I believe in a lifetime, at one point of your life, you'd find a special someone.
Not the ones you fall in love with and have butterflies in your stomach for, but the ones you entrust your darkest secret with - that secret you're so ashamed of, that secret that makes you think it's the end of the world if anyone else knew.
This special someone I'm talking about is the one you know you can call at 4.15am and you so know she'll scream at you for the first 20 seconds but will then say "hey, what's wrong?" This special someone knows the difference when your brows are furrowed - whether it means "I'm thinking" or "I'm so mad at you right now." She knows when you open your gift and you're faking that "Oh my goodness I love it so much! Thank you!!" When you're actually thinking "This gift is useless. I so wanted that pair of earrings instead."
Oh yeah, she knows. Trust me, she knows when you're faking it.
And I'm proud to say as I'm writing this, I've got a couple of my closest friends flashing through my head.
And you know what, as much as I haven't met that man whom I want to spend the rest of my life with, I thank God that I've got these friends to go through emotional nights, cranky days and just share random snippets of my life with.
You know, you girls can actually be the template for my future boyfriend. With some editing of course. ;)
I STILL READ YOUR BLOG!!! :D Hello, I am patiently (not really) anticipating your return.
WALAO why you blog a few entries only then stop?!!?! Hahaha crazy. :)
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