Sunday, July 8, 2007

Bahh, I just realised I've got chem test, lit test, ss test coming up this week. :X and its only th what? 3rd week of school.

so ss is Venice, Sustaining don't-know-what, and industrial growth. OMG, please lah. I NEVER studied industrial growth for my end year last year or mid years this year now you want me to studyy. omgg its so boring. so isit out of these 3 chapts choose one or what!

and chem's err.. what? fuel? and the whole organic chem isit? OMG. i don't even know.

and lit's like quotes. and i wonder how the paper's gonna be set. let write as many quotes as you can on a piece of foolscap? lol wth.

I think im going to study chem and lit first. :X ss can.. err.. wait.. If not I'll just study Venice only. Th other two are so.. eew. :/

I should divert all focus
And devote all my energy to studying
Instead of wasting time thinking of things thats so impossible.
Yeah, time's precious.
Someone remind me how many more days to prelim again.
47 or 48 isit?
Or has it been down to 45?
Sweet Jesus.


fishy* ><> said...

babe ! :D good luck for all your tests prelims and everything. don die ! I'll miss you ^^

fishy* ><> said...

hey babe! :D LOL. okokok that doesnt sound like lets press rewind !

HEY YOU STUPID PIECE OF PLANKTON ! (that sounds sooo much better) anw. point is its gonna be donkey years till i pass you your present. damn. but anyhows good luck for tests, oral exams prelims and what nots. (:

msg me if you're feeling down too ! I've got a listenin ear or two ! xD

Ye Olde AfroToast said...

Haha, im in no place to sympathise, but maybe i can help, you're suffering from lackoftoastyitis. i perscribe, once daily, 5 minutes of

Anonymous said...

Anytime you're free, drop me a call okay? I miss talking on the phone with you. Lets talk on the phone next week. any day, any time. I just miss our conversations :)