Saturday, June 16, 2007

Ok, so I barfed all my dinner out into the toilet bowl last night. No wonder I felt so horrible. Once I finished typing the previous entry I went to bed to lie down cos i felt horrible, felt like the world was spinning and my stomach was in churns. then i had That Feeling and quickly ran to the toilet bowl lah. omg, don't know how many yeaaars never vomit already lah. it just all came out.. okok, forget it, this is too much information. lol :P but yeah, felt damn good after the whole thing cos the whole system is cleared. lol. hahaha and so i smsed kenneth on how coincidental it is that only a few days ago we were just telling javin that it had been almost more than 10 years since we puked and haha few days later, here i am, detoxicating myself. LOL. haha yes, we talk of weird topics. lol. so yeah, had a mug of steaming hot earl grey tea and the dizziness immediately got cut down. ^^ yipeee.

and i had sneezing problems last night ;)
and someone left traces behind. :P

i felt it.
my head was thumping.
my heart was racing.
it was just like the first time.

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