Friday, September 26, 2008

Omgg Nurul M's comment was soo funny, it had me laughing for, least to say, 1 minute. HAHHAHAHA!

Last night I called my brother at like 12.30am which is 10.30pm singapore time. My only intention was to ask him about the courses for uni that i should choose. Cos I realised that in UNSW and Sydney Uni there's Comm Law as a double degree and there's specific degrees like bachelor of economics and stuff like that. And for every uni I have 3 choices of preference for my courses.

Woah, my brother gave me some really deep advice and some advice that even woke me up to what I really wanted and some really true advice that might hurt coming from others but not your own brother. Sure, my brother is 26 years old but he doesn't talk nor act like one to me (or in fact maybe everybody ahhahaha) so last night it was really shocking for me to hear such a deep side of him.

Sidetrack: Omg I just ate my steam fish marinated with lemon juice, grated ginger and soya sauce WAH DAMN NICE :D healthy, oil free, fat free, filling. :D

Sidetrack number 2: OMG MY HOUSEMATE IS SO SWEET! Course for our university application, aside from applying online, we have to hand in 2 forms to our school. One to declare that we've applied to University of Melbourne and another to tell the school what other universities and courses we have chosen so that they can release our results to the universities. AND, as you know, lazy me still havent take the forms from school yet even though I go to that building like twice a week and the forms have been there since months ago. And I have to hand in the forms one 6 October which is when school reopen. So last night I asked my housemate what the forms were and she showed me then she ask me "you never see before?" and im like "uh huh...."

THEN! This morning, when I woke up (at 12.45pm) I saw paper on the floor when I opened my door. AND IT WAS THE TWO FORMS FOR THE UNIVERSITY APPLICATION!! SO SWEET RIGHT!!! She must have went out in the morning to buy her lit text and went to that building to get me my forms. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO DAMN SWEEET :) sigh, it's such a chore living with lazy and messy people like me. Sometimes I wonder how she can stand me. It's like so sweet lah! AWWWWWWW.

Ok back to main point.

Yeah, and last night my brother and I talked for like 2 hours and he told me about his days here in australia, school, university, life, friends, people and lots of stuff that really opened my eyes to his life now, and the life he led. Cos I'm not that close to my brother, like we don't talk alot. Like this is most possibly the third time I call him since I'm here? And also the longest? The past lasted about 30mins or so only.

Yeah, and he just kept on talking and talkin and he was really funny too! Cos I was telling him I dont wanna go Monash cos I see my friends there stress like siao, and like so no life and everyday study like mad. Then he was like "Yah, and they're the sort of people who gets at least credits or even higher distinctions lah!" then i was like "noo, she still will scared she fail one lor!" then he laughed like mad and say "WLAU THAT'S WHAT ALL GIRLS SAY! everytime come out of the exam always say sure fail sure fail, then in the end all the girls top the class!" HAHAHHAHAHHAHA WHICH IS SO DAMN HILARIOUS.

then we started talking about lecturers. then he started talking about those people who you know, always raise their hands to volunteer to read, or ask questions when the lecturer say "any questions?" and always damn enthu in class. then he aft that he was like "err. but if you wanna become one of them, its ok lah you know......" then i was like "NO WAY MAN! even if i wanna schmoozy with the lecturer i also do it after class lah. after class then privately find the lecturer and ask questions" then he laughed and say "hahahhaha yah thats the way man! like this people wont think you have no life and your fellow students won't hate you." HAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHA SO FUNNY OMGGGG. ahhahahah!

and he talked about how he fluked through some parts of his university life. He told me there was this once he and his group of ang moh friends wwent to buy those supermarket trolleys and stuff it with newspaper and drenched the whole thing with kerosene and set it on fire and pushed it down the road and had a whole good laugh about it. SRSLY MAN. omg. lol.

my kor is actually really funny i realised last night. He made me laugh like mad with the things he say and how he say it. hahahaha!

yah then i complain to him about my weight gain. and he was like "woah, thats rly alot. maybe you shd cut down to XXkg" then i was like "huh! but last time when i was XXkg you say i was too fat and need to cut down by Ykg!" then he was like "yah i know, i only said that to make you feel better." HAHAHHAHAHHA OMGGGGG. that's my awesomest brother. :D

and he told me his secret to losing over 20kg without exercising. (NOT THAT I GAINED 20KG) but yeah. and he totally psychoed my mindset into the "waste money, dont waste fats" mode. And he told me some things in the gym that I should take note of to ensure that i burn fats and not build muscles. MMMMM :D

Yah and he ah, damn alot of shortcuts to lots of things lah. earning money, cutting study time, getting driver's lisence. WLAU DAMN ALOT OF SHORTCUTS. HAHAHAHA AND HIS TECHNIQUE TO SCORING DISTINCTIONS IN HIS EXAMS IS POWERRRRRR. lolol wth.

I miss my brother alot!

Oh and my mother say she revamped our house a little. And she did lots of changes to my room and i'm so excited to go home!!!


I rly have this impulse to go back home for like maybe 3 days and some spend rly good time with my family ):

OMFFFFFFFFFFFFF!!!! I went to SQ's website to check the ticket price from melb to sg from next monday to next thursday. AND GUESS WHAT THE FREAKING PRICE IS.

in march when i went back i took SQ and it was 1.2k
in july when i wen back i took qantas and still had to transit, it was 2k. which is damn ex alr considering that i took a 5am flight to perth first and it was only qantas.


and you know what the worst thing is?





but qantas only 1.5k!! must be qantas nobody dare to sit already cos crash 3 times in a matter of months. so how, shd i take 1.5k and risk my life, or near 5k for business. of course, i rly wna take business but 5000 is hell lots of money you know. :(

maybe i shdnt go back.

God, what do you want me to do?

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