OK ANYWAY, first stop to sf's bbq. wah her bbq damn meaty sia. lolol. got pork ham turkey beef chicken PHWOAR. all kinds of meat lololol. then i met her cousin who is going to trinity also! so qiao right! and! she's leaving on the same day andrea is!!! AND! they're gonna take the same class! woooo. hopefully andrea would get to know her since she's a very nice girl :D did some catching up with sf as well. :D
oh then in the midst of everything, huangzhi sms me say he didnt know what to wear since he had never been to a countdown as well. then he said he's wearing a white shirt with black stripes. omg i totally froze to the ground when i saw that msg lah. i was like in beach shorts, tee shirt, sneakers pls! then he wear untill so nice!!? freak me out, cos i also nv been to countdown before then i was like "omg must wear untill so nice? i thought will very hot!" lolol omg so scary. sf suggested that i shd go home to change. LOLOL but i didnt lah. no way.
then sf and her cuzzie sent me to the busstop at about 8 where i 74ed to amk mrt then mrt-ed to cityhall to meet huangzhi and ivan. WALAU. meeting them was a craaaaze lah. at first they told me they were at the raffles link or cityhall link or whatever that link is called lah, then when i reached the station, they told me they were at suntec's popular now. then i was like "OMG SO FAR" lolol so i rushed through the throngs and throngs of bodies to suntec and searched frantically for popular which is like SOO FAR. omg suntec is such a huge building please. then when i was NEARLY reaching popular alr, they tell me they at donut factory!!!!! WAAAAAHHHH PIANG. and its like at another building or sth then i had to take dono how to walk there that i had to ask for directions even! omg! lololol. anw that was some crazy walking lah.
hahaha then i couldnt see them in DF, so i wandered a little further, then i turned around and suddenly huangzhi was behind me! omg scare me. hahaha i think the first thing i said to him was "omg why you wear untill so shuai" because when he said "white shirt with black stripes" i assumed horizontal stripes. not the vertical, long sleeved collar kind of shirt he's wearing! omg hahaha so yah, taken aback. lololol.
ok then the two of them persuaded/convinced/coaxed me into buying a donut. Lol, most of you would know that I do not have a sweet tooth and sweet stuff makes me feel jelat (sp, nurul m?) and i'd feel nauseous. BUT ANYWAY, i dono how they did it. I bought a hazelnut one (which btw i didnt get to try because in the end ivan MADE ME try the double chocolate or sth. haiya i forgot the flavour lolol)
went carrefour to buy drinks. I finished my bottle of Chrysanthemum in less than one minute. ALL THAT WALKING made me as thirsty as a horse please. lolol. then someone suggested watching a movie since it was 9 oddish only, then ivan said "suntec is eng wah one" OMG THEN I SUDDENLY RMBR THAT I GOT THE DISCOUNT VOUCHER!!! BUT IT WAS IN THE OTHER BAG. omgomgomg so pek chek, lolol then ivan got scared off by me cos i suddenly exclaimed vehemently lolol. hahaha then huangzhi was saying "aiya then we don go watch eng wah liao. we go watch golden village" LOLOLOL. because we all felt quite OUCH that we had to spend the "extra" money lolol. but anw we didnt watch anything because the timing didnt fit also.
LOL so we decided to just sit and chill. omg hahaha we found a bench and ivan made me eat some super sweet and chocolatey donut hahaha then we were playing one of our stupid games again :D:D:D:D:D:D:D AIYAH I KNOW THE TRICK BEHIND THE "if i go XX, then i i go XX, then i go XX where will i go next" game alr lah. soooooo retarded pls!! NO LOGIC ONE LAH!!!! WAAALLAAAUUUU. $@()&@$(*^@( roaaaar trust people like them to come out with games like this. lololol but it took me damn long to find out lah, and in the process of doing so we were all laughing like mad and ivan kept pressing me to eat the donut cos the chocolate glazing was like melting in my hand and the donut looked damn gross. lolol then huangzhi was the one who kept saying "eh your mouth got chocolate", "eh your chin got chocolate" walau lolololol.
hahha then ivan was saying that "walau people take 20seconds to eat one donut, you 20minutes still not done lah." then i protested that at least i was halfway done, then i looked down at my donut and realised i was wrong, but too late for corrections! they were both saying that i failed my fractions. lololol.
ivan: if i take bus 1, then i take bus 2, then i take bus 3, what bus will i take next?
me: (said some wrong answer)
huangzhi: noo, it's err.. bus number 5!
walau then they kept telling me about bus numbers then i thought it had something to do with mathematical equations so i was like closing my eyes and doing my math. then huangzhi said "i bet she's thinking like, "ok, i take the first digit put in the ones place, then the second digit in the tens, then i swop" lololol then ivan continued "yah then later must integrate" HAHAHA WALAU. lolololol.
anw i found out the stupid trick alr lah!! GRRRRR. hahaha but laughing together was damn funny. somehow when i see ivan laugh, i'll laugh even more, then huangzhi see me laugh, he'll laugh harder, then ivan see us laugh he'll laugh even harder and the cycle continues. lololol. usually it'll be huangzhi who stops laughing first then ivan then me. lololol. hahaha laughing with them is fun fun fun :D then we played many other super retarded games lah! hahaha some i managed to figure out very quickly then huangzhi would be annoyed cos he'd be like 'walau why you figure out so fast one' lololol. :D because huangzhi is a saddistic person and likes to see people getting all confused and blur. zZz.
then we squeezed our way with the masses to Padang and found ourselves a spot. the field was damn wet lah. ivan wanted to borrow cardboard boxes from the ice cream uncle but the uncle dao him hahahhaa. so in the end, i lent huangzhi my towel to sit one, i sat on my plastic bag and ivan was the funniest lah. hahaha cos he got a ziplock bag that has a shirt inside, which according to huangzhi "would be more comfortable to sit on" lolol then then!! when ivan sat on it, the ziplock bag "BOOM!" lah!! hahahahahah!!! smmre as he was sitting down he was making the noise of "OHHHHHHHHH" then suddenly "BOOM!" HAHAHHAHA DAMN FUNNY! HAHAHAHA OMG THREE OF US LAUGH LIKE MAD LOLOLOL! but anw the bag didnt burst lah, i thk cos its ziplock bag then got all the air then he sit on it, kena compressed then the opening like burst open to let the air out only lah. hahahaha but still damn funny lah, the BOOM was so loud! hahaha!
Ivan showed me this video of the waterfall at raffles city. So I was saying "omg this looks like those chemical bond things you make out of the plastic models in the chem lab" hahaha then huangzhi groaned "omggg stop talking about chemistry laaahhh" HAHAHHAHA.

haha then we talked about things and decided that since it was going to 2008, we should let bygones be bygones and have a great 2008!!
ivan: doreen! you turn off the flash ah! i thought you take again because you smile not nice or something lah! why you go turn off the flash! you think now day time isit! how to see!
omg and ivan's watch is dammn accurate lah!! he was counting down 5..4..3..2..1! THEN THE FIREWORKS STRAIGHT AWAY COME OUT LAAAHHH!!!! OMGOMGOMGOMG!!!!!
Hahaha this video is the first shot of the fireworks! hahaha ivan was saying that his watch was "singapore time" which means the accurate one lolol and that SRC was damn retarded because the fireworks put on for some time alr then they started counting down. hahaha walau damn dumb. lolol.
OH MY GOD THIS VIDEO IS DAMN FUNNY!! PLEASE LISTEN TO THE CONVERSATION BETWEEN IVAN AND I :DD its damn funny lah!! hahahhaha. ivan is so retarded please :D ok just in case you all cant hear.
ivan: eh eh whats that ah. balloons ah?
huangzhi: yah
me: waah.
ivan: wahh.
me: wah they very lang man ah (romantic)
ivan: you know what is this called
me: no
ivan: littering
hahahaha from this video, i realise i say very crappy things when im with them. lolol. (aside from all the omg-ing :P)
after the fireworks, we were all reluctant to leave because the weather was super damn good, very windy and cooling. Aww. Hahhaa so we were saying very retarded things lah like "omg 2008 air" then huangzhi was saying something stupid so i said "omg huangzhi, the first stupid thing you siad this year." then ivan tried to trick me abt sth, so someone said "ivan, your first lie of the year" hahhaha then another time i know he was tricking me so huangzhi said "ivan, first failure of the year" hahahhaa. eh and that stupid huangzhi alr like scold me 5 times in the first 30mins of the year alr lah!! WALAU LOLOLOL.
then then! i forgot what huangzhi was saying to me lar lah, then i said "walau, just now still say i cannot count.." then he said "eh you very petty leh. last year the thing you untill now still harping about it!" walaaauuu lololol.
btw, i look blind here. :@

Omg then the Swissotel people throw toilet paper lah!!! The three of us were wondering if those long white things flyying in the air is streamers or toilet paper untill one fell near us and we felt it! OMGGGGG TOILET PAPER PLS. some like super long lah. confirm those industrial kind one :P
finally, we left the field. :(
mass and throngs of people again. squeeze/squash/bang/push~
due to the HUGE human traffic, we decided to walk to bugis. lololol.
ivan: do you know that you can walk to bugis from cityhall?
me: no
ivan: wah, she don't even know about singapore she want to go melbourne.
huangzhi: she sure get lost there.
LOOL. i see alot of people doubting my ability to navigate myself through the streets of melbourne. lololol.
lol along the way, i asked huangzhi if it was skinny jeans that he was wearing. then he said he didnt know and pointed to the guy in front and said "but i know HE'S wearing skinny jeans." hahahaha.
went 7-11 cos huangzhi wanted a drink. look! loooooooong line of receipt!

then we went to intercontinental hotel to use their toilet and decided that we should just wait at their taxi queue. lolol the three of us came out of the toilet AT.THE.SAME.TIME. like, open the door and see each other lololol. i thought guys usually faster lor. so i said "omg first synchronisation of the year" then huangzhi looked at me like i lost my marbles, like i some moron like that lah. walau. then in the taxi!! he said "first taxi ride of the year" then he started laughing, HAH! MY TURN to stare at him now :D
taxi ride was embarrassing. huangzhi kept laughing at me. zZzz.
omg the three of us's total taxi bill was $44.50 lah!! ivan just told me online OGMOMG. the uncle sure damn happy pls. i was dropped off first at novena. then huangzhi at woodlands. lastly ivan at jurong. omggg, the time difference between ivan and i is like 30mins only but $30 more lah!! OMG :/
Much heartfelt thanks to the both of them for giving me the best last day of a year in my life, and a great kickstart to 2008! :D There was never a moment of dullness with them (cept for the last 30mins because we were all damn tired alr, almost falling asleep standing lolol) and it was just fun-filled and so much great laughter! THANK YOU! :D thank you for all the spastic moment, retarded punchlines and just being unable to stop laughing just by looking at each other :D
I have a great feeling for 2008. I know things are going to be great, much better than 2007, I just know it. 2008, cept for the collecting O's results part, I've got a great feeling about it. Hopefully, this time my instincts aren't wrong :)
I am going to play really very hard this last 42 days left in Singapore so that once I reach Melbourne I'd be able to willingly sit down and really really mug my whole time there. I look forward to this new learning experience and independent living. I wonder how much I would change after this journey.
As much as he knows it's impossible, I thank Ivan for being so sweet, always asking me if I can not go to Melbourne and just stay here and be his junior instead :) Haha thank you, you're my first friend who had ever tried so hard to make me stay. For whatever reason you're doing this, thanks! For this, I shall forgive you for saying that I cant count nor do fractions :P:P:P:P teehee.
2008, please let everything be smooth sailing. :)
Ok, there's school tomorrow. I've altered my skirt shorter, strung up my shirt and found my report book. Let's just hope I wouldn't flounder stringing up my shirt tmr morning. Meeting Samuel at my busstop at 6.10am cos we need to be in school by 7.10 (yes tell me about it) and we're the same OG! Heard SA group their OG by birthdates :D heng samuel only 2 days older than me! hahah samuel! we must go try their chicken rice ok! :D
Looking forward to meet new people, make new friends! :D
And stupid Samuel just now bluff me lah, say he what OG 6. Walau. Say untill so real, make me sad for 1 minute untill he confessed. HMPFS. I hope OG 4 is gonna be a fun loving group! :D
St Andrew's!
Haha I remember my first day at school at Mayflower. My first bus ride alone in my life ever, that morning I was soo afraid. Afraid of walking in the dark especially. I remember alighting at the campus 1 instead. Haha, the fear. First day at Mayflower definitely feels different from first day at St Andrew's. I'm excited!
Must sleep early tonight. Gotta wake up at 5.30am tmr. zzZ. that's nearly one hour earlier than normally mayflower wake up time. :X
Happy 2008!
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