So now ANDREA LAKSANA, here's the post you want lahh. Quit being angry with me all.the.time. lahh pffts.
So.. drama exam! Woo, it was over in a blink of an eye man! Seriously, we still thought we forgot some scenes cos it felt soooo fast. And our play was 8mins on the dot which is awesome stuff! :D Gosh we were some nervous wreck while waiting for our turn to perform in front of the whole lecture theatre. Hahaha and andy was like "no fear man, if you all screw up, i'll back up for you! no fear!" Hahaha!
So I've got Kerryn, Yoga, Andy and Abi in my drama group. Kerryn is the awesome main character with serious stage fright problem but she overcame it well! And Yoga is the old ah pek who is the boss of the orphanage and is the kianchong spider of the group. Abi is the sick and dying girl who is the perfectionist of the group and Andy is my fellow orphan and heartless husband in the play who also happens to be the entertainer of the group, always cracking us up in any meetings and always trying to insert lame stuff into the play hahahhaa! WHO ALSO, btw, owes us all fredoes! (which is this awesome ice cream) hahaha!
I really miss drama meetings despite it being a pain in the ass cos it took up soo much time but every meeting was fun. Well, with andy there, how can it not! Hahaha for every meeting, there would be at least once that we ALL roll on the floor laughing cos of Andy hahahah! He's damn hilarious lah hahaha! Andy classic: Wo bu donggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg. LOL. Ok sorry, I think only I get the joke here. Paiseh.
Ahh I miss being with my drama group, it was so much fun. And all those redundant meetings which only lasted like 5mins hahhaha and ended slacking around Andy's super clean neat and tidy house. Lol.
My awesome drama group! From L to R, Andy, Yoga, me, Abi, Kerryn! a.k.a my fellow orphan + heartless dad, old boss of the orphanage, orphan + heartless mum, dying girl, ambitious inventor!
Good times :)
Trying to tuck in my shirt to look tootsie.
Fellow kiddoe!
He owes us freddoes!
The kianchong spider!
He looks genuinely old huh hahaha.
Hahaha when I was doing my hoi paper and suddenly thought of Andy's "WO BU DONGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG" it made me laughed in the exam hall lololol.
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