so upon reaching her place, i saw that she alone. and its like, in the case of her and davin, if they're ever not together physically, they confirm must be fighting. so i kept questioning her to tell me what happened and she looked damn fake lah when she tell me no problem no problem cos she kept laughing like she was trying too avoid the question.
so we set up a "Deal" that i like alot. which is if i tell her something she wanted to know then after that would she tell me what happened. so yeah, i started answering her lah.. then as she was telling me what happened, i heard scratching on the door and it freaked me out cos ii was like "WTH ISIT?!" then i realised it was davin trying to open the door so i looked at the door and there was this orange glow on the door and im like WTH IS THAT MAN?!
THEN IN CAME JOSEPH WITH A BIRTHDAY CAKE WITH LIGHTED CANDLES FOLLOWED BY DAVIN! and joseph was like "dang dang dang dang~~~~~~" as he walked in with the lighted birthday cake and like omgggg i cannot believe my eyes lah!!! LIKE SRSLY! i was like so so so so so so so so so shocked like i rly rly rly rly rly didnt expect it! moreover it was only 26june, who would have thought lah!!!
then i started crying cos i was soo touched by them and when they sang me the birthday song i rly felt like bawling my eyes out but i kept my emotions in check. but omgggggggg i felt soooo loved, it was such a sweeet surprise!!!
you know for like so many years i've been hoping that my friends would spring a surprise birthday celebration for me, i've been hoping for it till i've stopped hoping for it alr lah. and today! today! today it happened!!! omg that feeling was soo good. yknw i realise its always only andrea who can make me cry on my birthday. i rmbr in sec 2, i cried when she gave me a musical box. i was so so so so so so touched because it rly was what i wanted oggg. then i cried IN CLASS. i rmbr it was mrs chia's class. hahahahhaha. then today also! omgggggggg :D :D even though it was rly simple, and it was a last minute cake, and not the whole clique was there but i feel soooooooooooo so so so loved like so so so so loved (: i feel so blessed.
and you know whats the most amazing thing? today andrea actually wanted to come over to my place with the whole gang at night to surprise me but because i called her to tell her that i was out with my friends for a movie till late the whole plan was cancelled and she rly didnt know what to do, like how to celebrate my birthday cos alot of them are flying off tmr alr. so like yeah, she worried abit.
then you know what, actually when i called andrea to tell her that i'll go her place to talk to her, it actually felt like God was asking me to go to her place to pray for her and it was like a rly strong need to go to her place. like i could really feel that im supposed to be at andrea's place at this time today. and the amazing thing is, andrea actually asked God to help her and you know what..
He did.
And I'm really touched, like even small minor things like celebrating my birthday, even He also cares for. It's like this is His birthday celebration for me, and I really feel so special. Like how things worked out today, how some things that andrea misheard me say worked out so well in the end, like He has arranged everything to be like this, this small celebration with just the four of us at the most unexpected moment.
I really cannot believe it. God actually invited me to andrea's place, he invited me to my own birthday celebration that he planned for, tell me how amazing is My God. Wow. He have me such a strong sense of urge to go to Andrea's place and this was His purpose.
And I know, I know he planned for it to be only four of us because he still wanted me to pray for her, and I did. Andrea had so uch revelations, she heard what God has been wanting to say to her but because she has been too busy to hear him, he hasn't had the chance to. God touched her so powerfully when I prayed for her. And not only so, she even somehow prophesised over me. And it was like "woahhhhhhh" and she "enlightened" me in soo many areas I was confused about and struggling with. God really wanted us to help each other, help each other in this day of celebration, in his glory. :) wow, how amazing is My God. :)
:) below are spastic pictures i took with the cake as forced by one of them to pose with the variety of knives. lol.
if you realise, the candles said "happy birthday" so, they actually only celebrated my 13th birthday and not my 17th! HAHAHHAHHA :P
this picture is damn disgusting
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