Hello! I'm at laksa's house now ^^ Just came back from church and am meeting her and joseph and jeffrey for dinner at ghin kao :D ooh yummy yummy thai food! Ooh church was soo soo good, it really dealt with all my questions and I've missed the whole planetshakers experience so so so so much. I haven't wept like that since Beautiful Woman already. Oooh :D I'm feeling quite geared up alr :D
And I've finally found a way to nicely save those pictures that bling sent me of our picnic! So I can blog them soon! YAY :D those picnic pictures are really pretty because of the sun and beach and pretty background :D i like!
Hahaha remember I said I was supposed to wake up 10.30am today right, guess what, I woke up at 12.40pm in the end. HAHAHAHA. summore is andrea call me to wake me up one smmre ahaha! super tired lah :( tonight after dinner must rush home and sleep alr. luck tmr's class starts at 1.45pm only YAY! :D
ohhhh.. school's starting tmrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
This semester I must finish every tutorial for every subject.
This semestr I must go to the gym at leaaaast once a week.
This semester I must do my housework regularly.
This semester I must stop eating excessively.
This semester I must work really hard.
This semester I must stop thinking "what if i cannot get into melbourne uni"
This semester I must do my best.
This semester I must not procrastinate/be lazy.
And the root of eerything is so that after the arduous 5months, I can finally go back and enjoy a fruitful and fufilling holiday with all my darlings whom I'm already missing :( 5 bloody months. 17 weeks, 17 weeks, 17 weeks.
I hope I do ok for my lit essay :( Tmr's plan is to go borders and read March and do grocery shopping afterwards.
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