I feel like dying. Been too long since I stayed out till 3am and slept at 5am. I feel like dying.
In brief, we proceeded in surprising Abi for her 17th birthday. Laughed like crazy for one whole night last night. hahhaha we were all telling our super lame jokes and everyone just cracked up (esp the racist one huh :P) oh oh oh we were crossing the road right, then suddenly joseph just jaywalked across the road when a car was approaching and i just stood there and screamed (like literally SSCREAMED, SCREECHED) "CAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAR!" omg even i scared myself out. and everyone was laughing shitless and was also quite shocked by me lol. and joseph was like "you know actually i was going to just walk across the road, but when you started screaming CAAARRR i RAN?!" hahahhaaha oops. cos i was talking to someone then when i turned my head i only saw the car coming towards him mah, so it kinds of freaked me out. hahaha! anyway, yesterday was super funny and everyone just laughed like mad. (took away all the results stress for a night :D) Watched Dark Knight at 11.45pm. Seriously speaking, the movie would have gotten a much higher rating from me if it wasnt at such an ungodly hour. Cos by 10.30 when we were at Davin's place eating the cake and watching School of Rock I was already dying. Doesnt help that I woke up at 7am. Which explains my blimey head thats causing me woe now. But t was worth it since Abi was soo happy and high after the movie cos it was by her favourite and "lover" Heath Ledger and she keep telling me "i watch him act I want to cry" lolol, all for you babe!
ANYCOWS, heyy abigail wong ya shi, happy merry awesome crazy wacky 17th birthday! Hope you're laughing your eyebrows out with wynn and laksa now. Wish I could be there :( now its rly Fridays with Abi since I've transferred my math class. Hahaha! Don't fret over your results cos they're sama sama as mine, so we'll just "closet mug" this term lah! HAHHAHA :D Get well soon, not used to this "quiet" you hahaha! Sorry if I was damn dao to you for the past 2 days, it is HARD keeping this surprise from you ok. everytime i talk to you about "it", it just makes me wanna laugh lol so the best solution was not to talk to you. :P HAPPY AWESOME BIRTHDAY BABE!
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Thursday, July 17, 2008
I'm a liar
It's my secret no one knows
I'm a liar
Yeah, I know it doesn't show
No, I don't miss you anymore
No, I don't think of you
It's such a game to seem adored
No, I don't love you anymore
I'm a liar
Yeah, I've given up my wings
I'm a liar
They were only wax and string
No, I don't miss you anymore
No, I don't think of you
It's such a game to seem adored
No, I don't love you anymore
No, I don't think of you
No, I don't love you anymore
No, I don't think of you
No, I don't love you anymore
No, I don't think of you
I don't love you
I'm stuck
I'm out of luck
And trying to talk my way out of this
Even fog lifts, but not this
No not this
There's no way you're coming back
There's no way you're coming back
Babe, I know you never leave without
Your gun ...
But if you let it be and just sit down
And lay your head on me
We could leave
I'll dim the stars
We'll steal away from here
We'll run so fast and so far
We'll burn up these streets
Our mystery complete
The moon will die of shame
There's no way you're coming back
There's no way you're coming back
Babe, I know you never leave without
Your gun ...
But if you let it be and just sit down
And lay your head on me
There's no way you're coming back
There's no way you're coming back
Babe, I know you never leave without
Your gun ...
But if you let it be and just sit down
And lay your head on me ...
And just stay with me
Stay with me
Stay with me
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
God You never fail to amaze me. You never fail to drop little reminders, prompt me to do something even when I backslide away from You. Thank you for that encouragement from that beautiful coincidence, thank you for that boost of love from the friend I've missed so much. Thank you Lord, Thank You. Thank you for having have different people to come into my life at different points of time to touch me, impact me, remind me, encourage me, love me. Thank you.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
It's been the longest winter without you
I didn't know where to turn to
See somehow I can't forget you
After all that we've been through
Going coming thought I heard a knock
Who's there no one
Thinking that I deserve it
Now I realise that I really didn't know
If you didn't notice you mean everything
Quickly I'm learning to love again
All I know is I'm gon' be ok
Thought I couldn't live without you
It's gonna hurt when it heals too
It'll all get better in time
And even though I really love you
I'm gonna smile cause I deserve to
It'll all get better in time
I couldn't turn on the TV
Without something there to remaind me
Was it all that easy
To just put aside your feelings
If I'm dreaming don't wanna laugh
Hurt my feelings but that's the path
I believe in
And I know that time will heal it
If you didn't notice boy you meant everything
Quickly I'm learning to love again
All I know is I'm gon' be ok
Thought I couldn't live without you
It's gonna hurt when it heals too
It'll all get better in time
And even though I really love you
I'm gonna smile cause I deserve to
It'll all get better in time
Since there's no more you and me
It's time I let you go
So I can be free
And live my life how it should be
No matter how hard it is I'll be fine without you
Yes I will
[Chorus: X2]
Thought I couldn't live without you
It's gonna hurt when it heals too
It'll all get better in time
And even though I really love you
I'm gonna smile cause I deserve to
It'll all get better in time
Heard this song whilst blog hopping, really like it! :D
Omg tmr getting back math results! omg omg :X and tmr I'm meeting cheng to discuss about me dropping math 2. omg omg omg :X what if she don allow, omg omg omg. and most prolly meeting tricia tmr aft the meeting with cheng, phew the one good news out of all the bad. OH NOEZZ, should i go for math 2 lecture tmr? HMMMXZ. and i don even know where my math 1 class is held tmr. hahaha die liao lah. tskk.
hahah this is like my second time editing this already. oh you know today during lecture as i was totally zoning out and totally bored to the max and was typing an sms to someone but decided not to send in the end, it suddenly struck me that huiwen's blog title is so full of irony and it hit me really hard! I know I'm damn slow in realising what her blog title is, but I've always wondered what her blog title means, like "hmm.. why so?"
ANW, her blog title is "You got a henna tattoo that says forever" which is like PHWOAARRRRR when i finally got what she was trying to say. Omg how deep is she. Like wow, who would ever think of that! And it hits me real hard cos too often than not, people say "I will love you forever", "I will be with you forever", "I will stand by you forever", "I will XXXXXXX forever" And more often than not, most of us fall for it, most of us believe in this, and it becomes our safety net that we always fall back on so much so that one day when it's suddenly gone, when we fall, it suddenly hurts so bad, so bad that we don't know, don't want and don't bother to get up anymore. Forever.. How many times have you said this to anybody? How many times have you believed this? How many times have it failed you? Forever is now a badge everyone wears on their sleeves and who still remembers the significance of it, who really knows the obligations and responsibilities that this word comes with? Forever is not something you can wash off or would fade away by itself like a henna tattoo, if only everyone could keep that in mind. Maybe this way, less hearts would be broken, less hopes would be shattered, less dreams would be broken. Maybe..
Crap, I just remembered I'm gonna get back my english results tmr as well. jitters jitters gah gah.
YAY HERE ARE PICTUES OF THE PICNIC WITH DEAREST EELING AND THERESA! :D they're in really random order cos at first i uploaded it in totally opposite order, like the first picture was the end of the day pic kind of thing, so i wanted to rearrange it. but after rearranging a few, i gave up cos its taking a toll on my eyes. lololol. :P
aww the weather that day was soo perfect! hahaha i rmbr the night before i told bling that i'd be wearing something that she'd "be able to spot me from afar" and she thought i was wearing some red striking dress or smth. hahahah but actually i was wearing the top from Forever21 that both of them gave me for birthday! :D
bling and i whilst waiting for the monorail or tram or whatever its called to arrive :D all excited about our different kinds of food that we brought! hahaha!

the three of us crossing the bridge over to the "mini island" at palawan beach hahaha!
oh yes these two pictures were taken by this really hot lifeguard. hahaha! cos he was walking towards us in the opposite direction so we asked him to take for us, and after he left someone suddenly said "wah quite cute ah" and the rest of us were like "hahaha yah yah yah!" and then someone (i think bling) said "maybe its a pre-requisite to be a lifeguard" HAHAHHA! but later we found out not because in the middle of our picnic a lifeguard passed us and he was oldddd. HAHAHHA.
oh this was us whilst waiting to get back to vivocity after our awesome picnic :D (sorry about the random order!)
i rmbr bling actually wanted us to take it in the middle of the bridge where the sun was scorching right down at us and we were like "no way man, you want we take for you" hahaha! so we hid in the shade whilst bling took a pic for us lololol.

all time fav picture of the day! :D
our twister picnic mat which belongs to dearest theresa! hahaha! it was so cute when she took out the mat! HAHAHAHA cos apparently she couldnt find her usual picnic mat so she brought this instead hahaha! how cute right! and our awkward position is due to the fact that we were playing impromptu twister hahaa!

this is more like a twister picture huh hahaha :D

thats only part of the food. the place of our picnic was soo good, it was shady and windy and its like we could just sit and stare and talk the whole day ^^ oh hahaha then bling pranked belle! she smsed belle and lied to her and say that we 3 were still waiting for her at the mrt station and where was she!! HAHAHAH! cos bling and theresa had a day off from school whereas belle didnt. hahaha!
hahahahah their mini adventure to climb the tree out there! HAHAHA and bling was so worried about theresa's safety but theresa was so adamant on climbing out there and she keeps claiming that "i'm gonna climb a mountain next time bling rmbr!" hahahah! so cute i swear the both of them :D
us at mrt/lrt or whatever station
it was a major pigging out session that day cos after the picnic which left us really stuffed, we felt a need for some coffee after our shopping and we sat down at cedele and bling and i shared free flow of bread + a bowl of soup but the bread was $*#@( lol so in the end we ended up eating the leftover food. hahaha but we didnt know whether we could bring outside food in or not so each time the waiter come we would hide the chicken wing bones under the bread hahaha damn gross. but it was so hilarious, we couldnt stop laughing :D
at vivo city before we parted :(
me trying to use my Pull&Bear bag to hide my hideous sheng siong bag ahhaha!
ahhh i miss them already :( as i recall of everything that happened that day and all the fun and laughter we had, i cant stop smiling now :( aww man!

aww the weather that day was soo perfect! hahaha i rmbr the night before i told bling that i'd be wearing something that she'd "be able to spot me from afar" and she thought i was wearing some red striking dress or smth. hahahah but actually i was wearing the top from Forever21 that both of them gave me for birthday! :D
the three of us crossing the bridge over to the "mini island" at palawan beach hahaha!
because you asked me to smile for you. <3
the sun may have been scorching that day, but it was the love and happiness that you girls brought me that made me feel warm and nice the whole day.
the food may have been really filling but it was you girls who filled me up with joy.
Cheesy much? Yes. But I don't care, I miss you girls so much now.
You know how you only cut your hand when you're really actually slicing something right? But you know how i cut MY finger?
you know i was trying to slam the garlic with the knife (in order to peel the skin off) right, so one hand use to hold the knife handle the other is just smashing the blade against the garlic. AND YKNW WHAT, i smash smash smash, then i missed and i slam my hand into the blade instead of on top of it. At first I thought i cut myself but i couldnt see any wound so i thought nothing happened, then as i continued smashing, suddenly damn pain lah, then i saw my hand bleeding. omg lah, now touch water or open my hand a little bit also damn pain lah. gee.
I never knew I could ever cut my hand this way lol. Now there's a plaster there thats so painful to peel off cos its sooo sticky aiyo eh.
ooh i bought my listerine today. i know someone told me that listerine is not good for gums but omg, i thk my teeth very dirty alr lah hahahha. :P and only when i read the instructions did i realise that after i gurgle with it, i cant eat, drink or rinse 30mins after it. ZZZ. then tmr morning how! no need eat breakfast mehh. tsktsk.
i think imma gonna go gym tmr.
you know i was trying to slam the garlic with the knife (in order to peel the skin off) right, so one hand use to hold the knife handle the other is just smashing the blade against the garlic. AND YKNW WHAT, i smash smash smash, then i missed and i slam my hand into the blade instead of on top of it. At first I thought i cut myself but i couldnt see any wound so i thought nothing happened, then as i continued smashing, suddenly damn pain lah, then i saw my hand bleeding. omg lah, now touch water or open my hand a little bit also damn pain lah. gee.
I never knew I could ever cut my hand this way lol. Now there's a plaster there thats so painful to peel off cos its sooo sticky aiyo eh.
ooh i bought my listerine today. i know someone told me that listerine is not good for gums but omg, i thk my teeth very dirty alr lah hahahha. :P and only when i read the instructions did i realise that after i gurgle with it, i cant eat, drink or rinse 30mins after it. ZZZ. then tmr morning how! no need eat breakfast mehh. tsktsk.
i think imma gonna go gym tmr.
Monday, July 14, 2008
Hmmm, got back lit paper today, not very impressed with my marks although its ok but i'm ok about it since I kind of expected to get this kind of mark. Lets just say it wasnt exactly one of the few essays I'm proud to hand in. Lol, lucky my term 1 essay pulled my overall marks up :D PHEW, THANK GOODNESS.
After school today I went to Borders to read March. For me, it was quite an enjoyable experience reading it, it wasn't as boring as most claim it to be. I read till about page 80 oddish untill it kind of got zzz due to excessive description of the Civil War and what's not. But most part of it was rather interesting, I think this is highly due to the fact that my tutor has more or less gone through very very very briefly what's the book about and also gave us a kickstart on the first chapter so its not all too bad, fortunately.
The comments my tutor gave me for my lit was WOAHHH cos I never thought she really liked me. HAHAHHAHA.
Tomorrow am not getting back any papers cos I'm having two lectures. Ooh better remember to email Cheng. zZz, scary shit.
WOAH BEZNER JUST TOLD ME SMTH FREAKY ABOUT OUR PICTURES! If you look closely at most of our pictures taken during that friday starbucks session, you'd see diamonds everywhere! AND ITS SO TRUE! I havent noticed it even though I've been looking at them for multiple times already. Omg it's like in soo many pictures, and bezner tells me that..
doreeeeeeeeeeeeeen says:
what are diamonds anw?
AfroToast - Currently at Block D, Room 410, NYP says:
AfroToast - Currently at Block D, Room 410, NYP says:
its a common sight
AfroToast - Currently at Block D, Room 410, NYP says:
supposedly spirits
OOOH FREAKAYEEE. Therefore, he's gonna try out using his camera this friday.
Hmm.. but I just developed like 70 pictures from my camera so that I could blu tac it all around my room ^^ I guess that's the only thing I can do to pull me through these 17 weeks. Boohooxz.
After school today I went to Borders to read March. For me, it was quite an enjoyable experience reading it, it wasn't as boring as most claim it to be. I read till about page 80 oddish untill it kind of got zzz due to excessive description of the Civil War and what's not. But most part of it was rather interesting, I think this is highly due to the fact that my tutor has more or less gone through very very very briefly what's the book about and also gave us a kickstart on the first chapter so its not all too bad, fortunately.
The comments my tutor gave me for my lit was WOAHHH cos I never thought she really liked me. HAHAHHAHA.
Tomorrow am not getting back any papers cos I'm having two lectures. Ooh better remember to email Cheng. zZz, scary shit.
WOAH BEZNER JUST TOLD ME SMTH FREAKY ABOUT OUR PICTURES! If you look closely at most of our pictures taken during that friday starbucks session, you'd see diamonds everywhere! AND ITS SO TRUE! I havent noticed it even though I've been looking at them for multiple times already. Omg it's like in soo many pictures, and bezner tells me that..
doreeeeeeeeeeeeeen says:
what are diamonds anw?
AfroToast - Currently at Block D, Room 410, NYP says:
AfroToast - Currently at Block D, Room 410, NYP says:
its a common sight
AfroToast - Currently at Block D, Room 410, NYP says:
supposedly spirits
OOOH FREAKAYEEE. Therefore, he's gonna try out using his camera this friday.
Hmm.. but I just developed like 70 pictures from my camera so that I could blu tac it all around my room ^^ I guess that's the only thing I can do to pull me through these 17 weeks. Boohooxz.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Hello! I'm at laksa's house now ^^ Just came back from church and am meeting her and joseph and jeffrey for dinner at ghin kao :D ooh yummy yummy thai food! Ooh church was soo soo good, it really dealt with all my questions and I've missed the whole planetshakers experience so so so so much. I haven't wept like that since Beautiful Woman already. Oooh :D I'm feeling quite geared up alr :D
And I've finally found a way to nicely save those pictures that bling sent me of our picnic! So I can blog them soon! YAY :D those picnic pictures are really pretty because of the sun and beach and pretty background :D i like!
Hahaha remember I said I was supposed to wake up 10.30am today right, guess what, I woke up at 12.40pm in the end. HAHAHAHA. summore is andrea call me to wake me up one smmre ahaha! super tired lah :( tonight after dinner must rush home and sleep alr. luck tmr's class starts at 1.45pm only YAY! :D
ohhhh.. school's starting tmrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
This semester I must finish every tutorial for every subject.
This semestr I must go to the gym at leaaaast once a week.
This semester I must do my housework regularly.
This semester I must stop eating excessively.
This semester I must work really hard.
This semester I must stop thinking "what if i cannot get into melbourne uni"
This semester I must do my best.
This semester I must not procrastinate/be lazy.
And the root of eerything is so that after the arduous 5months, I can finally go back and enjoy a fruitful and fufilling holiday with all my darlings whom I'm already missing :( 5 bloody months. 17 weeks, 17 weeks, 17 weeks.
I hope I do ok for my lit essay :( Tmr's plan is to go borders and read March and do grocery shopping afterwards.
And I've finally found a way to nicely save those pictures that bling sent me of our picnic! So I can blog them soon! YAY :D those picnic pictures are really pretty because of the sun and beach and pretty background :D i like!
Hahaha remember I said I was supposed to wake up 10.30am today right, guess what, I woke up at 12.40pm in the end. HAHAHAHA. summore is andrea call me to wake me up one smmre ahaha! super tired lah :( tonight after dinner must rush home and sleep alr. luck tmr's class starts at 1.45pm only YAY! :D
ohhhh.. school's starting tmrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
This semester I must finish every tutorial for every subject.
This semestr I must go to the gym at leaaaast once a week.
This semester I must do my housework regularly.
This semester I must stop eating excessively.
This semester I must work really hard.
This semester I must stop thinking "what if i cannot get into melbourne uni"
This semester I must do my best.
This semester I must not procrastinate/be lazy.
And the root of eerything is so that after the arduous 5months, I can finally go back and enjoy a fruitful and fufilling holiday with all my darlings whom I'm already missing :( 5 bloody months. 17 weeks, 17 weeks, 17 weeks.
I hope I do ok for my lit essay :( Tmr's plan is to go borders and read March and do grocery shopping afterwards.
I think I'm crazy. It's 4.30am and I'm not leaving my comp yet simply because I'm too cold and lazy to get off the chair to brush my teeth hahaha omg. Let's see what time i must wake up tmr..
i must leave house by 1.30pm
i need..
1 hour to get ready
1 hour to cook
1 hour leeway to snooze alarm/eat/dilly dally/go back to sleep
so.. i need to wake up 3 hours before hand.. and that is... 10.30am. ooh not bad. quite humane. ok then i shall go sleep now.
i just saw a picture of a friend of mine on facebook. wah, damn hot.
i must leave house by 1.30pm
i need..
1 hour to get ready
1 hour to cook
1 hour leeway to snooze alarm/eat/dilly dally/
so.. i need to wake up 3 hours before hand.. and that is... 10.30am. ooh not bad. quite humane. ok then i shall go sleep now.
i just saw a picture of a friend of mine on facebook. wah, damn hot.
Wah so dumb, friendster is so screwed, i wanted to upload pictures but it just cant, it keeps uploading the same photo over and over again. and alot of problems lah so frustrating. omg its so cold that my fingers are so numb i cant type properly. hahaha its 3.43am.
ok i decided imma gonna start using facebook again cos apparently australia is a facebook place cos most of them asks "do you have facebook" and not "whats your hp no" lol weirdd.
yah so now i gotta go figure how to use it. yah damn outdated i know. sshh.
ok i decided imma gonna start using facebook again cos apparently australia is a facebook place cos most of them asks "do you have facebook" and not "whats your hp no" lol weirdd.
yah so now i gotta go figure how to use it. yah damn outdated i know. sshh.
So starbucks was on friday so we planned to celebrate samuel's birthday even though his birthday was on 26 june. lol. so the initial plan was for the rest of us to meet at 7.30 while we asked samuel to meet at 8 so that we could all go buy the cake first then walk in to surprise him with the cake.
lo and behold! keith was the first to arrive, at like 7pm smmre! and he's always the latest as according to the rest hahaha! so he and i walked around to get samuel's birthday present and cake. then kenji and bez arrived and we waited for huiwen cos she came from aljunied i think, smwhr damn far lah. hahhaa. so change of plans, i went to meet samuel at united square (we were at novena) first if not later he'll get suspicious, or so i thought because we thought that he has arrived alr.
HOW I KNOW, when i reached samuel wasnt there yet! and i kind of panicked and called keith and he said that he saw samuel and there was this whole chao and the whole running-away-from-samuel-in-case-he-sees thing and he couldnt talk properly also lol. and just at that whole moment, samuel waltzed in through the door proclaiming "i swear i saw them! they ran away from me!" HAHAHHAHA and in a desperate attempt to divert his attention and lessen his suspicion, i tried convincing him that it wasnt them (although i knew i failed) and just started talking to him.
hahahha talking to sam is damn fun, laugh like mad, like crazy. he's damn bloody hilarious lah i swear! he never change lah he, in SA also always make me laugh like crazy, that day at starbucks also hahaha! some things he say are just so him and wacky lol!
ohhh then i saw them coming with the cake! then i quickly and nervously tried to not let samuel turn behind and see them desperately trying to light the cake lolololol! HAHAHHA WHICH WAS HILARIOUS cos samuel kept saying that im doing a bad job trying to divert his attention and that i left my brains in australia by even trying such a bad idea LOL hahahha he's just funny lah omg. now i think already also laugh like crazy LOL :D hahhaha then there was this once he was about to turn behind then i quickly use my hands to turn his head to face me and that was quite scary cos suddenly he's like staring me in the face HAHAHHAHAH. well in the end he was nice enough to stop turning behind hahahaha! hahaha samuel!
then they came in and we all sang happy birthday and ate the cake in the most old fashioned way! :D we took forks from starbucks and just DIVE RIGHT INTO THE CAKE! woahhhh damn shiok way of eating the cake man! :D

so dao ok.

make a wish make a wish.

him with the shirt keith and i got him.

cut the cake

dig in!!!!
hahaha then we left starbucks after each getting a drink (wooo dark mocha frap is sooo good) we went to pastamania. hahahha we were all freaking samuel out by discussing the movie "shutter" LOLOLOL. samuel damn scaredy cat, dont dare to watch horror show. hahaha. and we all had some really good laughs and time flew and javin had to leave. then the rest of us talked and talked and talked and laughed and laughed and laughed :) our topics were so random that i cant rmbr them, but all i rmbr is tons of good laughter (: thats all it matters isnt it?
then, what was supposed-to-be-a-simple toilet-before-leaving break turned into a major camwhore time. i mean its normal for girls to camwhore in the toilet like...


BUT, woah no, the guys wanted a whole lot more than that. first it started off with an innocent group picture that i was arguing to take.

which i totally ruined cos i stepped on samuel's shoe lol. then someone decided that we should change venue cos there was this couple sitting near us and we felt that our privacy was invaded lololol.

say hello to bezner. (how cute is that omg hahaha)
then someone suggested "lets do jump shots!" and we all spontaneously agreed! :D

some captured the moment while some missed it by that much.

obviously keith got the hang of it, just look at him man!

then now its samuel's turn to steal the limelight

then thats keith with the fingers, kenji attempting to speak and huiwen......

oops, someone accidentally pressed the shutter

the one that huiwen commented that i look like a chicken lol. and that's bezner.. strong and steady.

another unnoticed one

thats them trying to imitate an album cover.

kenji being cut off and keith doing one of his famous jumps while bezner looks as if he's being levitated off ground lololol

samuel's attention seeking hand

look at keith

YAY SUCCESS! everyone off ground!
so after this success, we wanted to change to another spot while samuel was whining about his curfew but was too engrossed in having fun to bother about it hahahah!

leap off!

timer was too fast

what's bezner doing?

And samuel said "sorry doreen, my ass is blocking your face"
This was actually an attempt to potray us pushing them down lol.


samuel forgot himself

a decent group shot :)

huiwen :)

see what i told you about samuel making me laugh like crazy? point proven.

samuel tay, PAE mate :D "my pen's leaking" HAHAHHAHA :D

keith heng


bez whose impt person couldnt make it :(
ok thats the end :) then we all went home all sweaty and hot from all the vigorious jumping hahaha! oh it was so funny! cos keith sam huiwen and i wanted to share a cab home right, so at the bus stop we were hailing for a cab but to no avail. then this guy told us that if we went further in front it would be easier to get one, so we thanked him and left. who knew, after 10 seconds, 980 came and we were all like "how? how? take or dont take?" then in the end we all RANNNNNNN to the bus! HAHAHHAHA and while running past that guy we all said thanks to him! AHHAHAHA! how hilarious is that sight pls. :D
lo and behold! keith was the first to arrive, at like 7pm smmre! and he's always the latest as according to the rest hahaha! so he and i walked around to get samuel's birthday present and cake. then kenji and bez arrived and we waited for huiwen cos she came from aljunied i think, smwhr damn far lah. hahhaa. so change of plans, i went to meet samuel at united square (we were at novena) first if not later he'll get suspicious, or so i thought because we thought that he has arrived alr.
HOW I KNOW, when i reached samuel wasnt there yet! and i kind of panicked and called keith and he said that he saw samuel and there was this whole chao and the whole running-away-from-samuel-in-case-he-sees thing and he couldnt talk properly also lol. and just at that whole moment, samuel waltzed in through the door proclaiming "i swear i saw them! they ran away from me!" HAHAHHAHA and in a desperate attempt to divert his attention and lessen his suspicion, i tried convincing him that it wasnt them (although i knew i failed) and just started talking to him.
hahahha talking to sam is damn fun, laugh like mad, like crazy. he's damn bloody hilarious lah i swear! he never change lah he, in SA also always make me laugh like crazy, that day at starbucks also hahaha! some things he say are just so him and wacky lol!
ohhh then i saw them coming with the cake! then i quickly and nervously tried to not let samuel turn behind and see them desperately trying to light the cake lolololol! HAHAHHA WHICH WAS HILARIOUS cos samuel kept saying that im doing a bad job trying to divert his attention and that i left my brains in australia by even trying such a bad idea LOL hahahha he's just funny lah omg. now i think already also laugh like crazy LOL :D hahhaha then there was this once he was about to turn behind then i quickly use my hands to turn his head to face me and that was quite scary cos suddenly he's like staring me in the face HAHAHHAHAH. well in the end he was nice enough to stop turning behind hahahaha! hahaha samuel!
then they came in and we all sang happy birthday and ate the cake in the most old fashioned way! :D we took forks from starbucks and just DIVE RIGHT INTO THE CAKE! woahhhh damn shiok way of eating the cake man! :D
so dao ok.
make a wish make a wish.
him with the shirt keith and i got him.
cut the cake
dig in!!!!
hahaha then we left starbucks after each getting a drink (wooo dark mocha frap is sooo good) we went to pastamania. hahahha we were all freaking samuel out by discussing the movie "shutter" LOLOLOL. samuel damn scaredy cat, dont dare to watch horror show. hahaha. and we all had some really good laughs and time flew and javin had to leave. then the rest of us talked and talked and talked and laughed and laughed and laughed :) our topics were so random that i cant rmbr them, but all i rmbr is tons of good laughter (: thats all it matters isnt it?
then, what was supposed-to-be-a-simple toilet-before-leaving break turned into a major camwhore time. i mean its normal for girls to camwhore in the toilet like...
BUT, woah no, the guys wanted a whole lot more than that. first it started off with an innocent group picture that i was arguing to take.
which i totally ruined cos i stepped on samuel's shoe lol. then someone decided that we should change venue cos there was this couple sitting near us and we felt that our privacy was invaded lololol.
say hello to bezner. (how cute is that omg hahaha)
then someone suggested "lets do jump shots!" and we all spontaneously agreed! :D
some captured the moment while some missed it by that much.
obviously keith got the hang of it, just look at him man!
then now its samuel's turn to steal the limelight
then thats keith with the fingers, kenji attempting to speak and huiwen......
oops, someone accidentally pressed the shutter
the one that huiwen commented that i look like a chicken lol. and that's bezner.. strong and steady.
another unnoticed one
thats them trying to imitate an album cover.
kenji being cut off and keith doing one of his famous jumps while bezner looks as if he's being levitated off ground lololol
samuel's attention seeking hand
look at keith
YAY SUCCESS! everyone off ground!
so after this success, we wanted to change to another spot while samuel was whining about his curfew but was too engrossed in having fun to bother about it hahahah!
leap off!
timer was too fast
what's bezner doing?
And samuel said "sorry doreen, my ass is blocking your face"
This was actually an attempt to potray us pushing them down lol.
samuel forgot himself
a decent group shot :)
huiwen :)
see what i told you about samuel making me laugh like crazy? point proven.
samuel tay, PAE mate :D "my pen's leaking" HAHAHHAHA :D
keith heng
bez whose impt person couldnt make it :(
ok thats the end :) then we all went home all sweaty and hot from all the vigorious jumping hahaha! oh it was so funny! cos keith sam huiwen and i wanted to share a cab home right, so at the bus stop we were hailing for a cab but to no avail. then this guy told us that if we went further in front it would be easier to get one, so we thanked him and left. who knew, after 10 seconds, 980 came and we were all like "how? how? take or dont take?" then in the end we all RANNNNNNN to the bus! HAHAHHAHA and while running past that guy we all said thanks to him! AHHAHAHA! how hilarious is that sight pls. :D
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