play 30seconds of "catching" with wei guo untill sth happened and i freaked out. lolol. i think i damn failure lah lol.
ok anyway, WAS I GLAD TO SEE THE BENCH. omg. omg the blades stank to high heavens pls. cos of rain + my smelly feet. hohohoho :P had a bit of hoo ha with the shop owner cos we went into sand. sighsigh.
weiguo tried to wear my slippers to no avail. (to no avail is like huangzhi's pet phrase also lolol) went to macdonald's to wash feet and da bao cos few of them had to rush off alr.

HAHA ok thats all for today! yay i finished this at 4.15am!
Donutnut™ says:
ya use the breakfast as encouragement
Donutnut™ says:
blog wan le then can eat
Donutnut™ says:
cos 6am liao
Lol I'm way ahead of time!
Anyway, I had tonful of fun today :D I love the M&M people! They're so retarded and funny and so fun to be with! :D It's like nonstop laughter with them. Yiyao and huangzhi cannot coexist peacefully lololol. they HAVE TO quarrel lah each time they talk lololol. Squabble like mad. Hahaha and Ivan, Weiguo, Yiyao Huangzhi always ganging up to trick me. Lololol. Its very exasperating but very fun! :D hahaha huangzhi and his lame-ness. lolol. haha most surprising event today was to see the change in weiguo! hahaha! ok maybe i dono him enough thats why i thk he today very high. LOL. yes yes don emo alr weiguo! :D and thanks for being the best shifu! HEHEHHE :P and ivan the motivator. lolololol :P
I love Sundays! <3456
Thursday, December 27, 2007
#1. Went to dentist. Taking off top braces on 24th january. (Yikes!)
#2. Went to say a brief hello to Ivan at donut factory.
#3. Off to united square's starbucks. Had a Chocolate cream chip :D had this urge of smsing samuel to tell him im eating whip cream that has chocolate sauce on it (cos sam loves whip cream) :P had second thoughts about that halfway through typing the msg. hahaha.
#4. Read "a million little pieces"
#5. Returned books and rented more and went back to Starbucks to continue reading. Bought a holiday beef pie and hot caramel chocolate ;) Oughtta buy sth, don wanna be chased out since i was on that sofa seat for like, a darn long time.
#6. Had a hoo-ha with mother.
#7. Headed off to park mall for doctor's appointment. On the way there, this guy suddenly said a very loud and excited "HELLO!" to me that i could even hear through my mp3. Scare the living daylights out of me. And I just stared at him wide-eyed, a little scared, heart beating horribly fast like "what does he want. do i know him? oh no, does he know me? am i supposed to know him? oh no, why cant i rmbr his name!" and i think the shocked look on my face said everything cos he started explaining "no no, im not your friend. you don't know me, i don't know you. don't look so shocked. I'm here to..." And yes, he was there to ask for me to donate to some i dont know what charity. TEN FREAKING DOLLARS OK. i said "huh.. ten dollars ah.. can lesser not. ten dollars is alot." then he went on to explain how they're feeding 200 hundred childred and if i only donate 2 dollars its only a few insignificant cents to them. ok lah, feel bad. so i donated TEN FREAKING DOLLARS to him. (of which eu ginn says that i "just paid for his lunch money" zZz. how come everyone always say i am conned by these kind of charity organization.) apparently i got some dollars off my next two trips to eng wah cinema with 3 other friends and discount off my popcorn combo. aiya but pls, who goes to eng wah now. zZz. nvm, must find ppl go, cannot go to waste. ten freaking dollars lah pls. it was the first time evaaaahhhh i donated so much. even that time for flag day, to make my tin heavier i also never "tong" so much ohkaaayyes. zZz. my ten dollars. :(
#8 saw the doc, bus-ed home.
Me am gonna write a letter to my momma nowws.
#2. Went to say a brief hello to Ivan at donut factory.
#3. Off to united square's starbucks. Had a Chocolate cream chip :D had this urge of smsing samuel to tell him im eating whip cream that has chocolate sauce on it (cos sam loves whip cream) :P had second thoughts about that halfway through typing the msg. hahaha.
#4. Read "a million little pieces"
#5. Returned books and rented more and went back to Starbucks to continue reading. Bought a holiday beef pie and hot caramel chocolate ;) Oughtta buy sth, don wanna be chased out since i was on that sofa seat for like, a darn long time.
#6. Had a hoo-ha with mother.
#7. Headed off to park mall for doctor's appointment. On the way there, this guy suddenly said a very loud and excited "HELLO!" to me that i could even hear through my mp3. Scare the living daylights out of me. And I just stared at him wide-eyed, a little scared, heart beating horribly fast like "what does he want. do i know him? oh no, does he know me? am i supposed to know him? oh no, why cant i rmbr his name!" and i think the shocked look on my face said everything cos he started explaining "no no, im not your friend. you don't know me, i don't know you. don't look so shocked. I'm here to..." And yes, he was there to ask for me to donate to some i dont know what charity. TEN FREAKING DOLLARS OK. i said "huh.. ten dollars ah.. can lesser not. ten dollars is alot." then he went on to explain how they're feeding 200 hundred childred and if i only donate 2 dollars its only a few insignificant cents to them. ok lah, feel bad. so i donated TEN FREAKING DOLLARS to him. (of which eu ginn says that i "just paid for his lunch money" zZz. how come everyone always say i am conned by these kind of charity organization.) apparently i got some dollars off my next two trips to eng wah cinema with 3 other friends and discount off my popcorn combo. aiya but pls, who goes to eng wah now. zZz. nvm, must find ppl go, cannot go to waste. ten freaking dollars lah pls. it was the first time evaaaahhhh i donated so much. even that time for flag day, to make my tin heavier i also never "tong" so much ohkaaayyes. zZz. my ten dollars. :(
#8 saw the doc, bus-ed home.
Me am gonna write a letter to my momma nowws.
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Hahahah ok alvin ho is damn funny to sms with :D
I've been using too much computer, gets me a headache.
Oh you know, ystd my mom and i were talking about next year. So she said "You're a big girl now, you've grown up already, go JC alr. Next time if you're not coming back for dinner, just remember to tell me earlier ok. If you want to go out, it's ok, just remember to tell me beforehand. But of course, I'd still be very happy to hear you tell me about where you're going and who you're with and what fun things had happened. If not, it's fine, you're a big girl now."
Ok, I don't know if you know about my family rules. Dinner is a huge thing in my family, everyone comes home and sit together and have dinner together. So everyone has to be home by 6.30 everyday. Since quite long ago, my brother hasn't been home regularly for dinner but it's ok with my mom cos he's grown up and everything so it's ok. So to me, it's actually a big thing that my mom says its ok if I'm not back for dinner. It's like she's recognizing the fact the fact that I've grown up, mature enough to sort out my own time, to trust me, to let me have my own freedom. It's something she has always been talking about since young but never giving me. Now that she's letting go her reigns of control, yes, I do admit I feel happy but I feel sad too.
The thought of her and my dad alone, having dinner together, only the two of them in that long, 12-seater rectangular table makes me sad. To think of how they'd be thinking of how boisterous the house used to be with my bro and I around, me refusing to eat more fish than my share, my bro slurping up all the soup in the pot and me overdosing on chicken and he always giving me his rice and how we give comments on mom's cooking, it's sad thinking of how lonely they'd be thinking of what was used to be.
I don't want that to happen. I hope next time even when I grow up, I'd still be back on time for dinner, I'd still be whining over why we're having steam fish (cos i hate that dish) or be super high when my mom cooks chicken rice, I still want that to happen even when I'm working. I'd like to be like my dad, no matter how tied up he is as work, he'd still do his best to make it back for dinner every night.
When I'm at melbourne, or even in sajc, it's sad to think of how my mom realizes she has no one to fuss around/about anymore, no one to have lunch with her, no one to curl up beside up her during her afternoon naps, no one to hear her complain and whine about small and big things whenever she wants to, no one to help her sms, no one to help her check her mail, no one to share a bowl of maggi mee with her, no one she could conspire with to do something.
It's not that happy an issue for me to grow up. I've grown used to post o levels, always being at home, not always being apart from my mother but I know I'd just have to get used to life in future. Everyone has to grow up.
Last night, I asked her if I could go over to Siufang's house for dinner on New Year's Eve. All she said was "Ok." I was shocked, so I said "Huh it's dinner leh." Then she said "Yah I know. Go lah." I am not used to this, I was prepared to answer her many many questions, I was prepared to even beg and whine abit because afterall, it's New Year's Eve. But all she said was "Ok." - no questions asked. It felt abit weird, like she didn't really care, but I know she doesn't mean it that way. I know what exactly she's thinking, and it makes me feel like I've grown up overnight.
Ok I don't know how come I ended up being so emotional about this. This really contradicts with my first sentence of this post.
I've been using too much computer, gets me a headache.
Oh you know, ystd my mom and i were talking about next year. So she said "You're a big girl now, you've grown up already, go JC alr. Next time if you're not coming back for dinner, just remember to tell me earlier ok. If you want to go out, it's ok, just remember to tell me beforehand. But of course, I'd still be very happy to hear you tell me about where you're going and who you're with and what fun things had happened. If not, it's fine, you're a big girl now."
Ok, I don't know if you know about my family rules. Dinner is a huge thing in my family, everyone comes home and sit together and have dinner together. So everyone has to be home by 6.30 everyday. Since quite long ago, my brother hasn't been home regularly for dinner but it's ok with my mom cos he's grown up and everything so it's ok. So to me, it's actually a big thing that my mom says its ok if I'm not back for dinner. It's like she's recognizing the fact the fact that I've grown up, mature enough to sort out my own time, to trust me, to let me have my own freedom. It's something she has always been talking about since young but never giving me. Now that she's letting go her reigns of control, yes, I do admit I feel happy but I feel sad too.
The thought of her and my dad alone, having dinner together, only the two of them in that long, 12-seater rectangular table makes me sad. To think of how they'd be thinking of how boisterous the house used to be with my bro and I around, me refusing to eat more fish than my share, my bro slurping up all the soup in the pot and me overdosing on chicken and he always giving me his rice and how we give comments on mom's cooking, it's sad thinking of how lonely they'd be thinking of what was used to be.
I don't want that to happen. I hope next time even when I grow up, I'd still be back on time for dinner, I'd still be whining over why we're having steam fish (cos i hate that dish) or be super high when my mom cooks chicken rice, I still want that to happen even when I'm working. I'd like to be like my dad, no matter how tied up he is as work, he'd still do his best to make it back for dinner every night.
When I'm at melbourne, or even in sajc, it's sad to think of how my mom realizes she has no one to fuss around/about anymore, no one to have lunch with her, no one to curl up beside up her during her afternoon naps, no one to hear her complain and whine about small and big things whenever she wants to, no one to help her sms, no one to help her check her mail, no one to share a bowl of maggi mee with her, no one she could conspire with to do something.
It's not that happy an issue for me to grow up. I've grown used to post o levels, always being at home, not always being apart from my mother but I know I'd just have to get used to life in future. Everyone has to grow up.
Last night, I asked her if I could go over to Siufang's house for dinner on New Year's Eve. All she said was "Ok." I was shocked, so I said "Huh it's dinner leh." Then she said "Yah I know. Go lah." I am not used to this, I was prepared to answer her many many questions, I was prepared to even beg and whine abit because afterall, it's New Year's Eve. But all she said was "Ok." - no questions asked. It felt abit weird, like she didn't really care, but I know she doesn't mean it that way. I know what exactly she's thinking, and it makes me feel like I've grown up overnight.
Ok I don't know how come I ended up being so emotional about this. This really contradicts with my first sentence of this post.
Ok, I had a damn bad dream ystd/today. Ok, strictly speaking, it's today. I woke up at 9am then I replied smses then I fell asleep again. Anw, it was a damn bad, confusing, complicated dream and it was gory and horrible. :( It's like I could almost feel it. Anw, this dream involved someone wanting to kill someone whom I think it's me. And this dream involves the weirdest people evaahh. Omg, I hate bad dreams. Sighs.
Ok anyway, I slept at 10.30pm last night. Lol, it's the earliest I've slept in daaays. Lol I haven't been sleeping before 2am recently. Lols damnit now I know whr all the pimples and eyecircles are coming from.
Yay there's plans for rollerblading with the M&M gang on Sunday! :D Plus dinner hopeeeefully!
I (L) Whye Ass. Hahahahha ok, no I don't. I just like to say it cos it's gay. :D AND ANNOYING :)
ok and my mom went shopping with my dad tdy and she bought some ultra modern chic clothes for herself which is like totally :O:O:O:O:O:O anw we had a good laugh together abt the clothes she bought because of my totally gobsmacked expression. hahhaha. ok anw, my point is, i think my mom's fashion sense is like 4238947X better than mine. I think there's sth srsly wrong with my family lah. hahahhaha. <3
shopping tmr with my mom! i hope i cld get some clothes for next year ):
i took 3hours for this post. LOL.
Ok anyway, I slept at 10.30pm last night. Lol, it's the earliest I've slept in daaays. Lol I haven't been sleeping before 2am recently. Lols damnit now I know whr all the pimples and eyecircles are coming from.
Yay there's plans for rollerblading with the M&M gang on Sunday! :D Plus dinner hopeeeefully!
I (L) Whye Ass. Hahahahha ok, no I don't. I just like to say it cos it's gay. :D AND ANNOYING :)
ok and my mom went shopping with my dad tdy and she bought some ultra modern chic clothes for herself which is like totally :O:O:O:O:O:O anw we had a good laugh together abt the clothes she bought because of my totally gobsmacked expression. hahhaha. ok anw, my point is, i think my mom's fashion sense is like 4238947X better than mine. I think there's sth srsly wrong with my family lah. hahahhaha. <3
shopping tmr with my mom! i hope i cld get some clothes for next year ):
i took 3hours for this post. LOL.
Monday, December 24, 2007
I think I srsly got no life. I'm spending christmas eve/day at homee doing nothing. zZz..
My bro and I cooked dinner today! OMG that's a first!! I cooked the vege, my bro cooked the steak and mashed potatoo. Zomg :D first time my mom nv cook and both my bro and I cook together! :D Hahaha a little special christmas :D
Ystd I had this little squabble with my mom.
me: mommy i want to eat turkey tomorrow.
mum: are you mad. turkey is worst than chicken breast.
me: i waaaanttt laaahh!!! i never eat before real traditional christmas dinner lor!!! if not tmr still eat soup fish and vege and rice meh!! so un-christmasy!!
(so this whole thing continued for the next 2 mins)
mum: fine lah fine lah. I go cold storage buy!
mum: i buy already ah, you better finish the whole turkey!
me: zZz.. fine lah fine lah. don buy lah walauuuuuu.
mum: k lah k lah, we compromise. tmr eat steak ok?
me: ok lor. better than nothing.
hahaha ok thats why we ate steak today :D
ok i just realise im not the only no-christmas-life person here. huangzhi too. yayness. he went jogging even. hahaha festive jogger. told him to wish his fellow joggers a merry crazy christmas lololol.
ok post christmas is crazy.
#1. outing with alvin colleen grace eu ginn
#2. tiramisu outing with eu ginn and his friend
#3. eeling theresa theo steamboat meal!
#4. dentist+doctor day.
#5. shopping day with mumm (as quoted from mom: "must go chiong christmas sales" hahaha)
#6. take bus to SAJC with sam and kan + lunch ;)
just nice! 6 days for 6 things! before school starts! still have ONE day for a breather! :D
omg i wonder if the lido-starbucks clique wanna have a new year eve or new year party/ chilling session again. hahahhaha. oh, huiwen's working :( boo.
hahaha ok this is damn funny.
Eu Ginn says:
do you like electronic or manual
D says:
if its not too complicated, i'll choose manual
D says:
if its any damn gadget that i have to preset myself, electronic would be good.
Eu Ginn says:
Eu Ginn says:
i was thinking what present i should get you.
Eu Ginn says:
map or gps
Eu Ginn says:
D says:
D says:
D says:
get me a compass then.
D says:
Eu Ginn says:
Eu Ginn says:
i think a compass got no use for you loh
D says:
D says:
why, i think so too!
Eu Ginn says:
erm. do you know how to read one?
Eu Ginn says:
D says:
D says:
ok good one.
D says:
i don't.
hahahhaha ok, this guy srsly thinks i'll get lost in melbourne. lolololol.
haha did i mention my mom said i smelt like a dog ystd when she picked me up from the mrt station. hahahhaa. and charcoal kept smelling me. like turning rounds and rounds around me and kept on sniffing me :D i think he's jealous! ;)
ok. i'll stop blogging now. and go shower. and indulge myself in Starworld's Monday Night Laugh! :D thanks to nurul m for reminding me! :D
roaaaaar. srsly need to learn how to housework alr. damnit.
My bro and I cooked dinner today! OMG that's a first!! I cooked the vege, my bro cooked the steak and mashed potatoo. Zomg :D first time my mom nv cook and both my bro and I cook together! :D Hahaha a little special christmas :D
Ystd I had this little squabble with my mom.
me: mommy i want to eat turkey tomorrow.
mum: are you mad. turkey is worst than chicken breast.
me: i waaaanttt laaahh!!! i never eat before real traditional christmas dinner lor!!! if not tmr still eat soup fish and vege and rice meh!! so un-christmasy!!
(so this whole thing continued for the next 2 mins)
mum: fine lah fine lah. I go cold storage buy!
mum: i buy already ah, you better finish the whole turkey!
me: zZz.. fine lah fine lah. don buy lah walauuuuuu.
mum: k lah k lah, we compromise. tmr eat steak ok?
me: ok lor. better than nothing.
hahaha ok thats why we ate steak today :D
ok i just realise im not the only no-christmas-life person here. huangzhi too. yayness. he went jogging even. hahaha festive jogger. told him to wish his fellow joggers a merry crazy christmas lololol.
ok post christmas is crazy.
#1. outing with alvin colleen grace eu ginn
#2. tiramisu outing with eu ginn and his friend
#3. eeling theresa theo steamboat meal!
#4. dentist+doctor day.
#5. shopping day with mumm (as quoted from mom: "must go chiong christmas sales" hahaha)
#6. take bus to SAJC with sam and kan + lunch ;)
just nice! 6 days for 6 things! before school starts! still have ONE day for a breather! :D
omg i wonder if the lido-starbucks clique wanna have a new year eve or new year party/ chilling session again. hahahhaha. oh, huiwen's working :( boo.
hahaha ok this is damn funny.
Eu Ginn says:
do you like electronic or manual
D says:
if its not too complicated, i'll choose manual
D says:
if its any damn gadget that i have to preset myself, electronic would be good.
Eu Ginn says:
Eu Ginn says:
i was thinking what present i should get you.
Eu Ginn says:
map or gps
Eu Ginn says:
D says:
D says:
D says:
get me a compass then.
D says:
Eu Ginn says:
Eu Ginn says:
i think a compass got no use for you loh
D says:
D says:
why, i think so too!
Eu Ginn says:
erm. do you know how to read one?
Eu Ginn says:
D says:
D says:
ok good one.
D says:
i don't.
hahahhaha ok, this guy srsly thinks i'll get lost in melbourne. lolololol.
haha did i mention my mom said i smelt like a dog ystd when she picked me up from the mrt station. hahahhaa. and charcoal kept smelling me. like turning rounds and rounds around me and kept on sniffing me :D i think he's jealous! ;)
ok. i'll stop blogging now. and go shower. and indulge myself in Starworld's Monday Night Laugh! :D thanks to nurul m for reminding me! :D
roaaaaar. srsly need to learn how to housework alr. damnit.
Ok today was super damn fun!
I made 7 new friends! Ok, strictly speaking, only 5 new friends because I only said "hi i'm doreen" to the 2 girls who came because they came rly late. Like, one hour before we left. Hahaha. OKok, start from beginning.
Hahaha i managed to reach bugis safely thanks to javin's directions hahaha. Took the mrt from bugis to pasir ris where im meeting eu ginn and his friends to go muts&mittens which is like an animal compound. More about that later.
Hahaha ok anyway, I reached 30mins earlier lol. Now I know I don't need to wake up so early liao LOL.
Hahaha met eu ginn & co at pasir ris mrt. Quite stupid, because I was nervous about meeting his friends since I don't know anyy of them at all and alvin my might-be buddy couldnt make it so I was quite nervous of how the day would turn out. Hahaha so when I couldnt find Eu Ginn, I called him and..
me: where are you
him: im at the mrt. you?
me: me too!
him: oh i see you.
me: oh?! where are you?!
him: turn to your right.
ok damn retarded, i think i was so nervous that i got my bearings wrong. I turned to my left instead and when i didnt see him, i turned my body in a way so that where i was facing straight previously became my right hand side. Do you understand? LOL. anyway, the thing is i did something damn retarded and i think the first sentence that eu ginn said was sth like "did you forget where your right was" hahahhaa ok. i think i was too super nervous thats why lah wth lolol.
Ok anyway, these are his friends. Lemme try recalling some of their details
Huang Zhi from National JC. Super pro fencer. Super pro table tennis player. Super pro means win alot of competitions lol. He takes physics chem math econs. Used to be afraid of dogs. english pro. scared of cats! lol!
Yi Yao from Anderson JC. Super super very very nice guy that they always tease about. got a shirt from thailand that costs $5 hahaha. heard he's super damn smart. english/lit damn zai.
Wei Guo from Anglo Chinese JC. ACJC canoe captain. hahaha heard from them that he's v disciplined. lol. quiet guy.
Ivan from Ngee Ann Poly doing tourism. Is the "organizer" of this whole thing. Has been coming to Muts&mittens for 2 months alr. Knows almost every single dog there. Knows the proper way to walk a dog and make it sit. hahahha. Funny guy who knows how to fold a heart with bus ticket. Lololol.
Ok they were all Eu Ginn's Sec 2 classmates. It felt abit weird at first, like 5 guys and a girl. :/ Hahaha Ivan appeared to be the friendliest cos he talked to me first. Haha!
oh oh it was quite awkward at first. eu ginn walked me to whr his friends were (outside buying waffles) then as we reached..
me: am i supposed to say hi?
him: *looks at friends* eh say hi lei..
them: HII
HAHAHA OMG. abit paiseh lolol. Ok then eu ginn, yi yao and i shared one cab and the other 3 shared another. So anyway, we were talking about funny people. So Eu Ginn said sth like "you know some people they dont talk alot. but thats exactly why they're funny." HAHAHA ok i thought of yusheng like STRAIGHTAWAY! hahahah! then i added "yah yah yah! they v quiet, but once they speak, its damn funny lah" (not that ys is v quiet lah hahaha) then eu ginn said sth else and yi yao suanned him and say "you're saying yourself right eu ginn" LOL.
So anyway Muts&Mittens is like an animal shelter. But Ivan told me that it's not the kind that once you find any stray you can just bring them there, you'd have to pay to allocate the animal into M&M. They have cats and dogs. Some are for short stays only, like say if the owners are overseas or anything. They have 3 different kind of "classes". Eu Ginn calls it Class A, Class B, Class C, like hospital wards. Class A is fully air-conditioned. Class B is whereby volunteers like us are not allowed in and they have coloured purple wards. Class C looks comparatively duller. Alot less nice. Our job scope is mostly to take the dogs out on walks and to interact with them, like cuddle and pat them and all that. You could shower for them if you want too. They've got spaces where the dogs could be let loose to run about.
Ok, at first I was damn freaked out by the dogs because the were soo many of them and some are like FREAKING huge! My charcoal is really small, I've never had huge dogs for a damn long time, like nearly a decade, so for the first few hours, I felt like I was afraid of dogs cos the dogs there are acty all quite huge. :X At first I was quite scared, didn't dare go into their "enclosure" and I was damn scared to pass by those dogs marked "AGGRESSIVE" I was damn scared they'd just pounce out or something lah! Some looked really tame though, gosh, silent killers. Hahaha Ivan took a picture of me patting that giant dog. :D
At first I daren't go into their enclosure but I started by letting one of them go in first, followed by me then after that I felt ok about it alr then I'll just go in myself. It's quite scary though, cos I still don't know which are the tame ones and which are not and some pounce really hard at the gate so I must really slip in super fast. Hahaha but mostly I just wait for one of them to go in first before I go in. Still quite scared lolol. Cos all of them had done this before alr, so they're familiar with the dogs liao lol.
Ok anyway, I can't get most of the dogs to listen to me. It's more like they're bringing me out on a walk rather than the other way round ok! :@ hahaha i can never be firm enough or be tough enough to tug hard on their leash, cos like so poor thing. hee.
Oh oh!!! there is this pavillion thing, so Eu Ginn, Yi Yao, Huang Zhi and I were sitting there slacking. Then Ivan brought this dog there. Then then! I was seated across Eu Ginn and talking to him, then suddenly I saw the dog peeing on his leg!! YES YES OMG OMG HAHHAA OMG SO DAMN POOR THING. The dog just lifted his one leg and just peed on Eu Ginn's leg and his shoe HAHAHAH omg lololol.
Anyway, Ivan and Wei Guo is the super focused on the dogs whereas the four of us are slackers. Always stick together and slack lol. Mainly cos Yi Yao was hungry lol. Hahaha then they were teasing each other about not being able to pronounce words properly. Words like "grasps" and "wasps" hahahha and they were trying to outdo each other in synonyms. LOL. then then huangzhi said "acty i read m-o of the thesaurus" then eu ginn said "wah you really got no life" hahaha.
finally we went for lunch about 1.30. Alot of funny things happened but I'm abit seigh now so I can't really remember alr lolol.
Oh oh I asked Huangzhi if he wanted drink and he said "erm, tentatively.. no.." LOL WTH hahaha. Then the next moment you know it, I'm back with Ivan's drink and mine and he stood up and said "I think I want a drink now" walau. zzz :X lololol.
Oh oh! While waiting for the bus, we were talking about going Kallang to ice skate then Yi Yao said "I think if I go ice skating the ice will melt" hahahhaa which absolutely reminded me of kenneth kan hahahaha! this is so like what kan will say lah! hahaha!
haha then in the bus, Ivan took my bus ticket and said that he dono how long havent seen a bus ticket alr, so both of us were like very seriously discussing what the numbers mean on the ticket. hahaha! then Ivan started folding a heart with it and he said "i only realise how fat my fingers are after i start folding" lololol. then Wei Guo said he know how to fold star. So ivan was shocked like who can fold stars from bus tickets?! so he took the other ticket from me and he started folding. then he say you want your star got how many sides. then ivan said "16" hahaha so retarded. then he changed it to 4 sides. then that wei guo just folded some stupid 4 figure thing lah! then he said "if you want 16 sides your just keep folding. alot to fold leh, you siao ah" hahahhaha omg so retarded. :D:D:D
ivan: i learn to fold heart from bus tickets because next time can fold for gf. But who knew! After awhile, use ezlink card liao, learn for what?!
wei guo: then you don use ezlink card lah!
ivan: very ex leh!
wei guo: yalah then you can tell her "you know how much i spent on to fill this bottle or not"
ivan: hahah yah yah! then i must take all the buses in singapore right.
wei guo: yah! then all the ticket different number one!
ivan: siao ah. sit bus sit untill scared lah.
HAHAHHAA OMG. the way they say damn funny lah. esp the ezlink part lolol. funny dudes. then ivan was asking everyone "who wants my heart" (which i have to say was folded quite damn well) hahaha but nobody responded so he said "guess i'll have to stick it somewhere in the seat like those ah bengs" hahahha.
so we had to walk the looon hot scorching way back again and my feet burnt like hell and we saw people flying kites.
we were introduced to a new "terminal" where the dogs (to me) are bigger and seem more aggressive so I was more scared and so stupid Eu Ginn suddenly scare me from behind and for a moment I thought a damn fierce and tall dog was on my shoulders lah!! Scare the shit out of me! Omgggggggz. :X
But but there was this cute family of four!! SOOO SWEET! They keep licking you and jumping on you!! You feel sooo loved!! AWWWW but the owner came after awhile so we couldnt walk and play with them anymore :( but they were super loveable ^^ then got one dog damn poor thing. he only got 3 legs but he stil can walk and play and run like other dogs. I think he's super strong, he learn to survive and adapt, kind of admire him. :) His name is tripod, how apt. Hahhaa. But he's super cute. And there's another dog who doesn't bark at all. When Ivan first told me, I thought he meant that the dog was mute lah wth. Lolol. but she's super tame and she's super sweet awww. And golden retrievers damn nice to hug and pat!!!!!! AWWW OMG.
Then Joan and Joanna came. Both from ACJC. Didnt get a chance to get to know them though cos they were showering the dogs. :(
Hahaha Eu Ginn and I were walking this dog then as we were about to return it I forgot which "terminal" its from lah! And I dono how to go also! Omg! Lucky Eu Ginn rmbrd :/ Hahhaa then he said "like this, you'll get very lost in melbourne." Lololol!
oh oh and there was a new dog! And as quoted from them all "he looks like a bear lah!" i only managed to see from far, they all so tall, block my view zzz. oh oh i suddenly rmbr huangzhi keep saying things like "i dont want to eat that. i scared i grow fat" hahahaha WHICH IS SOOO SAMUEL!! samuel always says that!! Hahhaha!
Then Huang Zhi, Eu Ginn, Ivan, Wei Guo left together. Yi Yao stayed behind with the girls. Hahaha the guys had a hard time deciding where to go. Lolol. Oh hahaha while waiting for the bus, the guys suddenly started talking about sculpting their bodies those kind of thing hahaha which is acty quite funny. Then Huang Zhi said "this is such a non unisex friendly conversation" hahaha then awhile later Ivan said "Doreen you very bored right. Aiyah lets talk about other things. I also very bored." Hahahha they are such nice people :D
Oh oh! At the bus interchange, I stood up and looked at them and said "you all are not alighting?" then they ALL said no lah! then i felt weird then i said "oh ok bye?" then they ALL SAID "BYEEEEEE" together lah!!! so i rly believe them and alighted! wth then i turn around i saw them behind me :/ zzz. lol! how do guys conspire together so mysteriously?! Wth!
Hahaha Ivan is damn funny. Everytime I ask him "so where are you guys going" or "where are you guys dropping at" then he'd say "i rly have no idea whr we're going also. i'll just follow them." then he'll have that very helpless and lost expression hahaha damn funny. :D
Anw it was damn funny on the mrt. Ivan had this chipmunk version of a ballad walau damn funny pls. ahaha so retarded. everyone laughed lah. he said all he did was to make the pitch higher and it became like this alr LOLOLOL.
then eu ginn and i and huang zhi talked about alot of things. lololol :D random nice weird things. :)
Then they dropped at Kallang to have prata while i mrt-ed back to novena :)
Today was a gooood day :D I did volunteer work and I made new friends who are all very nice people :) Haha much thanks to eu ginn for introducing me to his very quite retarded friends and always sticking by me today! HAHAHA THANKS ALOTALOT! :D hahah and for always being the "stalker" of my blog lololol.
I hope I'd be able to see all of them again next Sunday. :)
Hahaha and I just talked to Huangzhi on msn. Hahaha damn funny, damn retarded, he cant stop talking lolololol.
ok i am damn tired now. walking dogs and long distance traveling are damn tiring. -.-
I made 7 new friends! Ok, strictly speaking, only 5 new friends because I only said "hi i'm doreen" to the 2 girls who came because they came rly late. Like, one hour before we left. Hahaha. OKok, start from beginning.
Hahaha i managed to reach bugis safely thanks to javin's directions hahaha. Took the mrt from bugis to pasir ris where im meeting eu ginn and his friends to go muts&mittens which is like an animal compound. More about that later.
Hahaha ok anyway, I reached 30mins earlier lol. Now I know I don't need to wake up so early liao LOL.
Hahaha met eu ginn & co at pasir ris mrt. Quite stupid, because I was nervous about meeting his friends since I don't know anyy of them at all and alvin my might-be buddy couldnt make it so I was quite nervous of how the day would turn out. Hahaha so when I couldnt find Eu Ginn, I called him and..
me: where are you
him: im at the mrt. you?
me: me too!
him: oh i see you.
me: oh?! where are you?!
him: turn to your right.
ok damn retarded, i think i was so nervous that i got my bearings wrong. I turned to my left instead and when i didnt see him, i turned my body in a way so that where i was facing straight previously became my right hand side. Do you understand? LOL. anyway, the thing is i did something damn retarded and i think the first sentence that eu ginn said was sth like "did you forget where your right was" hahahhaa ok. i think i was too super nervous thats why lah wth lolol.
Ok anyway, these are his friends. Lemme try recalling some of their details
Huang Zhi from National JC. Super pro fencer. Super pro table tennis player. Super pro means win alot of competitions lol. He takes physics chem math econs. Used to be afraid of dogs. english pro. scared of cats! lol!
Yi Yao from Anderson JC. Super super very very nice guy that they always tease about. got a shirt from thailand that costs $5 hahaha. heard he's super damn smart. english/lit damn zai.
Wei Guo from Anglo Chinese JC. ACJC canoe captain. hahaha heard from them that he's v disciplined. lol. quiet guy.
Ivan from Ngee Ann Poly doing tourism. Is the "organizer" of this whole thing. Has been coming to Muts&mittens for 2 months alr. Knows almost every single dog there. Knows the proper way to walk a dog and make it sit. hahahha. Funny guy who knows how to fold a heart with bus ticket. Lololol.
Ok they were all Eu Ginn's Sec 2 classmates. It felt abit weird at first, like 5 guys and a girl. :/ Hahaha Ivan appeared to be the friendliest cos he talked to me first. Haha!
oh oh it was quite awkward at first. eu ginn walked me to whr his friends were (outside buying waffles) then as we reached..
me: am i supposed to say hi?
him: *looks at friends* eh say hi lei..
them: HII
HAHAHA OMG. abit paiseh lolol. Ok then eu ginn, yi yao and i shared one cab and the other 3 shared another. So anyway, we were talking about funny people. So Eu Ginn said sth like "you know some people they dont talk alot. but thats exactly why they're funny." HAHAHA ok i thought of yusheng like STRAIGHTAWAY! hahahah! then i added "yah yah yah! they v quiet, but once they speak, its damn funny lah" (not that ys is v quiet lah hahaha) then eu ginn said sth else and yi yao suanned him and say "you're saying yourself right eu ginn" LOL.
So anyway Muts&Mittens is like an animal shelter. But Ivan told me that it's not the kind that once you find any stray you can just bring them there, you'd have to pay to allocate the animal into M&M. They have cats and dogs. Some are for short stays only, like say if the owners are overseas or anything. They have 3 different kind of "classes". Eu Ginn calls it Class A, Class B, Class C, like hospital wards. Class A is fully air-conditioned. Class B is whereby volunteers like us are not allowed in and they have coloured purple wards. Class C looks comparatively duller. Alot less nice. Our job scope is mostly to take the dogs out on walks and to interact with them, like cuddle and pat them and all that. You could shower for them if you want too. They've got spaces where the dogs could be let loose to run about.
Ok, at first I was damn freaked out by the dogs because the were soo many of them and some are like FREAKING huge! My charcoal is really small, I've never had huge dogs for a damn long time, like nearly a decade, so for the first few hours, I felt like I was afraid of dogs cos the dogs there are acty all quite huge. :X At first I was quite scared, didn't dare go into their "enclosure" and I was damn scared to pass by those dogs marked "AGGRESSIVE" I was damn scared they'd just pounce out or something lah! Some looked really tame though, gosh, silent killers. Hahaha Ivan took a picture of me patting that giant dog. :D
At first I daren't go into their enclosure but I started by letting one of them go in first, followed by me then after that I felt ok about it alr then I'll just go in myself. It's quite scary though, cos I still don't know which are the tame ones and which are not and some pounce really hard at the gate so I must really slip in super fast. Hahaha but mostly I just wait for one of them to go in first before I go in. Still quite scared lolol. Cos all of them had done this before alr, so they're familiar with the dogs liao lol.
Ok anyway, I can't get most of the dogs to listen to me. It's more like they're bringing me out on a walk rather than the other way round ok! :@ hahaha i can never be firm enough or be tough enough to tug hard on their leash, cos like so poor thing. hee.
Oh oh!!! there is this pavillion thing, so Eu Ginn, Yi Yao, Huang Zhi and I were sitting there slacking. Then Ivan brought this dog there. Then then! I was seated across Eu Ginn and talking to him, then suddenly I saw the dog peeing on his leg!! YES YES OMG OMG HAHHAA OMG SO DAMN POOR THING. The dog just lifted his one leg and just peed on Eu Ginn's leg and his shoe HAHAHAH omg lololol.
Anyway, Ivan and Wei Guo is the super focused on the dogs whereas the four of us are slackers. Always stick together and slack lol. Mainly cos Yi Yao was hungry lol. Hahaha then they were teasing each other about not being able to pronounce words properly. Words like "grasps" and "wasps" hahahha and they were trying to outdo each other in synonyms. LOL. then then huangzhi said "acty i read m-o of the thesaurus" then eu ginn said "wah you really got no life" hahaha.
finally we went for lunch about 1.30. Alot of funny things happened but I'm abit seigh now so I can't really remember alr lolol.
Oh oh I asked Huangzhi if he wanted drink and he said "erm, tentatively.. no.." LOL WTH hahaha. Then the next moment you know it, I'm back with Ivan's drink and mine and he stood up and said "I think I want a drink now" walau. zzz :X lololol.
Oh oh! While waiting for the bus, we were talking about going Kallang to ice skate then Yi Yao said "I think if I go ice skating the ice will melt" hahahhaa which absolutely reminded me of kenneth kan hahahaha! this is so like what kan will say lah! hahaha!
haha then in the bus, Ivan took my bus ticket and said that he dono how long havent seen a bus ticket alr, so both of us were like very seriously discussing what the numbers mean on the ticket. hahaha! then Ivan started folding a heart with it and he said "i only realise how fat my fingers are after i start folding" lololol. then Wei Guo said he know how to fold star. So ivan was shocked like who can fold stars from bus tickets?! so he took the other ticket from me and he started folding. then he say you want your star got how many sides. then ivan said "16" hahaha so retarded. then he changed it to 4 sides. then that wei guo just folded some stupid 4 figure thing lah! then he said "if you want 16 sides your just keep folding. alot to fold leh, you siao ah" hahahhaha omg so retarded. :D:D:D
ivan: i learn to fold heart from bus tickets because next time can fold for gf. But who knew! After awhile, use ezlink card liao, learn for what?!
wei guo: then you don use ezlink card lah!
ivan: very ex leh!
wei guo: yalah then you can tell her "you know how much i spent on to fill this bottle or not"
ivan: hahah yah yah! then i must take all the buses in singapore right.
wei guo: yah! then all the ticket different number one!
ivan: siao ah. sit bus sit untill scared lah.
HAHAHHAA OMG. the way they say damn funny lah. esp the ezlink part lolol. funny dudes. then ivan was asking everyone "who wants my heart" (which i have to say was folded quite damn well) hahaha but nobody responded so he said "guess i'll have to stick it somewhere in the seat like those ah bengs" hahahha.
so we had to walk the looon hot scorching way back again and my feet burnt like hell and we saw people flying kites.
we were introduced to a new "terminal" where the dogs (to me) are bigger and seem more aggressive so I was more scared and so stupid Eu Ginn suddenly scare me from behind and for a moment I thought a damn fierce and tall dog was on my shoulders lah!! Scare the shit out of me! Omgggggggz. :X
But but there was this cute family of four!! SOOO SWEET! They keep licking you and jumping on you!! You feel sooo loved!! AWWWW but the owner came after awhile so we couldnt walk and play with them anymore :( but they were super loveable ^^ then got one dog damn poor thing. he only got 3 legs but he stil can walk and play and run like other dogs. I think he's super strong, he learn to survive and adapt, kind of admire him. :) His name is tripod, how apt. Hahhaa. But he's super cute. And there's another dog who doesn't bark at all. When Ivan first told me, I thought he meant that the dog was mute lah wth. Lolol. but she's super tame and she's super sweet awww. And golden retrievers damn nice to hug and pat!!!!!! AWWW OMG.
Then Joan and Joanna came. Both from ACJC. Didnt get a chance to get to know them though cos they were showering the dogs. :(
Hahaha Eu Ginn and I were walking this dog then as we were about to return it I forgot which "terminal" its from lah! And I dono how to go also! Omg! Lucky Eu Ginn rmbrd :/ Hahhaa then he said "like this, you'll get very lost in melbourne." Lololol!
oh oh and there was a new dog! And as quoted from them all "he looks like a bear lah!" i only managed to see from far, they all so tall, block my view zzz. oh oh i suddenly rmbr huangzhi keep saying things like "i dont want to eat that. i scared i grow fat" hahahaha WHICH IS SOOO SAMUEL!! samuel always says that!! Hahhaha!
Then Huang Zhi, Eu Ginn, Ivan, Wei Guo left together. Yi Yao stayed behind with the girls. Hahaha the guys had a hard time deciding where to go. Lolol. Oh hahaha while waiting for the bus, the guys suddenly started talking about sculpting their bodies those kind of thing hahaha which is acty quite funny. Then Huang Zhi said "this is such a non unisex friendly conversation" hahaha then awhile later Ivan said "Doreen you very bored right. Aiyah lets talk about other things. I also very bored." Hahahha they are such nice people :D
Oh oh! At the bus interchange, I stood up and looked at them and said "you all are not alighting?" then they ALL said no lah! then i felt weird then i said "oh ok bye?" then they ALL SAID "BYEEEEEE" together lah!!! so i rly believe them and alighted! wth then i turn around i saw them behind me :/ zzz. lol! how do guys conspire together so mysteriously?! Wth!
Hahaha Ivan is damn funny. Everytime I ask him "so where are you guys going" or "where are you guys dropping at" then he'd say "i rly have no idea whr we're going also. i'll just follow them." then he'll have that very helpless and lost expression hahaha damn funny. :D
Anw it was damn funny on the mrt. Ivan had this chipmunk version of a ballad walau damn funny pls. ahaha so retarded. everyone laughed lah. he said all he did was to make the pitch higher and it became like this alr LOLOLOL.
then eu ginn and i and huang zhi talked about alot of things. lololol :D random nice weird things. :)
Then they dropped at Kallang to have prata while i mrt-ed back to novena :)
Today was a gooood day :D I did volunteer work and I made new friends who are all very nice people :) Haha much thanks to eu ginn for introducing me to his very quite retarded friends and always sticking by me today! HAHAHA THANKS ALOTALOT! :D hahah and for always being the "stalker" of my blog lololol.
I hope I'd be able to see all of them again next Sunday. :)
Hahaha and I just talked to Huangzhi on msn. Hahaha damn funny, damn retarded, he cant stop talking lolololol.
ok i am damn tired now. walking dogs and long distance traveling are damn tiring. -.-
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Ok I have extremely alot to blog about.
#1. Outing with grace ystd @ 22/12/07
#2. Muts&Mittens today!
This post would only be about grace's outing. I'll do the Muts&Mittens one after this :)
Met Grace at Coffee Bean at 10am at Takashimaya. Oooooh it was nice seeing her again!!! :D She made me a very lovelyy christmas card which was so so so so sweet as always :D:D we did alot of catching up, I didn't have much to contribute though cos I don't have as much of a life as her Lololol. hahaha at about 1130, we decided to leave coffee bean since we were supposed to meet euginn+alvin+collen at heeren at 12. Hahaha so I said I must/want to take a picture with the taka christmas tree cos everyone has at least one pic with it except for me zZz :/

finally one shot! :D

so on the way walking to heeren, i checked my hp and i saw euginn's msg that alvin wld not be able to make it cos he has some sudden family function and he himself wld most prolly not come too! :(( He said we could go banana republic at paragon to find colleen. So this means that grace and i would have the whole day to ourselves instead! Hahaha the silver lining :P
So we decided to go have Swensons. Acty the plan was to go have jap buffet with the clique but oh weell, not so much $$ ahahha (not that swensons didnt cost a bomb zzz) ok thats only cos we ate aloot. HAHAHHAHA. hahaha and i have no idea why but we started talking about artises! omgg hahahah i think we were damn noisy cos each time one of us mention an actor/actress that both of us like alot we would start squealing and go "yes yes yes omg omgomg!" hahahhaa or if not it'll be "yeeeeees he/she so so hot!!" hahhahahaha ok thats just plain fun :D
went to paragon to find colleen! Hahaha omg i couldnt recognise her without her little "curry puff" on her head! Hahaha she's my so-called senior since she pae-ed into SAJC as well. Pity she didnt stay on :( Hahaha I nearly forgot how fast she talks! hahaha! Samuel! Colleen say must try the chicken rice lololol. Then we had to leave if not her boss will scold her lol.
Hahaha ok i dono why but grace and i suddenly had this crazy idea of going Tangs and their super posh fitting room to do crazy things :D hahahah this is what i love so much about her. She's damn on/gung-ho for crazy things :D

this dress im on with is like super damn ugly pls. DAMN UNFLATTERING. ok anyway, we both took 2 dresses on the first round, then we swopped over and wear the dress that the other party chose out :D
something gone wrong.
another super unflattering dress.
ok this black dress wasnt that bad


ok this is the first time i ever changed so excessively together with a friend. (the previous time was with huiwen whereby we laughed like hyenas hahaha) omg it didnt feel embarrassing or ath at all lah. we were just trying to at least get the damn dress over our heads lah pls LOL. some dresses are like rly super damn hard to wear can. :X

i kind of quite like this dress :D gracey too! (hahaha idk why but i just like to type her name as gracey lolol. but i dont call her gracey in life. just like to type it that way lolol)
Hahaha we went in and out like thrice lah! each time bring in like 6-8 pieces of clothings pls! HAHAHHA! we bluff the salesperson that we were buying our prom dresses :P
some dresses revealed too much bra. so i didnt post them up. stupid woman was still screaming inside the room "must blog abt this ah must post this pic up ah" hahahhaha crazy.

you know. we realise that pictures we take like that, are so much better than those we take in the mirror. it srsly has sth to do with the lightings we swear.

LBDs!! :D my first ever tried on LBD ever!

the one im with looks like a kimono lololol. but it looked like a nightie too. but its damn comfy. its silky. sooo sleepable LOL

nope nope. not nice at all.

as quoted from grace, "this is the number of clothes we tried on X3" hahahhahaha :D damn true pls. imagine how much we changed! hahah it was fun trying to figure out which string goes where. which hole is for your head or your hands. and trying to help each other zip up hahahhaa damn fun pls.
cheap thrills! :P
hahaha ok so after our excessive changing session, its time for some plain picture taking.

hahaha ok i think i got a lianxzxz gene in me. i angled the cam perfectly near to fit us both in it! HAHAHHAHA.
the twiisttxzxz.

random #1
random #2
random #3

random #4
random #5

hahahha ok end liao end liao.
so anyway, we walked out quite paiseh that we had a heap of clothes for the salesgirl again :P anw we were on a pic taking high so we decided to go take a neo! hahahha. walked to heeren and saw a filming taking place! :D omg lots of big shots!!

pornsak, that campus superstar aloysius(PCK)-lookalike, jeff wang

zhou chu ming! chen han wei! terence cao! omg omg omg!!! and grace and i were saying just now how hot terence cao was, and now we saw him in person! OMG FRKING EFFING HOT PLS OMGOMGOMGOMOGMG.
chen liping! oh oh adam chen was thr too hotness.
hahhaa cos i had only 9 bucks left, so we could only afford a 9 bucks neoprint LOLOLOL. and all like 10 bucks one lah! heng we found one. but its like the machine that i took when i was in sec 1 lah. LOLOLOL. i rmbr i took it with muji and jieying hahhahaa. :D omg take neoprint damn fun, we like soo long nv take alr, like forgot how to do things in it alr LOLOL.
while waiting to choose picture.
ok i dono why i cant seem to type after the neoprint so i'll just type it here. we parted aft neos. me home, grace boyfriend.
it was quite stupid. i went to the wrong bus stop :/ ok to huiwen: i've found the "opposite direction" bus stop alr lah! you know how we were saying if we take 162/167 or whatever orchard buses to orchard, whrs the other direction? OK I FOUND IT. tell you whr next time zZz.. AND WHR DID YOU GO AH HUIWEN?! YOU ARE LIKE MIA-ING! nurul m and i are both wondering!
yaaay. ystd was pure retarded fun :)
ok, smsing alvin makes me miss his retarded sense of humour. seeing colleen makes me miss her cuteness. roar. fortunately i met eu ginn today :D more about that in the next post!
hahahah this post is posted first to kill nurul m of her boredom :D
#1. Outing with grace ystd @ 22/12/07
#2. Muts&Mittens today!
This post would only be about grace's outing. I'll do the Muts&Mittens one after this :)
Met Grace at Coffee Bean at 10am at Takashimaya. Oooooh it was nice seeing her again!!! :D She made me a very lovelyy christmas card which was so so so so sweet as always :D:D we did alot of catching up, I didn't have much to contribute though cos I don't have as much of a life as her Lololol. hahaha at about 1130, we decided to leave coffee bean since we were supposed to meet euginn+alvin+collen at heeren at 12. Hahaha so I said I must/want to take a picture with the taka christmas tree cos everyone has at least one pic with it except for me zZz :/
So we decided to go have Swensons. Acty the plan was to go have jap buffet with the clique but oh weell, not so much $$ ahahha (not that swensons didnt cost a bomb zzz) ok thats only cos we ate aloot. HAHAHHAHA. hahaha and i have no idea why but we started talking about artises! omgg hahahah i think we were damn noisy cos each time one of us mention an actor/actress that both of us like alot we would start squealing and go "yes yes yes omg omgomg!" hahahhaa or if not it'll be "yeeeeees he/she so so hot!!" hahhahahaha ok thats just plain fun :D
went to paragon to find colleen! Hahaha omg i couldnt recognise her without her little "curry puff" on her head! Hahaha she's my so-called senior since she pae-ed into SAJC as well. Pity she didnt stay on :( Hahaha I nearly forgot how fast she talks! hahaha! Samuel! Colleen say must try the chicken rice lololol. Then we had to leave if not her boss will scold her lol.
Hahaha ok i dono why but grace and i suddenly had this crazy idea of going Tangs and their super posh fitting room to do crazy things :D hahahah this is what i love so much about her. She's damn on/gung-ho for crazy things :D
ok this is the first time i ever changed so excessively together with a friend. (the previous time was with huiwen whereby we laughed like hyenas hahaha) omg it didnt feel embarrassing or ath at all lah. we were just trying to at least get the damn dress over our heads lah pls LOL. some dresses are like rly super damn hard to wear can. :X
cheap thrills! :P
hahaha ok so after our excessive changing session, its time for some plain picture taking.
so anyway, we walked out quite paiseh that we had a heap of clothes for the salesgirl again :P anw we were on a pic taking high so we decided to go take a neo! hahahha. walked to heeren and saw a filming taking place! :D omg lots of big shots!!
pornsak, that campus superstar aloysius(PCK)-lookalike, jeff wang
hahhaa cos i had only 9 bucks left, so we could only afford a 9 bucks neoprint LOLOLOL. and all like 10 bucks one lah! heng we found one. but its like the machine that i took when i was in sec 1 lah. LOLOLOL. i rmbr i took it with muji and jieying hahhahaa. :D omg take neoprint damn fun, we like soo long nv take alr, like forgot how to do things in it alr LOLOL.
ok i dono why i cant seem to type after the neoprint so i'll just type it here. we parted aft neos. me home, grace boyfriend.
it was quite stupid. i went to the wrong bus stop :/ ok to huiwen: i've found the "opposite direction" bus stop alr lah! you know how we were saying if we take 162/167 or whatever orchard buses to orchard, whrs the other direction? OK I FOUND IT. tell you whr next time zZz.. AND WHR DID YOU GO AH HUIWEN?! YOU ARE LIKE MIA-ING! nurul m and i are both wondering!
yaaay. ystd was pure retarded fun :)
ok, smsing alvin makes me miss his retarded sense of humour. seeing colleen makes me miss her cuteness. roar. fortunately i met eu ginn today :D more about that in the next post!
hahahah this post is posted first to kill nurul m of her boredom :D

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