YAY HERE ARE PICTUES OF THE PICNIC WITH DEAREST EELING AND THERESA! :D they're in really random order cos at first i uploaded it in totally opposite order, like the first picture was the end of the day pic kind of thing, so i wanted to rearrange it. but after rearranging a few, i gave up cos its taking a toll on my eyes. lololol. :P
aww the weather that day was soo perfect! hahaha i rmbr the night before i told bling that i'd be wearing something that she'd "be able to spot me from afar" and she thought i was wearing some red striking dress or smth. hahahah but actually i was wearing the top from Forever21 that both of them gave me for birthday! :D

bling and i whilst waiting for the monorail or tram or whatever its called to arrive :D all excited about our different kinds of food that we brought! hahaha!

the three of us crossing the bridge over to the "mini island" at palawan beach hahaha!

oh yes these two pictures were taken by this really hot lifeguard. hahaha! cos he was walking towards us in the opposite direction so we asked him to take for us, and after he left someone suddenly said "wah quite cute ah" and the rest of us were like "hahaha yah yah yah!" and then someone (i think bling) said "maybe its a pre-requisite to be a lifeguard" HAHAHHA! but later we found out not because in the middle of our picnic a lifeguard passed us and he was oldddd. HAHAHHA.

oh this was us whilst waiting to get back to vivocity after our awesome picnic :D (sorry about the random order!)

i rmbr bling actually wanted us to take it in the middle of the bridge where the sun was scorching right down at us and we were like "no way man, you want we take for you" hahaha! so we hid in the shade whilst bling took a pic for us lololol.

hahaha the efforts we took for the timer!

all time fav picture of the day! :D

our twister picnic mat which belongs to dearest theresa! hahaha! it was so cute when she took out the mat! HAHAHAHA cos apparently she couldnt find her usual picnic mat so she brought this instead hahaha! how cute right! and our awkward position is due to the fact that we were playing impromptu twister hahaa!

it was a major pigging out session that day cos after the picnic which left us really stuffed, we felt a need for some coffee after our shopping and we sat down at cedele and bling and i shared free flow of bread + a bowl of soup but the bread was $*#@( lol so in the end we ended up eating the leftover food. hahaha but we didnt know whether we could bring outside food in or not so each time the waiter come we would hide the chicken wing bones under the bread hahaha damn gross. but it was so hilarious, we couldnt stop laughing :D

at vivo city before we parted :(

me trying to use my Pull&Bear bag to hide my hideous sheng siong bag ahhaha!

ahhh i miss them already :( as i recall of everything that happened that day and all the fun and laughter we had, i cant stop smiling now :( aww man!

because you asked me to smile for you. <3
the sun may have been scorching that day, but it was the love and happiness that you girls brought me that made me feel warm and nice the whole day.
the food may have been really filling but it was you girls who filled me up with joy.
Cheesy much? Yes. But I don't care, I miss you girls so much now.
i love doreen!
this entry made me feel warm and fuzzy inside.
doreen! the pictures are so pretty!!
i couldnt stop smiling too : D
i love you!
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