I woke up automatically at 7.45am today hahaha too excited :D 166-ed to amk central then bought milk and a tuna sandwhich from 7-11 then 88 came. Omg so scary can, I thought I was on the wrong bus or sth because it came going into punggol and sengkang! SO SUPER SCARY cos im supposed to go pasir ris?! And in my min punggol and pasir ris are NOWHERE NEAR. so my heart was beating quite fast cos i'd rly hate to be lost in a foreign place totally alone!
Then I look down from my double deck!! OMMGGGG I SAW HUANGZHI!!! Omg i was soooooo relieved to see him like damn damn relieve because everything seemed foreign omg omg :D i rly felt like i could breathe lah! then i called him and ask "are you wearing a brown shirt and jeans today." LOL. at that point of time he was like god-sent lah! soo soo excited to see him, at least sth familiar in all that strangeness. phewww.
hahaha but anyway it was a great coincidence! we walked together into the looong and hot road. omg huangzhi walks damn fast. like DAMN fast. like the pace i'd walk if im late for sch kind of thing. phwoar, so scary. LOL. it was nice having him to walk in with me, made the route less excruciating lolol. hahha cos he's damn funny and has so much to talk about so yah, damn fun :D then we slacked in the office abit. hahaha oh oh then he ask me "do you want to go start now." then i abit sian, and still traumatised by the bus ride so i said "huh later lah. i think to calm down first." lol then his face like relaxxxed lah. obviously waiting for me to say that :P hahaha huangzhi is damn funny :D oh oh yes, and we've found a common point between us, that feels great :)
so ANYWAY, all the dogs today so crazy. It's not like me walking them lah, it's THEM walking ME! so i gave up, i just went into their enclosures and sit inside and pat them for long durations :) hey, indulgence for them k!

this enclosure of 4 is daaaamn cute lah! Because there is only one of me and 4 of them, i can't pat all of them simultaneously so must take turns. Then then got two dogs (the one in front of me and the black one) once my hands leave them for 3 seconds, they'd use their paw and tap tap tap on my thigh lah. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO CUTE RIGHT!!! OMGGGGG. like "hey don forget about me. continue continue!" SOO CUTE RIGHT.. OMG!! reminds me of my charcoal. hahhaha. then the one in front of me always lick me, soo adorable! keep licking and licking SOO AFFECTIONATE!! omg i love these 4 the most lah. can sit there the whole day! :D hahaha i rmbr huangzhi saying "omg she dono in here how long alr" ahahha :D:D:D my lovelies! anw, the fourth one is quite loner kind, so she doesnt mix around with me. :( the others love company more :D

lunch! hahaha lunch was super funny! Ivan sat beside me and kept showing me gross tricks lah wthh. And some was super obvious but i just couldnt get the gist of it quickly. omgomg and huangzhi's fav phrase was "you damn noob" hahaha so anyway we were just being plain retarded in the foodcourt :D fun fun!
eh then damn stupid lah. wei guo, ivan, huangzhi and i went 7-11 to buy stuff after that. then huangzhi and i both saw the mr. softie ice cream then i think i said sth like "you sure say v fattening one right" then he said "no i like the vanilla one" hahhaha ok then we had this whooole biggggg discussion about vanilla and its uses lolololol! hahaha ok damn funny.
back from lunch, Ivan tried to teach me how to properly walk a dog and sit them AGAIN. aiyoo i give up alr, i can nv be firm enough with them, i still find it poor thing to tug on their collar even though its nothing to them but still! Ouch. Sorry Ivan! I know you very pek chek why I just cannot get it :P
yay then we took pictures! Before we (except for joan and cheryl) left for East Coast Park!
Euginn and i with ivan's hand and huangzhi's lololol. And weiguo at the back looking as if he's about to fall hahahha :D
ehh yiyao trick me lah! he was like "hurry up. late alr. i alr call the skates person to reserve 6 skates for us alr!" omggg i believe him laaahh. walau he was like SO REAL. then they were all laughing like siao. walau hmpfs. hahaha then weiguo and huangzhi damn auntie, kept saying "quick quick late alr late alr" lololol apparently i think after 5pm need to pay more or sth. walau lololol :D
then then whilst walking to the bus stop! yiyao suddenly said "doreen, can you go to the bank with me later. i need to remit money back to my hometown" then he showed me one wad of "$50 notes" lah. then i was like "HUH?! where are you from?!" then he said "france! cant you hear my accent? *tries to accent*" that totally blew his cover lah, if he said malaysia or sth i would have believed lah. so i was like don lieeeee. then he wave that "wad of $50 notes at me" then i was like "OMG WHY YOU GOT SO MUCH MONEY!" then i took it from him then WALAU IS SOME STUPID FLYER THAT LIKE SHOWER THE MONEY PROTUDING OUT ONE LAHHHHHHH. SOOO ASSHOLE OK YIYAO. LOLOLOLOL WALAU. then they all laugh like mad again.
then then!! the bus came then everyone ran to it then stupid ivan use his water gun spray me! walau zun zun spray untill under my arm pit cos i think i raised my arm then walau! then i look as if my arm pit sweating like crazy lah! GRRR STUPID IVAN. hahaha then later at interchange weiguo help me take revenge! :D he use the water gun shoot ivan back lolololol :D stupid lah they all, bring water guns, in the end nobody wanted to carry lololol. but they bought it cheap though. 1 for 1.50 only! o.O
To Ivan if ure reading this : no im not going to blog about you saying happy new year to the cashier woman or that you opened the door for me k. :P
Aww then because Yiyao and Joanna both very sad about some stuff so I went and sit beside Yiyao to console him. Eh see yiyao sad, you yourself also very sad one lor. cos he's always like so witty and funny and so jovial that when he sad rly like down in the dumps kind. so sad :( then when you see joanna cry you also feel like crying. aiyo, the two of them.. their sadness v influential.. at least they cheered up later :D

lol then at the interchange, huangzhi weiguo and ivan all trying to haolian to me about their "sitting skills" lolol and all trying to persuade me to follow them. TSK TSK. Ivan even tried to coax me into it. TSKTSK. :P
Hahaha they all ar, ALL 17 years old, all like small kids like that lah! Keep on doing stupid things to trick me! Like huangzhi's "how many meh meh jump over the wall" walau last time i know the trick one lor. now i forgot, then they all had a good time tricking me. then then ivan's black magic, green magic and white magic. GRRR! i swear one day i will find out the secret behind it! and ivan's "if i got to XX Mrt station now, then i go to XX Mrt station now, then i go to XX Mrt station now, where will i go next" WALAU! That i srsly have no idea lah walau. I swear its some BP thing that only weird peopel like them know please! TSKTSK. hahahaha but anyway it was damn fun trying to figure out what the secret is. Lolool laugh like mad though :D fun people!
Eh then damn suay lah, once we put on our blades, it started raining lah! like huge rain! So we all hid under shelter!

cos i scream alot, like if i know im going to fall. then sometimes he'll pretend to shout also then make me think he's going to fall then i'll grab him like siao then he'll just start laughing lor wth lololol. then ivan also lah! cos ivan was on the bike, then he always purposely ring his bell and scare me lah! cos i'd think there's a biker wanting to past but i cannot make it then i damn scared that biker will crash then thats when i'll start grabbing weiguo again. hahahhaha omg damn stupid. ivan loves his cheap thrills :P:P:P
oh oh there was this part. Cos yiyao also not very zai in blading also, then we both like kind of lost control of our blades then we going to collide into each other already then we both stare into each other's faces and scream HAHAHHAHAHAHA OMG. DAMN FUN, but scary, BUT FUN! :D but we were saved at least by i-dont-know-who and we both like lol, breathing deep breaths hahahaha.
suddenly rained again, so we seeked shelter at the ice cream shop. Omg all the noobs crowded together then we all like going to fall on top of each other like that everyone was holding/hugging/clutching/tugging on everyone so that no one will fall. oh but huangzhi fell in the end i think, cos yiyao accidentally push him or sth? Hais. All the holding/hugging/clutching/tugging didnt work. lololol. anw huangzhi damn funny, everytime he falls, we'll all crowd ard him and all offer him a helping hand but he'll always say "i'm ohkaay" in that accent/emphasis of his. lolololol. i srsly damn admire him lah.
hahahha weiguo said "ok if you see anybody coming towards you, just scream." then i exclaimed "WHY!" then he say "then they will scared, then they will siam you what." HAHAHA OMG SO RETARDED. :D:D:D hahaha then there was this once got this bicycle coming towards us then he said "in front got bike" then i said "am i supposed to scream now" hahhahaha super retarded we both laughed like mad then he said no lah. lololol. aiyah, got wei guo sure wont fall down one :D hahaha cos he's tall enough so like my arm anyhow stretch also sure be able to stabilise myself on him hahahahha damn funny.
oh oh! then suddenly rain damn heavily again. then weiguo say to go seek shelter at the toilet. but OMG. go to the toilet got slope. then EVERYBODY there staring at me screaming my way up lah. SOOOO EMBARRASSING. because i kept sliding down omgomg. hahhaha so paisehhh pls. then i was telling weiguo that i was so sorry that im ruining ACJC's name like that because he was wearing an ACJC shirt. lololol. and of course, also to be an embarrasement to him cos i think i was like some mad woman lah. screaming and not letting go hold of him and damn tak glam also. omg hhahhaha.
hahaha then then because yiyao was at the other side of the toilet, so weiguo came over to "fetch" me to the other side by walking through the grass. omg omg so scary cos have to go downhill and got steps smmre so i was like omgomgomgo no no no. then when we finally reached yiyao, weiguo very proudly announced "you know everyone at the toilet was staring at her trying to attempt a 10cm slope" hahahah walau wth lolololol. i think i was such a disgrace lol.
then then weiguo said that i had to learn how to blade myself so he slowly let go of my hand and i kind of got the gist of it :D i think he makes a damn good teacher lah! he knows how to assure you that you'll be ok. i think he said sth like "although i let go of your hand, but my hand will always be there." wah ok, confident boost, let go. LOL. eh, not bad lei, can survive. :D but but at some points rly cannot then he not beside me anymore so i just grab his shirt. LOLOLOL hahahha its a wonder his shirt is not torn by me. LOLOLOL. hahhaaha but he was damn nice abt it he was like "nvm you don pull my pants down can alr" hahhahaaha not that i pulled his pants anyway!
hahhaha then got another part, i think stupid ivan went to ring his stupid bike bell again lah lolol. then i got scared then i just anyhow grab weiguo's shirt then omg i nearly made him fell! :( heh i think i accidentally poked him at his sides then according to ivan, weiguo is damn scared of tickles lololol thats why he nearly lost control omg lol. :P
then at the last leg of the whole thing, ivan and wei guo swopped. ivan guided me and wei guo cycled with his blades. lolol. omg ivan damn pro. i think he like treat me like his M&M dogs like that lah. soo firm. tsktsk. he's like "where's your V! where's your V!" hahaha but he was very encouraging also, saying things like "see, you can what right." and like kept saying like "very good" and all those lah, very encouraging! but everytime got slope or people or i going too fast i'll still freak out then he'll still have to hold me lololol.
then after that we went to sit on the huge rock and we all screamed our heads off! omg ivan got DAMN HUGE VOICE. apparently he was parade commander omgomg so scary. i nv expected him to be able to shout so loud pls omg. ahhaha going up the rock was tough because im so clumsy and the fact that i had blades on didnt help lol. but thanks to weiguo who helped lift me up and huangzhi telling me how to position up my hand. (hahaha reminded me of camp whereby your teammates cheer you on, telling you what to do kind of thing. esp rockwall, everyone would be saying "step the red one to your left" kind of thing :D then weiguo is like the person who belays (sp?) you. hahahha damn cool)
OH DID I MENTION I FINALLY FELL. lololol ivan and weiguo were both saying "its time you should fall know. you untill now havent fall yet lah." hahhaha thats because i was clinging onto weiguo for dear life lololol :P oh anyway, huangzhi is like as noob as me in blading but he didnt need anyone's help at all lah! he just kept trying on his own and he fell like umpteen times! omg hats off to him! then there was once i was in front of huangzhi, then suddenly i heard a loud thud, then i turn around, LOST MY BALANCE, and fell face down! Omg so scary. lucky got knee guard, if not my jeans would have torn lah. and i fell in like push up position so my shoulder felt quite suan after that. our first aid guy Ivan said it was muscle strain. lololol. so anw, ivan and weiguo both damn happy i finally fell. TSKTSK.
but after resting for awhile, i lost the hang of blading again :( like i totally forgot the movement and everything and had to cling onto weiguo again. zZz. hahaha he was like "why you suddenly forget how to blade" omg lololol. eh just now was ok one lor, i even managed to play 30seconds of "catching" with wei guo untill sth happened and i freaked out. lolol. i think i damn failure lah lol.
ok anyway, WAS I GLAD TO SEE THE BENCH. omg. omg the blades stank to high heavens pls. cos of rain + my smelly feet. hohohoho :P had a bit of hoo ha with the shop owner cos we went into sand. sighsigh.
weiguo tried to wear my slippers to no avail. (to no avail is like huangzhi's pet phrase also lolol) went to macdonald's to wash feet and da bao cos few of them had to rush off alr.

HAHA ok thats all for today! yay i finished this at 4.15am!
Donutnut™ says:
ya use the breakfast as encouragement
Donutnut™ says:
blog wan le then can eat
Donutnut™ says:
cos 6am liao
Lol I'm way ahead of time!
Anyway, I had tonful of fun today :D I love the M&M people! They're so retarded and funny and so fun to be with! :D It's like nonstop laughter with them. Yiyao and huangzhi cannot coexist peacefully lololol. they HAVE TO quarrel lah each time they talk lololol. Squabble like mad. Hahaha and Ivan, Weiguo, Yiyao Huangzhi always ganging up to trick me. Lololol. Its very exasperating but very fun! :D hahaha huangzhi and his lame-ness. lolol. haha most surprising event today was to see the change in weiguo! hahaha! ok maybe i dono him enough thats why i thk he today very high. LOL. yes yes don emo alr weiguo! :D and thanks for being the best shifu! HEHEHHE :P and ivan the motivator. lolololol :P
I love Sundays! <3456
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