Sunday, November 11, 2007

FIRSTLY, I'D LIKE TO THANK NURUL M :D yes i dont know why but i was having this discussion with her whereby i was telling her i was hungry. and she told me to just go eat cos its the holidays! so yes, i got swayed by her and went to gorge on ice cream and crackers :D sheepishly mounting the weighing scale the next day, I LOST ONE KG. hahahhaha i think it must be because of nurul m. maybe her "eat more weigh less" thing works the same way as "teach less learn more" hahhahahhahaha. ok anyway, yes, thanks nurul m!

ok please don't mind the pictures. i had nothing to do yesterday before i went out so yupp. the products of boredom :D

went jogging with muji and weicheong ystd. hahahha it was an impromptu thing lah. was acty metting muji, but we met weicheong there so jog together lah. haha. no wait, acty he didnt jog, he just sat there and looked at us jog. anw the jog was damn unproductive cos we ended up sitting down and chatting after i nearly DIED from running 2 rounds. :X yes, i RLY RLY NEARLY died. the sweaaat and pain in my stomach are all signalling me that i rly should get my ass out of the chair and start running and doing some exercise. PFFTS. omg i felt horrible after the run because it just meant that stamina is going dowwwndowwwndowwwn, worst than before and thats zomg. hahaha but wtvr, no more 2.4 for me anymoreeee :D

oh! and imma looking for a job. yes, staying at home is boring. found a couple of jobs that look good. like Nine West, Starhub events promoter, another events promoter. Acty Muji got a job for me alr, data entry. but i think i'd prefer jobs with more human contact and human flow. lolol i cant imagine staring at the computer the whole day. lol. and if i got more of a people's job then i'd know how to tackle HR next time, hopefully :/ aiyah, also dono can get the job yet or not. LOL.

I think imma gonna go try for the harder jobs first, sounds more interesting/challenging. It even needs a resume! how cool! im gonna go embark on my first resume writing everrrrr. :D


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