* I can't wait for Gold Coast next Monday!! My first real overseas trip on a plane with friends only! Not school-organized, no parents, no teachers! WOOOOHOOO!!! And I can get to wear all the new summer clothes I bought! Best! HAHA. :P
* As frequency lessens, I start believing that maybe its not time, maybe I'm not even ready, maybe I don't even know what I want. Small changes make big differences.
* I am worried about the whole moving house thing, am I doing the right thing?
* I am feeling abit sick and I don't want to be sick before the big trip.
* I feel so grown up calling the property estate agent, going down for house inspection. Someone told me that I am an adult, that I've grown up already. It still came as a shock.
* I wish I can be less fickle-minded than this, in terms of everything.
* It's raining, it's so cold.
* Japanese buffet tonight was alright. Definitely not somewhere we'd go again. SORRY LAKSANA, THOUGHT YOU WERE DAMN FREE SINCE URE ON HOLIDAY, DIDNT THINK U'D HAVE SO MUCH WORK! THANKS FOR COMING :D
omgosh doreen youre gg to gold coast! Take care alright! Have fun ^^
new blog! link up babe! :D 472239364.blogspot.com / 472239364.tumblr.com! :D hope to see you soon. i miss you.
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