oh no wait, before that, here's pictures today!! omg andrea davin joseph and i took the carousel! so cool right! omggg :D and andrea and i went to church today! planetshakers is like The Coolest Church everrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. they have live band, and the pastor is The Coolest Pastor everrrrr. its almost like having a concert and you're there singing at the top of your voice but still not hearing it and you feel so totally relaxed after that. omg im going back next week! damn cool.
ok anw, i need to wake up at 6am tmr so here's pictures! (6am because my mom's coming tmr!!! and i need to leave the house by 6.45/7am. yaaaaay :D love love.
say hello to joseph who makes me laugh madness every moment im with him :D he's damn cute lah. hahhahaha makes you laugh shitless. :D
random lol
joseph and andreaaaa :D
my lovely lovely andrea who loves to bond with me. pffts.
on the carousel!!
andrea and davin
i hope you realise joseph has shifted his position. hahahha throughout the whole ride he kept walking here and there lah lololol.
super happy please :D
the four of us! muchmuchmuchmuchmuch lovehugskisseslaugh :D
lone shot
gone crazy
i've got even more unglam moments when im with them :(
davin made me do it
andrea is like SO LOVED please.
me being retarded and joseph too tired to give a damn about me. lol
heeeeeeeeeeeeeee :D
srsly damn high liaoxzxz
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm :)
hahhahahha then below's the pictures we took out of sheer boredom plus hunger plus exhaustion during math 1 lecture lolololol
perhaps the only time you'll see me looking so guai and decent in specs. hahahhaha
not so decent anymore
andrea pek chek with me alr hahahhaha
hmpf but i dont care! :P
yes teacher.
hahhahhaa ok this was a real quick post. need to slp early.
BTW, davin, andrea and i invested in a live duckling! its so damn yellow furry tiny and adorable! but davin's forever trying to threaten to kill it and always hurling abusives at it. tsktsktsk. davin ah, you btr rmbr to change the water it shit in tonight k :P
today was a damn hot day lah. stupid weather forecast still say 9 degress. my foot lah. then i was wearing my green turtleneck, hot like shit in victoria market lah. i was soo hot that i felt cold. sorry drea and davin for being grouchy in the market! the heat was getting on my nervessss. sorrysorry! and yes i finally bought my lovely knitted trenchcoat (which i don wanna get nto details of the process of getting it tsk)
blog later if i can rmbr more stuff or when im feeling less lazy.
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