Monday, June 30, 2008
Eh hey, I'm not the only one having the hots for guys in white crisp long sleeved shirts! Mmmm, we love. :D
So sad, I can't bring the camera to the beach tmr cos my parents need the camera. :( boohoo. we'll fully utilise bling's one! yay picnic @ beach + shopping + haircut (?)!!!!
crikeys, i have no idea if i shd go to salon esprit @ vivo tmr or le salon @ taka on tuesday with my mom. Omggg. Le Salon is definitely much more credible as evident from its reputation and clients they deal with. But I've read really positive comments from customers from salon esprit online as well! Damit. Maybe I'll give Le Salon a shot first. Cos I might want to dye my hair (i know, so not me right. tell me about it, even im shocked in the change in myself) and i have absolutely no idea if my mom would allow me to.
ok its 3am, waking up at 8.30am tmr. blog abt party soon! i hope i wont be late tmr omg! its rly inconvinient to go ard without a hp number.
So, just tell me, what isit that you want from me.
ys says:
great advice
doreeeeeeeeeeeeeen - says:
is that sacarsm?
ys says:
ys says:
doreeeeeeeeeeeeeen - says:
oh rly?
doreeeeeeeeeeeeeen - says:
ys says:
ys says:
doreeeeeeeeeeeeeen - says:
ys says:
ys says:
ys says:
ys says:
ys says:
doreeeeeeeeeeeeeen - says:
you say it so like that how i know!!!!
doreeeeeeeeeeeeeen - says:
ys says:
ys says:
at times
ys says:
ys says:
sincere and
ys says:
ys says:
TEEHEEHEE :D hahahahha he's so funny lah omg!
OH OH OH and and nurul m gave me this mini clock/watch necklace for birthday and i thought it was damn cool cos its so vintage and the emotion on it was so funny ahhaha! but the time was wrong so i thought i'd change it when i reach melbourne since no point changing it to singapore time right. so yeah, i kept it back into the wrapping which wrote "for the time that will never pass us by. all the good moments" which i didnt rly understand, but i thought if i sat on it enough, i'll soon understand.
then todaaaaaaaaaaaay...
lilRed, Polissons et galipettes
its ok. thats why i bought u that necklace though really
lilRed, Polissons et galipettes
but every moment u're gonna spend is totally worth it. so dont regret it not being enough ya
doreeeeeeeeeeeeeen -
thats why you bought me the necklace? to wake me up?
lilRed, Polissons et galipettes
lilRed, Polissons et galipettes
so that when time is passing u by too fast, it serves as a reminder to slow down. cause the clock is spoilt
lilRed, Polissons et galipettes
thats one of the reasons
lilRed, Polissons et galipettes
the other is like i wrote, for the time that will never pass us by. all the good moments
doreeeeeeeeeeeeeen -
doreeeeeeeeeeeeeen -
doreeeeeeeeeeeeeen -
doreeeeeeeeeeeeeen -
lilRed, Polissons et galipettes
yes woman. i thought it was obvious!
lilRed, Polissons et galipettes
lilRed, Polissons et galipettes
seriously what did u think !
doreeeeeeeeeeeeeen -
doreeeeeeeeeeeeeen -
HAHAHHAHA OMG SO I THOUGHT THE CLOCK WORKED BUT JSUT THAT IT WAS SET TO THE WRONG TIME! HAHAHHA! and we were talking about how my reaction would be like if i didnt know that its not supposed to work, and i find out on my own. hahahhaha i told her that i'd most prolly say smth like "OMG NURUL M! YOU GOT CHEATED! THE CLOCK DOESNT WORK!" hahahahhaha which she said was a "very me" response! HAHAHAHHA. but wldnt it be funny if i rly told that to her! HAHAHAHHAHAHHA! it was so funny when i realise that the clock wasnt supposed to work lah! I LAUGHED SO HARD HAHAHAHHA! omg so blur. hahahhahahahha!
and cos last night i told her that the present is very "cool" right, she thought that the "cool" referred to the clock not working so she never told me that its not supposed to work cos she thought i knew! AHHAHAHAHHA! but the "cool" i was referring to was the vintage look and the whole concept of it (lest the not working part) hahahaha! its so funny omg imagine what if i never knew its not supposed to work. AHHAHAHHA.
so tired. meeting bling and theresa at vivo tmr at 10am! :D we're gg to the beach for a picnic! heeee! omg dk wwhat to wear man!
Sunday, June 29, 2008
ys says:
since ur knowledge so limited
ys says:
jing di zhi wa
he just called me a jing di zhi wa! OMG. OMG. first OMG is that he spoke in chinese. second OMG is cos HE JUST CALLED ME A FREAKING JING DI ZHI WA. omg hahhahahha. i just think its damn funny coming out of whye ass. hahahah! basically jing di zhi wa means frog under the well, which means i live under the rock, like dont know anything. wait, why am i even elaborating. zzz. hahahaha anw talking to whye ass cracks me up. been long since we talked like that. hahahhahahahha :D
i not so emo wth!
doreeeeeeeeeeeeeen - says:
my ass
ys says:
ys says:
ys says:
ys says:
ys says:
ys says:
ys says:
ys says:
doreeeeeeeeeeeeeen - says:
ys says:
no way
ys says:
im not emo
ys says:
ys says:
ys says:
and cool
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Hey guys! I’m currently at Melbourne’s airport waiting for my gate to open at 5.50am for my 6.10am flight. I’m now typing this on Microsoft word because I haven’t yet registered for the internet service because someone is using the pay station to register as well.
Oh you know, I only finished packing 10mins prior to the time I’m supposed to leave my house! Haha! How awesome. Ok, so here’s somethings that happened today.
So I met Adelene outside Supre and was to go Pancake Parlour. And you know whaaat!!!!! :D :D :D as we walked to our seats, our urbanlife people were all there with a lighted birthday cake! Soo sweet right! At first I thought Adelene just wanted to catch up before I fly or something then Jiaheng, Roy, Jason, Jason’s girlfriend and Emil were all there! Hahaha we were later joined by Marilyn and Sojin (: it’s so awesome! We took some pictures but it’s all in Roy’s camera so I’m waiting for him to send me :D Ahh so sweet of them! And the cake’s really yummy as well, the chocolate cake was soooo good, mmmm, heavenly. And the food at pancake parlour was good too!
oh oh and they put sparkle candles on the cake so it was rlly hard to blow lolol.
ohhh and jiaheng and adelene gave me a birthday present :D it was so nicely wrapped in such a pretty bag!! they gave me a book by lisa bevere which i cant wait to read and also a dress!! a really pretty black dress!! which is :D :D :D because i've been secretly hoping that someone could get me a dress for my birthday. teeheehee. :P so i was rly happy when i saw the dress! :D thanks guys! and adelene paid for my dinner :D
then after dinner adelene and jiaheng sent emil to the aiport for his flight back to hongkong and i went with jason and his gf since we were gg in the same direction :D oh then cos i was talkking on the phone and i just crossed the road without looking and suddenly jason grabbed me and pulled me back and it scared the nuts out of me and i screamed cos he RLY and we both were like shocked and terrified. hahahha! ok this is the first time i cross the road and nearly got knocked but got saved. HAHHAHAHA.
then cos andrea and gang was still having dinner and we were watching movie tghtr so i walked around melbourne central alone shopping :D OMG SO GOOD! i bought two tops and a cardigan! SOOO LOVING IT :D so happy lah! so now i dont need to fret that i got nothing to wear liao. hahahha! i would have bought more if not for the fact that the shop was closing. pffts. but oh well, it helped my wallet :)
then i sat around somewhere waiting for laksa and gang and this guy sat beside me and we started to talk. hahaha he's so cool, he's half italian, half latino and half african! but i swear he doesnt look african at all cos yah, but the italian and latino part is soo true! his accent was so strong! hahaha! but we only got to talk for awhile because soon after laksa and gang came. oh well, exotic stranger. hahahhaa!
anw, "dont mess with the zohan" SUCKS. dont watch it pls. it was so bad that abi wynn and i came out of the cinema and started cinema-hopping. like we went into other cinemas to watch other shows but in the end didnt cos most shows were like ending or in the middle alr and we reckoned that we wldnt understand anw so we went back. i swear its damn bad ok, its so retarded to the point that parts which are supposed to be funny isnt funny anymore. and its just downright sick and retarded and just so brainless. the only thing about it is that it has some rly mega stars in it.
then there was another birthday surprise again! HAHAHHA! but i kind of expected this because after the show abi said "omg im so full that i cannot eat the cake later alr lah" and i heard it and i was like "oooh...." HAHAHHAHA. but it was rly sweet of them cos it was 12.20am by then alr and so this is the REAL thing. HAHAHAHHA! yummy chocolate mud cake!
oh oh then on the tram, abi and wynn alighted first right, so they went down the tram exclaiming "happy birthday doreen!" then there's this guy, a few stops later was his stop and as he alighted he turned to me and said "hey happy birthday!" and i was like wow! thanks! :D so sweet right, trust the aussies to do this only pls :)
oh then on the tram, this grp of girls came up and this girl was crying and asking around for tissue and none of her friends had so i gave her mine and she was like "im crying my eyes out now and a stranger gives me a packet of tissue. how sad am i" HAHAHAHA which was rly funny. then when the guy wished me happy birthday they were lke "ooh today's your birthday?! happy birthday! how old are you turning?" and when i said 17 they all cldnt believe it. hmpfs. -.-
i was waiting for the lift right... then then.... then when the lift door open, i saw the cute guy that i've seen once before and have always wanted to see him again! i cldnt believe my eyes when i saw him i was like omg!!!!! *heartmelt* plus he changed his hairstyle which makes him even so much hotterrrrrrr omgggg :D he is sooo hawwwt. then when i saw them i was quite confused like is the lift going in the right direction and all that cos usually the lift is empty cos its groun floor what. think they might have came from the lower ground after pool or something dk.
then i thk i looked quite lost when i walked in then his friend said hi to me and im likee "hi....." rly dubiously lol. and his other friend was like "dont worry, he's drunk" and im like oh.. ok haha. omgggggg he was rly damn cute! but i didnt get to look at him at all becuase i was standing in front of him and like omggg so sad lah! he's rly soo cute! then we coincidentally went to the same floor smmre! OMGGGGG. ok i thk im delirious hahaha. anw like omggggggg... SO HOT. SO HOT. his physique is damn hot and his face is damn cute like omgggggggggggggg. i wanna see him again :(
ok, end of story. no he didnt talk to me, didnt ask for my number, nothhhhhhhhhhhhhing. OH AND APPARENTLY IN THE LIFT, I ACCIDENTALLY CALLED ANDREA AND SHE HEARD ME LAUGHING (or maybe giggling) VERY HAPPILY AND SAYING BYE. HAHAHHAHA. (cos once i reached home i immediately called laksa and screeched over the phone hahahhaha. oh well, im rly deprived of cute guys here. what to do.) omgggggg so cute.
OMG OMG A GROUP OF CUTE ANGMOHS JUST CAME AND SAT DOWN LIKE 3 METRES AWAY FROM ME. i think they're either from some school or some sports group or something because they're wearing the same team jacket. ooooooh sexy. hahahaha.
anw yeah, i went home, rushed to pack my stuff, showered and yeah.
anw, this afternoon when i did my laundry, when i opened the washing machine to take my clothes, there was so much soap powder on my clothes lah! so gross. but its rly weird cos i use liquid detergent and now powder, so i reckon that the powder was from the previous user. pffts :( and i cant scrape off the powder from this particular shirt omg. and i have this phobia that when i go back to sg and wear those clothes, then if it rains, im gonna start foaming due to the soap thats still in the clothes. hahahhaa omg. foam man. lol.
oh and you know, at 3.30am i called for the cab, but till 3.45am the cab didnt come which is rly weird cos cabs here come in 5mins, or less. so i called them and they said that the cab driver claims that someone went to him and said that they didnt need him anymore. SO WTH RIGHT, i've been waiting like a fool, time ticking like a bomb omg. then there was this once this cab came and i thought was mine so i lugged my luggage out only to realise that someone took a cab home :X then i waited for so long that the security guard just asked me to get grab the next cab that comes, which i did. hahahhaa.
anw, they didnt upgrade me :( against their policy, sighhh.
hmm.. i rmbr i have something else to blog about but i cant rmbr...
OH. i realise that everyone's expecting me to make a mini speech at the party later! HAHAHAH OMG! gotta draft it on the plane later :P hahahha kidding, i'll just knock my spoon on the cup and say whatever's on my mind. lololol :P
okie, im off now, im rly tireddddddd. 33mins to go before departure. i hope i can sleep well on the plane.
Friday, June 27, 2008
Spa Boutique @ Nassim Road :D this sounds damn cool. they have a full 90mins body massage. how shiok is that you tell me. 1.5 hours of massaaaaage :D
but then there's also havana spa which is 60mins javanese massage plus french facial. omgggg. i THINK javanese massage is damn shiok cos you always hear about how the indonesians massage damn well right. omg. but its 30mins lesser than the nassim road one, but but got french facial (even though idk wth is that) but facial sounds damn good.
my mom says she's gonna have more time with me this holiday so maybe we could go both? :D hahahha no i dont thk she will cos she'll say its so not worth it. bleah :X hahahha. hmmm.. i have a bad feeling that im unable to meet everyone i want this holiday because at first i only made out 1 day for my mom cos i thought she'd be busy, but now she says 3 so i rly dont know how. omg.
ok im gonna go see see my calander now.
i cant wait to cut my hair hahaha.
then i met laksa and davin for lunch. so my bday prezzie fr davin santa this yr is lunch at big mama! hahahah thanks man! :D then we went to get some dvd to keep ourselves occupied later. then suddenly i had this whole urge to cut my hair like NOWWWW. and i got all excited about it then wynn called and i asked her like where i should cut and how i should cut it then she was like 'nonono wait untill you go back singapore! i know this hairdresser who cuts damn nice bob!' and she say untill wahhhh damn nice like that lah, so i gave up my plan to do something outrageous for my birthday. lol.
mmm.. so now i'm home doing my laundry then im meeting adelene for dinner at pancake parlour at 6.45pm then andrea and the gang at 9.30 for "dont mess with the zohan" hahaha! :D but im rly rly rly exhausted though, i couldnt stop yawning the whole day today. sleeping at 5am, then going shopping for one entire day, then sleeping at 3am is rly bad. but hopefully this would help me sleep rly well on the plane :)
omg and just now i called miss yeo cos she hasnt replied my email and i was so afraid that she doesnt check her mails so i finally called through and she was like "hello?" and i exclaimed "hey miss yeo! im doreen!" and she imeediately was like "oh oh doreen! i've replied your email last night, i'm currently having a meeting with the principal so i cant talk" OMG MEETING WITH THE PRINCIPAL AND I CALLED AND DISTURBED HER. and i smhow think that mrs lim is quite... anal. mmm yeah. poor thing, hope i didnt get her into trouble or something. and her email was so cute lah! she said smth like "i'll be there for your birtthday bash!" and she signed off with "yo" hahahha so cute! omg! :D
i thk i'd need 1000000 books to keep me accompany for my 4h wait at perth's airport cos apparently i heard that its rlly boring. ohh and i saw in this magazine that now hollywood stars like mary kate and eva and some other hot stars are so fat now! like fat fat like stretch marks fat. uh huh, fat is the new skinny man. i wanna get that magazine! maybe at the airport.. ahhaha! :D looks so interesting! been sooo long since i read a gossip magazine hahaha :P
oh yeah, i must rmbr to buy pencil lead back in sg. lol.
btw, if you're gonna read on my next few entries, i suggest you read from the bottom up because i blogged in segments. haha :)
if you realise, the candles said "happy birthday" so, they actually only celebrated my 13th birthday and not my 17th! HAHAHHAHHA :P
this picture is damn disgusting
sojin: i missed my flight etcetc..
katherine and i: OMG!!!! *pandemonium begins
kat: we're going to DFO to shop!
sojin: oh ok i'll join you guys!
HAHHAHA LIKE OMG SHE'S SO CALM RIGHT! still got the mood to go shopping lah omg! hahahha! apparently she doesnt have to pay or anything, and she called the airlines and stuff and they arranged a 1 july flight for her back to korea. and her dad was rly sweet, he msged her "we still love you no matter what you do" so sweet right :)
katherine trying to be funny.
the two of them taking pictures~
oh anw, before lunch, we got lost. we took the train in the wrong direction and was abit lost in that station and was on the super slow escalator, which meant more pictures time!
anw shopping was SO. MUCH. FUN! i love going out with katherine and sojin cos they're so funny and its just so much fun! hahahaha! and we were on a picture craze! hahaha! kat was so sad when her phone ran out of batt lololol! we had so much laughing and just being girls! it was soo good to feel like that! but it was rly tiring though!
so he said he said in 2603, ok good. so i went to milano and buzzed for 2603 and i went in and into the lift.then this guy came into the lift with me, and he tried to press the 9 floor but cant, which means that he's not a resident here and he's visiting a friend who forgot to buzz the lift for him. so i was like "kwar kwar kwar..." smirking you know. so i reached the 26th floor, and saw 2603 right opposite the lift. and im like "hmm.. the last time i came to roy's place i thought had to walk down the corridor to reach his house? hmm.. ok nvm, i think i mixed up" so i knocked on the door and i hear a woman's voice and im like HMM?
then the door flung open while the woman was saying "i dont rmbr anyone visiting us today.." as she turned her head and saw me looking back at her with her own expression of shock. yeah, both of us were extremely shocked to see each other cos APPARENTLY I WAS A THE WRONG UNIT.
Or so I thought.
So i called roy and screamed "WHAT UNIT ARE YOU STAYING IN!" and he said 2603 and im like "IM RIGHT IN FRONT OF 2603 AND ITS NOT YOU IN IT" and we were like "what?!" and then i contemplated and said "hmm.. your apartment is milano right?" then he said "NO! VURVE!" and i am like........ OMG IM AT THE WRONG APARTMENT LIKE TOTALLY! like who the hell does such a thing lah! plus i've been to his house like 5 times or something omgg!! idk whats wrong with me lah omg. i couldnt believe it either lol.
so yeah, i braced the howling wind which has been crazy these few days, it's so crazy, you cant even walk against it properly when its coming your way. uh huh. tell me about it man.
.. finally reached roy's place .. joy was there eating as well .. braced the wind again to walk to jiaheng's house .. joy commented that i looked like a robot when i walked which is infuriating cos i had to talk super mega huge strides to catch up with them cos both of them are guys who are inconsiderate and choose to forget that im in heels and just walk soo quickly with their bloody long legs. wah thanks ah.. anw, reached jiaheng's place.. started preparing food for 200 people for combined urbs.
the most major thing that happened was they put the sandwhiches on a plastic plate and someone was holding it above the stove and i think the fire was lit up and the plastic plate started melting and then there was pandemonium about toxic gas of plastic whilst the plate was melting with a hole at the bottom threatening to spill all our sandwhiches on the floor. mmm, panic man panic. and also the unsucceessful tries of pan frying the sandwhiches and the constant shortage of bread and butter despite having bought loaves and cubes of each.
and also the whole house smoking and smelling of eggs and that drove jiaheng nuts cos he hates hard boiled eggs hahaha. oh oh and because we take out the skin of the bread and throw it into the bin right, then jiaheng was so hungry that he took the skin of the bread RIGHT FROM THE DUSTBIN and eat it!! omg i was like OMG?!
then joy asked jiaheng if he wanted more then jiaheng was like "nahh dont want lah, later freak doreen out." hahahaha omg so gross lah, eat from the bin and claims that "nvm lah, its on top what" hahaha omg. oh then i was standing in front of the balcony door, and i think they wanted air ventilation so jiaheng went to open the balcony door then this FULL BLAST OF COLD WIND SHOT RIGHT THROUGH AND PAST ME THAT I LITERALLY CANNOT HOLD MY FEET AND I LEAPT FORWARD. yahh it was so bad! plus jiaheng stayed on the 21st floor. uh huh. omg hahhaha.
then katherine, adelene and i took jiaheng's car to the venue while emil roy and joy walked since his sportscar was too small to fetch all of us. oh then as we left the carpark, we were blocked by fallen dustbins caused by the wind and we couldnt exit. then simultaneously there was a driver who was attempting to enter the carpark so he left his car to get the dustbins back into its rightful place, so jiaheng like waved to signal thanks. then adelene was like "WHAT?! you ought to be running down helping him!" then jiaheng contemplated for like 3 seconds and opened his car door and the first words he said was "wah so cold!" hahhahaha its rly funny cos it totally doesnt suit his macho-goodlooking image. hahahah! same goes for the eating from the bin thing. HAHAHHAHA.
so pastor matt spoke for this event and he was sooooooooooo hilarious! :D oh and i prayed for kathering after the service and omg it was soo powerful like so so powerful. the presence of the holy spirit was so strong and i felt his heart aching for her because my heart was so so painful. like my heart was aching for her. wow it was so amazing seriously. and its the first time that when i pray for someone i actually cried. its like woah, do it again Lord!
then after the event, katherine, lydia jeremy and i went to roy's place. actually we merely wanted to go for supper but every shop was closing so lydia suggested to go to roy's place to play wii. hahaha! but anw they played wii and i borrowed his computer to watch fated to love you. srsly, i don understand why the SAME VIDEOS, i can watch at other's place but not in my own. omg right.
oh oh then katherine introduced me to some korean boyband and i was like OOOOOOOOOOMG im in lovee. HAHAHHAHA. they sing so good and so gd looking! hahahah! then roy let us listened to his vocal teacher. OMG SO GOOD SO GOOD SO GOOD! i can feel my heart melting just by listening to his voice. it was soooooooooo good. apparently his Guy Sebastian's brother, Christ Sebastian. Mmmm... SOOOO GOOOD. it felt soo like a serenade. omg i wish my boyfriend could sing like that pls! hahahah!
then katherine came over to my house for sleepover! HAHAHHA IT WAS SOO FUNNY.
i tried to make my inflatable bed for her but i couldnt figure out how to fit the nozzle in. so i just anyhow on the motor thing for the air and just stick it into the hole. (i bet you dont understand what i just said) nvm anw hahaha, i tried a couple of times and it still failed, duh, and the funny part is, katherine came out of the ttoilet and into my room and said "wow, thats a rly noisy motor. i could hear it from the toilet!" and she tried imitating it and it was sooo hilarious! HAHAHAHA!
then cos i put my mask first right, so i lie on bed and waited for her to finished applying the mask in the toilet. OMG WHEN SHE CAME IN IT WAS SOOOOOOOOOOO HILARIOUS, cos you imagine two girls both with mask on their face looking at each other for the first time! omg and the worst part is, we cant laugh because the mask was restricting our facial movements! AHHAHAH SO IT WAS EVEN MROE HILARIOUS. then katherine couldnt take it so she left the room to cool down lololol.
oooh and we chatted till 5am! omg it was soo good. she told me so much stuff and how God has helped her through so much things in life and mending holes in her life. Aside from that, i discovered soooooooooooo many queer things about her! LIKE SRSLY MAN, IM LIKE, WHAT?!?!?!??!?!?! KATHERINE?!!?!??!! hahahahha omg :D
then we went to bed sharing on the same bed in the end hahaha :D
ok, more of today in another post. this is way too lengthy. hahahaha.
then after the event
I love You. I love You more than words can say. I love You more and more each day.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
oooh combined urbs tdy was fun fun. will blog about it tmrr! YAY KATHERINE! :D
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
on a lighter note, 1 more hour before i leave house. am currently hungry. crap.
therefore, for now, i'll try to forget that i kind of screwed my accounting paper and that i might not get 84 for it.
ahhh... LIBERAAAAAAAATION BABY :D shit man i got nothing to do the whole day tmrrr. ok maybe tidy my room and pack my luggage? and more taiwan drama! WOOHOO. hahahhaha and eat more and more and more. yay combined urbanlife later at 5pm! :D
ahhh last night i couldnt sleep cos i was way too excited about tdy being my last paper and that means i'd get to go home soon and im so much nearer to freedom! soo.. i ended up tossing and turning in my bed, disturbing my housemate, then i called my mom and she told me this major major "sky will fall" kind of good news and it made me even more excited so i called zhenghui. but our conversation was short lived because i ran out of credit. hahahah :P
mmm i cant wait to go home!! i keep thinking that tmr is friday lah. omg i wanna go homehomehomehome. SG FOOD PLS!
oooooh and sleepover with graceyyeoh on friday 4th july! muahaha baby~
EXAMS ARE OVER. OVER. OVER. i should rly open that bag of biscuits to celebrate this moment. hahahaha.
now im waiting for mah video to load :D
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
omg omg omg omg bling has successfully made me want to ditch accounting and just think of shopping omg hahahhaa.
yay i more or less have some sort of timetable alr :D
fri 28/6 : 4E party + sleepover with debbielimsihui! + binge supper at newton circus! (omg you stupid pig, i have soooo much to tell you! AHHAHAHHA. some damn sexy stuff ;) hohohoho! and and and also something damn shocking! HAHAHHAA)
saturday 29/6: more debbie? plus more food? HAHAHHA :P plus maybe city harvest with samueltay :D
sunday 30/6: photoshoot with family, tentatively. :) a day out with familyyy :D
monday 1/7: SHOPPING with my favourite shopping kaki bling and theresa! :D i love cjc for letting them off this monday! i can almost hug and kiss the school man omg omg im so excited! the best part is nobody shops on mondays except for those tai tai who got nothing better to do sooo, we got like the whole orchard to ourselves! hahahaha :D
thursday 5/7: ting coming over to my house to catch up at noon!
so i got tuesday, wednesday, friday, sat, sunday, monday, tuesday free. omg thats only 7 days! must have 1 day with mom, and one weekend with family. so thats 5 days left. omg! grace's sleepover still planning. and oh oh friday is starbucks night with huiwen, bez, javin, keith, samuel (?), long, kenji, joshua! then one tentative day with abi and wynn to chompchomp + shopping for prom dress. plus one more day with debbie lim. one more day with jieying and muji! hmm, ok everything would actually fit in nicely :D yippeedooppeedippie! oh one more day to cut hair! OH, ONE MORE DAY TO THE DENTIST. shit, ok nvm, i shall cut my hair and go to the dentist at the same day. shit which reminds me i hvent contacted my dentist yet crap.
ok i rly need to go study now. byebye :)
i am supposed to be studying for accounting now. shit man, and i havent even memorised any of the formulaes lah omg. but but everytime i flip open my accounting textbook, my mind's just full of all the singapore things and everyone back in singapore and how tmr is my last paper and all the amazing things i can do after my paper ends. omg you have no idea how much joy i felt when i realised that my paper was at 9.30am instead of 2pm ok. because that means im that much closer to liberation! HAHAHHA. but.. it also means less study time booooohoo. but whatever, i have a bad feeling about accounting and im just way to excited about the end of exams and also going back to sg!
hahaha im like the first few people who finish their exams so early due to my subject combination. hwoar hwoar hwoar. :D most people would end thurs or fri so i've got like one whole day of thurs to slack and catch up on lost sleep + video. time to do a facial mask because all my pimples are starting to come out again due to late nights + chocolates + rubbish food. omggg. :(
OMG I HAD A (dono whether to say good or not) DREAM LAST NIGHT. its so weird. it involved me with the weirdest person ever doing the weirdest thing ever. omg. it's just so weird. like why the hell that person? and like so many whys omg. hahhaha. thinking back of it makes me feel..... hahahhaha. :D
ohh and my housemate and her mom said i look damn stress last night. hahaha i have no idea why also cos i didnt feel stressed at all. and her mom keeps claiming that im stress due to me having those weird dreams all of a sudden. she says it's something i've been supressing in my mind, something that i chuck to the back of my mind simply cos i don wanna think about it. hmmm, she asked me to think about it and quite a couple of questions popped up into my head. first of it being "what if i cant get into melbourne uni" ahh, the burning question i choose to ignore now since exams are ending. kwar kwar kwar :D
hmmm. i've been eating way too much and growing way too fat. they say it's "winter weight" and when i go back sg it'll all go away cos i'll start perspiring every second due to the weather change. but i highly doubt so. cos my "winter weight" start in like, summer. HAHAHHAHAHHA. oops, nothing to be proud of.
aye i cant waaaaait to goooo hoooommmmeeeeeeeeeee mwarharharhar :D how i wish i can change my flight to tmr afternoon or smth :( oh well, i'll make use of the time to get rid of eye bags + panda eyes + pimples + do something about my eyebrows that look like overgrown weeds. hahahhaa.
omg tmr is my last day of exaaaaaaams!!!!!!! i think i'll be too excited to do my paper properly. crap, its 35%. blahhdeeblahh.
anw, math 2 tdy was *$)(@. hahahha anw i didnt leave at 30mins. i stayed for lik 1.5h which is not bad lah! i did some questions which was good enough but mixed some things up so in the end i still didnt get the answer which is ok for me since i only spent 1 hour prior to the exam to "study" for it, meanwhile munching on chocolate caramel biscuits with my housemate and being delusional that i can get 30marks. hahahaha.
stupid davin, when he saw me at the exam hall he was like "wah! doreen neo you got come ah?! you come for what? you leavin after 30mins isit?" and i said "yah i think so" then he's like "wah shiok lah" or something like that. hahahhaha. oh well, i wasnt the first the leave the exam hall. i cant actually, considering that my tutor was walking around the exam hall. hahahhaa.
ok i need to go back so studying accounting, that is if i can push thoughts about singapore and post-exam freedom out of my head first. :(
i wanna get
new specs. (hmm, i think the only way i can get new specs is if i bluff my mom i lost this pair hehehe)
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm i wanna go shopping. and massage. LAST NIGHT I DREAMT THAT SOMEONE MASSAGED MY SHOULDERS. i think im a little desperate alr.
oh and i woke up in the middle of the night feeling quite energized and awake and looking outside i thought it was like 7am or smth, but alas, it was only 2am! i groaned "ohmygoodness" hahaha.
tmr im gonna come home and pack my table and watch my videos online! HAHAHAHA :D yaaay end of exam omg omg omg :D
Monday, June 23, 2008
omg i know im like supposed to be studying for my accounting now but i went to google and googled great singapore sale and OMGGGGGGGGGGG got soo many amazing websites to goo! omgg!!! and there's this damn chio shop called "perfect in black" omg i wanna go seeeeee. the dresses are soo hot. (not that i can wear it but its so yummy to look at lah omg! :D)
omg omg and such an abundance of massage and spa treatment! omg omg omg :D yaaay body massage! :D
ok i wanna go back now to SHOPPP omg. i wanna get boots as well, if not my feet are gonna freeze here as winter starts showing its face for real.
shopping :) blingggg & theresaaaaa! :D
anw, this afternoon as i left the house, this guy came into the same lift as me and me feeling chatty decided to talk to him.
me: hey you going back home? (judging from his suitcases)
him: yeah, i am.
me: oh wow thats great! im going for my exams now (sulks)
him: oh really! haha actually im going back for good! im going back to hong kong (big smiles)
me: WOW!!! (damn bloody envy by now) how long have you been here!
him: four and a half years
me: wowwww.... (thinking when would finally be the end of my five and a half years)
(exited lift and bid him a safe flight while he wished me good luck :/ tell me about it)
yahhh so anw i was rly inspired by him, like omg.... how i wish one day i could also say "im going back to singapore for good" but thats like... SO LONG LATER. omg.
and he has the ang moh slang! so cool right! omg i wonder when i'll develop MINE. teeheeeho.
oh btw! wow today was a rly good day man. as i exited my apartment, i saw a tram at the tram stop and i was thinking "oh shit, surely cant catch the tram one" cos the trams usually leave the stop quite fast once they see that no one is boarding or alighting. so i like kind of strolled to the tram stop even though i knew if i were to catch the next tram i'd be late for my exam alr.
but lo and behold! the tram just waited there you know! so i took up my pace (still not willing to run yet) just in case it left the stop and i'd have run for nothing. but no! it just stayed stationary there. omg. hahahha. so i quickly ran to the stop (now im much nearer to it) so yeah and guess what! once i boarded the tram, it immediately left the stop! hahahhaha! i couldnt stop smiling ok :D God mustn't have want me to be late for my exam TEEHEE :D
yeah and like throughout the whole exam i could feel God with me because like alot of questions, usually i wont even know how to do, or i'll just skip it, but like more than once the solution to the question just came to me and im like WOAAAH, since when do i know how to do this. uh huh, so great huh! :D im so thankful :)
oh yeah, my housemate's mom came over yesterday so i've been fed well these 2 days :D hahaha been so long since i came home and there's hot piping food waiting for me on the table. woah, damn shiok. makes me want to go home even more! and the best part is, aside from the fact that there's hot piping yummy food, I DONT NEED TO DO THE DISHES! MUAHAHHAHAHA :D thats why now i cant wait to fly home after every exam or just pig out at homehahahaha. shit, i can almost hear the weighing machine creaking under my feet. :/
mm tmr's math 2, and its a subject i totally have given up on. im just going to and get 5 marks or something then leave the exam hall in 30mins cos you can only leave the hall 30 mins after it started and 15 mins prior to its end. so yeah, im gonna elave at 30mins and everyone's gonna think imma genius cos i finish my paper so fast. AHAHAHHAHA.
shit man, wed is accounting and all my friends seem to be so damn prepared and confident for it but im still like quite lost. omgggg. plus wed is my last paper, i bet i dont have the mood lah. like o level lit, omg, my last question i wrote like crap and rubbish cos i couldnt wait for it to end hahahhaha.
ohhhhhhhhhhh i had a nightmare yesterday! OMG SO SCARY OK. its the first time i had a nightmare since i came :( boohoo.
i dreamt that my mom was self mutilating herself, then suddenly this mob of mafia came into my house (my old house) then locked up all the room and everything and im like trapped in my own house alone. then finally i climbed out of my gate and when i looked back my dad jumped down the roof. omg its damn scary. its damn heartbreaking and sad as well. then i felt so lost cos i was so alone and so scared then i had to hide in this car so that the mafia dont find me. then finally ii ran out of the car then i thought "oh no, who's house can i go to to hide?" then suddenly i was back in melbourne and i thought "oh ok, roy's house is the nearest. jiaheng and adelene are too far." i have no idea why all are my urbanlife people and esp why roy! hahahahha! (its only funny now when i think of it, not during the dream ok) so anw, i went to roy's house at milano but the receptionist said that no such person live here, or was it that he wasn't home. so yeah, they denied me access and i was left all alone and scared and lost again. omg its so scary the dream.
jeffrey said i was too stress about math but no im not. in fact, even yesterday and today i never felt nervous or anything. i felt calm, and if anything, i felt waay too calm. seriously. anw, i found the reason. its because my housemate's mother cooked too much that night and i stuffed my face like a pig and you know how people say if you eat too much at night before you sleep you'd have a nightmare. yeah, i reckon it's that. baaahh :/
so yeah.
now to think of it, i don't see why it meant so much to me. :)
OOOOOOOOOOOH 5 more daaaaaays! :D my mom and i were both damn excited and screaming over the phone to each other that im gonna be back THIS WEEK! woohoo! cos idk why but it suddenly hit her that i was going to be back this week, like this week, like a few days later! MUAHAHHAHA :D
anw i told her about my plan with debbie that after the party we'd go newton circus to have supper. and she was like "confirm cannot one lah. i bet you cannot eat after the party" and she was so adamnant about it even though i said that i'll eat less at the party. crap, i rly wanna have one whole food filled with all the sg food omg.
i suddenly regret my choice of coming back on the 9th. man! :(
oh well thats my day for you. i miss home.
Saturday, June 21, 2008
hahahaha sorry i was just being stupid cos i had nothing better to do and was procrastinating to study math :D
"go away!" hahahahhaha :D
ok byebye. imma gonna go sleep now zzzz.
Yknw what, its damn stupid lah, i woke up like 10mins prior to the madness of my ringing alarm so i was feeling damn proud of myself because it has been sooo long since i woke up before my alarm lol. So it was 7.50am. THEN, i was feeling soooo proud of myself that i laid back down to "snooze" for 5mins. And i believe my reflex action was to have already switched off my alarm clock.
SOOOO, as you've guessed, the next time i opened my eyes, it was 8.30am!! and im like omg omg when i looked at my clock. the first few thoughts running through my head was "omg am i late. okok relax doreen. the paper starts at 9.30, you must leave house my 9am. okok chill, you still got 30mins" whoo, i swear those were the exact words in my head lah.
the reason why i felt so kianchong cos i clearly rmbrd that my housemate asked me whats the latest time i wanna wake up today so that she could wake me up just in case i accidentally off my alarm without knowing. (omg for dono how many days i've been switching off my alarm without realising it) so when i woke up i freaked out cos i thought i was soo late that she left without me or that in my dream i mumbled "no dont wake me up. im not gg for the exam" or something like that. hahaha omg.
so i woke up, brush my teeth, made breakfast and left the house.
and when i left my house i checked my hp to realise that jeffrey called me, so i called him back. and he told me he was at his exam venue already which freaked me out cos i thought i was damn late lah. cos jeffrey is always the one late for lectures what hahaha. yah anw it was simply because i didnt oblige the "reach 30mins beforehand" rule lah.
then at the tram stop did i realise that i dono where to stop. ahh, so smart right. jeffrey told me to stop when i see ETU, and im like wth is that. LUCKY i met alastair at the tram stop so hahahha i wasnt lost :D
and you know what happned omg. cos we have seat numbers right, the invigilators number the tables wrongly lah! omg. our venue supposed to be start from 160 but instead it started at 1. so like yah, our exam was delayed and we had to wait outside and all that. omg first time in my life something like that happened.
anw, the paper was 3h long. and actually i thought i would finish my essay in like 2hours or soemthing lah. cos in sg we only have 1.5h to do 2 essays what. here only got 1 essay to write for 3 hours.
BUT LO AND BEHOLD, me took 2hours45mins to do that stupid essay. and although the word limit it 700, i have this bad omen that i wrote about a thousand cos i finished using the whole booklet whereas most people only used like 3-4 pages. omggg lah.
i took 1wholeee hour to plan. and like 30mins to think of my introduction (cos they put like damn alot of emphasis on introduction here). our exams here go like, they give us 2 readings and our essay has to be on it. omg so many times i mix the two authors up so i cite the paraphrase and quotations wrongly. alamak.
oh oh and i finished my water in like 30mins. freaked me out srsly cos im those kind who needs to drink lots of water during the exam so that i dont fall asleep. hahaha. so like yeah, i had to keep alot of focus.
yah anw the bad thing about a 3h paper is that you keep thinking that you got damn alot of time so you keep elaborating non stop. to the point that i think i digressed. oh well. anw its just my word count that im rly worried about.
OH AND YOU KNOW THAT WE ARE ALLOWED TO BRING ENGLISH-ENGLISH AND BILLINGUAL DICTIONARY TO THE EXAM?! omg like since when you can bring english dictionary too an english exam lah! omg i was so shocked when i went into the exam hall. and i kind of feel damn sian not bringing cos could have put in more big words to distract the marker from realising i went out of point. hahaha maybe..
anw after that we went to big mama to eat. yes, andrea's favourite place. she eats there with davin for like breakfast lunch and dinner lah. hahaha ok im exaggarating, it just happens that everytime i call her she's at big mama. tssk.
mmm i should go sleep now. im tireeed. tonight i better must edit my lit essay omg urgh.
today is freezing cold. omg and idk whether i should cut my hair when i go back. i kind of like tying my hair up now cos it feels clean and light and like there's no hair falling all over the place. gahhh omg.
ok im damn full from big mama, this calls for a nap! :D oh hahaha wynn says she has been dreaming about sg for the past 3 nights. hahaha omg :D
Thank You for giving me strength.
Thank You for being there for me Lord. :)
Friday, June 20, 2008
I WISH I COULD CALL LAKSA NOW AND TELL HER THE GOOD NEWS! i must must must rmbr to tell her tmr omgggggggg. laksa you're gonna be sooooo happy!
There IS freedom in the name of Jesus. :) Thank you for carrying out Your promise to me. Thank you.
As quoted,
"I miss all my friends... all the times we have fun, all the times we fool around, pissing teacher's off.
i miss the days where the distance between us is not measure my distance, but by saturdays and sundays. - this really got me all.. woah..
i miss the days where we walk fool around in class, calling each other names and shouting at each other.
i miss the days where we bring food to class and start storing a full bunk of food underneath our table( oh wait..only i do that.. LOL)
i miss the days where we will share food in class. - it's more like HE will bring the food to class and all of us will go "zhenghui don't be so unhealthy, don't eat so much, it's for your own good." and use that as an excuse to gobble all his chips and biscuits and all the junk down. HAHAHHA.
i miss the days where we feel scared casue we are not suppose to bring handphones to school and there is a spot check that day. - HAHAHHA
i miss the days where our homework is completed via copying, or not handing anything up at all - TEEHEEHEE."
Oh man zhenghui. I remember somone told me a joke that zhenghui told me before. But despite the joke being exactly the same, it just isn't that funny anymore without zhenghui saying it. Lots of times, it's not about the joke, but the person saying it. Lots of times, its not about what you're doing, but who you're doing it with. Sigh.
OH! and then he posted a picture of he and i tghtr that i totally forgot we took before. HAHAHHA. i was so shocked when i saw it there. hahaha i absolutely forgot what he came my house for alr. maybe its to teach me history :D mmm yeah, all because of him my ss hist got A :D lots and lots to thank him for! but then again, i have a feeling that it wasnt for history that he came my house for. omgggg why did he come over that daaay. why cant i rmbr shit. i rmbr taking that picture with his hp........... HMMMMMMMM....... damnit. maybe it was in sec 3 when the treasurer and the vice-chair had to work tgthr for smth. omg what IS IT. its killing me.
omg doreen, get off the comp.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Ok, maybe I'm just anxious to go back home. :D
Well, I've made my choice and I don't know how it would affect my future. But at least I'm feeling so much less confused and lost now. For anything, you know you could always count on your family. :) I thank you Lord for blessing me with such a family that never fails to support me, pick me up when I fall and show me a direction when I'm lost. Thank you.
Aye, I can't wait for the party! I miss 4E soooo sooo much. Always at the oddest times would small little excerpts of our 4E happenings pop into my mind. Be it firdaus always disturbing isabelle during recess, huimin being pulled my firdaus on the chair, zhenghui and his sick jokes, and how hoho and bao would quarrel and ask me to be the judge and put me in such an awkward position and the joke between bao hoho zac bez and i about the invisible microwave, fridge and what-have-you. hahahahhaha. omg i miss i miss! i would do anything to see us all in our respective seats back in our 4E classroom. 4E classroom as in 4E classroom and not the 4B classroom. Man oh man. ohhhh and sec 3 days with bling and theresa "across the river" hahahhaa. and all the crazy laughing with debbie. and how we quarrel and have cold wars over the smallest things untill somone initiates an apology. HAHAHAHHAHA. So many more people I wanna meet up with. And also a few people that I know won't be expecting me to call them when I'm back, but I really miss you, you, you and you. :(
I can't wait to go home! 9 more days! no wait, in fact 8 more days in 30mins time! :D woohoo. I was supposed to be studying last night but debbie called me at 2.30am due to some crisis and after solving it, we ended up chatting for 2 hours. till 4.30am! tsktsk, if i fail my accounting, it's your fault. hahahah but it was soooo good to laugh like that, i was laughing so loudly and madly that i was so paranoid about waking my housemate up. HAHAHHA. :D
her: what do you want for your birthday present
me: *thinks for a long time* I KNOW! YOU COULD SPONSOR ME ON A BINGING TRIP!
me: hahahahhahahha that's true. getting me a present would definitely be much pocket friendly than that.
and of course she never fails to mention once again about me quitting everything here and go back to sg and do poly with her. hahahha and then both of us would go into emo mode each time we think about how many more yeaaaaaaaaaaaaars i have here. hahaha but still, phone calls from her made me laugh like mad, angry like crap, and speechless like nothing. hee i cant wait for our sleepover! i'll let you squash me for as many times as you like :D
HAHAHHA. oooh and we have this plan that after the 4E party after everyone leaves, she and i are going to go newton circus to eaaaaaaaat :D mmm... hokkien mee, laksa, oyster omelette, carrot cake, bbq stingray, wah shiok. i miss sg food like craaazy. then after that we could walk back to my house so that we could feel less guilty. HAHAHHAHA. newton circus is not THAT far, i think. hahahhaha. ooooooh i can see us two in front of a table full of good ol hawker food! and yay i can't wait for our sleepover! :D (except that i've made it clear that i do not want to be on the same bed as her because her sleeping habits are ATROCIOUS. HAHAHAHHAHA) i'd rather sleep on the floor. :P yay! party + newton circus + sleepover! omg omg 8 more days :D
EXCEPT, my flight from melbourne to sydney (or isit perth) is at SIX am. which means i have to reach the airport at 4am. which means i wouldnt be sleeping at all lah. then after that i have to wait for 4 hours at the aiport to catch my transit flight home. which means it's gonna be damn tiring. i've gotta drink like 1000000 cups of coffee or take 48 sleeping pills so that i can sleep on the plane so that i have energy for the party + newton circus + sleepover. hahahhahahha yaaay :D oh oh but i wanna go church with samuel on sunday. hmm that reminds me that i havent asked him yet, must give him a call soon. hahaha cos i heard cityharvest is rly good. like even my malaysian friends said that cityharvest is a rly good church! so i rly hope i could wake up in time for church service. :D that is, if samuel is even gg to church. hahahaha.
ANWW IM RLY EXCITED ABT GG HOME. except that i think the weather would kill me because it's winter here and it's quite shiok except that sometimes it gets quite erratic. i think i'll wear fbts every single day. hahahha i miss wearing them because i think it has been months since i wore them. hahahhaha. ooooh omg omg singapore singapore singapore.
I srsly should start sutdying for accounting, like now. it's 11.42pm and i havent done any studying today yet. okok, don't slack off doreen!
i can't wait to go for a body massage when I'm back. I can feel all my shoulder muscles tensing up from all the late nights. Sometimes I wish I weren't a "night person". Sleeping at 4am continuously for days is quite.. :X it's like studying for prelims all over again. tssssk. so stress.
Woah man, I miss blogging. Hahahha its like the equivalent to "i miss talking to myself" hahahhaa.
It's amazing how I can still memorise your hp number despite the fact that i havent called you in 2 years. I really miss you, it surprises me too. Would you want to meet me when I'm back? So many time I've wanted to call you but I hold back. No matter what, I hope I have the courage to call you when I'm back in Sg. I miss you.
OH I WANNA GO SHOPPING! GREAT SINGAPORE SALE OMGGG. HEELLOO EELING AND THERESA! DO YOU HEAR MY DESPERATE CRIES? :D yes shopping! and bling if you're serious about the beach, I WANT THAT TOO! i miss cycling. hahahahha :D
and i wanna cut my hair when i'm back. i'm so sian of my hairstyle now. i wanna cut something new. SUGGESTIONS ANYONE? (not that there's much i can do to it cos the length is still quite short to do something rly huge to it) maybe i'll cut the back rly short. like rly rly short. hahhahaha. if only i had the guts. i have this urge to cut rly short hair. but i think my ears will freeze here if i do that. hahahah.
i miss my mom's food. i miss spicy food! omg. i miss steamboat. omgomg shit im hungry. omgggggg i wanna go homeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. and stay there for good.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Tonight is one of those nights I start doubting myself.
Tonight is one of those nights I think of how well I really can cope here.
Tonight is one of those nights I just feel like curling up and crying myself to sleep.
Tonight is one of those nights when everyone just seems too far away.
Tonight is one of those nights I wonder what the heck I'm doing here.
Tonight is one of those nights I feel like giving up.
Tonight is one of those nights I feel like just taking the next flight home.
Tonight is one of those nights I wished my mom didn't spend so much money on me so that I can back out anytime I want.
Tonight is one of those nights I fear I let my family's expectations down.
Tonight is one of those nights that, I just don't want to be alone..