I miss my mom. But I can't call home because I depleted my credit on my calling card. Mm, just suddenly miss home alot. Mom more like it, because I haven't talked to her properly in awhile. She's always either out or busy when I call so we talk distractedly for like 10mins or smth. Yeah, just feel like telling her I love her - Something I've never said to her in years.
Sometimes we forget to tell the people we love that we love them. Sometimes it's easy to forget the love that keeps everyone going. Every now and then, everyone needs to be reminded that someone loves them. And then again, sometimes the people we love, forget how to love us back.. And then no matter how hard we try to make them remember, they can't.
So tell someone today that you love him/her. It could be your parents that you're having an argument with, a sibling you're annoyed with, a friend that you fell out with, or maybe, even yourself.
I miss you, much.
I have high fever (getting better already though) and bad cough, so I took MC for 2 days. Felt damn weak lor. Plus loverboy's going to be in Philippines for 3 days... His grandma passed away. So yupp, probably won't get to talk to him for 3 days straight. Okay lah, actually it's not that much. It's just the thought of him being in Philippines (a whole other country). Lol. I'm sure if it were in Singapore, I wouldn't mind so much. Haha.
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