sojin missed her flight back to korea! yah like literally missed it! her flight's at 9.15am and she woke up at 9am! and she called us at about 12+ while katherine and i were getting ready to go out. so the conversation was somewhat like
sojin: i missed my flight etcetc..
sojin: i missed my flight etcetc..
katherine and i: OMG!!!! *pandemonium begins
sojin: yeah oh well. where are you guys going now?
kat: we're going to DFO to shop!
sojin: oh ok i'll join you guys!
HAHHAHA LIKE OMG SHE'S SO CALM RIGHT! still got the mood to go shopping lah omg! hahahha! apparently she doesnt have to pay or anything, and she called the airlines and stuff and they arranged a 1 july flight for her back to korea. and her dad was rly sweet, he msged her "we still love you no matter what you do" so sweet right :)
katherine trying to be funny.
the two of them taking pictures~
then a train came and sojin was like "quick quick! take with the train!"
then when the picture turned out like this she panicked and said "omg i got shaky hands disease" and started exclaiming that "the train's going to leave!"
posing for the camera~
we pigged out together like nobody's business! ahhaha! it was such a girls day lah! just shopping eating and catching a movie!
oh anw, before lunch, we got lost. we took the train in the wrong direction and was abit lost in that station and was on the super slow escalator, which meant more pictures time!
take 2
and all 4 were.. equally unsuccessful. hahahah!
shopping was really tiring. we wanted to get a drink but was rejected by 2 stores cos they were closing. pffts.
mmm dont know whats with the hand hahaha
satisfied people! hahaha!
OMGGGGGGGGGGGG I WATCHED THE INCREDIBLE HULK AND I ABSOLUTELY LOVEEEEEEEE IT! i know right, its soo not me to like the incredible hulk. like when kat said she wanted to watch it i was like "WHAT? the green monster? nice? no way man" but i relented. AND IM SO GLAD MAN!
the show is sooooooooooooooooooooo good X99999999999 its so good i dont know how to describe it. its soooo good! i told kat and sojin that i teared quite a couple of times while watching it and they laughed at me lah! they were like "TEAR?! FOR HULK?!" and im like "what! you mean you didnt?!" and they couldnt stop laughing at me. hmpfs! but its sooo good ok, its funny too! and its rly heartwarming. omggggg soo good! best movie of the year! :D but i wanna watch "get smart" too cos it had dwayne johnson. omg so sssssizzzzzling hawwwwt, yo. in game plan he totally took my heart away omg.
anw shopping was SO. MUCH. FUN! i love going out with katherine and sojin cos they're so funny and its just so much fun! hahahaha! and we were on a picture craze! hahaha! kat was so sad when her phone ran out of batt lololol! we had so much laughing and just being girls! it was soo good to feel like that! but it was rly tiring though!
I really thank God for planting me into this urbanlife and meeting so many wonderful people who have helped me out in way i would never have imagined. really. it's so good. i'm really thankful for them. :)
ok im going to move on to the hugest highlight of my day!
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