lo and behold! keith was the first to arrive, at like 7pm smmre! and he's always the latest as according to the rest hahaha! so he and i walked around to get samuel's birthday present and cake. then kenji and bez arrived and we waited for huiwen cos she came from aljunied i think, smwhr damn far lah. hahhaa. so change of plans, i went to meet samuel at united square (we were at novena) first if not later he'll get suspicious, or so i thought because we thought that he has arrived alr.
HOW I KNOW, when i reached samuel wasnt there yet! and i kind of panicked and called keith and he said that he saw samuel and there was this whole chao and the whole running-away-from-samuel-in-case-he-sees thing and he couldnt talk properly also lol. and just at that whole moment, samuel waltzed in through the door proclaiming "i swear i saw them! they ran away from me!" HAHAHHAHA and in a desperate attempt to divert his attention and lessen his suspicion, i tried convincing him that it wasnt them (although i knew i failed) and just started talking to him.
hahahha talking to sam is damn fun, laugh like mad, like crazy. he's damn bloody hilarious lah i swear! he never change lah he, in SA also always make me laugh like crazy, that day at starbucks also hahaha! some things he say are just so him and wacky lol!
ohhh then i saw them coming with the cake! then i quickly and nervously tried to not let samuel turn behind and see them desperately trying to light the cake lolololol! HAHAHHA WHICH WAS HILARIOUS cos samuel kept saying that im doing a bad job trying to divert his attention and that i left my brains in australia by even trying such a bad idea LOL hahahha he's just funny lah omg. now i think already also laugh like crazy LOL :D hahhaha then there was this once he was about to turn behind then i quickly use my hands to turn his head to face me and that was quite scary cos suddenly he's like staring me in the face HAHAHHAHAH. well in the end he was nice enough to stop turning behind hahahaha! hahaha samuel!
then they came in and we all sang happy birthday and ate the cake in the most old fashioned way! :D we took forks from starbucks and just DIVE RIGHT INTO THE CAKE! woahhhh damn shiok way of eating the cake man! :D
so dao ok.
make a wish make a wish.
him with the shirt keith and i got him.
cut the cake
dig in!!!!
hahaha then we left starbucks after each getting a drink (wooo dark mocha frap is sooo good) we went to pastamania. hahahha we were all freaking samuel out by discussing the movie "shutter" LOLOLOL. samuel damn scaredy cat, dont dare to watch horror show. hahaha. and we all had some really good laughs and time flew and javin had to leave. then the rest of us talked and talked and talked and laughed and laughed and laughed :) our topics were so random that i cant rmbr them, but all i rmbr is tons of good laughter (: thats all it matters isnt it?
then, what was supposed-to-be-a-simple toilet-before-leaving break turned into a major camwhore time. i mean its normal for girls to camwhore in the toilet like...
BUT, woah no, the guys wanted a whole lot more than that. first it started off with an innocent group picture that i was arguing to take.
which i totally ruined cos i stepped on samuel's shoe lol. then someone decided that we should change venue cos there was this couple sitting near us and we felt that our privacy was invaded lololol.
say hello to bezner. (how cute is that omg hahaha)
then someone suggested "lets do jump shots!" and we all spontaneously agreed! :D
some captured the moment while some missed it by that much.
obviously keith got the hang of it, just look at him man!
then now its samuel's turn to steal the limelight
then thats keith with the fingers, kenji attempting to speak and huiwen......
oops, someone accidentally pressed the shutter
the one that huiwen commented that i look like a chicken lol. and that's bezner.. strong and steady.
another unnoticed one
thats them trying to imitate an album cover.
kenji being cut off and keith doing one of his famous jumps while bezner looks as if he's being levitated off ground lololol
samuel's attention seeking hand
look at keith
YAY SUCCESS! everyone off ground!
so after this success, we wanted to change to another spot while samuel was whining about his curfew but was too engrossed in having fun to bother about it hahahah!
leap off!
timer was too fast
what's bezner doing?
And samuel said "sorry doreen, my ass is blocking your face"
This was actually an attempt to potray us pushing them down lol.
samuel forgot himself
a decent group shot :)
huiwen :)
see what i told you about samuel making me laugh like crazy? point proven.
samuel tay, PAE mate :D "my pen's leaking" HAHAHHAHA :D
keith heng
bez whose impt person couldnt make it :(
ok thats the end :) then we all went home all sweaty and hot from all the vigorious jumping hahaha! oh it was so funny! cos keith sam huiwen and i wanted to share a cab home right, so at the bus stop we were hailing for a cab but to no avail. then this guy told us that if we went further in front it would be easier to get one, so we thanked him and left. who knew, after 10 seconds, 980 came and we were all like "how? how? take or dont take?" then in the end we all RANNNNNNN to the bus! HAHAHHAHA and while running past that guy we all said thanks to him! AHHAHAHA! how hilarious is that sight pls. :D
u wearin my pressie ? :) its summer sex dear. haha. i was being specifically random
hahaha you're wearing primary colours! red blue yellow. lol.
babe you went to cut bangs after all! : O
a very refreshing look ;)
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