PS. this is gonna be a real wordy + image heavy post. You gotta have lots of time on your hands to read this. hahaha.
So, lets start with HOW this trip came about.
We (Joseph, Andrea, Davin and I) were nonsense-ing about as usual on Sunday talking about how awesome it'd be if we could go overseas this holiday. Our destinations ranged from the suburbs here in Melb, to around the world in 11 days. Yes, and everything in between. It was funny like shitxz. Then we went Big W later on and Andrea said "How nice would it be if 4 of us could go on a holiday together" And so this dream started to be realised.
We were all about to start studying at Davin's but couldnt get off the topic of going on a holiday tghtr so Andrea and I decided to go to the nearby travel agency to enquire whilst getting dinner for the boys. We all really wanted to go Gold Coast but due to time constraints as Davin had to catch a midnight flight back to Singapore on friday, so there wasn't really much choices left.
It was down to Mt. Buller (skiing) and Great Ocean Road (lots of rocks and sea) Therefore, we settled this our very own traditional way.
Dai Di.
Joseph won that round so we went to Great Ocean Road. ;)
To cut a long story short, lets fast forward to this morning.
Joseph, Andrea and I slept over at Davin's cos we had to reach the meeting point at 7am so we decided to sleepover together, even though joseph was super reluctant.
oh hahahahah smth super funny before we slept:
andrea started "seducing" me in bed and i was trying to sleep (hahaha) so in a moment or rashness i said "stop seducing me lah joseph!" hahhahahhaha and we all burst out laughing cos i said joseph instead of andrea and i was like "omg omg sorry joseph, i meant to say andrea!" then davin was like "doreen must be thinking "oh no jospeh is gg to rape me. joseph is gg to rape me." thats why she said that!" hahahahha damn hilarious lah.
throughout the night, all i can say is that it wasnt a sound sleep.
THEN, suddenly, andrea shouted "WAKE UP! 6.30 ALREADY!" WOAHHHH! All of us jumped up and quickly chiong like mad! hahahaha! in the end we reached the meeting point in time. then cos we were the first to board the bus so i was like "wah! we wake up so late still so first sia!" only to realise, we were the only ones meeting at that particular meeting point... HAHAHHAHA.
Joseph and I in the bus.
First attraction
Don't know when I took this also, I think I accidentally press the shutter while making some alteration to my camera settings hahaha!
Ohh hahahha at this attraction, we all wanted to go to the toilet. Then we thought there was only one entrance to the toilet so i was like "oh unisex ah this toilet" then walk in abit "oh got urinal..." then we realised that "OH NO ITS MALE TOILET" hahahhaa cos unisex toilet no urinal mah right. Then as andrea and i walked out, a man walked in and looked at us weirdly HAHAHHA. then i was like asking andrea "how would we know what sex the toilet is for?!" then andrea said "err.. maybe from the mural paintings on the wall?" then i observed the paintings veryvery closely but still cldnt figure out what is what.
Then when andrea and I were washing our hands, we heard davin and joseph outside laughing damn loudly. So we went out and was like "wlau can hear you from inside lah!" then davin pointed up and we saw the sign "FEMALE" and wah felt so stupid can! then davin was like "angmohs all very tall so they put the sign all very high. no wonder we cannot see." hahahah!
Second attraction, lighthouse.
Then we drove on and finally reached the start of Great Ocean Road so of course had to commenmorate this moment right!
Me attempting jump shot but ended up looking retarded.
Had mega fun!
Hahhahahaa taking this was hilarious!
Then we made davin jump with joseph but davin DIE ALSO DONT WANT. Therefore..
Hahahha everyone was staring at us i think hahahah! But I had loadsa fun!
During break, Joseph had nothing better to do cos we didnt play dai di.
Then we moved on to see koala bears and feed birds.
Fat and lazy.
Omg when the birds first landed on me I screamed like siao! I didnt expect at all lah! So manyyyy birds! And they'll fight to stand on your hand to eat the food. Woahh then land on your head, shoulder, hands EVERYWHERE!
See what I told you about many.
Aye aye captain. Hahhaha! There was this once I think a parrot clung on super tightly to joseph that he scream in pain and literally use his hands and grab the bird by its body and flung it off him. SO MEAN RIGHT. hahahhaa ok i was exaggarating, but it looked quite pain for the bird though.
Andrea just HAD TO zoom to capture my freaked out face.
This bird stayed exceptionally long on my hand to eat.
Then suddenly there was this frenzy of birds that flew on top of my head and shoulders and i was screaming at the birds "DONT SHIT ON ME DONT SHIT ON ME!" and guess what, during lunch time, when i went to the toilet and saw that my hair was super messy, i decided to remake it. Then i touch my hair, eh? why clumpy clumpy hard hard one? So I thought my hairclip slid down. So I pulled it out (with my hands) and there was this mash of brown shit on my hand. SUPER FREAKED OUT LAH K. then i pull my back hair to the front and see, WAH SIA LAH, DAMN ALOT LAH K! So I took tissue and try too get rid of it.
Then Davin outside shouted "wah doreen you damn long lah" and i said "GOT BIRD SHIT ON MY HEAD!" then he laughed and said "LOL! Want me go ask andrea to come and help you or not?" then i damn pek chek alr lah so i said "aiyah whatever lah. Damn hungry now, go eat first, later come back then make" HAHAHAHHA YES, FOOD IS ALWAYS OF UTMOST IMPORTANCCE.
This picture looks sooooooooooooooo wrong.
So thank you andrea for helping me get rid of the bird shit off my hair! :D :D :D apparently she's very experienced in this cos all her friends always kena bird shit one. hahahha!
Then after lunch we went for a rainforest walk whereby joseph kept scaring andrea with snakes, spiders and all that stuff. HAHAHHAHA hilarious. Andrea was super freaked out k hahaha!
By the end of the walk we all felt super unfit. HAHAHHA! But consoled ourselves by saying that we're not in the right gear. HAHAHAH!
After that we headed off to the MAIN ATTRACTION of the day. And guess what.. When I reached the place,
I REALISED I LEFT MY CAMERA ON THE BUS. Must have fallen out when i was asleep along the winding rocky roads. Tskk I was so sad. Lucky Andrea lend me her camera! :D
Introducing to you..
Yes, I can camwhore without my own camera too!
Our Signature.
Davin always so reluctant and unhappy to take picture with me one.
Then Joseph and I split from Andrea and Davin for awhile cos...
I couldnt get much good a view cos I was seated in the middle :(
Happy Us :D
Joseph loves his mike
Joseph had much better a view in pictures than me cos he sat at the side. Woah I had abit of motion sickness in the helicopter esp during takeoff. hahahaha but quite fun! must try! :D
Then we met them back at the Lock Arch Gauge. (or something) WOO DAMN NICE! the sand super soft! but andrea say cannot walk barefooted cos might have sharp stuff :( but soooo hard to walk in the sand lah!!
So pretty right!
Make a story.
From their view when both of them were up there!
Also, through this, we found how unfit we were as our legs were aching like siaooo after we trampled through the thick sand and climbed up the never ending stairs ahhahaha!
Last stop! London bridge!
Apparently the story is, the bridge is a nature formed bridge which connects one apostle to another. And one day, two lovers were on the other side of the rock when the bridge suddenly collapsed (maybe after millions of years of corrosion) then of course they couldnt jump down and swim to shore even though they were rly near it cos it was a really rocky area. So they had to call for rescue and it took the helicopters 3h to arrive and they were on the news and stuff. And the huge thing is, the two of them are lovers both cheating on their partners! Hahhaa what a way to get caught for adultery! All over the press! ahhahah!
look at the waves! THEY WERE HUGE!
And, group shots!
And lastly, same view with different effects.
Thats the end of the photo fiesta! :D Hope it didnt make your comp laggy! hahaha cos that was helluva pictures! :D I had tons of fun today! :D It was great view with awesome friends! Lots of good laughs and chillax time. So worth the $95! :D Thank you Andrea for coming with us even though you've come before! LOVE!
I enjoyed myself thoroughly! Hahhaha lots of inside jokes hahahha! :D :D :D
I can't wait for the promoting of planetshaker's tenFifteen event! woohoo! cos apparently the melb uni commerce ppl are having their ball at this hotel so we're gonna stand outside the hotel and promote our event and hopefully sell lots of tickets! Woo! :D Then saturday bbq to promote the event again! Then FitnessFirst with laksa and joseph! :D
Ok 3.50am, dont feel like sleeping. But I got to.
I realise I blog lesser in terms of words when its image heavy. Not good.
Don't play with fire.
holy crap. I hate colourful flying things. they creep me out. like those .. .... disgusting looking birds. SHUDDERS. lol.
Anyway! it looks really fun, omg. cedric and i were thinking that if we cannot go to singapore U, we'll both go australian U together. lolol. but of course, money's the big problem. Anyhow, it's cedric's birthday today and i cooked for him! YA MY OVEN NO PROBLEM AFTER THAT OK. it was still in perfect condition. lol, hope he'll like my cupcakes. haha see u love(:
ooh doreen i've been to the twelve apostles and loch ard gorge too! haha i rem seeing like a pufferfish that got washed up shore or sth.
haha no acty it was like a super long time ago, like maybe 5 yrs ago? when my sis went to rmit uni in melb, yup.
and i thought coke was the world's most popular drink too! haha. though i went to google it and some say coffee/beer.
Hey doreeen! Wow so much fun I am so envious!! :DDD
doreen dear, it's time i stop seeing that you've washed bird shit out of your hair and still feel excited about it haha.
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