But I went like weeks ago so I can't really be bothered to remember everything lah k. I'll just blog as the pictures go.
Early morning at like 6am preparing to go to the airport.
On the plane with my mummy. Dad was sitting with his right-hand man from the company. This was more of a business trip. One of my dad's business contact who's Cambodian was having this hugeass housewarming party.
Woah, once we landed, there was this general standing outside the cabin. Then I was like woah ok, and walked on. Then suddenly Uncle Peter (dad's right-hand man) started calling out after us and signalled us to the general and im like "OMG WHAT DID WE DOOOO"
Then there was this fluster of handing our immigration cards and passport to the general. Then the next thing we knew,
We were waltzing out throught the customs. As in, literally clearing the customs by walking past it. No check, no cards, no passport, straight to baggage claims. FUYOH. My mom was like "what. like that i want to smuggle drugs not very easy lor..."
As much as I felt extremely priviliged and honoured, it really made me doubt the security of the country.
Then outside the airport, there were those hugeass cars waiting for us outside. Zomgg, my dad commented that the interior of the car looked like a "spaceship". Yeah literally man, the design was so yeah, space-shipy. In a good way lah.
Then he brought us to his car showroom, and thats like what, his side business -.- and i felt so inadequate in my shorts. Hugeass cars flooding the whole showroom man.
And althought she's like this mega huge rich kid, but she's really nice (: Cos we are of the same age, so her dad kind of made her accompany me. Poor girl.
Lunch was shark's fin and abalone. o.O
Then to the hotel!! Yeah, that cambodian businessman paid for all his overseas contact's accomodation @ InterContinental. The best hotel in Phnom Penh. Say r-i-ch.
In the room and the toilet.
CAN I PLEASE TELL YOU HOW SHIOK THE BED IS. MUST BE THE MOST COMFORTABLE BED I EVER LAID MY BACK ON. IT WAS SO SOFT BUT NOT TOO SOFT, JUST OF THE RIGHT SPRINGY-NESS. OMGGG SOOO SHIOK. And cos my parents had one room to themsleves and me with one room to myself, so i had allllll the pillows to myself. DOUBLE SHIOKNESS.
Got ready for the first night of the dinner.
People to bless the house and all that. Some sort of ritual.
I like the traditional costume of Cambodia. This is one of the more modern ones.
Hugeass stadium lights in their garden.
Can you see their giganormous gates? That wooden thing is in preparation for the next day, to put flowers.
Dad and Mom.
Yes I stalk my parents.
After the super boring untill want to cry ceremony, we went back to the hotel to get some drinks. My parents had some good ol beer while I had some cocktail. QUITE NICE.
The next morning my parents went around the city with the chauffeur while I stayed in the hotel to laze around. OMG THE POOL WAS SOOOOOOOOOOOO PRETTY. I wanted to just lie there the whole day. So sad I didn't bring my camera there. IT WAS THE MOST GORGEOUS POOL SETTING I EVER SEEN. FUYOH.
I went to the hotel's spa to treat myself to a good massage and a body scrub with a milk bath. :D
I swear I felt soo clean after the scrub and the bath omgggg. I skin felt sooooo smooth like baby's!!!! OMGGGGGG SO AMAZING. I couldnt stop touching my skin lah. SMOOTH LIKE BABY'S CHEEKS. OMGGGGG :D:D And the massage was sooo good. FOOO BLEW MY MIND.
My mom and I at the dinner the second night.
Uncle Peter, Dad, Mum, me seated at the first table. Omg so embarassing, cameras everywhere.
They roll out the red carpet and there's like a camera crew there to video and take pictures of everyone coming in and officials standing there to clap and welcome you zomg.
The stage.
Our table.
Mom and that guy's wife.
Uncle Peter, dad's business contact, business contact's wife, dad, mom, me
Thank goodness lyda was there to keep me company and talked like endless.
Yeap, you're not seeing it wrong, the soldiers are dancing. It's a cambodian thing apparently. So can;t imagine sg soldiers dancing. HAHAHHAA.
Her cousins
Hahaha yeah we attempted to go on stage and attempted to dance the cultural dance.
Back in sweet ol hotel :D
And I had 60 channels that i was gonna make use of man! There was a new taiwan idol drama showing so i..
For those of you who watched "It started with a kiss", yep, its the same cast.
K end. I very lazy alr.
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